ireallythinkyourgroovy - eat the rude
eat the rude

the groovy bastard who steals your socks at night

149 posts

I Think I Have Reached My Peak I Say As I Dress As If Im About To Die In A 70s Horror Flick

“i think i have reached my peak” i say as i dress as if i’m about to die in a 70s horror flick

  • ibrithir-was-here
    ibrithir-was-here liked this · 2 years ago
  • midnightwings-n
    midnightwings-n liked this · 2 years ago
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    lameskies liked this · 2 years ago

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is it weird to anyone else when people describe will graham as a sweaty, dysfunctional, mess of a man? he is fully competent at the beginning of season one and throughout the other seasons. from the shots we see of his house it is organized and his clothes are neatly organized within his drawers. he only starts to unravel due to his untreated illness about halfway through the first season. sure, he’s a little stand-offish and awkward compared to the other characters but characterizing him in those ways is just wrong. that’s not his full character, it’s the symptom of an illness. also hannibal didn’t fall in love with ‘a sweaty fbi man’ he fell in love with the man who said he didn’t like eye contact and then immediately looked him dead in the eyes, the man who opened the door in his tiny boxers, and the man covered in blood in the hobbs kitchen.

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yet another update: that fic was heart wrenchingly angsty, i feel betrayed.

so one of my friends from art school apparently mentioned me to one of her friends and they have now messaged me a hannibal meme out of the blue saying they were told i am a fan,, anyways here’s said meme:

So One Of My Friends From Art School Apparently Mentioned Me To One Of Her Friends And They Have Now


hello i am still alive & very much still obsessed with mads mikkelsen 🤩

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

goin absolutely deranged over this photo

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

the sudden urge to draw him & have him be my lifelong muse is too strong

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

me right now because mads mikkelsen exists^^

(p.s: for anyone wondering that is from the movie die tür & its a goodin n you should definitely watch it if you haven’t)

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen
Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

his fangs?!?!?!!!!?!?? & also just his smile in general ?!?!? HELLO ?!!?!!!

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

this is pretty much all i had to say lol

hope you’re all doin well <3

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at this point, the only thing getting me through life is Mads Mikkelsen’s tits. (i mean that with all due respect, his tits are lifesaving)

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do y’all know what day it is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! ✨💌✨happy birthday to the most beautiful creature ever, Hugh Dancy.

Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most

this photo !! he is literally a nymph </3 he’s so sweet it makes me want to sob

Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most

fully convinced that if sculptors from ancient greece & rome could see him they would just be absolutely destroyed. in complete agony, they would pronounce him a deity & he would become their life long muse.

Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most

genuinely, how is he even real?!?!!

Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most
Do Yall Know What Day It Is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! Happy Birthday To The Most

makes sense that he’s born on fathers day because after all, he is zaddy 😎

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