30 posts
Encanto Ever After
Encanto Ever After
A Encanto x Ever After High Crossover Idea
Mirabel Madrigal fails to see the cracks at Antonio's gift ceremony and returns to the nursery feeling disheartened. On her bed she finds a mysterious golden book and picks it up. while looking at it she softly weeps and wishes she could go somewhere where she would be enough. then in the book glows golden and transports Mirabel to the land of ever after. Once there she eventually attends ever after high school and makes friends with pretty much all the students there. Friends like raven queen (daughter of the evil queen), Maddie hatter (daughter of the mad hatter), ginger Bread house (daughter of the candy witch from Hansel and Gretel), Apple white (daughter of snow white), lizzie hearts (daughter of the queen of hearts), darling charming (daughter of king charming and sister of daring and dexter charming), cerise hood ( daughter of little red riding hood and the big bad wolf) kitty Cheshire (daughter of the Cheshire cat) and many other. Mirabel then decides to leave the madrigals behind and start a new life in ever after. Meanwhile in the Encanto the madrigal family are falling apart finding Mirabel missing and the miracle begins to fade, and casita starts cracking. The plot twist I have is that Mirabel getting sent to ever after is a plot by the evil queen to steal the magic of Encanto and take over both the fairytale world and real world. then it's up to Mirabel and her new friends to save the Encanto and stop the evil queens reign of terror.
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Characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse Fanfiction
Ok so in previous chapters I wrote about characters that Miles Morales would meet, team up with, or fight as Spider-man. Mostly Bailey Briggs aka Spider-Boy and the Gwen clones from the Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clone saga. And in some Spiderverse stories he is seen fighting the Tinkerer (Phin Mason) from the Spider-man: Miles Morales video game. However, there are many more characters in the Marvel comics that may not be as well-known, but I think should be featured in a Spiderverse fanfiction. Maybe Miles can team up with them, maybe he can fight them, the possibilities are up to you the fanfic writers. So here is a list of Marvel characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse fanfiction and why. Hope you enjoy.
1.) Ellie Ellison aka Necroko from the "Extreme Venomverse" Comics Ellie Ellison is a shy high school student who had bonded with a Venom symbiote and became a Sailor Moon-themed superhero known as Necroko. When I first discovered her, I never thought someone could look both scary and Adorable at the same time. For more information about Necroko you may check out the link below.

2.) Itsy Bitsy from the "Spider-man/Deadpool" comics Itsy Bitsy is an unnamed woman that willingly let herself become mutated with the combined abilities of Spider-man and Deadpool. Now in the original comics Itsy Bitsy almost gaslighted Spider-man into killing her which caused Deadpool to intervene and stop him. But in a Spiderverse fanfic I was thinking maybe instead Itsy Bitsy would be kidnapped, forcibly mutated, and have her mind erased. Which would then lead Miles to discover her and team up with her while trying to help discover who she used to be. As for her personality I was thinking she would be like DC Harley Quinn, Crazy but funny. For more details about Itsy Bitsy you may check out the link below

3.) Billie Morales from the Miles Morales: Spider-man comics Billie Morales is basically Miles Morales baby sister that was born when Miles is in High school. It would be interesting and fun to see how Miles tries to handle school, Spider-man and being a big brother. Plus, I'm sure the rest of the Spider-Gang would absolutely adore her, and Mayday would love to have a new playmate. See the link at the bottom for more details.

4.) New Agent Venom Variant In the Marvel Universe many people have taken up the mantle (and symbiote) of "Agent Venom" People like Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, Anne Weying, Eugene Thompson, Even Peter Parker. But I have an idea for a new OC Agent venom and that person is Addy Brock. Now Addy Brock was a character in the "Edge of Spider-Geddon" comics. She was a student with Peni Parker and the pilot of the VEN#m suit. Unfortunately, she was killed when the VEN#M suit went rouge and consumed her along with Peni's Aunt May. I guess this was considered one of Peni's "Canon Events". It would be interesting to see how Peni would react to meeting a new Variant of her deceased friend with a perfect bond with her symbiote, since I'm going to assume Peni would have some form of PTSD with any kinds of symbiotes.

5.) Gwenpool from the Gwenpool comics because why not?

6.) The Guardians of the Galaxy
This one is mostly because hey, Space Adventure so why not you know?

that's all I have for now. Hope you find these ideas inspiring. In the Immortal words of Stan Lee
Mirabel's Two-Minute Notice
This is what I like to call an "Encanto Song Parody Challenge"
Ok, so I'm not really a fan of Madrigal Family Bashing. But I discovered this song one day and immediately thought, this would be perfect as an Encanto Song. the song is called "Two-Minute Notice" from the indie YouTube series Helluva Boss on Vivziepop. If you want to listen to it see the link below to watch the official video. Fair warning there is a lot of swearing and some sexual themes in the song, but other than that it is awesome. So, my challenge goes like this.
-Mirabel being sick and tired of how her so called family (minus Antonio) has been treating her over the years, decides to leave Encanto and never look back. But before she does that, she decides to say goodbye for good while also telling off the Madrigals (mostly Alma) for how terribly they've treated her over the years-
I challenge anyone out there to make an Encanto parody of this song. Link for song down below
Spider-Gwen in Shadow Clones (featuring Miles Morales)

Here is a story idea based on the Spider-Gwen comic saga of the same name
Ok, so for those of you who don't read the Spider-Gwen comics, there is a five-part saga titled "Shadow Clones". In this saga it has Spider-Gwen fighting five different and mutated clones of herself. Now these clones are based off of villains that Gwen fought in the past. There is a Rhino-Gwen, a Vulture-Gwen, a Sand-Gwen, a savage looking Hunter-Gwen (Kraven the Hunter) and finally a Doctor Octopus Gwen named Gwen-Ock. If you want more information you might have to look up the story because I don't want to be a spoiler.
My idea takes place months after Beyond the Spiderverse where Miles is able to save his dad and the Multiverse, and while he and Gwen were able to repair their friendship, they're not quite a couple just yet. Miles decides to visit Gwen in her Universe using the watch that Miguel gave him (as an apology for what happened in Across the Spiderverse) But what starts out as a Suprise visit ends up with Spider-Man helping Spider-Gwen fight her "Clone Wars" so to speak. Will Miles and Gwen be able to defeat the Gwen Clones? and will the Spider-duo admit they have feelings for one another? Guess we will have to wait for this story to be written to find out.
-another side idea is along with the original five Gwen Clones, how about there is also an Electro-Gwen clone to make it an even "Sinister Six" -and as a running gag why not let the clone Gwen's flirt with Miles when they meet him making Spider-Gwen super jealous in the proccess.
A Miracle at Monster High (A Monster Mirabel Story Idea)
Here's another Encanto crossover idea for anyone to consider, it goes a little something like this.
Mirabel, seeing her magical family take a picture without her only confirms that she has no place in the Amazing Madrigals perfect image. So, she does what she thinks is best, packs her things and leaves while everyone else is celebrating in Antonio's new room (failing to see the cracks along casita). Mirabel, finally reaching the mountains that protect Encanto is suddenly attacked, and bitten, by a wild jaguar. the Miracle sensing Mirabel in danger makes a last-ditch effort to save her, and magically teleports her out of Encanto. Mirabel then wakes up in front of a massive, and somewhat creepy looking building. she also notices she looks completely different. she has fuzzy cat-like ears, a tail and is covered in spotted fur, like a jaguar. She is then approached by Miss Bloodgood who explains to her that she is in Monster High, a school for all sorts of monsters. She offers Mirabel a place to stay in one of the new dorms and allows her to enroll in Monster High, which she happily accepts. Mirabel then proceeds to make friends with Frankie and the ghoul squad while learning to embrace her new life as a monster. Meanwhile in Encanto things start to go downhill. Turns out saving Mirabel caused the magic to weaken and the madrigals are falling apart trying to find Mirabel. As Alma tries to make everyone forget about Mirabel and get back to their duties to the community (kind of like what they did with Bruno) Bruno suddenly appears, finally having had enough of Alma's treatment of everyone. In a burst of courage and anger he calls out Alma for running the family into the ground with her ridiculous expectations and how he hid in the walls of casita for ten years thinking the family would be better without him but then finding out it didn't. He then says how he had one more vision after Mirabel left and found out that she will have a better life away from the people she once called family and that they only have themselves to blame (leaving out the part that she became a literal monster). That outburst from Bruno causes Casita to collapse and the miracle to break, leaving the madrigals to pick up the pieces of their broken family. Will Mirabel ever see her family again? Will the magic ever return to the Madrigals? Will the Madrigals ever accept Mirabel's new form? What will the ghoul squad think of all this? Guess we will have to wait for someone to write this story and find out.
Monster High is about embracing what makes us different and celebrating our "Freaky Flaws" as they say. And I think Mirabel is the perfect example of this, being the only one born without magic in a magical family. Plus, whenever I hear the Monster High song "Search Inside by Catty Noir" I immediately think of Mirabel.
Thanks, honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more Spiderverse crossovers out there even before Across the Spiderverse hit.
What IF: Miles Morales entered the Overwatch Universe? (story idea)
Here are Two hypothetical scenarios which Miles entered the Universe of the video game Overwatch and or Overwatch 2

Scenario 1.) set months after Beyond the Spiderverse. Miles has finally got being Spider-man figured out. He saved his dad, stopped the spot, and helped in reforming the Spider Society. He was just about to head home after patrolling the city when he is ambushed by two unusual individuals. One looks like a grim reaper with shotguns (reaper) and the other looks like a spider-themed assassin with a sniper rifle (Widowmaker). After an intense battle spiderman is subdued, captured and sent through a portal very different from the one the spider society uses. He finds himself in another universe (again) and in the clutches of a terrorist organization called TALON. Miles is able to escape however, but now has to try to find a way back home and learn to blend in in a world where humans and robots coexist. He will eventually meet members of the now disbanded peacekeeping organization called Overwatch and they will try to help him in his quest to get home. -As a plot twist I think maybe Olivia Octavius (Doc Ock of earth-1610) is the one working with TALON and the reason Miles is stuck in that Universe -Also, Gwen and the rest of the Spider-Gang discover Miles is missing and immediately begin a search party for him. Which might prove difficult since he is in a dimension Outside the "Spiderverse".
Scenario 2.) Set after BTSV, Miles saved his dad, stopped the spot, saved the multiverse, and is now in a relationship with Gwen Stacey. He also has his own dimensional watch so he can visit his Spider friends anytime. And now since his parents know his secret identity it has made being Spider-man a little more manageable. But then one day during a fight with Electro Mile's watch gets zapped with a ton of electricity, supercharging the watch and making it go haywire. So much so that it opens a random portal that sucks Miles in and takes him to the world of Overwatch right when the Null Sector invasion begins. He then Decides to team up with the now reformed Overwatch to protect the world from Null Sector while trying to find a way back home. -while this is happening Gwen and the Spider-Gang will discover what happened to Miles and try to search for him, like in the end of Across the Spiderverse. But by the time they find the right dimension (which takes about a day or two) the find that Miles has been in that dimension for several months all while training with the heroes of Overwatch. (Because like Miles said in the first movie "Time Is Relative")
-I figured Gwen had a few adventures in the Multiverse while working for the Spider Society, so it's only fair that Miles gets his own as well-