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Cole Cassidy is Odysseus from Epic the Musical coded. In this essay I will-
not to be insane but also. to be insane...
i reallyyyyy miss the "hanzo acts like an older brother to dva" headcanon so i thought i should share my thoughts cause i havent seen content for it in so long ;_; be warned there are a lot of headcanons and some assumptions about canon events
- Neither of them got a normal childhood
Hanzo grew up in the Shimada Clan, an environment that expected the best from him at every moment. It was beaten into his mind that he was and had to be the best at everything, and that he had to be serious and calculated in order to serve his clan. His father had no room for childishness or fun, so neither should Hanzo. His seriousness at such a young age emotionally separated him from Genji and Kiriko, and likely other children his age.
D.Va was drafted into MEKA at 19, which placed major responsibility and stress on her. Her hometown being attacked by omnics combined with having to fight them herself wore her down immensely. Once she began racking up wins (in video games and in fights with omnics), she became a young celebrity of decent size, even going so far as to star in movies. This amount of fame so young definitely had an impact on her mental.
- They both see themselves as less than people or ignore their own feelings
Hanzo was raised to be an asset to the clan. He was meant to be a stoic leader, not an emotional one. I heavily doubt his father cared much about his feelings as a person, more so about whether he had traits useful to the clan. This idea has been internalized and follows him into adulthood, given how vain he is.
D.Va’s representation by the media shows her as a fearless fighter and an optimistic icon, harshly contradicting how much the omnics attacks and losses are weighing her down. Since the people of South Korea see her this way, she feels obligated to live up to this idea of herself. She also gets very invested in her work and tends to neglect things such as sleep when she is focused.
On an unrelated note, I want to introduce a headcanon so I can elaborate on how they might interact: - D.Va reminds Hanzo of Genji
D.Va and Genji are, firstly, both gamers. This is the most glaringly obvious similarity to Hanzo, and it emotionally frustrates him to no end.
They both stay glued to things, even when it becomes unhealthy (work, games, etc.). While this was more of a childhood trait for Genji, it still applies to D.Va.
They’re both quick-witted with their humor and comebacks.
I think Hanzo and D.Va would have a lot of tension because of this (mostly on Hanzo’s side) when they first meet, which I might talk about in another post- but methinks when Hanzo notices D.Va is pushing herself too hard, it activates some weird older brother instinct in Hanzo. He's familiar with Genji staying up all night to play a video game, and since he knew he couldn't stop him, he simply brought food or company instead. He repeats this with D.Va as well. A lot of the things that Hanzo does for D.Va are projections of what he wished he could have done/used to do for Genji when they were kids. thank u for reading i know this is super disorganized bc its been in my drafts forever u_u
What I find the most interesting about Blackwatch is how each of the characters writing plays with the idea of morality and redemption. More specifically how they all fit on that same spectrum, Moira and Genji being on complete opposite ends while Cassidy and Reaper sit closer in the middle.
Genji has the most straight forward redemption arc in my opinion, he goes from bad to good, majorly changes his morality, and even gets a version of therapy. Genji is the example of what we typically see when talking about redemption. Which puts him on the exact opposite side of the spectrum to Moira. Though her goals are honestly more ambiguous, even border lining good, but she herself is evil, on the same level as Akande. Which adds to the terrifying part of her viewing herself as good, as doing why is necessary. While Genji is the example of a traditional redemption, Moira is the example of a character who will never have one, she will never change because she is confident what she is doing is right.
Then there's Cassidy and Reaper, when it comes to redemption, and in Reaper case, corruption, there are more complicated ways to look at it. More specifically both of them fit into a more grey area on the spectrum. I've seen people say that Reaper thinks what he's doing is right but I don't think that's the case, he's stubborn and stupid but not to that extent. He's aware that what he's doing is wrong, he knows how far he's fallen, which puts him more on par with characters like Sombra and Widow rather then Moira and Akande. Meanwhile Cassidy is on the other side of this grey area. He's very aware of the messed up things he's done, but he also knows when those things are necessary. Cassidy deals with redemption in a way that I haven't seen explored that much. In all honesty he's the antihero redemption trope but doesn't take the same edgy tones those characters typically take.
hanzo’s kanezaka skin
ok so I know his skin came out sooo long ago but I have no idea if someone talked about this already:

his skin? doesn’t it look as if it could be an Overwatch uniform?
from his lore related skins like his default (his cinematic clothes), scion (the time when he ran a yakuza) and casual (when he went through a mid-life crisis, while also making an appearance in one of the comics), all three of them all have a specific design choice which is that they’re all blue, his whole theme.

pls ugly hanzo came up first okay
another important detail is his name.
what we know of Hanzo, mentioned in his cinematic fight against Genji, he has stated many assassins came for him but he was always successful on his own. if he did have a partner, they might have been mentioned by now but there is nothing confirmed.
why would he have his own name on him if he worked alone?
that’s because he doesn’t; he works for Overwatch.
sure that may be a huuge stretch but what if he did? the orange and black theme matches well with Overwatch’s logo. the name on his strap may also be a name tag or something to refer to the agents to. and why would he even need (ugly) glasses if he was literally trained at birth? it may be old age or possibly a gift from the team.
even with recent cinematics/ leaks of Overwatch 2, we can clearly see that Overwatch is getting back together with new and old heroes. Hanzo could be one of them !!!
anyways, that was my take on his new skin. it could be wrong but it still intrigued me how he put his own name on a bow; a weapon no other character (that we know of) uses in the game.
btw I haven’t caught up on all other heroes’ lore or looked much into Hanzo’s besides knowing the gist of it so please, I’ll be happy to hear your own theories :)
I just got back into Overwatch after a couple years and I caught up on the story and…..
Is anybody else worried that Zenyatta’s gonna die? So like Ramattra is taking away Omnics’ free will like the Anubis program did. Zenyatta’s connection to the Iris seems to be special from other Omnic’s. Aurora sacrificed herself to allow other Omnic’s to be sentient in the first place. Like, Blizzard, please! PLEASE DON’T HURT MY BOY!!
In case you don’t want to watch all the videos scattered about, the new lore/interactions are:
McCree has never thought of Ashe as ‘his type’
McCree doesn’t care for the rich
McCree has spent time in Ashe’s home, and put his feet up on her chaise
McCree doesn’t bother to know what a chaise is, and dismisses it as a footrest
McCree lost the keys to Ashe’s bike after he stole it. Who knows where it is now!
McCree asks how Bob is doing, unprompted. Ashe doesn’t take kindly to it, but is civil through gritted teeth
Ashe has a picture of McCree on her dartboard at the Deadlock base, which he teases her about as ‘flattering’
McCree is begrudgingly impressed Ashe has managed to rebuild the Deadlock gang so much even after he left
McCree mentions Ashe hates the diner’s food, and Ashe says ‘don’t get the coffee’
McCree lived on a farm before joining Deadlock/going criminal
I love this new interactions
Overwatch Anniversary has bought a whole RAFT of new interactions between heroes - over 40! Here’s very nearly all of them - LORE GOODNESS WITHIN!
Lucio’s dad….Moira and Winston debating ethics…Soldier 76 calling Moira a disgrace…so much to talk about! I’ll follow up with a lore thoughts/analysis of all these in the next day or two. Maybe tomorrow :D Which are your favourites? :D Hammeh
What IF: Miles Morales entered the Overwatch Universe? (story idea)
Here are Two hypothetical scenarios which Miles entered the Universe of the video game Overwatch and or Overwatch 2

Scenario 1.) set months after Beyond the Spiderverse. Miles has finally got being Spider-man figured out. He saved his dad, stopped the spot, and helped in reforming the Spider Society. He was just about to head home after patrolling the city when he is ambushed by two unusual individuals. One looks like a grim reaper with shotguns (reaper) and the other looks like a spider-themed assassin with a sniper rifle (Widowmaker). After an intense battle spiderman is subdued, captured and sent through a portal very different from the one the spider society uses. He finds himself in another universe (again) and in the clutches of a terrorist organization called TALON. Miles is able to escape however, but now has to try to find a way back home and learn to blend in in a world where humans and robots coexist. He will eventually meet members of the now disbanded peacekeeping organization called Overwatch and they will try to help him in his quest to get home. -As a plot twist I think maybe Olivia Octavius (Doc Ock of earth-1610) is the one working with TALON and the reason Miles is stuck in that Universe -Also, Gwen and the rest of the Spider-Gang discover Miles is missing and immediately begin a search party for him. Which might prove difficult since he is in a dimension Outside the "Spiderverse".
Scenario 2.) Set after BTSV, Miles saved his dad, stopped the spot, saved the multiverse, and is now in a relationship with Gwen Stacey. He also has his own dimensional watch so he can visit his Spider friends anytime. And now since his parents know his secret identity it has made being Spider-man a little more manageable. But then one day during a fight with Electro Mile's watch gets zapped with a ton of electricity, supercharging the watch and making it go haywire. So much so that it opens a random portal that sucks Miles in and takes him to the world of Overwatch right when the Null Sector invasion begins. He then Decides to team up with the now reformed Overwatch to protect the world from Null Sector while trying to find a way back home. -while this is happening Gwen and the Spider-Gang will discover what happened to Miles and try to search for him, like in the end of Across the Spiderverse. But by the time they find the right dimension (which takes about a day or two) the find that Miles has been in that dimension for several months all while training with the heroes of Overwatch. (Because like Miles said in the first movie "Time Is Relative")
-I figured Gwen had a few adventures in the Multiverse while working for the Spider Society, so it's only fair that Miles gets his own as well-