Raven Queen - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


These are some of the pictures i took of raven for my photography class last semester, then i edited them and drew over them so it looks like sheā€™s looking at you šŸ˜

six-seasons-andamovie - in another universe
six-seasons-andamovie - in another universe
six-seasons-andamovie - in another universe

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7 months ago
Damn. Got Rejected

Damn. got rejected

Based on this

Damn. Got Rejected

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5 months ago

thinks about Raven being treated horribly her entire life and being coaxed nearly constantly to just embrace evil and turn her pain into other people's pain and she just never gave in. She didn't play the game and she got OUT.

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1 year ago

Encanto Ever After

A Encanto x Ever After High Crossover Idea

Mirabel Madrigal fails to see the cracks at Antonio's gift ceremony and returns to the nursery feeling disheartened. On her bed she finds a mysterious golden book and picks it up. while looking at it she softly weeps and wishes she could go somewhere where she would be enough. then in the book glows golden and transports Mirabel to the land of ever after. Once there she eventually attends ever after high school and makes friends with pretty much all the students there. Friends like raven queen (daughter of the evil queen), Maddie hatter (daughter of the mad hatter), ginger Bread house (daughter of the candy witch from Hansel and Gretel), Apple white (daughter of snow white), lizzie hearts (daughter of the queen of hearts), darling charming (daughter of king charming and sister of daring and dexter charming), cerise hood ( daughter of little red riding hood and the big bad wolf) kitty Cheshire (daughter of the Cheshire cat) and many other. Mirabel then decides to leave the madrigals behind and start a new life in ever after. Meanwhile in the Encanto the madrigal family are falling apart finding Mirabel missing and the miracle begins to fade, and casita starts cracking. The plot twist I have is that Mirabel getting sent to ever after is a plot by the evil queen to steal the magic of Encanto and take over both the fairytale world and real world. then it's up to Mirabel and her new friends to save the Encanto and stop the evil queens reign of terror.

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8 months ago


does anyone have any fanfic recommendations that have Raven Queen from ever after high in them?

i just love her sm shes amazingšŸ’œ

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2 years ago
More DnD Art. From That Time The Party Went To The Shadowfell And Met The Raven Queen.

More DnD art. From that time the party went to the Shadowfell and met the Raven Queen.

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4 years ago

There are people that choose to be a Royal when they were watching Ever After high?

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2 years ago

TWST Dorms Leaders X Male!EAHRaven!Yuu Head-canons

Sorry for lack of Leona and Azul. I really wanted to add them I just had writerā€™s block and wanted to get this out before I forgot. Iā€™ll probably add them in a separate post another time

šŸŒ¹Riddle RoseheartsšŸŒ¹

In my opinion thereā€™s nothing about you that would stick out to him immediately

Looks wise, you actually fit right in for the school of villains

It would be your kindness that he is drawn to

That and #mommyissues

You are both very damaged individuals who lack control in your lives due to mothers that cared more about your legacy than they did your happiness

But where Riddle craves control, you function generally well without it unless it has great affect on you

Your kind and selfless personality gives him hope he can eventually heal from the childhood he never got to have

He very much appreciates your patience and softness with him, especially in his times of need

You are very used to dealing with extreme personalities

I mean your best friend is the mad hatterā€™s kid and you attended the same school as the child of THE queen of hearts

Safe to day you know the ropes

When Riddle hears youā€™ve met the queen of hearts heā€™ll go FERAL

Heā€™ll hide it of course but will ask tons of questions about her

You will likely discuss over a cup of tea

He gives Nevermore her own chair and teacup

Nevermore and the dormouse are unexpected besties

When you show him your wonderland fit heā€™d almost cry out of joy

This also makes him that much more upset youā€™re not in his dorm

You tell him you remind him of a friend of yours, Lizzie Hearts

He doesnā€™t know who that is but heā€™s happy he reminds you of someone close to you

šŸ„³Kalim Al-AsimšŸ„³

Met in pop music club

You start talking about each of your individual music tastes and show each other some songs

This encourages him to throw a party dedicated to said songs

He reminds you of Briar bless his heart

Because of his sort of happy go lucky nature you often find yourself being naturally protective of him or just ensuring he doesnā€™t die doing something dumb

Jamil is incredibly thankful for you

Heā€™ll always compliment your style since itā€™s kind of the complete opposite of his

You offer to do some darker makeup on him

He can barely sit still with excitement

Refuses to take it off the whole day

Heā€™ll find and give you gothic themed jewelry

You love having someone here who doesnā€™t care about your power or looks, just your personality

You take him on rides with Nevermore

He feeds Nevermore any of his leftovers so she likes him a lot

You two plus the rest of the pop music club started a band

This band got A LOT of attention

People are always gushing over you and Kalimā€™s relationship

šŸ¦šVil SchoenheitšŸ¦š

He wants to meet your mom so bad

You are the only person he would praise so hard

Not even because of your mom, simply because of your strength and looking fabulous while doing it

You will do each otherā€™s makeup all the time

Only person he trusts with picking out his clothes

You often teach him magic spells or powerful potions

Heā€™s never simped more

He sympathizes with the history you have with your mother

That doesnā€™t stop him from praising her accomplishments but he keeps it strictly objective

You two bond over having a Snow White themed annoyance in your life

If music is something you want tu pursue in your life heā€™ll pull any strings he needs to make it happen

He likes Nevermore but more from a distance

Sheā€™s undeniably magnificent but he canā€™t let his clothes get wrinkled

If you tell him that you fought and defeated the Evil Queen

He just might bow at your feet/hj

No but seriously marry him

Thatā€™s so attractive

He doesnā€™t care that heā€™s in a dorm meant for honoring her you are the epitome of the Evil Queenā€™s image

But in a nice way

Heā€™s aware you donā€™t plan on being unnecessarily evil

Heā€™s so in love help him

šŸ‘¾Idia ShroudšŸ‘¾

Idia would remind you of Dexter

Shy but with a heart of gold

Well you assume he has a heart of gold

Itā€™s kinda hard to get to know someone when they keep running from you

But after Idia has done enough running, it gives you the chance to finally strike up a normal conversation

They start off with music since you are quite the fan but slowly go into online forums and video games

Idia thinks youā€™re hella cool after this

Idia anxiously invites you to play a couple games with him sometime

Itā€™s an enthusiastic yes from on your end

After teaching you the basics you get the hang pretty quickly and start dominating any game you two play

Idia feels youā€™re finally prepared for the big guns

Meaning shooter games and voice chat with depraved men who live in their mommaā€™s basementšŸ˜”āœŠ/hj

Idia and you wipe the floor with your opponents

This is when Idia REALLY starts to notice his feelings for you

He will constantly gift you better and better tech to listen to or stream your music

Having a bf who can lift things with their mind is a huge W too

And speaking of magic he is absolutely FLOORED by your power

There are a lot more restrictions to power in his world but if your good enough to handle it, itā€™s almost like a free for all at EAH



He will bow at your feet and always mumble about how OP you are much to your confusion

You still love him tho :D

Compliment him on his hair or gaming skills, heā€™ll blush like crazy if itā€™s coming from you

šŸ‰Malleus DraconiašŸ‰

Relates HEAVILY on what it feels like to be feared due to your ancestors or even just your looks

When you hear all the talk about him being ā€œevilā€ n such that just makes you all the more determined to actually get to know him

One day you take up Liliaā€™s offer on approaching their table

You spend lunch with them for the day (Adeuce is horrified and Sebek is staring daggers)

Malleus is both intrigued by your world and boldness

You take any chance you can to sit next to him in classes and he gladly does the same

You introduce him to your music tastes

He doesnā€™t understand it but heā€™s trying

In exchange he info dumps about gargoyles to you

Heā€™s ecstatic to have someone that will enthusiastically listen and ask questions

You will often dress him up in styles similar to what you would wear back at EAH

He will dress you up in traditional Briar Valley clothing

Is someone else who is heavily impressed by your magic

Like I said you would probably be one of the most powerful in Twisted Wonderland because of the freedom you have with your abilities

This kind of makes you two the scariest power couple at NRC

If you tell him you defeated one of the great seven heā€™ll just stare at you like šŸ˜€

Nevermore loves him and he spoils her with what he can

He will not hesitate to make you his king of the Valley of Thorns

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2 years ago

I know probably everybody knows about this but I wanna talk about it.

Above Supernova is seen talking to unknown people speaking about how ā€œOMG Monster High really exists! Maybe the other schools exist tooā€ then itā€™s revealed that they are no other than our beloved Raven Queen and Apple White

Okay so Supernova is friends with Raven Queen and Apple White??? Cool but also how?? This probably means sheā€™s either from EAH originally or ended up in EAH through a different universe that wasnā€™t MH

But also like why was she in space for who knows how long then the first thing she does after nearly destroying an entire city on accident she calls Raven and Apple to tell them a theory of theirs has been confirmed??? Does this mean the reason she was in space was because she was looking for Monster High. Because if not I think itā€™s pretty weird she just accidentally stumbled into a new universe after possibly a millennia, accidentally discovers Monster High, aka something sheā€™s probably studied previous to this to know what it is, then is like ā€œIā€™m gonna call my besties because I just accidentally found something weā€™ve been theorizing that could potentially change the course of our realityšŸ„°ā€

Like BRUH WHAT but also Apple and Raven were so chill about it probably bc they technically already of access to different dimensions (wonderland) so ig this isnā€™t new to them but the fact that they have access to different dimensions, evidently monster high too but they just havenā€™t found the opening yet is kinda cool. To me it feels like they may be, parallel wise, the next coming of the Grimm brothers. Two friends, turned enemies, turned friends again who explore beyond their world?? Sounds like a parallel to me

But I was also watching Haunted and it brings up an intriguing idea. The school for ghosts is something that exists within the very walls of monster high yet very few know about it?? Sounds familiar. But also vice versa. The school for ghosts didnā€™t know anything of Monster High until mentioned. But when this was mentioned to the headmistress, aka the ghost that literally has a famous ghost story of her and that has been around longer than undead teenagers, wasnā€™t phased by the idea of a different dimension but at the fact there were ghosts residing there

On top of that a common trope we see is outfit changes when inter dimensional travel is involved. Of course this is definitely just an excuse to make the dolls with pretty dresses but I still think itā€™s an interesting thing to think about. It happened when Spectra ventured to the ghost world, when Cupid went to EAH, and when the EAH cast went to Wonderland. I had a theory that maybe itā€™s because it differentiates between your home world and the one you came from. Spectra is from the ghost world hence the glow up, same for Cupid (I donā€™t think itā€™s technically confirmed if EAH or MH is her OG world but it makes more sense for it to be EAH considering her concept and the fact she had her storybook present when they tried to get the scroll). This wasnā€™t too prominent in EAH Wonderland because they all definitely had a glow up but IMO the ones from Wonderland had it the most (Kitty, Lizzie, and Maddie). The rest of the girls have a mermaid type dress with sone anti gravity vibe type decor and their typical color scheme while the 3 mentioned above have actual Wonderland themed outfits based on their background within Wonderland (Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter)

Donā€™t know how I got started on outfit changes, still think itā€™s cool to see how the universe will naturally differentiate you between your home world and new world via a really cool outfit. But back to Haunted. It kinda looks like the school is someone adjacent to Monster High, but like I said, alternate dimension. Same for Wonderland and EAH, possibly MH and EAH as well. All of these schools being intertwined by portals that basically lead you immediately to the desired location makes me feel like EAH and MH were built for that reason??

What would you do if you saw an inter dimensional portal in the middle of the woods? Mark it. Some put a flag, some build entire intricate gothic structures to hide it away maybešŸ¤·

All this to say I think MH and EAH were built specifically where they were in order to mark a very special place. An opening to a new world. Thatā€™s how the Grimm brothers found Monster High, and how Cupid found EAH (or MH, still no confirmed home world).

One thing thatā€™s still stuck in my mind though is Supernova. If her mission truly was to discover Monster High, why was she in space? Well do I (think) I have an answer for you.

Space is a wacky place, but so is our world. I think that with every portal jump it is landing you either in another variation of the world they came, or maybe another planet. Either way this speaks nothing to space. What if space is a neutral zone? The place that all planets/dimensions can be accessed just slower because of the travel?

Anyways none if this made any sense or maybe it did. Hope you enjoyed my rambling donā€™t forget to eat your worms

AN: I completely forgot that this could 100% be a catalyst for an EAH/MH x TWST crossover

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3 years ago

I don't really remember why I drew these, I think I was feeling nostalgia, but here they are.

I Don't Really Remember Why I Drew These, I Think I Was Feeling Nostalgia, But Here They Are.
I Don't Really Remember Why I Drew These, I Think I Was Feeling Nostalgia, But Here They Are.

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9 months ago

Darling giving the Evil Queen sass, oh you are everything to me

Darling and Raven having more moments than Dappling should be studied, like COME ON Darling is acting like a literal Queensguard towards raven.

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6 months ago
I Read The First Ever After High Novel And I Really Love How Much Emphasis They Put On Music, Especially

I read the first Ever After High novel and I really love how much emphasis they put on music, especially Raven's love for it šŸ’œ If they ever do a reboot, I think it should be a musical šŸŽ¶

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6 months ago

Since this has been getting some attention, here's a fun fact: the background of the drawing is a (filtered) photo of my physical copy of the Storybook of Legends! Here it is along with my live model who I consulted whenever screenshots weren't enough <3

Since This Has Been Getting Some Attention, Here's A Fun Fact: The Background Of The Drawing Is A (filtered)
I Read The First Ever After High Novel And I Really Love How Much Emphasis They Put On Music, Especially

I read the first Ever After High novel and I really love how much emphasis they put on music, especially Raven's love for it šŸ’œ If they ever do a reboot, I think it should be a musical šŸŽ¶

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2 years ago
Replacing Raven
Replacing Raven
Replacing Raven

ā€œReplacing Ravenā€

Madeleine Hatter + Raven Queen

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