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This Was Me Last Night Listening To The God Of War Ragnarok Soundtrack And Writing My Marie & Reader

This was me last night listening to the god of war ragnarok soundtrack and writing my Marie & reader therapy fic
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Hey yall! Did another run and here’s some fun references for some items in the game!

I reached the image limit but I just wanted to note that the woodside apartments are built on Carpenter ave, which is also where George used to live. It’s possible his old house was demolished to make room for the new apartments. That would probably not excite Marie too much lol. Feel free to use as references!
I have been making my way through another run and something that stood out to me as really interesting.
So if you’re in the Maurice puzzle, you get to choose what you’ll say when Maurice turns his radio on up to full blast. The intuitive option is to impersonate Maurice, as chicken nugget clearly knows who he is there for (a plan as detailed as theirs would be very specific). Theres two other options, one of which is to just call Henry a jackass. I don’t remember the third.
For some reason I chose this option, even tho I wasn’t sure if it would succeed. However, it did. I called that barely-an-adult child a jackass and he came running.
I was like “oh of course it works. I don’t think you could get Maurice killed after succeeding to wait until he hides. That would be poor game design.”
But then I gave it three more seconds of thought and realized that choosing the jackass option was a fantastic way to reinforce (or enforce I guess, because the Maurice puzzle is in the early game) Henry’s character. He knows that Maurice is an older man, and maybe even heard him talking when he broke in (Maurice called Forrest). He knows who he is there to kill. But he just couldn’t resist going to confront someone calling him names and risk the target getting away because it’s that important to him. We see this happen AGAIN with the Murphy call- Murphy mocks him and asks him to prove his might, and Henry CANNOT resist going over there and showing him what’s what, even though it was not in the plan at all. In fact he could’ve even done this a THIRD time with the teens, since Jimmy made a mockery out of the whistling man moniker and was generally an annoying brat pretending to be the real thing (which, for all intents and purposes, is actually Henry). I personally think this one was Marie and it just happened to strike a very personal chord with her which is why she deviated from her plan, but I mean it’s not confirmed it’s her so.
In short: Choosing the jackass option is actually a great way to demonstrate that Henry takes himself very seriously and will not hesitate to cut a bitch if they disrespect him. And the best thing is that I’m not reading into it- Marie spells out that the game characterizing him as a hot-head who will go out of his way to fight people if he thinks they challenged him is ENTIRELY ON PURPOSE because Marie RAISED HIM TO BE THAT WAY.
Just another way this game’s writing is genius
I guess it could also be interpreted as curiosity, as he is also a very curious character (evidenced by him going to the window to investigate the police sirens instead of just booking it out of KFAM), but both work.
God i don’t wanna get too dark and too deep into serious issues but like
Warning for discussion about pregnancy and the termination thereof
Do you think Marie chose to keep Henry because even back then she was forming her plan to come back to GC and take everyone out??? Do you think she was like “fuck I’m not ready to be a mom but boy it would sure be convenient to have someone to help me when I eventually take my revenge”
I mean to me her decision to keep Henry was influenced by
1) the lack of resources to the contrary
2) the belief that Henry is George’s legacy and the last link she has to him
3) her own cultural and personal beliefs if she happened to have any
4) she believed Henry was some divine gift to help her enact her murderous revenge plan
5) she was incredibly lonely and having him there helped ease her loneliness
Sorry that was so serious, to make up for it how about you think of Marie and Henry as little bats. Baby bat Henry clinging to his bat mama as she cuddles him with her big wings
Lmao re: Henry having the gentlest whale eyes that may or may not also look like his dads when he’s not In a Murdery Mood
I can see him like listening to metal music having a good time and Marie is like “honey turn your music down I can’t stand it” and he looks at her with his big brown eyes as he turns off the music like

And she’s like “don’t look at me like that, young man” and he’s like “I wasn’t trying to do anything… this is just my face…”
Yall I just discovered there’s some piece of media called King Falls AM and it is abbreviated in fandom spaces as KFAM
I discovered this because of a post I saw that was like “yall I am so done with KFAM. I used to be so into it but after time……”. At first I was like “tf do you have against the radio studio???” But then I read the tags and realized the post was made 2 years before KF came out
So uh
Be careful with your tags!