jack-yutani - Godzilla, 40k, Command & Conquer,AVP, LOTR,etc fan
Godzilla, 40k, Command & Conquer,AVP, LOTR,etc fan

500 posts

Monster Mash 3

monster mash three
"rogue ninja frankenstein must unleash his magic potential!"
the frankenstein and leprechauns are doing tai chi exercises.
"once his training is complete, they attack."
ninja frankenstein, holding his magic wand made from bamboo and a throwing star, is now also wearing a cape and conical hat that have stars and crescent moons printed on them. the three leprechauns from monster mash two are following behind him.
"the leprechauns distract the werewolf mummy army by summoning a mountain of gold."
werewolf mummies are looking at a large pile of gold coins, jewelry, and treasure chests. the leprechauns are hiding behind a bush in the background.
"as mummies, they can not resist the riches."
the werewolf mummies are frolicking in the gold pile. rolling around in it, and adorning themselves.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein confronts his enemy, president king vampire mummy demon!"
the frankenstein stands in front of P.K.V.M.D. who is sitting in a large stone chair, a bemused look on his face.
"quickly, rogue wizard ninja frankenstein uses ninja magic to separate king mummy from vampire demon,"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand, and the two other monsters are shocked to be their individual selves again.
"then he uses frankenstein magic to make them both flesh and blood!"
vampire demon and king mummy are electrified, their skeletons visible.
"then he uses a sword to kill them."
demon vampire is beheaded. king mummy is cut from his shoulder to half way down his torso.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is king of monsters!"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand and katana over his head. lightning bolts flash behind him.
"meanwhile, the leprechauns spring their trap,"
the three leprechauns snap their fingers.
"turning their mountain of gold into silver!"
the werewolf mummies are now burning from the silver they're wearing and standing on. several of them are exploding.
"control of the earth is returned to humanity."
a person nervously exits their storm shelter. people are walking the streets.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is awarded the title of secretary general of extra-normal affairs."
outside the capitol building, R.W.N.F is wearing a suit jacket and a man is pinning a medal on his chest.
"first order of business: what to do with the prisoners: ghost zombie and ghost vampire?"
rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is sitting behind a desk, in an office with bookshelves, frames pictures on the wall, and a circular rug on the floor. two ghosts float in the middle of the room, facing the desk. the ghosts are wearing handcuffs. one ghost has zombie teeth, the other ghost has vampire fangs.

Monster Mash 3





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More Posts from Jack-yutani

6 months ago
comic title "monster mash" 
"one day, a zombie ate a bunch of leprechauns,"
image of a zombie lifting a leprechaun up to bite into its head. two other leprechauns in the background have bites taken out of them. magic energy and four leaf clovers are radiating from the zombie.
"and got all hopped up on leprechaun magic."
"then the zombie bites a vampire."
the magic-infused zombie is biting a vampire on the arm.
"the leprechaun magic transforms the vampire into a demon."
the vampire has grown larger, tearing his clothes. he has grown bat-like wings o his back, and curving horns on his forehead.

MONSTER MASH was a comic I made in the 2000s. It was a one-sheet zine (each 'comic page' was drawn at 7cm x 11cm) and I added the screentone in the 2010s.

"the demon puts a curse on the zombie: turning him into a ghost,"
the demon is making the sign of the horns at the zombie, who has turned into a ghost.
"but the ghost still has the zombie curse, and hungers for flesh."
ghost-zombie still has the telltale exposed teeth of a zombie, a desperate look on their face.
"ghost zombie eats other ghosts, gaining their power."
ghost-zombie is growing larger as they suck many regular-sized ghosts into their mouth.
"until all the ghost power transforms him into a King Mummy, controller of all mummies."
ghost-zombie now looks like a jackal-headed humanoid wrapped in bandages and wearing a nemes on his head. Light and several ankhs radiate from him.
"king mummy sends an army of mummies to fight vampire demon."
vampire demon has grown 50 feet tall. he is thrashing his arms and goat-legs, but hundreds and hundreds of mummies are swarming over him.
"the mummies subdue vampire demon and king mummy possesses him."
there is a bright, pulsing flash of light.
"they become King Vampire Mummy Demon."
vampire demon still has his wings and horns and goat legs, and his windows peak and fangs. his arms are wrapped in bandages. he's wearing a nemes, and in the middle of his forehead is a metal hand making the sign of the horns.
"they fly to the moon,"
we see king vampire mummy demon from behind, flying up to the moon.
"and uses moon magic to turn the army of mummies into werewolf mummies, "
king vampire demon mummy turns their palms upward, and we see several mummies turning into werewolves.
"to fight the U.S. government army of ninja frankensteins."
a wave of people with huge stitched-shut heads, neck bolts, white jumpsuits, and assorted weapons stand ready.
"who will win?"
a single werewolf mummy and ninja frankenstein stand face to face.





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