Leprechaun - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Leprechaun Lore โ˜˜๏ธ

Leprechaun Lore
Leprechaun Lore
Leprechaun Lore
Leprechaun Lore
Leprechaun Lore
Leprechaun Lore

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3 years ago
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!


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5 years ago

Leprechaun x Stressed! Reader

This was short, but I hope you guys don't mind. There will be more on the way!


Ugh, homework. The one thing every high schooler dreaded. A nuisance it was and the amount they got.

Putting my pencil down, I cupped my face in my hands as I tried to calm down.

A nice sized packet of paper on my desk laid there as I peaked at it. "Why do teachers give us so much work! Even when they know finals are soon!"

Groaning, I pick my pencil back up as the door creeks open. "Lass, are you alright?"ย  Looking over at the corner of my eyes, I sigh lightly.

"Not really Lubdan. This packet is due tomorrow and finals are just right around the corner. My mind is going everywhere and I can't focus." I speak, as I swivel my chair to fully see my boyfriend of two years.

He was a strange man, uh creature. A leprechaun to be accurate, but I love him just the same.

Nodding, he walked over to me, the heels of his shoes clacking against the cold wooden flooring.

"Ye need to get to bed. You're stressed out love." he said, holding my hand in both of his own, rubbing circles in it with one of his thumbs.

Rubbing my head with my other hand, I sigh and nod my head. "Alright, but what about my work?"

"I'll make sure it's done lass. Ye have no need to worry over it."

As my lips tug into a soft smile, I lightly kiss hisย  lips before standing up and taking my other hand back.

"Thank you so much darling. You're the best."

Lubdan just lightly chuckled as he shooed me off and got to getting the rest of my work done.

Entering my room, or shared room, I changed into my sleepwear and crawl into the bed. As my body was engulfed by the soft fabrics, I sigh in content, closing my eyes in the process.

Right before falling asleep, I feel and divot in the bed and someone getting under the covers.

Knowing it was Lubdan, I smile as I turn over to see I was correct.

I snuggle into him as I feel the stress rolling off my shoulders.

"Goodnight Lubdan."

"Goodnight (Y/n)"

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7 years ago

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8 years ago

From Cloverโ€™s perspective, the fight between Karkat and Clover is a leprechaun mating ritual.

Instead their charms comprise a spectral continuum of more su8tly varying types of relationships, most of which are esta8lished in mutual chicanery, such as the exchange of pranks, coy riddles, slapstick shenanigans, and games of chance.


ARANEA: No charm is specifically tied to procre8tion, though any type of relationship could 8egin waxing concupiscent if lady luck should so decide. Certain charm com8in8tions are known to 8e more conducive to fertility than others. If the leprechaun pair has 8een so 8lessed, they will 8egin an ela8orate coupling procedure culmin8ting in a lively m8ting jig. The jigs are specific to the charms of course, similar to how different kinds of music lend themselves to various styles of dance.


A sta8le relationship consisting of three or more charms is called a trove. These advanced relationships are often viewed as the ideal end result for a romance, much the way certain pairing rituals are for humans.


Cloverโ€™s eyes even flash the star-heart-horseshoe charm when Karkat hogties him.


Karkat is a Blood player, the aspect of bonds and relationships. Even though Clover is extremely lucky, and thus generally unbeatable, Karkat defeats him by unknowingly forming a bond with Clover (and literally binding him).

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2 years ago

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Alpha Derek Hale had his trademark scowl on his face as he shoved his way through the packed bar. It was Saint Patrick's Day, otherwise known as a day for Americans to get blitzed off their asses. His irritation with drunk people and his general distaste for society led to Derek staying home for most of the night, only leaving his house to pick up his boyfriend, Stiles.

He spotted his boyfriend near the back of the cramped bar, a litter of empty bottles near him and his friends. Derek huffed but stalked forward, only stopping when he felt a light hand on his shoulder.

"You're not wearing green!" some random dude decked out in a glittery green suit shouted over the thumping music and talking crowd. "It's St. Patrick's Day!"

Derek fought his instinct to growl at the random weirdo, but instead just settled on glaring. "I don't celebrate it," he curtly said, shoving his way past the decorated man.

"I guess you just need to get more into the spirit!" the man called out behind him, even snapping his fingers.

Derek barely had time to roll his eyes again before he felt his center of gravity shift rapidly beneath him. He wobbled on his legs and had to reach out and hold onto one of the tables in order to steady himself. The mysterious wave of dizziness fled as soon as it had appeared, leaving Derek leaning up against a table, wondering what had just happened.

"That was weird..." he muttered to himself before trailing off, his voice having an odd squeak to it. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What the hell was that-- what's wrong with my voice?" He sounded like he'd been sucking on helium, his usual growl sounding high and comical.

However, the squeaky werewolf was quickly alerted to something else. He held his arms out in front of himself, his eyes widening at the green hue his signature black leather had adopted.

Gasping loudly, Derek saw his altered reflection in one of the mirrored walls of the bar. He ran a disbelieving hand through his now red hair. However, he was soon much more concerned with the way his ears looked pointed, looking similar to the cosplay elf ears that Stiles would wear during D&D.

"You've got to be shitting me!" Derek huffed when he looked forward and saw that he was staring directly into someone's waist. He looked around the bar, miffed that he must've shrunken down to about three feet tall, looking totally ridiculous dressed in his green clothes, with his pointy ears, and red hair.

"Derek?" Stiles's slurred voice rang out.

Derek blushed at having his boyfriend see him like this.

"Y-you look like a leprechaun!" Stiles gasped.

Derek rolled his eyes and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, leading him towards the door. "Let's just get out of here," he growled in his squeaky voice. He struggled to get used to walking on his shorter legs, and also he felt weird having Stiles tower over him when it was supposed to be the other way around.

When they got to his Camaro, Derek literally hopped into the driver's seat and sighed with irritation as he rested his forehead on the steering wheel. He looked and sounded ridiculous and he had no idea how to fix any of this.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked, placing a sympathetic hand on his smaller shoulder.

"I can't reach the pedals," the leprechaun Derek growled, kicking his tiny feet wildly.

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1 year ago

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Alpha Derek Hale had his trademark scowl on his face as he shoved his way through the packed bar. It was Saint Patrick's Day, otherwise known as a day for Americans to get blitzed off their asses. His irritation with drunk people and his general distaste for society led to Derek staying home for most of the night, only leaving his house to pick up his boyfriend, Stiles.

He spotted his boyfriend near the back of the cramped bar, a litter of empty bottles near him and his friends. Derek huffed but stalked forward, only stopping when he felt a light hand on his shoulder.

"You're not wearing green!" some random dude decked out in a glittery green suit shouted over the thumping music and talking crowd. "It's St. Patrick's Day!"

Derek fought his instinct to growl at the random weirdo, but instead just settled on glaring. "I don't celebrate it," he curtly said, shoving his way past the decorated man.

"I guess you just need to get more into the spirit!" the man called out behind him, even snapping his fingers.

Derek barely had time to roll his eyes again before he felt his center of gravity shift rapidly beneath him. He wobbled on his legs and had to reach out and hold onto one of the tables in order to steady himself. The mysterious wave of dizziness fled as soon as it had appeared, leaving Derek leaning up against a table, wondering what had just happened.

"That was weird..." he muttered to himself before trailing off, his voice having an odd squeak to it. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What the hell was that-- what's wrong with my voice?" He sounded like he'd been sucking on helium, his usual growl sounding high and comical.

However, the squeaky werewolf was quickly alerted to something else. He held his arms out in front of himself, his eyes widening at the green hue his signature black leather had adopted.

Gasping loudly, Derek saw his altered reflection in one of the mirrored walls of the bar. He ran a disbelieving hand through his now red hair. However, he was soon much more concerned with the way his ears looked pointed, looking similar to the cosplay elf ears that Stiles would wear during D&D.

"You've got to be shitting me!" Derek huffed when he looked forward and saw that he was staring directly into someone's waist. He looked around the bar, miffed that he must've shrunken down to about three feet tall, looking totally ridiculous dressed in his green clothes, with his pointy ears, and red hair.

"Derek?" Stiles's slurred voice rang out.

Derek blushed at having his boyfriend see him like this.

"Y-you look like a leprechaun!" Stiles gasped.

Derek rolled his eyes and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, leading him towards the door. "Let's just get out of here," he growled in his squeaky voice. He struggled to get used to walking on his shorter legs, and also he felt weird having Stiles tower over him when it was supposed to be the other way around.

When they got to his Camaro, Derek literally hopped into the driver's seat and sighed with irritation as he rested his forehead on the steering wheel. He looked and sounded ridiculous and he had no idea how to fix any of this.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked, placing a sympathetic hand on his smaller shoulder.

"I can't reach the pedals," the leprechaun Derek growled, kicking his tiny feet wildly.

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7 months ago
comic title "monster mash" 
"one day, a zombie ate a bunch of leprechauns,"
image of a zombie lifting a leprechaun up to bite into its head. two other leprechauns in the background have bites taken out of them. magic energy and four leaf clovers are radiating from the zombie.
"and got all hopped up on leprechaun magic."
"then the zombie bites a vampire."
the magic-infused zombie is biting a vampire on the arm.
"the leprechaun magic transforms the vampire into a demon."
the vampire has grown larger, tearing his clothes. he has grown bat-like wings o his back, and curving horns on his forehead.

MONSTER MASH was a comic I made in the 2000s. It was a one-sheet zine (each 'comic page' was drawn at 7cm x 11cm) and I added the screentone in the 2010s.

"the demon puts a curse on the zombie: turning him into a ghost,"
the demon is making the sign of the horns at the zombie, who has turned into a ghost.
"but the ghost still has the zombie curse, and hungers for flesh."
ghost-zombie still has the telltale exposed teeth of a zombie, a desperate look on their face.
"ghost zombie eats other ghosts, gaining their power."
ghost-zombie is growing larger as they suck many regular-sized ghosts into their mouth.
"until all the ghost power transforms him into a King Mummy, controller of all mummies."
ghost-zombie now looks like a jackal-headed humanoid wrapped in bandages and wearing a nemes on his head. Light and several ankhs radiate from him.
"king mummy sends an army of mummies to fight vampire demon."
vampire demon has grown 50 feet tall. he is thrashing his arms and goat-legs, but hundreds and hundreds of mummies are swarming over him.
"the mummies subdue vampire demon and king mummy possesses him."
there is a bright, pulsing flash of light.
"they become King Vampire Mummy Demon."
vampire demon still has his wings and horns and goat legs, and his windows peak and fangs. his arms are wrapped in bandages. he's wearing a nemes, and in the middle of his forehead is a metal hand making the sign of the horns.
"they fly to the moon,"
we see king vampire mummy demon from behind, flying up to the moon.
"and uses moon magic to turn the army of mummies into werewolf mummies, "
king vampire demon mummy turns their palms upward, and we see several mummies turning into werewolves.
"to fight the U.S. government army of ninja frankensteins."
a wave of people with huge stitched-shut heads, neck bolts, white jumpsuits, and assorted weapons stand ready.
"who will win?"
a single werewolf mummy and ninja frankenstein stand face to face.





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7 months ago
monster mash two
"the werewolf mummy versus ninja frankenstein war rages."
on the left, an army of people with wolf heads and wrapped in bandages. on the right, and army of people with stitched heads and ninja weapons. the armies are running towards each other.
"at first both sides are evenly matched, but it soon becomes clear,"
a ninja frankenstein is ripping the head off a werewolf mummy while a second werewolf mummy is trying to bite them on the arm.
"victory for werewolf mummies."
a werewolf mummy is casting a spell that turns the headless werewolf mummy from the previous panel into a snake. this surprises the frankenstein ninja, who is being overwhelmed from behind by several werewolf mummies.
"the united states looses it's final defense, a giant enchanted mechanical owl bear."
king vampire demon mummy, 30 feet tall, is facing a robot of similar height. the robot has the head of an owl and the body of a bear on its hind legs. magic energy radiates off of it. the capitol building can be seen in the background, and people are running for cover. 
"king vampire mummy demon is victorious."
king vampire mummy demon is laughing and standing on top of the destroyed robot. one of the robots arms can be seen sticking out of the dome of the capitol building. a civilian is screaming and holding their head.
"all hail, president king vampire mummy demon!"
king vampire mummy demon, still 30 feet tall, is walking on the lawn of the white house. he is looking up into the sky with a smile on his face. a row of humans are bowing down to him, and several secret service agents are flanking him.
"unbeknownst, a lone ninja frankenstein survives."
the single frankensteins monster is holding his injured shoulder while he walks away. in the distance, president king vampire mummy demon is laughing while the sky fills with dark clouds and lightning.
"rogue ninja frankenstein swears revenge on P.K.V.M.D., "
the frankensteins monster's path in blocked by three figures that are obscured and backlit by a rainbow.
"before encountering three leprechauns."
one leprechaun has a white beard, an eye patch, and a knife attached to the end of a pole.
one leprechaun has spiky red hair, and his muscular arms are crossed.
the third leprechaun is holding a hatchet, and is walking with a crutch because one of his legs has been amputated at the knee.
"these were the survivors of the zombie leprechaun war." *
a scene of leprechauns fleeing, fighting, and being eaten by zombies.
"rogue ninja frankenstein begs the leprechauns to tach him magic."
rogue ninja frankenstein is kneeling in front of the leprechauns.
* "see monster mash 1"
"they agree"
the three leprechauns nod.

rogue ninja frankenstein breaks a piece of bamboo in half with his hand, "snap"
then he embeds a throwing star in the end of the bamboo, "shunk"
rogue ninja frankenstein is now walking alongside the three leprechauns. the piece of bamboo with a throwing star at the end is now his magic wand.

Monster Mash part 2





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7 months ago
monster mash three
"rogue ninja frankenstein must unleash his magic potential!"
the frankenstein and leprechauns are doing tai chi exercises.
"once his training is complete, they attack."
ninja frankenstein, holding his magic wand made from bamboo and a throwing star, is now also wearing a cape and conical hat that have stars and crescent moons printed on them. the three leprechauns from monster mash two are following behind him.
"the leprechauns distract the werewolf mummy army by summoning a mountain of gold."
werewolf mummies are looking at a large pile of gold coins, jewelry, and treasure chests. the leprechauns are hiding behind a bush in the background.
"as mummies, they can not resist the riches."
the werewolf mummies are frolicking in the gold pile. rolling around in it, and adorning themselves.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein confronts his enemy, president king vampire mummy demon!"
the frankenstein stands in front of P.K.V.M.D. who is sitting in a large stone chair, a bemused look on his face.
"quickly, rogue wizard ninja frankenstein uses ninja magic to separate king mummy from vampire demon,"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand, and the two other monsters are shocked to be their individual selves again.
"then he uses frankenstein magic to make them both flesh and blood!"
vampire demon and king mummy are electrified, their skeletons visible.
"then he uses a sword to kill them."
demon vampire is beheaded. king mummy is cut from his shoulder to half way down his torso.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is king of monsters!"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand and katana over his head. lightning bolts flash behind him.
"meanwhile, the leprechauns spring their trap,"
the three leprechauns snap their fingers.
"turning their mountain of gold into silver!"
the werewolf mummies are now burning from the silver they're wearing and standing on. several of them are exploding.
"control of the earth is returned to humanity."
a person nervously exits their storm shelter. people are walking the streets.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is awarded the title of secretary general of extra-normal affairs."
outside the capitol building, R.W.N.F is wearing a suit jacket and a man is pinning a medal on his chest.
"first order of business: what to do with the prisoners: ghost zombie and ghost vampire?"
rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is sitting behind a desk, in an office with bookshelves, frames pictures on the wall, and a circular rug on the floor. two ghosts float in the middle of the room, facing the desk. the ghosts are wearing handcuffs. one ghost has zombie teeth, the other ghost has vampire fangs.

Monster Mash 3





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2 years ago

the ol stinkfinger

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5 months ago
Me When Britain

Me when Britain

(I had a convo with someone about how they screwed over the Irish and I got mad so vent post?????

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3 years ago

Why has nobody given leprechauns the Tolkien treatment (I.E. what Tolkien did to dwarves, elves, and dragons)?

Actually, what would a leprechaun even society be like?

What kind of architecture would they have?

How would their gods and laws be like?

Would they have a standing army?

How would they get along with the other races?

Why do they like the color green?

Why so much gold?

And why do I what to make a Homestuck reference when it comes to leprechaun romance?

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