Monster Mash - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

TheHappySpaceman Reviews - Monster Mash

Of my older reviews, this is probably my favorite. It’s nice to be able to vent my anger at a bad, bad movie. And yes, this movie is bad--it’s basically the Halloween equivalent of Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, another holiday special released in 2000, the same year as Monster Mash.

I only discovered later that Monster Mash apparently has quite a fanbase, which is surprising seeing how forgettable it was. But yeah, I posted on deviantART a while back that somebody had seen my video and made a response/attack video that was supposed to “give me a taste in my own medicine,” which it failed at doing, and then somebody else made a response to that one, and then dirtbikeredden made a response to both of them. And each of those videos got like twice as many views as my original. Strange. Oh well, enjoy me riffing on a bad Halloween special!

Originally uploaded to YouTube on October 28, 2014.

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4 years ago

The OTHER Monster Mash - TheHappySpaceman Reviews

For his final Halloween video of 2020, TheHappySpaceman watches the 1995 film Monster Mash: The Movie, starring Candace Cameron and Bobby Pickett.

Sorry this video was a few days late, but I hope you still enjoy it and I hope it makes your day brighter!

Feel free to support me on Patreon!

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4 years ago

The Top 6 TheHappySpaceman Moments of 2019-2020

TheHappySpaceman finally says goodbye to the old year.

Masters of War Review with BlackScarabFilmZ “Keep Your Hands to Yourself (2020 Edition)” Full Parody Hold On: A Tokka Zine WXJM

Feel free to support me on Patreon!

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1 year ago

A fun behind-the-scenes fact about my reviews

Anyone down for a fun fact about my YouTube videos? Here's something for you guys!

Did you know that in my 2020 review of Monster Mash: The Movie (1995), when I called myself in the past, I actually filmed the 2014 segment years earlier?

A Fun Behind-the-scenes Fact About My Reviews
A Fun Behind-the-scenes Fact About My Reviews

Now, to clarify, I did not film it in 2014 proper, more like 2016 or 2017. (You can tell my hair is a bit longer in the "past" segment than it was in 2014.) I had discovered that there was another movie based on the song "Monster Mash," after having already reviewed the animated Monster Mash film from 2000, and thought it would be a funny gag if I called myself in the past to warn myself not to watch it.

To achieve the effect of appearing as though it was 2014, I used an older camera (the one I used in my earliest reviews) and slicked my hair down to make it look shorter.

I knew I would be using the clip at some point in the future... and a few years later, I did.

Talk about foresight, eh?

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10 years ago
Monster Mash
Monster Mash
Monster Mash
Monster Mash
Monster Mash
Monster Mash

Monster Mash

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5 years ago

Our Haunted House


Title: Our Haunted House

Rating: M

Word Count: 5.4k

Genre: yandere, horror, smut

Warnings: cursing, yandere behaviors, mention of blood, tentacle fucking, buckets of cum, biting, marking, possessiveness, unprotected sex

Summary: On your first trip back to the Halloween Fest you ran into a quiet but attractive man. Once you get separated from your friends he can’t keep himself from touching you.

A/N: HAPPY SPOOKS DAY EVERYONE!!!! A perfect rainy day (not for trick or treaters) for Halloween and to stay home and have a  Halloween Movie Marathon while eating candy and other junk food. Anyway, this is my very first smut and I hope you all like it. I also entered this in @bang-tan-bitches​ writing challenge, Monster Mash. So go check out all the other amazing stories posted in the challenge and show them some love and now on with tentacley Jimin  💜 💜 💜

    The music box played alone on the stage. It reminded you of carnival music but there was a dark undertone to it. You were only twelve and your father decided to bring you to the annual Halloween Fest. You never got scared when someone jumped out in front of you. For some reason, you have never felt fear. Nothing ever frightened you like other people. 

Your mother had voiced her concerns on more than one occasion. Calling you a freak, a monster, even going as far as a demon. She doesn’t speak to you anymore. Ignoring your existence and spending her time drinking wine and watching trash television. 

The stage you sat a few rows away from had gone completely dark before a clown was in the spotlight. His makeup was done terribly. His lips were painted black which was peeling and the white paint on his face was cracking. As he smiled widely you could clearly see black smudges on his yellow teeth.

Keep reading

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7 months ago

I think the problem with the Supernatural Creature Dating Sim genre is that they always dilute their potential appeal by casting too wide a net. Like, more power to those who want to get busy with the entire Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual, but my experience is that most folks are in the market for a more focused experience. Let's see a dating sim where every single potential partner is a wizard. Give us a dating sim devoted to seducing werewolves. I want a dating sim for people who exclusively want to fuck skeletons.

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6 months ago
comic title "monster mash" 
"one day, a zombie ate a bunch of leprechauns,"
image of a zombie lifting a leprechaun up to bite into its head. two other leprechauns in the background have bites taken out of them. magic energy and four leaf clovers are radiating from the zombie.
"and got all hopped up on leprechaun magic."
"then the zombie bites a vampire."
the magic-infused zombie is biting a vampire on the arm.
"the leprechaun magic transforms the vampire into a demon."
the vampire has grown larger, tearing his clothes. he has grown bat-like wings o his back, and curving horns on his forehead.

MONSTER MASH was a comic I made in the 2000s. It was a one-sheet zine (each 'comic page' was drawn at 7cm x 11cm) and I added the screentone in the 2010s.

"the demon puts a curse on the zombie: turning him into a ghost,"
the demon is making the sign of the horns at the zombie, who has turned into a ghost.
"but the ghost still has the zombie curse, and hungers for flesh."
ghost-zombie still has the telltale exposed teeth of a zombie, a desperate look on their face.
"ghost zombie eats other ghosts, gaining their power."
ghost-zombie is growing larger as they suck many regular-sized ghosts into their mouth.
"until all the ghost power transforms him into a King Mummy, controller of all mummies."
ghost-zombie now looks like a jackal-headed humanoid wrapped in bandages and wearing a nemes on his head. Light and several ankhs radiate from him.
"king mummy sends an army of mummies to fight vampire demon."
vampire demon has grown 50 feet tall. he is thrashing his arms and goat-legs, but hundreds and hundreds of mummies are swarming over him.
"the mummies subdue vampire demon and king mummy possesses him."
there is a bright, pulsing flash of light.
"they become King Vampire Mummy Demon."
vampire demon still has his wings and horns and goat legs, and his windows peak and fangs. his arms are wrapped in bandages. he's wearing a nemes, and in the middle of his forehead is a metal hand making the sign of the horns.
"they fly to the moon,"
we see king vampire mummy demon from behind, flying up to the moon.
"and uses moon magic to turn the army of mummies into werewolf mummies, "
king vampire demon mummy turns their palms upward, and we see several mummies turning into werewolves.
"to fight the U.S. government army of ninja frankensteins."
a wave of people with huge stitched-shut heads, neck bolts, white jumpsuits, and assorted weapons stand ready.
"who will win?"
a single werewolf mummy and ninja frankenstein stand face to face.





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6 months ago
monster mash two
"the werewolf mummy versus ninja frankenstein war rages."
on the left, an army of people with wolf heads and wrapped in bandages. on the right, and army of people with stitched heads and ninja weapons. the armies are running towards each other.
"at first both sides are evenly matched, but it soon becomes clear,"
a ninja frankenstein is ripping the head off a werewolf mummy while a second werewolf mummy is trying to bite them on the arm.
"victory for werewolf mummies."
a werewolf mummy is casting a spell that turns the headless werewolf mummy from the previous panel into a snake. this surprises the frankenstein ninja, who is being overwhelmed from behind by several werewolf mummies.
"the united states looses it's final defense, a giant enchanted mechanical owl bear."
king vampire demon mummy, 30 feet tall, is facing a robot of similar height. the robot has the head of an owl and the body of a bear on its hind legs. magic energy radiates off of it. the capitol building can be seen in the background, and people are running for cover. 
"king vampire mummy demon is victorious."
king vampire mummy demon is laughing and standing on top of the destroyed robot. one of the robots arms can be seen sticking out of the dome of the capitol building. a civilian is screaming and holding their head.
"all hail, president king vampire mummy demon!"
king vampire mummy demon, still 30 feet tall, is walking on the lawn of the white house. he is looking up into the sky with a smile on his face. a row of humans are bowing down to him, and several secret service agents are flanking him.
"unbeknownst, a lone ninja frankenstein survives."
the single frankensteins monster is holding his injured shoulder while he walks away. in the distance, president king vampire mummy demon is laughing while the sky fills with dark clouds and lightning.
"rogue ninja frankenstein swears revenge on P.K.V.M.D., "
the frankensteins monster's path in blocked by three figures that are obscured and backlit by a rainbow.
"before encountering three leprechauns."
one leprechaun has a white beard, an eye patch, and a knife attached to the end of a pole.
one leprechaun has spiky red hair, and his muscular arms are crossed.
the third leprechaun is holding a hatchet, and is walking with a crutch because one of his legs has been amputated at the knee.
"these were the survivors of the zombie leprechaun war." *
a scene of leprechauns fleeing, fighting, and being eaten by zombies.
"rogue ninja frankenstein begs the leprechauns to tach him magic."
rogue ninja frankenstein is kneeling in front of the leprechauns.
* "see monster mash 1"
"they agree"
the three leprechauns nod.

rogue ninja frankenstein breaks a piece of bamboo in half with his hand, "snap"
then he embeds a throwing star in the end of the bamboo, "shunk"
rogue ninja frankenstein is now walking alongside the three leprechauns. the piece of bamboo with a throwing star at the end is now his magic wand.

Monster Mash part 2





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6 months ago
monster mash three
"rogue ninja frankenstein must unleash his magic potential!"
the frankenstein and leprechauns are doing tai chi exercises.
"once his training is complete, they attack."
ninja frankenstein, holding his magic wand made from bamboo and a throwing star, is now also wearing a cape and conical hat that have stars and crescent moons printed on them. the three leprechauns from monster mash two are following behind him.
"the leprechauns distract the werewolf mummy army by summoning a mountain of gold."
werewolf mummies are looking at a large pile of gold coins, jewelry, and treasure chests. the leprechauns are hiding behind a bush in the background.
"as mummies, they can not resist the riches."
the werewolf mummies are frolicking in the gold pile. rolling around in it, and adorning themselves.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein confronts his enemy, president king vampire mummy demon!"
the frankenstein stands in front of P.K.V.M.D. who is sitting in a large stone chair, a bemused look on his face.
"quickly, rogue wizard ninja frankenstein uses ninja magic to separate king mummy from vampire demon,"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand, and the two other monsters are shocked to be their individual selves again.
"then he uses frankenstein magic to make them both flesh and blood!"
vampire demon and king mummy are electrified, their skeletons visible.
"then he uses a sword to kill them."
demon vampire is beheaded. king mummy is cut from his shoulder to half way down his torso.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is king of monsters!"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand and katana over his head. lightning bolts flash behind him.
"meanwhile, the leprechauns spring their trap,"
the three leprechauns snap their fingers.
"turning their mountain of gold into silver!"
the werewolf mummies are now burning from the silver they're wearing and standing on. several of them are exploding.
"control of the earth is returned to humanity."
a person nervously exits their storm shelter. people are walking the streets.
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is awarded the title of secretary general of extra-normal affairs."
outside the capitol building, R.W.N.F is wearing a suit jacket and a man is pinning a medal on his chest.
"first order of business: what to do with the prisoners: ghost zombie and ghost vampire?"
rogue wizard ninja frankenstein is sitting behind a desk, in an office with bookshelves, frames pictures on the wall, and a circular rug on the floor. two ghosts float in the middle of the room, facing the desk. the ghosts are wearing handcuffs. one ghost has zombie teeth, the other ghost has vampire fangs.

Monster Mash 3





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6 months ago
monster mash four
"rogue wizard ninja frankenstein contacts a neutral third party: zeus, ruler of Olympus!"
R.W.N.F. has raised his magic wand over his head. his two ghost prisoners watch as the ceiling of his office becomes a swirling storm cloud with a large bearded man inside it.
"Zeus transforms the two ghosts into gorgons,"
ghost zombie and ghost vampire now have snake-hair and snake bodies.
"and places them on a desert island."
we see a small crescent shaped island with a mausoleum-type building in the center.
"meanwhile, on the bottom of the ocean, Godzilla slumbers!"
godzilla laying on his stomach, eyes closed.
"an alien facehugger swims into godzilla's mouth."
the crab-legged alien is small enough to fit between the gaps of godzilla's teeth.
"and so, shortly, alien-godzilla rampages!"
a xenomorph-godzilla, with long back spikes, and an eyeless, elongated head, breathes atomic fire onto a block of skyscrapers, melting them.
"help us, rogue wizard ninja frankenstein!"
R.W.N.F. flies through the air, wearing his suit, tie, cape, and wizard hat.
"R.W.N.F. tries, but his magic powers are not enough. he is defeated."
R.W.N.F. is channeling lightning from his hands onto alien-godzilla's ankle. side-stepping slightly, alien-godzilla steps on R.W.N.F. 
"In desperation, humanity calls Predator for help."
in the Oval Office, the president of America is holding an old land line phone to his ear and loosening his tie with his other hand. on the other end of the phone call is the predator, who is also using a land line phone.
"predator tries his hardest, but his efforts also fall short."
the predator is kneeling on top of alien-godzilla's head, fruitlessly slashing at it with his arm blades over and over.
"he returns to his ship for a sample of The Blob, his greatest trophy."
predator has opened a dresser drawer, and is holding a small glass jar up to his face.
"using advanced alien technology, the predator fuses himself with the blob."
the predator stands in an empty chamber, wearing only his mask and underwear. lightning bolts of energy arc from him to the walls, and the small glass jar with the blob inside is overlapping with his chest.
"then he eats a ton of people so he can grow."
the predator is now larger and transparent, though his mask is unchanged. he is grabbing human beings by the handful and absorbing them directly into his torso.
the blob-predator is now as big as alien-godzilla. they face each other

Monster Mash 4





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6 months ago

What's next? Ultramarines combing with Sauron?!?!P.S. This is the Bomb!!!

monster mash 5
"predator blob versus alien godzilla!"
predator blob slides and flows to avoid the fiery breath coming from alien godzilla.
"predator blob tries to absorb alien godzilla."
predator blob has lunged down on top of alien godzilla, still visible through predator blob's translucent flesh.
"but alien godzilla's blood is too acidic!"
predator blob has burst open, but alien godzilla is also being broken apart.
"all that remains is a quivering mess."
the steaming pile of mutually-dissolved monster flesh is the size of a small mountain. there is a single person standing on the roof of a building in the foreground.

The man on the rooftop is looking at the destruction nervously, "Is... Is that it?" he asks himself.
"until the alien's parasitic DNA combines with the blob's own cells to make- 
Predalien Blobzilla"
the new hybrid monster has four eyes, two predator mandibles, two alien mouths, and other mouths emerging spontaneously from its torso. its arms both end in hands and claws. it walks on three bulbous, gelatinous legs. and its back and tail are covered in writhing tentacles instead of godzilla-spikes. the original predator mask is embedded in its chest.
the man on the rooftop from two pages ago, now in the shadow of the new monster, has thrown his arms up, "Aaawww! Man!!"

Predalien Blobzilla moves forward, destroying all the buildings previously pictured.
"the destruction continues until..."
we see predalien blobzilla melting buildings with its atomic breath. a gagged head-spike is coming into frame.

"godzilla returns!"
godzilla is approaching predalien blobzilla from behind, also breath fire.
"godzilla was so big that the alien chestburster didn't reach a fatal size before hatching!"
earlier: we see godzilla, underwater, and a close-up insert shows the emerging alien young. the chest wound is barely the size of one of godzilla's nostrils.
"meanwhile, a helicopter approaches a desert island..."
helicopter flying towards island like in Jurassic Park, but it's the island from monster mash part four.

Monster Mash 5





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4 years ago

Important, does anyone have that one post that was like “the monster mash is homophobic” with “I hate gays” photoshopped in the lyrics?!?!? It’s Halloween time I would KILL to see that in my feed

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Song parody + announcement

Shang tsung: 🎶I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monsters, from their slabs, began to rise. And, suddenly, to my surprise🎶

Ermac, Mileena, and reptile in their Halloween skins: 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they did the monster mash🎶

Deadpool and miles Morales (dressed as spinel and Steven universe): 🎶the monster mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it was a graveyard smash🎶

Ferra/torr(dressed as banjo and kazooie): 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it caught on in a flash🎶

All, except Shang tsung: 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they did the monster mash. From my laboratory in the castle east to the master bedrooms, where vampires feast. The ghouls all came from their humble abodes to get a jolt from my electrodes.

Revenants: 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they did the monster mash🎶

Revenants: 🎶the monster mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it was a graveyard smash🎶

Revenants: 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it caught on in a flash🎶

Revenants: 🎶they did the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they did the monster mash. The zombies were having fun. The party had just begun. The guests included tarkatans. Kenshi and his son. The sounds were rockin', all were digging the sounds. Moloch on chains, backed by some baying hounds. The coffin bangers were about to arrive with their vocal ground "the crypt-kicker five"🎶

Kabal and Quicksilver (dressed as each other): 🎶they played the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they played the monster mash🎶

Raiden and Thor(dressed as each other): 🎶the monster mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it was a graveyard smash🎶

Alien and predator: 🎶they played the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it caught on in a flash🎶

The joker and Terminator: 🎶they played the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶they played the monster mash. out from his coffin, Kahn's voice did ring. Seems he was troubled by just one thing. He opened the lid and shook his fist. Then said, "whatever happened to my outworld twist?"

Jason: 🎶it's now the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it's now the monster mash🎶

Leatherface: 🎶the monster mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶and it's a graveyard smash🎶

Freddy Krueger: 🎶it's now the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it's caught on in a flash🎶

All: 🎶it's now the mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶it's now the monster mash. Now everything's cool. Shao Kahn is part of the band and my monster mash is the hit of the land. For you, the mortals, this mash was meant too. When you get to my door, tell them Shang tsung sent you.

All: 🎶then you can mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶then you can monster mash🎶

All: 🎶The monster mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶and do my graveyard smash🎶

All: 🎶then you can mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶you'll catch on in a flash🎶

All: 🎶then you can mash🎶

Shang tsung: 🎶then you can monster mash🎶


Announcements: this is an ask blog now. You can still request songs but now you can ask everyone in marvel vs mortal Kombat. You can ask anyone from both sides. No NSFW. Oh, and I'm not going to do an entire story mode parody. I'm way too lazy for that. If you want details about the story, ask the kast.

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5 months ago


Vampira Bobby Bare

Can't have a playlist without a song about the legendary Vampira!


Monster's Holiday Buck Owens

A must have classic in your playlist!


Ghost Tim Culpepper

Classic country track that will leave you 'haunted"


Werewolf Five Man Electrical Band

This is a great song on its own but it gives you [plenty of chills at Halloween!


Wicked Old Witch John Fogerty

John Fogerty at his finest!


Spiders and Snakes Jim Stafford

This is a staple to play at Halloween and I always have it in my playlist!


Thriller Michael Jackson

Can't have a playlist for Halloween without this classic!


Devil Woman Cliff Richard

Another classic that is a must have for your Halloween playlists!


Superstition Stevie Wonder

Another must have!


Monster Mash Bobby "Boris" Pickett

And you can't have Halloween without this all time classic! It never gets old and is always fun!

There is my playlist for 2024. I hope you discovered some new songs and artist you may not have known and if you have some songs that are your favorites please list them in the comments! They may wind up in my 2025 list! Happy Halloween

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