Wow, Your Writing Is So Good, I Went Through Your Whole Masterlist Over The Last Hour Haha
wow, your writing is so good, i went through your whole masterlist over the last hour haha
Naw, you’re so sweet?! I’m glad you enjoyed it 🥺💕
almighty-obsession liked this · 2 years ago
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[ Bang Chan Hard Thought ] -
18 + Content
AFAB Reader
Okay, so I was just thinking about the recent SKZ Talker episode where Chan asks Jisung if he can move the playstation into his bedroom and if Chan had listened to Jisung’s teasing no this is exactly how it would have played out. So, Chan obviously plays video games when he can find time and you, being as good a girlfriend as you are, are more than happy to sit beside him as he plays. Sometimes, you scroll through your phone, or finish up whatever work you still have to get through and it’s pretty comfy. Generally, you’ll order take-out and some of the other members will join you on the sofas and the whole thing will be pretty cosy. Until Chan is looking particularly fine, and there’s a furrow in his brow as he watches the television and it’s been at least three hours since he so much as glanced in your direction. Naturally you’re going to nudge him after a while, just a little brush of his arm to try and get his attention. He’ll look at you for a second and then suddenly realise just how much time has passed and he’ll instantly be like, ‘Oh, babygirl, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise how late it was.’ Before you can even say anything to reassure him that’s it’s okay he’s pulling you into his lap, drawing your thighs against his own so you’re straddling him. It’s definitely going to start out innocent enough - him feeling guilty about inviting you over and then getting distracted, you just after a cuddle on the sofa or something. So you wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle into him and it’s cosy, except Chan can’t stop analysing the situation - his girlfriend content with hanging out, being all cute tucked into his side, and he’s suddenly feeling a little needy. He’s definitely going to be shy about letting you know, starting out with placing his hands on your thighs and squeezing because he’s suddenly frustrated and he just wants to feel the skin beneath your trousers. He’s going to gently move you from the crook of his neck and when you start kissing, he’s going to realise that he’s half-hard already.
His movements are going to be slow - he’s caught somewhere between absolute desire and the need to be a respectful boyfriend. As much as he wants to ruin you, he’ll hold himself at bay until you give him some signal. I think he’d be hyper-aware of your movements, for example if you slip your fingers below the hem of t-shirt and run your nails along his abdomen, just above the waistband of his trousers, he’s going to take that as a sign. He’ll instantly pick you up, just to lay you on your back and the little noise of surprise you make is enough to send his blood rushing southwards. So he’ll settle himself between your thighs, one hand will pull your t-shirt up your chest, the other will be gripping your thigh and any regard for the fact you’re on the shared dorm sofa will be entirely forgotten. He’s going to press himself close, finding friction between your legs and he’s going to be so desperately hard that he’s swallowing his own quiet whimpers. He won’t break away as he begins unbuckling your belt and as soon as your trousers are loose, he’s going to push his hand beneath, trailing his fingers right where you want him.
Now, Jisung is going to be entirely oblivious as he enters the living room. He knew that you had been with Chan as he played video games, but this was unexpected. First, he’ll hear a little gasp and then, all at once, he’ll see you and Chan and Chan’s hand halfway hidden beneath your trousers. Jisung will run a mile, straight to his bedroom and he’ll hear Chan’s bedroom door click a minute later and thank his lucky stars that he hadn’t been seen because he might have died. He’ll inform Chan the next morning, without being able to look him in the eye, that he can move the playstation into his room after all.
![[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -](
![[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -](
![[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -](
[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -
Warnings: None
➳ Taeil -
He’d be shy about it, but Taeil will let slip how he’s going to marry you one day. His group mates are a little stunned as Taeil is usually pretty quiet about the details of your relationship. The moment passes when his friends collectively scream, but Johnny makes sure to ask him about it later when it is just the two of them. Taeil gives that bashful little smile of his and just nods because whilst he isn’t always sure of everything, he’s certain about how he feels.
➳ Johnny -
How wonderful the bedsheets at your apartment smell after laundry day. For the first time in twenty-seven years, Johnny takes more than a second to buy laundry detergent. It is no longer a case of picking up whichever is cheapest, or closest, he wants the exact same as you have at your place, not only because the feeling of snuggling beneath fresh cotton is otherworldly, but because it reminds him of you.
➳ Taeyong -
Something as simple as how happy you make him. Being the leader, and de facto mother, to twenty-two other young guys can be exhausting. It is his, with some help from the managers, responsibility to get them exactly where they need to be at exactly the right time looking exactly as they are expected to, so yeah, sometimes he feels a little tired. That’s where you come in - TY mentions how comfortable your apartment is, the late night studio dates, the little trips in and around the city and he seems rejuvenated despite his busy schedule.
➳ Yuta -
What you and him have gotten up to together recently. His group mates often ask how you’re doing and Yuta mentions the landmark you went to see on his day off, or the dinner date you took beside the Han River. Yuta sometimes shares the photographs he took of each moment - you laughing across the dinner table, or stood in front of whatever it was you went to see.
➳ Doyoung -
How at home he feels with you. Doyoung can be a bit particular, read: picky, about how certain things are done and you seem to just get it. The conversation probably comes up indirectly though - Haechan has just intentionally done something in a way that he knows will bother Doyoung and Doyoung is quick to whine about it, saying how no-one but you seems to do it the right way.
➳ Jaehyun -
Jaehyun mentions things mostly to Johnny - how the wine you brought back from your recent trip abroad tasted, how you make your morning coffee. He’s also very fond of sharing the music you like with everyone - he often lies on his bed with nothing to do but listen to the playlist you sent his way and he’s always silently pleased when his roommate, Jungwoo, asks for the title of one of the tracks.
➳ Jungwoo -
How it’s been three weeks since he last saw a particular sweatshirt. He playfully accuses various members of stealing it and he gratefully looks through their wardrobes, only to come away empty handed each time. It doesn’t occur to Jungwoo to ask you about it, but he does whine about it a little and when you tell him to describe it to you, you seem to realise at the same time that it’s been in your closet all this time. Jungwoo proceeds to tell his friends just what a nuisance you are as if he didn’t let you keep the sweatshirt.
➳ Mark -
Just about anything and everything. If Mark sees someone doing something, whether it be Doyoung cooking, or Taeyong tidying up, he absentmindedly makes a comment like, ‘Y/N adds . . . to . . .,’ or, ‘Y/N uses this . . . .’ If everyone wasn’t so pleased to see Mark so cheerful and in love, it might be annoying, but for the most part, his friends just smile and nod. (Unless it’s a cleaning product, in which case Taeyong asks for all the details.)
➳ Haechan -
Probably something stupid like when the ice-cream truck plays a tune it means it out of ice-cream. Johnny finds it hilarious and knows you’re having Haechan on. He takes great pleasure in knowing that you tease Haechan just as much as he does, taking over his role when he is not around. First off Haechan whines to Johnny, then does it all over again when he next sees you.
[ Being in a secret relationship with Chan Headcanons ] -
Pairing: Bangchan x reader
Warnings: Reference to 18 + Themes

- Your relationship had to remain a secret from the public for obvious reasons - Chan was at the mercy of a strict no-dating contract and honestly, your relationship was still relatively new and he was determined to protect it from the headlines for as long as possible
- He knew each and every true STAY would be more than accepting of you, but the thought of even one or two negative comments about you from jealous individuals was enough to convince him to insulate your relationship in a little bubble, safe from the outside world
- Neither of you had purposely withheld the changing nature of your relationship from friendship to something more from the group, Chan simply felt ridiculous calling them aside to announce that you were now his partner
- You adored the boys, but you adored Chan more and if he was happy keeping it on the down-low, so were you, god knows you spent so much time together prior to your relationship that nothing had really changed
- That’s not to say the group doesn’t speculate about your relationship continually and between the seven of them, they have noticed several tell-tale signs that you and Chan aren’t merely friends
- To begin, they had seen you wearing Chan’s clothing one too many times
- This seems inconsequential - when the weather turned and you were at the dorms, you’d steal whoever’s sweater or hoodie that was closest and quite frankly, not one of the boys batted an eyelid
- So, we go on to Chan - more than once you’d been found wearing one of Chan’s t-shirts, which already seemed more intimate than stealing a discarded jumper from the back of the sofa
- That’s not all, however, Chan had brushed into the kitchen one day and Han had actively acknowledged the t-shirt that he was wearing and expressed just how he liked it. Chan had taken a bottle of water from the fridge and muttered about meeting you to work on some writing together, no big deal.
- Ah-ha, until Han, a few hours later, caught you in the hallway, both kicking off your shoes and shrugging off your jackets and lo and behold, you were wearing the very same shirt that he had seen Chan wearing earlier in the day
- Initially, Han continued to think nothing of it, until time and time again, you appeared wearing Chan’s clothing mere hours, occasionally even minutes, after he’d seen Chan wearing the items
- Han being Han pointed it out to Minho, who in turn informed Hyunjin, until eventually the entire group caught-on and shared a questioning, but suspicious, glance between themselves on each subsequent occasion
- None of the boys could argue that you weren’t closer with Chan anyway and you had found a common-ground in your writing - you spent hours bouncing ideas off one another, sounding out which ones worked and which didn’t
- They were simply pleased that when Chan lingered in the studio until 3 AM, he wasn’t alone anymore, you were always to be found at his side, sometimes writing, generally crashed-out on the sofa
- Naturally the writing came home with Chan sometimes, when he couldn’t quite bring himself to journey over to the studio, or he only had a few hours to work, which meant you were often to be found at the dorm too
- Not that any one of the group minded one little bit - even when busy with Chan, you found time to bake with Felix, help I.N. with his English lessons and chat with Minho about Soonie, Doongie and Dori
- But, there was one slightly fishy aspect about your alleged writing sessions with Chan - when it was long-past midnight and the dorm sofa had become almost unbearable to sit on for a moment longer, Chan would offer to take the writing session to his bedroom
- It seemed like no big deal, the group assumed that you wrote for a little bit longer, before leaving at some ungodly hour, quiet enough to save waking any one of them up, being so considerate and kind as you were
- Well, that is what they thought, at least until they found you in the kitchen at 8 AM, wearing the same trousers as the day before, but with one of Chan’s t-shirts
- Suddenly it became increasingly evident that you must have stayed over, in Chan’s room no less
- Changbin brought it up as soon as he’d realised and bullied a blush onto Chan’s cheek, but of all the members to confront him, Changbin spoke in a manner as if to say, ‘Good on you.’
- I.N. pointed out the few nights that Chan hadn’t returned home, which had been overlooked as evening’s spent in the studio, each and every member laughed and agreed, save for Chan, who looked like he might just implode at any given moment
- Now, the biggest indicator of all and the one Chan arguably made the least effort to conceal, were the scratches up and down his back that shone an angry scarlet
- He’d popped-out of his bedroom fresh out of the shower in search of a particular t-shirt and a few of the boys had been lounging about in the living-room, where the washing had been hung
- As if the marks would go unnoticed - Felix hadn’t meant to make a scene, he’d simply pointed them out to Hyunjin, who had been entirely unable to contain his astonishment and had essentially screamed
- All attention was then on Chan
- There was absolutely no denying where the scratches had been obtained
- The welts pretty much screamed that Chan was having sex and it didn’t take a genius to work-out who the other party involved was
- It had been warm recently and you’d opted to wearing a skirt in order to be a little more comfortable in the heat - none of the boys would dare consider you in any sort of inappropriate manner, but Seungmin had noticed the bruising on your thigh
- You’d shrugged it off as nothing, before turning away in a desperate attempt to conceal your flush, cursing out the vice-grip that Chan had had over your thighs the previous evening
- Seungmin hadn’t been the only one to notice, however, and the bruises were just a little too obvious
- After Chan’s embarrassment at being seen covered in the evidence of your not-so-secret relationship, he had pulled you aside to discuss loosening-up a little around the group
- You didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable for a single second, but relaxing a little did sound nice - no more longing glances from across the dorm, or holding hands beneath the dinner-table
- Chan muttered something about no-longer reserving sex for your apartment too, but you’d have to give that some thought
- (It didn’t take much thought - when the boys gathered in the living-room that evening, Chan saw his opportunity to steal you away to his bedroom and well, the group got the idea that your relationship was out the bag)
![[ NCT 127 Being Caught In A Compromising Position ] -](
![[ NCT 127 Being Caught In A Compromising Position ] -](
![[ NCT 127 Being Caught In A Compromising Position ] -](
[ NCT 127 Being Caught In A Compromising Position ] -
Warnings: 18 + Content
AFAB Reader
➳ Taeil -
It’s going to start with a huge sigh because honestly, he’s a little mad about being interrupted - he’s almost thirty, he ought to be able to bone his girlfriend without getting disturbed
It’s probably going to be Yuta who opens the doorway unannounced and when he makes some inappropriate comment, Taeil finally blushes and tells him to get out of the room
Taeil is a little flustered about the whole thing, but once he’s locked the bedroom door, he is pretty happy to continue
When he walks into the kitchen a little later, you can bet Yuta has told someone else about the interruption and they send a few teasing comments Taeil’s way, but they bounce right off (seriously, I think Taeil has just learnt to ignore 99% of what comes out of the mouths of his friends)
➳ Johnny -
Johnny’s biggest concern is making sure you’re comfortable and covered so he’ll actually be pretty slow to look at whoever just opened the door
He’s going to sigh quietly and whilst he’s a little annoyed (a lot because it was just beginning to get steamy), he won’t show it - in fact, he’ll probably go after whoever walked in to make sure everything is alright because he does try and be responsible
Once he’s sure though he’ll absolutely end the conversation like: ‘Okay, if that’s all I’m going to go and finish what I started.’ He partly says it as a joke, partly to stop anyone interrupting again and he really doesn’t care how hard they blush.
He picks up right where he left off as if nothing had happened at all
➳ Taeyong -
First and foremost he’s going to be embarrassed - scarlet-faced and jumping away from you as if he isn’t a grown man in the privacy of his bedroom, as if it wasn’t the fault of whoever just burst in unannounced
Taeyong is absolutely the sort to feel the need to apologise - he’ll apologise to you for putting you in such a situation (even though you’re more than okay with getting hot and heavy again) before he goes in search of whoever walked in to apologise to them too
He’s shy and awkward and the mood is very much ruined by the time he returns and it’s probably enough to put him off getting down and dirty in the dorm for a while
➳ Yuta -
Yuta doesn’t care at all, like at all. The only reason he’s stopping is because you’re underneath him slapping his shoulder.
He’s going to pull away real slow, a frown already set into his features ready for whoever just walked in and the hands that had been wandering beneath your shirt aren’t going to go far
Honestly whoever was at the door is gone the moment they realise just what they walked in on - they’ve all known Yuta long enough to know that after cursing them out he’ll go right back to what he was doing, whether they’re still watching or not
Yuta really just doesn’t care - he’s got his girlfriend half-naked beneath him and unless the dorm is on fire, or his manager is calling for him, the world can wait
➳ Doyoung -
Doyoung will deny anything less than PG was happening beneath his duvet to the day he dies
He hears the door opening and forces a few inches between your bodies, entirely oblivious to the state of his ruffled hair, the creases your fingers have twisted into his t-shirt
He is calm and collected, cooly laughing at whatever the person says to him and he is convinced they are none the wiser to what they just walked in on
When the intruder leaves once more, Doyoung is a little proud of his performance so you definitely have to swat him on the shoulder, but he doesn't leave you waiting long before he drapes himself over you again
➳ Jaehyun -
This happens after a long overdue date night - Jaehyun somehow persuaded his group mates to give you the entire dorm for a few hours (it’s been a while and he has a lot to catch up on)
It’s almost two am and Jaehyun is soft and slow until he hears the door open
He’s another whose first concern is making sure nothing inappropriate is on display, but he’s going to be caught somewhere between embarrassment and frustration and will probably quietly ask the person if something is the matter (seriously, if you’re going at it, I don’t even think he’d pull out)
Whoever it is, they’re slow to leave, groaning: ‘You’ve had all evening.’ (It’s probably poor Jungwoo who just wants to go to sleep)
Jaehyun replies something like: ‘I know, I know, just get out.’
And whilst the pink flare across his features betrays his fluster, all it’ll take is a look from you and he’ll go right back to it, only quicker and harder
➳ Jungwoo -
Jungwoo is number one on the play-it-dumb list - someone comes in and he immediately jumps away from you, as if whoever just interrupted hasn’t already seen what was happening - his hands up your shirt, his tongue down your throat
He’ll probably stumble over some excuse as to what was really going on, all the while his cheeks are burning like they never have before
After a moment he’ll run out of things to say and will flee beneath the duvet and all he can manage for the rest of the evening is a cuddle (he even avoids leaving his bed in case he runs into anyone, he is so embarrassed)
➳ Mark -
Mark freezes and you can bet his blood runs cold the moment he meets the eye of whoever just opened the door
Where Johnny immediately flips you over or pulls the blanket over your body so he can deal with it, Mark absolutely leaves you in the lurch, staring at whichever group mate is responsible for the disturbance without saying anything
Eventually, he’ll give an awkward laugh and be like: ‘Yo, uh, can I help?’ (Please no one ever put Mark in this situation, I think he’d die)
➳ Haechan -
Is Haechan embarrassed? Probably a little. But does he show it? Absolutely not.
He instantly turns whiny, calling out whoever just opened the door (Haechan is another one who won’t pull out unless absolutely necessary and you’re both covered so he’s not going anywhere)
He might be the youngest in 127, but he doesn’t care, in fact, it probably makes him care even less
Afterwards, when you’re dozing in his bed and he’s playing a game on his computer, Johnny will walk in and make some comment about the earlier intrusion, but Haechan just smirks
He definitely has the attitude: Yeah I’m Haechan and yeah I just did my girlfriend
[ Bang Chan Hard Thought ] -
18 + Content & Fluff
[ Friends to Lovers ]
I think we can agree that Chan is a pleaser - if he can do something for someone, he will. So you’re close friends with the group, but particularly Chan and let’s say that isn’t always easy being best friends with someone as attractive, and lovely, as Chan himself, but you get by keeping all feelings and any desire to jump his bones to yourself. Occasionally there is a little tension - on the day's Chan is feeling stressed or needy you sometimes wonder whether you ought to throw caution to the wind and finally make a move like Hyunjin has been telling you to for weeks. Recently the unspoken tension seems to have increased threefold - maybe it’s because he’s leaving the country soon, maybe it’s because you’re in love with him and spend an unhealthy amount of time fighting off thoughts that you definitely shouldn’t be having about your best friend. It comes to a head a couple of days before Chan is due to fly to the US and this is how it goes:
First, maybe Chan invited you to just hang out at the dorm whilst he finishes packing his suitcase. You’re just lounging on his bed, silently admiring him as he fiddles about in his wardrobe as if every single item isn’t the same shade of black. It’s quiet, as it always is before he flies halfway around the world, the atmosphere is stuck somewhere between excitement for the upcoming tour and sadness for him having to leave the city and you. After a while he stands and walks to the bed with a hoodie in hand and you assume he’s about to pull it on, but instead he offers it to you.
‘What is that for?’ You ask, furrowing your brow.
At first Chan is a little quiet, his gaze on the floor as he replies: ‘I just thought, because I’m going away.’
As soon as he begins, he starts to backtrack. The first thought that flashes through your mind is that maybe he feels the same way about you as you do him and it stuns you into silence until you hear the sudden insecurity in his voice. Then you immediately move closer to him and reach for the hoodie and it takes great willpower to firstly, not melt over just how cute he is, and secondly, pull him to your side. ‘Chan,’ you manage, faintly aware of the tears gathering at the edges of your eyes, ‘I’ll miss you so much.’
You’re not sure who moves, but suddenly you’re wrapped tight in Chan’s arms, your nose tucked into the crook of his neck, your bodies pressed close together. Chan can feel his t-shirt bunched in your fists and he tries to hold you even closer and he knows his heart is pounding in a way that betrays just how he feels. He tells you just how much he’s going to miss you too and it almost hurts when he sees your watery eyes as he pulls away. He isn’t thinking as he leans closer, bowing his head slightly, his thoughts are in a whirr because you’re giving him the softest, most adoring look and he’s in love. His mouth is gentle against yours - the movement of someone slowly testing the waters, someone cautious of sending their best friend running a mile if this is all a misunderstanding. When he feels your fingers press into his back to keep him close, he finally begins to relax into the kiss.
It’s soft and gentle and sometimes you break apart to catch your breath, but your foreheads press together and Chan’s grip around your waist is enough to express his determination to keep you close. He allows you to take the lead - deepening the kiss, your fingers daring to slip beneath his t-shirt and he slowly pushes you to the duvet, taking his time to hover over you so you can ask him to stop at any moment. It’s quiet as you carefully peel clothing from one another - t-shirts, trousers and even when you’re almost naked, when he is achingly hard against your thigh, Chan doesn’t speed things up. He waits for you to make the final step and you do, as he places kisses along your collarbone, you thread your fingers through his hair and sigh quietly, ‘Chan, please.’
He lifts his head to catch your eye and when you nod, he finally slips your underwear down your thighs. He finds your mouth again and mutters against your lips, ‘I’m going to take care of you.’
All you can do is nod again and hold onto his broad shoulders in an effort to keep yourself grounded because this is Chan, your best friend, the one you’ve been in love with for you don’t remember how long and he’s just beautiful and gentle. He looks to you again before he lines himself up, a final demand for consent and when you start to feel a stretch, your fingernails press crescent shapes into his back. Chan’s breathing is heavy as he stills, torn somewhere between wanting to fuck you in the way he’s been thinking about for months and trying to hold it together. He furrows his brow and triple-checks whether you’re okay and even when you nod and say yes, he can see tears in your eyes once more and it’s only when you tug at the ends of his hair and sigh that he realises why they’re there. ‘It feels so good,’ you manage and Chan responds by gently moving his hips against your own.
This isn’t something Chan wants to rush, in fact, he wants it to last a lifetime. The closeness has you both softly sighing as your head falls deeper into the pillow, Chan’s forehead resting on your shoulder as he savours the warmth and the way you squeeze him just right. The feeling of you wrapped around him has his head spiralling and he is sure, he will come undone soon. He rolls his hips and draws a whimper from your mouth and the noise prompts him to move again, quicker, deeper, if only to hear that noise again.
It is gentle even when you finish – your name falls from Chan’s mouth as his movements still and he places a grounding hand on your thigh as he feels your shaking legs around his waist. His retreat is slow, reluctant, and he does not move far, moving to your side and tugging you into his chest. His touch is soft and meant to slowly draw you back to him and for a while, neither of you speak. Eventually, you shift to look at his face, one hand caressing his cheek and for a moment you stumble over your words because Chan is looking at you as if you’re his entire world. It’s sort of like, ‘Chan, I – ‘ and that’s it, even though you want to tell him you’re in love with him.
Even though you can’t quite finish, Chan nods his head and replies, ‘I know, me too.’