jayde-jots - Jayde Jots!
Jayde Jots!

1622 posts

Sorry I'm Late, But Have The No.6 Percy!

Sorry I'm Late, But Have The No.6 Percy!

Sorry I'm late, but have the no.6 Percy!

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More Posts from Jayde-jots

3 years ago

Okay 7th on time this time, even though its 5 in the morning.

Okay 7th On Time This Time, Even Though Its 5 In The Morning.

Alright I actually have a bit of a story for this one, so I originally drew this after I watched Day of the Diesel's. I made the origin that Percy was originally cursed by Diesel 10 and he said he'd reverse it if Percy helped him and the other were-creatures out, by helping them get some water from the mirror pool, which was basically the islands magic fountain.

Now Thomas as a centuar alicorn was in charge of protecting it as it controlled all of the magic on that continent, so thats why him and Percy fight in this instance.

10 wanted the water to help the other were-creatures as they normally use charms or elixirs to help control their animal sides, but those items are expensive to make, so that's why sir Topham Hat has trouble getting them their needs in replacement of the whole steam works debocal.

It's close to the end that 10 actually doesn't know how to reverse the curse and he was betting the mirror pool water would grant him the knowledge to fix it. So it turnes into a mad dash to the mirror pool with a transforming Percy to fix him, they get to the pool and as the clock strikes midnight Percy emerges from the water like this but completely in control of himself. The others are sad that Percy is now cursed, but the were-creatures promis to help Percy in any way they can for him to make up for what they did. And so, Percy becomes a sort of ambassador to the were-creatures and centuars, they all respect and treat him kindly for the work he does, making sure everyone gets what they need.

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3 years ago

Yer welcome beautiful, can't wait to see what you do in the future, your awesome!

Finale Pieces For @thomas-and-tugs-imagines This Was A Lot Of Fun To Do, But Now I Need A Break With

Finale pieces for @thomas-and-tugs-imagines this was a lot of fun to do, but now I need a break with school starting tomorrow.

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3 years ago

I often wonder about a transformers AU instead of the giant AU that I've made, but at the same time it feels like one of those cop-out AU's that'd be to easy, but at the same time it sounds really fun. I actually love drawing transformers and have done in the past, so would you guys be interested in seeing an AU of tugs as transformers? Or maybe just some art? I'd be happy to hear regardless.

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3 years ago

AU; A met AU; B Idea- 2

Human Machine!AU + Swap!AU

(Context- Both Captain Star's are arguing over what Swap-Star did to Z.J/O.J)

HM Star: "He had done nothing but support you and love you, and you throw it back in his face by letting him be bullied, keeping him in bad health, and then to top it off you sell him?! I can't believe your the one that still has more of your family left over me!"

S Star: "Do not dare mistake my lack of emotion for not caring, of course I love him! I always have the day I met him and I always will forever because after my father- HIS SON -passes away we'll be the only ones left of us! I couldn't give him the things he needs apart of this fleet, the Zero's in my world have that in spades, they can give him what he needs. Just because I had to say goodbye to him doesn't mean I haven't stopped loving him... you think it didn't hurt though? It was the most agonizing few minuets of my life compared to when I first got my beating from my captain. ...I hope in a few years I can be where you are now, a stable fleet, people not being hurt anymore, and maybe, just maybe... I can have my grandfather there with me. When I look at you I see hope that it's possible. Come hell or high water, I will achieve that goal."

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3 years ago

Bigg City Riders!AU + Giants!AU (Ch: 3) Up River

Chap 3 of what if @bigg-city-riders-au Riders!AU met my Giant!AU.

As Sunshine travelled down river with some parts for the breakers yard, he also wanted to stop for some salmon at the riders headquarters once he was finished. When he was and heading back down river, he turned into the siding that lead into the falls of the headquarters, but what he saw when he came to the clearing before them, was an odd sight.

Billy Shoepack was there to and was just watching a creature that was asleep on the shoreline before the falls to the entrance of the headquarters. The creature was extremely pale and looked humanoid, it was asleep snoring softly with its heads in its arms acting as a pillow.

Sunshine blew his whistle to get Billy’s attention and when the alligator tug turned and saw him he chuffed a greeting and Sunshine returned the gesture. “Hey Sunshine, how are things?” the white tug asked. “Pretty good, though I don’t think you could be saying that. What is this?” Sunshine asked stopping next to Billy to have a look with him.

“Don’t know, I was just coming down here to scope out the place when I saw this guy sleeping down here. He woke up and took a glance at me before he rested his head back down.” Billy said looking back at the giant. “Can it talk?” Sunshine asked. “Don’t know. If he can he hasn’t said anything.” “Are you sure it’s a boy?” “Yep, the face I saw didn’t belong to a girl.” “Has he done anything other than look at you?” “He’s slept and that’s it.” “Have you tried to get him up?” “I’ve been debating on what I can do. If I try to fight him I’m pretty sure he’d win, and even then he’s not hurting anybody so that wouldn’t seem fair, but before you came I’ve been debating using dynamite to scare him off.”

The giant lifted his head up at that, revealing it’s pink eyes and blond curly hair, as well as long naked rabbit-like ears with identical cuts in them at the tips. It glared at Billy in stern before it huffed and rested its chin on its arm and fell back asleep again.

The two small tugs were surprised for a second before Sunshine came around first. “Hey hold up, I saw that look in your eyes, you understood us perfectly, get up! We need to talk.” Sunshine called. The giant opened its eyes for a glance before closing them again, then using its ear closest to them to roughly splash the water, sending a wave pushing them back. “Wah!” “Gah!” the two chirped in surprise as they were floated away a bit, though they only got a few meters.

Sunshine made a small cats growl when he sailed back up to the giant, his tow rope flickering behind him in agitation. “Alright mister, this waterfall area here is a privet place only for us tugs. Which means you can’t be here. If you don’t leave we’ll be forced to get back up, or use drastic measures.” Sunshine said growling and with his clawed anchor ready to slash. The giant just made- ‘snrk!’ sound finding the little tug amusing but otherwise didn’t move, he only gently baped the tug on the head with his ear and then flicked it around Sunshine, pushing him back a little.

The young tug didn’t take kindly to this so he actually caught the giants ear with his anchor and pulled it down to his level and began to bite it and chew on it. Sunshine held on to see how the giant would react to his venom, but was surprised to see when it did quite literally nothing. Except the giant chuckled though. He yanked his ear free and began to wiggle it above Sunshine, as if teasing him to grab it again. The little tug tried to grab it a second time but the giant just moved his ear out of the way, this repeated for a few times to the point Billy had to step in. “Sunshine, Sunshine… he’s just playing with you by this point. I don’t actually think your venom did anything to him ether, he’s probably somehow immune.” Billy said pulling his friend back.

Sunshine made a small hiss as he backed away, this giant was toying with them and Sunshine was quite frankly not used to that. The giant even chuckled a bit having turned to face them at some point and adorning a lazy smile on his lips, he was clearly amused at least. He then yawned widely and moved to lay down on his back, the earth shook and rippled the water as he hefted his body revealing that the giant was a little on the pudgy side when his belly was in the air. He stretched and folded his arms behind his head, taking in the midday sun with a contempt smile. He then began to purr, a deep rumble vibrating the water.

Billy couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, confusing Sunshine. “What’s so funny?” the Star tug asked. “Heh, he’s like an overweight cat, I don’t think he’s here to cause trouble Sunshine, just here to take a bit of a snooze.” The giant paused purring for a second at the comment and gave Billy a look then went back to sun bathing in bliss and purrs.

“We still can’t have him here Billy, what if someone needs to use the headquarters? He’s clearly smart, so if he sees how to enter, that could cause problems.” Sunshine warned. “Are these headquarters that important to you?” a voice spoke.

The two tugs froze and turned slowly in sync to have a look at the giant as the voice came from his direction. The giant was looking at them from an upside down angle over his arms that he had behind his head, his attention clearly on them. “Did… did you just speak?” Billy asked. “No it was the wind, -yes I just spoke.” The giant said with his tone heavily laced in sarcasm.

Sunshine and Billy just stared, they weren’t expecting that. “Well uh, to answer your question. Yes, the headquarters means a bit to us, it’s secret and supposed to stay secret.” Billy said. “I can already hear something behind the waterfall, and have for a few hours now. So to say it’s a secret is not very true.” That now really worried Billy and Sunshine, they couldn’t have this guy walk in.

“What? Do you actually think I’m going to go in there? Way too small for me and all the better stuff is outside anyway. I got no business with it.” That actually surprised the two, but when they thought it over it actually made perfect sense. They then felt a little silly not realizing it sooner. “Well… I suppose we can let ya sit here, as long as you tell nobody about it.” Sunshine said sailing past the giant. “And give up my resting spot at the same time? Hell no. You guys scratch my back I scratch yours, that sound fair?” “Works just fine! Uh, Sunshine? Did you come here for something?” Billy asked. The other tug then remembered why he came up here in the first place. “Oh yeah! I was just going to go and get some fish then head back to the dock, care to join Billy?” “Nah I’m fine, I was just doing my rounds when I saw this guy. …Speaking of whom, what’s your name?” Billy asked the still lazy giant.


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