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How did jayde and the 8 famous engines meet how there's first impressions?
I've actually written a little fic on how Jayde met Thomas and Gordon because Spencer was invited to a gala at the national railway museum. The two were there for the event with Sir Topham Hatt and Jayde took the piss out of Thomas initially. Small cut of the story- Once they stopped at the platform of the museum for visiting engines, Jayde and Spencer exited their side of the coach and opened the door for the Duke and Duchess. When the Duchess saw that Jayde had changed she pouted. “Aw, couldn’t you even survive the trip Jayde?” she asked. “I figured it’d be more formal to show my official attire given to me by my place of origin ma’am. Besides, I feel I have a lot more to be proud of than in a dress.” Jayde said as they and Spencer took to standing behind the couple and letting them take the lead. The Duke smiled and held his wife’s arm to guide them inside whom smiled back as she held on and began to walk with.
When they entered the front doors the room came into a cheer as the graces entered the building. Soon some of the engines rolled up to Spencer who entered behind his owners with Jayde behind him. To the silver A4’s surprise Gordon was present for this event which was a rare sight. “Good to see you finally arrived Spencer, my what took you so long?” Bittern asked as he rolled to a stop in front of his silver brother. “The Duchess of Boxford was just getting my new work comrade here looking spic and span.” Spencer said smugly as he stepped aside to reveal Jayde in their military formal uniform with medals to display and all.
Most of the engines looked very surprised to see a humanoid that was able to take them in height by a head, but they were also very shocked to see that they were wearing a 100% authentic military uniform suit. “Salutations.” Jayde stoically said down to the smaller humanoids, deciding to take the micky out of them. “Ah… h-hello, whom may you be?” Green Arrow asked as he and a few of the others gave Jayde space. “No.2 of the I.A.H corps and support of the A.R.H.I. But you may call me Jayde. Now, who are you ivory locomotive?” Jayde said looking sternly at Green Arrow.
Though it was Flying Scotsman himself who came to his cousins seeming rescue. “Why hello then Jayde, pleasure to meet you. I am the Flying Scotsman, and this is my cousin Green Arrow. This here is my brother Gordon, that one there is Bittern, next to him a little away is Mallard, a bit behind us is Duchess of Hamilton, and a lot of others are still in the main hall.” Scotsman said. Jayde clicked their tongue before looking to Spencer. “Quite the odd nuclear family you have Spencer, though, I shouldn’t be one to judge.” Jayde then took a few steps forward and began to float up into the air. “Shall we old silver?” the quadcopter grinned cheekily before pushing off into the main hall. “Oh you cheap shot young plastic!” Spencer cheered as he moved off after them.
The others were quick to follow also but so they could chat more to Spencer about the new comer. Once they entered the main hall where the preserved engines bodies were sitting they could see Jayde and Spencer move in to stand by their owners who were talking to Sir Topham Hatt. They caught up to Spencer and pulled him aside to talk while Jayde landed close by to their owners.
“Ah, here they are now. Jayde, I would like you to meet Sir Topham Hatt, controller of the north-western railway on Sodor.” The Duke said as he watched Jayde land beside them. “Oh, well hello sir Topham.” Jayde said as they offered their hand out for a shake. The stout gentlemen returned the shake in kind with a smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jayde. From what the Duke here told me you’re former military, and I can see you have a few medals.” Sir Topham said as they scaled the humanoid up. “Yes sir, I served in Iraq for two years before being withdrawn from service.” “How come? I would have thought you’d have a far longer working career than that.” “Oh… it was due to ill management sir. A chain of events that ended up in a disaster. I’d rather not speak of it.” “Completely understandable, but while I have you here I was wondering if you would like to meet my engines that I brought with me today, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them again at some point if you ever come to Sodor along with Spencer someday.” “I’d like that sir, are they close by?” “Yes, Gordon! Thomas! Could you come over here please?”
Sir Topham called out to his two blue engines who both began to head over to his location. Thomas was a hot topic at this event as many photographers came to get a picture of him, the world’s most famous engine in media. And Gordon was in a group huddle with the other engines talking to Spencer when he heard his name being called.
The two came over and stood at attention in front of their owner. “Yes sir?” Thomas asked. “Thomas, Gordon, I’d like you to meet the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s newest purchase, Jayde the Quadcopter. I expect they’ll be coming over to Sodor this summer with the graces annual summer vacation. So I’d like to get introductions sorted now.” “Ah, I believe someone already introduced me to Gordon before when Spencer showed me to his relatives. But let’s be honest here, the tank engine that needs no introductions, it’s amazing to meet you Thomas.” Jayde said as they kneeled down and offered a hand to the little engine.
Thomas smiled shakily and gently grasped Jayde’s hand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you mister.” the Duke and Duchess along with Spencer gritted their teeth with an expression that read- ‘uh oh’ when Thomas called Jayde mister. Jayde decided to play a little joke with Thomas once the opportunity aroused, they didn’t let go of Thomas’s hand as they glared with an angry expression to the little loco in front of them. “‘Mister’?” they stoically question with the engines face quickly turning fearful. “I am female. You call me miss.” Gordon backed away from the little seemingly soon to be dead tank engine with sir Topham looking to the Duke and Duchess for them to hopefully intervene.
When the number 1 engine started to attempt to back away Jayde suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter. “Pfft! Hahahahaha! Oh my god you should see the look on your face! Haha!” Thomas was suddenly very confused until it clicked that Jayde was messing with him. “Ooohhh, very good! Haha! You got me hook line and sinker just then.” The little engine laughed. “Hehe, yep. Always fun to take the micky out of unsuspecting little machines. But in all seriousness, I am a girl and not even a decade old, so I am really to be addressed as miss.” “Oh, well, my bad then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss.” Thomas repeated. “Oh please, call me Jayde. Now, I believe proper introductions are to be had with you Gordon, I’ve been told by Spencer at one point that you were the prototype of the A1’s, is that true?” Jayde asked while moving over to the engine that was closer to their height and offering a handshake.
Gordon seemed to smile a little with pride as he shook Jayde’s hand. “Why yes I was, the proud prototype to a long line of future success!” the other Gresley’s groaned as they had heard that boasting for years now. “I was actually a prototype as well, and once I proved to be a major success in Iraq they made the plans to build more of me after I was discharged, though, I unfortunately doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet any of them. Say, how about a race? I’ve had many with Spencer up until now but we’re often at an equals, I want to have the chance of racing something new, no offense Spencer.” “None taken?” the silver A4 said sounding confused on whether to be offended. ---------------- So Jayde fulled Gordon's ego and swept the rug out from under Thomas. When the Duke and Duchess had their next holiday they brought Jayde alone with them and that's how she was introduced to the others. She mixed up Edward and James's names on purpose as a joke, quote- "You both look the same to me." James took it very personally so Jayde made him a tailor-made red suit with rubies as an apology, all was forgiven after that. She made Edward a little decor piece for his tie that was a gold coin with a number 2 on it, there weren't any hard feelings but Jayde just wanted to be nice. With Henry, once she saw that he was a plant lover, she found very rare and expensive flower seeds called silent princess. She gave them to Henry and he was floored as the flower was very rare, presumed near-extinct, and the seeds alone cost a pretty penny. He was very grateful to her after that, the two often gossiping about plants since Jayde liked to paint them or make art with them as her inspiration, and Henry liked to look after them. With Percy she actually made him a letter opener to break the ice, he warmed up to her after that and the two like to chat about random stuff. With Toby she made basic pleasantries with but otherwise didn't talk to often, she liked to listen to him tell tails and that was about it. With Duck she actually completely froze, she was stuck in a state of pure shock when she saw and heard him for the first time, sort of going into a panic attack at how similar he was to her old co-piolet and how she thought she was seeing a ghost. She flew off after tears started to fall down her face and didn't really talk to him much after that aside from when she chatted with Oliver, but she admired him from a distance.

I know I'm late, but here's Toby for 7/7. I spent awhile designing him and I don't think I'm even done yet. And yes, another fattie grandpa faun. Toby doesn't have an excuse though, he actually drives his engine self so he doesn't get much exercise.

I'm going to be very late but stuff it, Toby is the next one to come to Sodor anyway. Have a Henrietta, she's Toby's ghost wife and haunts the coach Toby's tram pulls.

Finally finished Henrietta, next will be Toby and her together.
Come on Flying Scooter! I've got a spa and hot meal with your name on it!
Here comes the man.

Scotty boy! Fuckin' prick.
Yes, this is Flying Scotsman in my demon au. The sketch is not colored because I have yet to find a good picture of him for markings reference, much less colors. So here he is.
He is mostly a show demon, so his owner cares very much about physical appearance. Even if it means making him wear a constricting corset harness thing because he's extra chonky and his owner is a fat shamer.
I will sketch him without the corset soon, don't worry.
Thank you to @cindercat01 for actually giving me the idea of making Scott chonky because of his two tenders, it is actually a very good idea and makes a lot of sense.
Aight, hope you enjoy, more lore around this hefty lad will be revealed in the future. Peace. ✌️✨

Finally finished this! It was supposed to be for the 7/7 but better late than never I suppose.
Toby & Henrietta are now available for asks...

Jayde in her formal air force attire, this was fun to research.
Ready for the Gala
For @crossover-fraternity
Spencer paced back and forth along the platform of the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s privet small station for him, with the Duke himself standing close by tapping his foot while keeping an eye on his wristwatch. “Honestly, I’m regretting humoring her. How long does it need to take to put a dress on? There is no way Jayde would let her pick anything too heavy or flashy.” The Duke said as he watched the doors that lead to the station. “Maybe it’s taking them so long because the Duchess only has dresses like that for them sir.” Spencer said as he stopped pacing for a second. “I do hope they hurry up, I don’t want to be in this monkey suit for too long.” The silver engine said as he gently tugged at the fabric around his neck. “I know ol’ boy, I’d much rather be in anything else myself.” The Duke said as he fiddled with the sleeves of his own suit.
Finally the doors opened to the small station. “Oh finally, I hope Jayde doesn’t mock me for wearing this.” Spencer said as he watched the Duchess walk out in a beautiful gown. “Dear, why did it take so long?” the Duke asked his wife once she took his arm. “Jayde kept on saying no to every dress I had for her until we landed on one she said she would tolerate.” The Duchess said as she looked over to where Jayde then walked in.

Jayde had a very detailed gown on themself that dragged behind them as they walked, they also had a new wig on that had their hair plated to the side over their shoulder. A circlet around their forehead, earing’s, even a bit of eye shadow. If Spencer and the Duke didn’t know any better they’d say Jayde was trying out to become the next Disney princess.
Jayde walked up to the group and looked to Spencer with a none too pleased look. “If you say anything I’m putting you in this and taking that tuxedo.” “Oh nonsense darling, you look amazing.” The Duchess said with a smile. “Ma’am, while I respect your work and what you’ve done for me, I regret letting you convince me into this. I have a formal service suit, I really should have just worn that.” Jayde said as they hugged their arms. “I agree, a lot of the other machines that normally visit aren’t going to get a good first impression of you. Or at least, the impression you’d want.” Spencer said making Jayde groan into their hands. “Now, now everyone, lets hop aboard and get this night over with. Jayde, you are more than welcome to go quickly grab that suit so you can change at the reception.” The duke said making Jayde instantly perk up, and as quickly as they could go grab their necessities. “Oh but she looks so beautiful.” The Duchess said. “Spencer, you have freedom of speech on this one.” The Duke said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ma’am it looked like a fountain explosion over them.” The Duke had to fight hard to restrain the snort that nearly came out of his throat.
Once Jayde was back they all quickly entered the coach Spencer was pulling, this being a tailored coach so the humanoids could fit in it comfortably. When Spencer did the finale check with his temporary driver he came in to the coach to join the others, and then not long after they got moving to the railway museum in York for its fundraiser event.
As they traveled down the way Jayde watched as the scenery went by, they weren’t worried about their humanoid body traveling too far from their quadcopter, they were built for long-distance separation. So it was a joy to Jayde to watch the plains go by as a black sea from a coach. “What do you think Jayde? Like the roles being reversed?” Spencer asked as he sat next to them looking out the same window. “Well nothing beats being able to get somewhere under your own power, but the humbleness of this is quite an experience.” Jayde hummed as they eyed the moon. “Would still rather be up front with me traveling beside my cab?” Spencer asked with a smirk. Jayde elbowed Spencer gently with a snort as they broke into a laugh. “Would you rather be running alongside me around the estate's terrain?” Jayde retorted. Spencer chuckled. “Touche.”
The two traveled in silence for a little longer before Spencer sighed out. “You know, however many times I travel these rails the scenery is the one thing that will never get old. It always manages to stay unique no matter what time of day it is.” “I bet it doesn’t old silver, I can’t wait until the day I can't count how many paintings of scenery I’ve done.” Spencer laughed as it was his turn to elbow Jayde. “I can’t wait until the day I’m a hundred to see that happen young plastic.” The two laughed again as they got comfortable for the long journey.
They rested for a little while before an idea came to Jayde about their destination. “Say, Spencer.” “Hm?” “What can I expect from the other engines that are at this museum? And are there any other types of machines that accompany other rich folk there like the Duke and Duchess?” “Oh there are a few, mostly nowadays they come in their own privet choppers.” “Brilliant, single whirly birds.” “Tell me about it… but about the engines, most of them are actually family members of mine. A few cousins and a few of my brothers.” “Oh? What are your brothers like? You haven’t told me much about them except in passing from your early days.” “They’re like all other Greasley’s before us, proud and smug. I’m actually keen to introduce you to Mallard specifically.” “He’s the blue duck with the record right?” “Pfft! Y-Yes, that’s him.” “I sense an ego that needs to be checked.” “Yep, it’s one of the reasons I was hoping you’d bring out the suit soon.” “Hmm…” Jayde hummed as they looked in the reflection of the glass window.
“I think I’m going to forgo the dress now anyhow.” The ex-military craft said before getting up from their seat and getting their military formal suit. “Ooh, I don’t think the Duchess will be happy with you.” Spencer said as he watched Jayde strip. “I’m her chauffeur and bodyguard, not her mannequin.” Jayde said as they ditched the wig they had and put on their shorter-haired one that was swept backwards. “And besides, it would be dishonourable to not acknowledge my great origins.” “Hm, very fair point.” Spencer hummed as he turned to watch the horizons pass as they got closer to York.
Once they stopped at the platform of the museum for visiting engines, Jayde and Spencer exited their side of the coach and opened the door for the Duke and Duchess. When the Duchess saw that Jayde had changed she pouted. “Aw, couldn’t you even survive the trip Jayde?” she asked. “I figured it’d be more formal to show my official attire given to me by my place of origin ma’am. Besides, I feel I have a lot more to be proud of than in a dress.” Jayde said as they and Spencer took to standing behind the couple and letting them take the lead. The Duke smiled and held his wife’s arm to guide them inside whom smiled back as she held on and began to walk with.
When they entered the front doors the room came into a cheer as the graces entered the building. Soon some of the engines rolled up to Spencer who entered behind his owners with Jayde behind him. To the silver A4’s surprise Gordon was present for this event which was a rare sight. “Good to see you finally arrived Spencer, my what took you so long?” Bittern asked as he rolled to a stop in front of his silver brother. “The Duchess of Boxford was just getting my new work comrade here looking spic and span.” Spencer said smugly as he stepped aside to reveal Jayde in their military formal uniform with medals to display and all.

Most of the engines looked very surprised to see a humanoid that was able to take them in height by a head, but they were also very shocked to see that they were wearing a 100% authentic military uniform suit. “Salutations.” Jayde stoically said down to the smaller humanoids, deciding to take the micky out of them. “Ah… h-hello, whom may you be?” Green Arrow asked as he and a few of the others gave Jayde space. “No.2 of the I.A.H corps and support of the A.R.H.I. But you may call me Jayde. Now, who are you ivory locomotive?” Jayde said looking sternly at Green Arrow.
Though it was Flying Scotsman himself who came to his cousin's seeming rescue. “Why hello then Jayde, pleasure to meet you. I am the Flying Scotsman, and this is my cousin Green Arrow. This here is my brother Gordon, that one there is Bittern, next to him a little away is Mallard, a bit behind us is Duchess of Hamilton, and a lot of others are still in the main hall.” Scotsman said. Jayde clicked their tongue before looking at Spencer. “Quite the odd nuclear family you have Spencer, though, I shouldn’t be one to judge.” Jayde then took a few steps forward and began to float up into the air. “Shall we old silver?” the quadcopter grinned cheekily before pushing off into the main hall. “Oh you cheap shot young plastic!” Spencer cheered as he moved off after them.
The others were quick to follow also but so they could chat more to Spencer about the newcomer. Once they entered the main hall where the preserved engines bodies were sitting they could see Jayde and Spencer move in to stand by their owners who were talking to Sir Topham Hatt. They caught up to Spencer and pulled him aside to talk while Jayde landed close by to their owners.
“Ah, here they are now. Jayde, I would like you to meet Sir Topham Hatt, controller of the north-western railway on Sodor.” The Duke said as he watched Jayde land beside them. “Oh, well hello sir Topham.” Jayde said as they offered their hand out for a shake. The stout gentlemen returned the shake in kind with a smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jayde. From what the Duke here told me you’re former military, and I can see you have a few medals.” Sir Topham said as they scaled the humanoid up. “Yes sir, I served in Iraq for two years before being withdrawn from service.” “How come? I would have thought you’d have a far longer working career than that.” “Oh… it was due to ill management sir. A chain of events that ended up in a disaster. I’d rather not speak of it.” “Completely understandable, but while I have you here I was wondering if you would like to meet my engines that I brought with me today, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them again at some point if you ever come to Sodor along with Spencer someday.” “I’d like that sir, are they close by?” “Yes, Gordon! Thomas! Could you come over here please?”
Sir Topham called out to his two blue engines who both began to head over to his location. Thomas was a hot topic at this event as many photographers came to get a picture of him, the world’s most famous engine in media. And Gordon was in a group huddle with the other engines talking to Spencer when he heard his name being called.
The two came over and stood at attention in front of their owner. “Yes sir?” Thomas asked. “Thomas, Gordon, I’d like you to meet the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s newest purchase, Jayde the Quadcopter. I expect they’ll be coming over to Sodor this summer with the graces annual summer vacation. So I’d like to get introductions sorted now.” “Ah, I believe someone already introduced me to Gordon before when Spencer showed me to his relatives. But let’s be honest here, the tank engine that needs no introductions, it’s amazing to meet you Thomas.” Jayde said as they kneeled down and offered a hand to the little engine.
Thomas smiled shakily and gently grasped Jayde’s hand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you mister.” the Duke and Duchess along with Spencer gritted their teeth with an expression that read- ‘uh oh’ when Thomas called Jayde mister. Jayde decided to play a little joke with Thomas once the opportunity aroused, they didn’t let go of Thomas’s hand as they glared with an angry expression to the little loco in front of them. “‘Mister’?” they stoically question with the engines face quickly turning fearful. “I am female. You call me miss.” Gordon backed away from the little seemingly soon to be dead tank engine with sir Topham looking to the Duke and Duchess for them to hopefully intervene.
When the number 1 engine started to attempt to back away Jayde suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter. “Pfft! Hahahahaha! Oh my god you should see the look on your face! Haha!” Thomas was suddenly very confused until it clicked that Jayde was messing with him. “Ooohhh, very good! Haha! You got me hook line and sinker just then.” The little engine laughed. “Hehe, yep. Always fun to take the micky out of unsuspecting little machines. But in all seriousness, I am a girl and not even a decade old, so I am really to be addressed as miss.” “Oh, well, my bad then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss.” Thomas repeated. “Oh please, call me Jayde. Now, I believe proper introductions are to be had with you Gordon, I’ve been told by Spencer at one point that you were the prototype of the A1’s, is that true?” Jayde asked while moving over to the engine that was closer to their height and offering a handshake.
Gordon seemed to smile a little with pride as he shook Jayde’s hand. “Why yes I was, the proud prototype to a long line of future success!” the other Gresley’s groaned as they had heard that boasting for years now. “I was actually a prototype as well, and once I proved to be a major success in Iraq they made the plans to build more of me after I was discharged, though, I unfortunately doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet any of them. Say, how about a race? I’ve had many with Spencer up until now but we’re often at an equals, I want to have the chance of racing something new, no offence Spencer.” “None taken?” the silver A4 said sounding confused on whether to be offended.
Gordon hummed before smiling. “Oh why not? But on the condition of you can’t fly.” “Do I look like I was built yesterday? Obviously I’d win if I flew, and I’ve always played fair in a foot race to non-flyers.” Jayde chuckled before unlocking their rotors from their back and removing them. The quadcopter placed the blades on the ground before stretching a little and looking ready to face the big blue engine. “Uh, Jayde?” the Duke asked pointing to Jayde’s suit vest. “I can hold onto those, you go have your fun.” “Oh thank you sir, and nice catch, the last thing I’d want is to ruin this.” Jayde said as they removed their suit vest and gently folded it to hand to the Duke. “I was told there was a track around here?” Jayde asked Gordon. “Yes, just outside, it should be lit up for us to use.” Gordon said as he lead the way to the outside gardens with the other engines following.
Scotsman leaned over to Spencer to whisper to him. “Spencer, be honest, how likely is Gordon to win?” “I’m honestly not sure, me and Jayde always tie.” That set the engines for a little curiosity as they were now a little intrigued.
When the group got outside, they were just in time to bare witness to the end of a pair of helicopters finishing a race as they dived over the green field. They bickered and boasted in the air before looking down to see the engines and Jayde walking out and watching them. “Oh? Did you loco’s finally come out to see the air show?” one taunted. “That was an air show? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were speeding from a flock.” Jayde said with a hand on their hip.
The engines held in some chuckles and bits of laughter as it became obvious that Jayde had touched a nerve with these choppers. “How would you know you human posing weirdo? Last I knew you need rotors to fly.” The other snarled with a few other copters coming over to see the situation. “I almost feel bad for them that they’ve never seen a paper airplane.” Jayde leaned over to a loud whisper at the engines and grinned when they heard the copters rotors revving harder in place. “Well regardless, I have a race to win. Gordon? Limber and ready?” “Don’t be so sure young iron, boasting is the barer of brief karma.” Gordon grinned as they readied up on the track. “I’d ask you about it but I have a book series to do that for me.” Jayde teased back. Gordon gritted his teeth in ready while huffing off some steam, Jayde paid no mind to the cloud of vapoured water as they got on their knees and readied up.
“Spencer? Care to do the honours?” Jayde asked. “Certainly! On your marks, get set… …GO!” the two bolded off at Spencer’s whistle, Gordon gliding into strides of drawn skates, while Jayde’s light deer-like legs ran at the speed of sounding like typing.
You may be wondering why Jayde didn’t just race with their rotors on, yes they wouldn’t be flying so what was the difference if they kept them on? For one instincts on automatically flying would be a fast way to be called out as liar and cheating, and two because Jayde was actually back heavy with them on. So whenever Jayde raced anybody in a foot race they would remove their means of flight to make them lighter and avoid accidently cheating.
As the two humanoids trekked down the lanes and came to the finish line they ended up tying, much to the shock of the others. “Again? Jayde, I’m beginning to think you willingly tie just to not make people feel bad.” Spencer huffed and crossed his arms. “No, no, if I raced Thomas I know I’d win. It’s just you expresses that make me at ties.” Jayde huffed as they breathed to cool their systems down along with Gordon. “That was amazing! For a machine without wheels you actually kept up with Gordon! That’s no easy feat.” Thomas smiled as he bounced around a bit in front of the champions.
“Yes, yes, very fast for a road runner.” One of the copters from before teased. Jayde grinned mischievously before winking at Spencer. “How about a race then?” Jayde asked. The helicopters looked stuped at Jayde’s request before they all burst out laughing, when they realised Jayde was serious they dropped their chortles before addressing Jayde again. “You cannot be really that stupid, you race against any of us? We don’t intend on letting our gear touch the ground.” Spencer grew a little steamy with the insult. He was about to tell them off when Jayde stopped him.
“I’ll just go get my props.” They smirked before skipping back in doors. There was a long few seconds to spare until Jayde got back so Thomas just glanced up at Spencer with a crook smile. “Oh she’s gonna make them trap scrap isn’t she?” he whispered. “Quite likely yes.” Spencer whispered back.
They were proven right when Jayde blazed through the doors and swept up into the sky, their wake of gale shoving the other flyers aside when they rushed past.
Jayde came to a hover in front of the choppers with a scrap eating grin on their face, their military blazer with their medals back on in full view. “Which one of you turbo cutter whirl heads is first?” the quadcopter asked with the glee of a commander. The helicopters suddenly felt very scared when they realised Jayde was actually military, they all parted for a larger humanoid copter that was at the back, he slowly hovered forward to face Jayde. A Westland Lynx, a class that did exactly what Jayde was built for except she was built to do it bigger and better. And if the young craft’s memory served right this guy’s class was to be retired in a few years from now, it seemed one had been withdrawn already and someone privately owned him.
“Your one of those quad-busses aren’t you? A normal drone wouldn’t even be half the size of an engine.” He asked. “I am, what’s a veteran like you doing here?” Jayde retorted. “I should be asking you that young iron.” The veteran spat as the two hovered closer almost butting heads. “Discharged due to metal health, I was fortunate enough to not be sent to an early reapers torch.” “Ugh, I knew this would happen when they started the idea of “humanizing” their crafts, you wouldn’t find anyone older than you with such problems.” “At least I have a life expectancy of quadruple what yours is because of it crack metal.” The two revved their engines hard as they grit their teeth, it was clear that there was a competition brewing.
Spencer to Jayde’s relief stepped in however, him being an actual locomotive he got a more prominent say in this building. “Oi! Save it for the skies you two, put it into the actual competition.” The silver engine scolded the two flyers. Jayde shot a glare at the veteran before landing on the ground in the green field with the other following suit. The younger took off their blazer and left it on the ground before glancing to Spencer to start the race.
He nodded and rolled to the side of their path. “Your course will be around the estate of the museum in five laps, whomever touches down first back here is the winner. On my whistle, take off. On your marks…” Jayde flicked on a second eyelid as extra coverage while the veteran had visor glasses click to in front of his eyes. “…Get set…” the two copters started up their engines fast, their rotors and blades spinning but not taking off. “FWOOOO!” Once Spencer’s whistle blew the two took off with speeds the locomotives could only dream off.
Jayde was lighter, bigger and had more rotors than the veteran, but the chopper was smaller, sturdier and had the stronger engine. It was honestly anyone’s guess as to who would win.
The two dived and weaved through the many trees that were tall enough to be in their path as well as the flag polls. Jayde flew low to the ground to create more air lift as most of the force they made was pointed down evenly, essentially making them a large hover board. The older war machine flew higher to catch the wind and let their blades carry them, he made fast pace with Jayde and was high enough to see a small crowd gathering around to watch them.
Once the two reached their second lap coming up on third, Jayde had given a wicked grin up to the chopper and then flew up to his level, he then watched in shock as the younger rotors reeved their engine harder and began to overtake the veteran by meters and steadily more. Eventually Jayde overtook the older model by a whole lap and landed with a swoop back on the green field with a crowd of engines and humans alike cheering for the winner. When the looser landed he looked extremely out of breath as he slumped to the ground gasping and vacuuming in air to cool his systems down.
Jayde was tackled by Spencer into a hug as he was practically bouncing on his wheels with a smile on his face looking incredibly proud, the other engines scatting around Jayde in circles cheering as they peeped and blared their whistles in congratulations. The humans all giving their cheers as well when the Duke and Duchess of Boxford stepped through the crowd and approached the quadcopter.
“Jayde the Quadcopter!” the Duke shouted causing the crowd to hush up and the other helicopters to look smugly at the taller craft. “Aww flipping fusses…” Jayde groaned. “Trouble thine name is Jayde~” Thomas said in a little mock tone causing the flyer to shoot him a glare.
When the graces had stepped to in front of their flying craft they did not look happy. “What is this? I thought you were better than this to indulge in such juvenile behaviour Jayde, you have always been the bigger person in these situations to heed teasing no mind.” The Duke said. “He insulted my class sir, and gave a very unpropped conduct of view to ground based vehicles.” Jayde argued. “Did he insult any of the engines?” “No, it was a wide based insult.” “Then why did you humour him?” the Duchess asked looking just as cross as her bow. “I believe his ego needed to be knocked down a peg or two.” Jayde said glaring to the veteran who presumably now had his owner by his side.
“Well I hope it was worth it, because now your allowance is going to be lowered and you will have no internet for a week. Spencer, fire up your engine were leaving.” The Duke said causing Jayde to grow wide-eyed. “What?!” they shouted. “I’ve heard enough! Let's go.” Jayde began to fume at their owner's words and paced in frustration for a second before jetting off into the night sky kicking up a lot of wind in their wake. Spencer, the Duke and Duchess all called after them when the silver humanoid saw that his work college was heading in the direction of the estate, likely flying home. “I believe they're flying home your graces, we should see them when we get back.” “Put metal to the peddle Spencer I want us back sharpish.” The Duke ordered before turning on his heels to head back to where Spencer’s engine was residing. “Yes sir…” Spencer hushed out before glumly looking at his cousins and siblings then moving off after his owners.
Oooh! Fancy bois!
Ready for the Gala
For @crossover-fraternity
Spencer paced back and forth along the platform of the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s privet small station for him, with the Duke himself standing close by tapping his foot while keeping an eye on his wristwatch. “Honestly, I’m regretting humoring her. How long does it need to take to put a dress on? There is no way Jayde would let her pick anything too heavy or flashy.” The Duke said as he watched the doors that lead to the station. “Maybe it’s taking them so long because the Duchess only has dresses like that for them sir.” Spencer said as he stopped pacing for a second. “I do hope they hurry up, I don’t want to be in this monkey suit for too long.” The silver engine said as he gently tugged at the fabric around his neck. “I know ol’ boy, I’d much rather be in anything else myself.” The Duke said as he fiddled with the sleeves of his own suit.
Finally the doors opened to the small station. “Oh finally, I hope Jayde doesn’t mock me for wearing this.” Spencer said as he watched the Duchess walk out in a beautiful gown. “Dear, why did it take so long?” the Duke asked his wife once she took his arm. “Jayde kept on saying no to every dress I had for her until we landed on one she said she would tolerate.” The Duchess said as she looked over to where Jayde then walked in.

Jayde had a very detailed gown on themself that dragged behind them as they walked, they also had a new wig on that had their hair plated to the side over their shoulder. A circlet around their forehead, earing’s, even a bit of eye shadow. If Spencer and the Duke didn’t know any better they’d say Jayde was trying out to become the next Disney princess.
Jayde walked up to the group and looked to Spencer with a none too pleased look. “If you say anything I’m putting you in this and taking that tuxedo.” “Oh nonsense darling, you look amazing.” The Duchess said with a smile. “Ma’am, while I respect your work and what you’ve done for me, I regret letting you convince me into this. I have a formal service suit, I really should have just worn that.” Jayde said as they hugged their arms. “I agree, a lot of the other machines that normally visit aren’t going to get a good first impression of you. Or at least, the impression you’d want.” Spencer said making Jayde groan into their hands. “Now, now everyone, lets hop aboard and get this night over with. Jayde, you are more than welcome to go quickly grab that suit so you can change at the reception.” The duke said making Jayde instantly perk up, and as quickly as they could go grab their necessities. “Oh but she looks so beautiful.” The Duchess said. “Spencer, you have freedom of speech on this one.” The Duke said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ma’am it looked like a fountain explosion over them.” The Duke had to fight hard to restrain the snort that nearly came out of his throat.
Once Jayde was back they all quickly entered the coach Spencer was pulling, this being a tailored coach so the humanoids could fit in it comfortably. When Spencer did the finale check with his temporary driver he came in to the coach to join the others, and then not long after they got moving to the railway museum in York for its fundraiser event.
As they traveled down the way Jayde watched as the scenery went by, they weren’t worried about their humanoid body traveling too far from their quadcopter, they were built for long-distance separation. So it was a joy to Jayde to watch the plains go by as a black sea from a coach. “What do you think Jayde? Like the roles being reversed?” Spencer asked as he sat next to them looking out the same window. “Well nothing beats being able to get somewhere under your own power, but the humbleness of this is quite an experience.” Jayde hummed as they eyed the moon. “Would still rather be up front with me traveling beside my cab?” Spencer asked with a smirk. Jayde elbowed Spencer gently with a snort as they broke into a laugh. “Would you rather be running alongside me around the estate's terrain?” Jayde retorted. Spencer chuckled. “Touche.”
The two traveled in silence for a little longer before Spencer sighed out. “You know, however many times I travel these rails the scenery is the one thing that will never get old. It always manages to stay unique no matter what time of day it is.” “I bet it doesn’t old silver, I can’t wait until the day I can't count how many paintings of scenery I’ve done.” Spencer laughed as it was his turn to elbow Jayde. “I can’t wait until the day I’m a hundred to see that happen young plastic.” The two laughed again as they got comfortable for the long journey.
They rested for a little while before an idea came to Jayde about their destination. “Say, Spencer.” “Hm?” “What can I expect from the other engines that are at this museum? And are there any other types of machines that accompany other rich folk there like the Duke and Duchess?” “Oh there are a few, mostly nowadays they come in their own privet choppers.” “Brilliant, single whirly birds.” “Tell me about it… but about the engines, most of them are actually family members of mine. A few cousins and a few of my brothers.” “Oh? What are your brothers like? You haven’t told me much about them except in passing from your early days.” “They’re like all other Greasley’s before us, proud and smug. I’m actually keen to introduce you to Mallard specifically.” “He’s the blue duck with the record right?” “Pfft! Y-Yes, that’s him.” “I sense an ego that needs to be checked.” “Yep, it’s one of the reasons I was hoping you’d bring out the suit soon.” “Hmm…” Jayde hummed as they looked in the reflection of the glass window.
“I think I’m going to forgo the dress now anyhow.” The ex-military craft said before getting up from their seat and getting their military formal suit. “Ooh, I don’t think the Duchess will be happy with you.” Spencer said as he watched Jayde strip. “I’m her chauffeur and bodyguard, not her mannequin.” Jayde said as they ditched the wig they had and put on their shorter-haired one that was swept backwards. “And besides, it would be dishonourable to not acknowledge my great origins.” “Hm, very fair point.” Spencer hummed as he turned to watch the horizons pass as they got closer to York.
Once they stopped at the platform of the museum for visiting engines, Jayde and Spencer exited their side of the coach and opened the door for the Duke and Duchess. When the Duchess saw that Jayde had changed she pouted. “Aw, couldn’t you even survive the trip Jayde?” she asked. “I figured it’d be more formal to show my official attire given to me by my place of origin ma’am. Besides, I feel I have a lot more to be proud of than in a dress.” Jayde said as they and Spencer took to standing behind the couple and letting them take the lead. The Duke smiled and held his wife’s arm to guide them inside whom smiled back as she held on and began to walk with.
When they entered the front doors the room came into a cheer as the graces entered the building. Soon some of the engines rolled up to Spencer who entered behind his owners with Jayde behind him. To the silver A4’s surprise Gordon was present for this event which was a rare sight. “Good to see you finally arrived Spencer, my what took you so long?” Bittern asked as he rolled to a stop in front of his silver brother. “The Duchess of Boxford was just getting my new work comrade here looking spic and span.” Spencer said smugly as he stepped aside to reveal Jayde in their military formal uniform with medals to display and all.

Most of the engines looked very surprised to see a humanoid that was able to take them in height by a head, but they were also very shocked to see that they were wearing a 100% authentic military uniform suit. “Salutations.” Jayde stoically said down to the smaller humanoids, deciding to take the micky out of them. “Ah… h-hello, whom may you be?” Green Arrow asked as he and a few of the others gave Jayde space. “No.2 of the I.A.H corps and support of the A.R.H.I. But you may call me Jayde. Now, who are you ivory locomotive?” Jayde said looking sternly at Green Arrow.
Though it was Flying Scotsman himself who came to his cousin's seeming rescue. “Why hello then Jayde, pleasure to meet you. I am the Flying Scotsman, and this is my cousin Green Arrow. This here is my brother Gordon, that one there is Bittern, next to him a little away is Mallard, a bit behind us is Duchess of Hamilton, and a lot of others are still in the main hall.” Scotsman said. Jayde clicked their tongue before looking at Spencer. “Quite the odd nuclear family you have Spencer, though, I shouldn’t be one to judge.” Jayde then took a few steps forward and began to float up into the air. “Shall we old silver?” the quadcopter grinned cheekily before pushing off into the main hall. “Oh you cheap shot young plastic!” Spencer cheered as he moved off after them.
The others were quick to follow also but so they could chat more to Spencer about the newcomer. Once they entered the main hall where the preserved engines bodies were sitting they could see Jayde and Spencer move in to stand by their owners who were talking to Sir Topham Hatt. They caught up to Spencer and pulled him aside to talk while Jayde landed close by to their owners.
“Ah, here they are now. Jayde, I would like you to meet Sir Topham Hatt, controller of the north-western railway on Sodor.” The Duke said as he watched Jayde land beside them. “Oh, well hello sir Topham.” Jayde said as they offered their hand out for a shake. The stout gentlemen returned the shake in kind with a smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jayde. From what the Duke here told me you’re former military, and I can see you have a few medals.” Sir Topham said as they scaled the humanoid up. “Yes sir, I served in Iraq for two years before being withdrawn from service.” “How come? I would have thought you’d have a far longer working career than that.” “Oh… it was due to ill management sir. A chain of events that ended up in a disaster. I’d rather not speak of it.” “Completely understandable, but while I have you here I was wondering if you would like to meet my engines that I brought with me today, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them again at some point if you ever come to Sodor along with Spencer someday.” “I’d like that sir, are they close by?” “Yes, Gordon! Thomas! Could you come over here please?”
Sir Topham called out to his two blue engines who both began to head over to his location. Thomas was a hot topic at this event as many photographers came to get a picture of him, the world’s most famous engine in media. And Gordon was in a group huddle with the other engines talking to Spencer when he heard his name being called.
The two came over and stood at attention in front of their owner. “Yes sir?” Thomas asked. “Thomas, Gordon, I’d like you to meet the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s newest purchase, Jayde the Quadcopter. I expect they’ll be coming over to Sodor this summer with the graces annual summer vacation. So I’d like to get introductions sorted now.” “Ah, I believe someone already introduced me to Gordon before when Spencer showed me to his relatives. But let’s be honest here, the tank engine that needs no introductions, it’s amazing to meet you Thomas.” Jayde said as they kneeled down and offered a hand to the little engine.
Thomas smiled shakily and gently grasped Jayde’s hand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you mister.” the Duke and Duchess along with Spencer gritted their teeth with an expression that read- ‘uh oh’ when Thomas called Jayde mister. Jayde decided to play a little joke with Thomas once the opportunity aroused, they didn’t let go of Thomas’s hand as they glared with an angry expression to the little loco in front of them. “‘Mister’?” they stoically question with the engines face quickly turning fearful. “I am female. You call me miss.” Gordon backed away from the little seemingly soon to be dead tank engine with sir Topham looking to the Duke and Duchess for them to hopefully intervene.
When the number 1 engine started to attempt to back away Jayde suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter. “Pfft! Hahahahaha! Oh my god you should see the look on your face! Haha!” Thomas was suddenly very confused until it clicked that Jayde was messing with him. “Ooohhh, very good! Haha! You got me hook line and sinker just then.” The little engine laughed. “Hehe, yep. Always fun to take the micky out of unsuspecting little machines. But in all seriousness, I am a girl and not even a decade old, so I am really to be addressed as miss.” “Oh, well, my bad then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss.” Thomas repeated. “Oh please, call me Jayde. Now, I believe proper introductions are to be had with you Gordon, I’ve been told by Spencer at one point that you were the prototype of the A1’s, is that true?” Jayde asked while moving over to the engine that was closer to their height and offering a handshake.
Gordon seemed to smile a little with pride as he shook Jayde’s hand. “Why yes I was, the proud prototype to a long line of future success!” the other Gresley’s groaned as they had heard that boasting for years now. “I was actually a prototype as well, and once I proved to be a major success in Iraq they made the plans to build more of me after I was discharged, though, I unfortunately doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet any of them. Say, how about a race? I’ve had many with Spencer up until now but we’re often at an equals, I want to have the chance of racing something new, no offence Spencer.” “None taken?” the silver A4 said sounding confused on whether to be offended.
Gordon hummed before smiling. “Oh why not? But on the condition of you can’t fly.” “Do I look like I was built yesterday? Obviously I’d win if I flew, and I’ve always played fair in a foot race to non-flyers.” Jayde chuckled before unlocking their rotors from their back and removing them. The quadcopter placed the blades on the ground before stretching a little and looking ready to face the big blue engine. “Uh, Jayde?” the Duke asked pointing to Jayde’s suit vest. “I can hold onto those, you go have your fun.” “Oh thank you sir, and nice catch, the last thing I’d want is to ruin this.” Jayde said as they removed their suit vest and gently folded it to hand to the Duke. “I was told there was a track around here?” Jayde asked Gordon. “Yes, just outside, it should be lit up for us to use.” Gordon said as he lead the way to the outside gardens with the other engines following.
Scotsman leaned over to Spencer to whisper to him. “Spencer, be honest, how likely is Gordon to win?” “I’m honestly not sure, me and Jayde always tie.” That set the engines for a little curiosity as they were now a little intrigued.
When the group got outside, they were just in time to bare witness to the end of a pair of helicopters finishing a race as they dived over the green field. They bickered and boasted in the air before looking down to see the engines and Jayde walking out and watching them. “Oh? Did you loco’s finally come out to see the air show?” one taunted. “That was an air show? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were speeding from a flock.” Jayde said with a hand on their hip.
The engines held in some chuckles and bits of laughter as it became obvious that Jayde had touched a nerve with these choppers. “How would you know you human posing weirdo? Last I knew you need rotors to fly.” The other snarled with a few other copters coming over to see the situation. “I almost feel bad for them that they’ve never seen a paper airplane.” Jayde leaned over to a loud whisper at the engines and grinned when they heard the copters rotors revving harder in place. “Well regardless, I have a race to win. Gordon? Limber and ready?” “Don’t be so sure young iron, boasting is the barer of brief karma.” Gordon grinned as they readied up on the track. “I’d ask you about it but I have a book series to do that for me.” Jayde teased back. Gordon gritted his teeth in ready while huffing off some steam, Jayde paid no mind to the cloud of vapoured water as they got on their knees and readied up.
“Spencer? Care to do the honours?” Jayde asked. “Certainly! On your marks, get set… …GO!” the two bolded off at Spencer’s whistle, Gordon gliding into strides of drawn skates, while Jayde’s light deer-like legs ran at the speed of sounding like typing.
You may be wondering why Jayde didn’t just race with their rotors on, yes they wouldn’t be flying so what was the difference if they kept them on? For one instincts on automatically flying would be a fast way to be called out as liar and cheating, and two because Jayde was actually back heavy with them on. So whenever Jayde raced anybody in a foot race they would remove their means of flight to make them lighter and avoid accidently cheating.
As the two humanoids trekked down the lanes and came to the finish line they ended up tying, much to the shock of the others. “Again? Jayde, I’m beginning to think you willingly tie just to not make people feel bad.” Spencer huffed and crossed his arms. “No, no, if I raced Thomas I know I’d win. It’s just you expresses that make me at ties.” Jayde huffed as they breathed to cool their systems down along with Gordon. “That was amazing! For a machine without wheels you actually kept up with Gordon! That’s no easy feat.” Thomas smiled as he bounced around a bit in front of the champions.
“Yes, yes, very fast for a road runner.” One of the copters from before teased. Jayde grinned mischievously before winking at Spencer. “How about a race then?” Jayde asked. The helicopters looked stuped at Jayde’s request before they all burst out laughing, when they realised Jayde was serious they dropped their chortles before addressing Jayde again. “You cannot be really that stupid, you race against any of us? We don’t intend on letting our gear touch the ground.” Spencer grew a little steamy with the insult. He was about to tell them off when Jayde stopped him.
“I’ll just go get my props.” They smirked before skipping back in doors. There was a long few seconds to spare until Jayde got back so Thomas just glanced up at Spencer with a crook smile. “Oh she’s gonna make them trap scrap isn’t she?” he whispered. “Quite likely yes.” Spencer whispered back.
They were proven right when Jayde blazed through the doors and swept up into the sky, their wake of gale shoving the other flyers aside when they rushed past.
Jayde came to a hover in front of the choppers with a scrap eating grin on their face, their military blazer with their medals back on in full view. “Which one of you turbo cutter whirl heads is first?” the quadcopter asked with the glee of a commander. The helicopters suddenly felt very scared when they realised Jayde was actually military, they all parted for a larger humanoid copter that was at the back, he slowly hovered forward to face Jayde. A Westland Lynx, a class that did exactly what Jayde was built for except she was built to do it bigger and better. And if the young craft’s memory served right this guy’s class was to be retired in a few years from now, it seemed one had been withdrawn already and someone privately owned him.
“Your one of those quad-busses aren’t you? A normal drone wouldn’t even be half the size of an engine.” He asked. “I am, what’s a veteran like you doing here?” Jayde retorted. “I should be asking you that young iron.” The veteran spat as the two hovered closer almost butting heads. “Discharged due to metal health, I was fortunate enough to not be sent to an early reapers torch.” “Ugh, I knew this would happen when they started the idea of “humanizing” their crafts, you wouldn’t find anyone older than you with such problems.” “At least I have a life expectancy of quadruple what yours is because of it crack metal.” The two revved their engines hard as they grit their teeth, it was clear that there was a competition brewing.
Spencer to Jayde’s relief stepped in however, him being an actual locomotive he got a more prominent say in this building. “Oi! Save it for the skies you two, put it into the actual competition.” The silver engine scolded the two flyers. Jayde shot a glare at the veteran before landing on the ground in the green field with the other following suit. The younger took off their blazer and left it on the ground before glancing to Spencer to start the race.
He nodded and rolled to the side of their path. “Your course will be around the estate of the museum in five laps, whomever touches down first back here is the winner. On my whistle, take off. On your marks…” Jayde flicked on a second eyelid as extra coverage while the veteran had visor glasses click to in front of his eyes. “…Get set…” the two copters started up their engines fast, their rotors and blades spinning but not taking off. “FWOOOO!” Once Spencer’s whistle blew the two took off with speeds the locomotives could only dream off.
Jayde was lighter, bigger and had more rotors than the veteran, but the chopper was smaller, sturdier and had the stronger engine. It was honestly anyone’s guess as to who would win.
The two dived and weaved through the many trees that were tall enough to be in their path as well as the flag polls. Jayde flew low to the ground to create more air lift as most of the force they made was pointed down evenly, essentially making them a large hover board. The older war machine flew higher to catch the wind and let their blades carry them, he made fast pace with Jayde and was high enough to see a small crowd gathering around to watch them.
Once the two reached their second lap coming up on third, Jayde had given a wicked grin up to the chopper and then flew up to his level, he then watched in shock as the younger rotors reeved their engine harder and began to overtake the veteran by meters and steadily more. Eventually Jayde overtook the older model by a whole lap and landed with a swoop back on the green field with a crowd of engines and humans alike cheering for the winner. When the looser landed he looked extremely out of breath as he slumped to the ground gasping and vacuuming in air to cool his systems down.
Jayde was tackled by Spencer into a hug as he was practically bouncing on his wheels with a smile on his face looking incredibly proud, the other engines scatting around Jayde in circles cheering as they peeped and blared their whistles in congratulations. The humans all giving their cheers as well when the Duke and Duchess of Boxford stepped through the crowd and approached the quadcopter.
“Jayde the Quadcopter!” the Duke shouted causing the crowd to hush up and the other helicopters to look smugly at the taller craft. “Aww flipping fusses…” Jayde groaned. “Trouble thine name is Jayde~” Thomas said in a little mock tone causing the flyer to shoot him a glare.
When the graces had stepped to in front of their flying craft they did not look happy. “What is this? I thought you were better than this to indulge in such juvenile behaviour Jayde, you have always been the bigger person in these situations to heed teasing no mind.” The Duke said. “He insulted my class sir, and gave a very unpropped conduct of view to ground based vehicles.” Jayde argued. “Did he insult any of the engines?” “No, it was a wide based insult.” “Then why did you humour him?” the Duchess asked looking just as cross as her bow. “I believe his ego needed to be knocked down a peg or two.” Jayde said glaring to the veteran who presumably now had his owner by his side.
“Well I hope it was worth it, because now your allowance is going to be lowered and you will have no internet for a week. Spencer, fire up your engine were leaving.” The Duke said causing Jayde to grow wide-eyed. “What?!” they shouted. “I’ve heard enough! Let's go.” Jayde began to fume at their owner's words and paced in frustration for a second before jetting off into the night sky kicking up a lot of wind in their wake. Spencer, the Duke and Duchess all called after them when the silver humanoid saw that his work college was heading in the direction of the estate, likely flying home. “I believe they're flying home your graces, we should see them when we get back.” “Put metal to the peddle Spencer I want us back sharpish.” The Duke ordered before turning on his heels to head back to where Spencer’s engine was residing. “Yes sir…” Spencer hushed out before glumly looking at his cousins and siblings then moving off after his owners.

Stuart is now available for asks...

Duncan is available for asks...
She was introduced for the sole reason of having an ethnic main character, a- "modernization" move on matels part. She doesn't have much of a character aside from basic happy-go-lucky. Same with Rebecca, except she's considered worst.
Human Nia full body concept design.

GOD I'm out of practice drawing women, I had to redraw the base sketch three times to get it right.
But I still didn't get it right, ANYWAYS-
Most of Nia's physical details are, like, in her paint, so the markings, which don't show in this base sketch, also I don't care what anyone says, I love her, so suck iT-
Anyways, this took longer than it should've, next on the list is Kana, which might be a bit easier, I'm not sure. ANYWAYS, hope you enjoy, I think I've rambled enough, peace and chicken grease. ✌️✨
Alright, so the IRL mainland engine has been decided, and that's City of Touro. But now I have another question for you guys, out of any machine from famous history that has been scrapped, whom would you like to see in this AU? I've been debating giving the Titanic a design because in this AU while she did sink, there weren't nearly as many casualties and she was resurfaced by merfolk in 1912. So whom would you like to see? It can be any legendary historic machinery that has been scrapped. Olympic? Britannic? Novelty? Perseverance? Gadwall/Sir Ralph Wedgwood? Tell me in messages or reblogs.
He counts, he's scrapped, and he has an interesting history behind him. He can also be an example of the difference between an A1 pegasus and an A3.
Alright, so the IRL mainland engine has been decided, and that's City of Touro. But now I have another question for you guys, out of any machine from famous history that has been scrapped, whom would you like to see in this AU? I've been debating giving the Titanic a design because in this AU while she did sink, there weren't nearly as many casualties and she was resurfaced by merfolk in 1912. So whom would you like to see? It can be any legendary historic machinery that has been scrapped. Olympic? Britannic? Novelty? Perseverance? Gadwall/Sir Ralph Wedgwood? Tell me in messages or reblogs.
Andreas the Ghost Engine... A locomotive from another world having met a terrible fate, when he woke up he was in a new universe with people who he knew but didn't recognize. Andreas is a haunted, a ghost that permanently haunts an inanimate object much like Annie & Clarabel and Henrietta. But unlike them, his spirit is a faun, it is extremely rare for a mythic to die and become another species of mythic, normally it is a human that becomes transformed. His instrument is a hang drum, fitting his ghostly body and regal previous life. He rarely shows his spectral body and chooses to remain as his engine, though he can be seen sometimes playing his instrument with Duncan, though neither of them like to admit it. He is also close to Jayde, knowing full well the feeling of being ripped from your original universe and being forced to get to know people who you are a stranger to but you know them very fondly.

Andreas is available for asks...
I have a serious question for you guys that you don't have to answer, but what do you guys think? Could I make a good animator? Or a good illustrator? I've done both before with examples on this blog you can see. Let me know as this is a bit of a conundrum for me at the moment.

If people are interested, I do have a Youtube. Feel free to have a look at that, but it's only got 2 videos.