jezzzebel - ˗ˏˋjgd´ˎ˗

they/she witch, pagan, mythology and history nerd, lesbian, and a poser metalhead

138 posts

Me: Hm... I Wonder If Any Deity Is Reaching Out To Me...!

Me: hm... I wonder if any deity is reaching out to me...!

A random undocumented Demon:

It might seem crazy what I'm about to say...

This happened months ago. For more info about the said demon, look into this post of mine:

A demon that i documented Hello everyone!!! Today im gonna talk about Limé, a demon that i talked to a while ago and started working wit

More Posts from Jezzzebel

7 months ago

I was doing tons of research about Hermes and then i heard him say "i want you as my priestess" i thought i was being delusional so I didn't take it seriously

Though one time he asked me to message someone on tumblr. Apparently what i said was on point so in a way that wasmy confirmation that he wanted to work with me. I just don't know where to start

Ohhh i see!!!

Well, the first thing I would do is research! I'm gonna assume you have enough knowledge about hellenism so i would advise you to take a few days and research: his worship, offerings, associations, history, and even people's UPG on him!

But don't procrastinate! When you feel like enough research is enough, actually introduce yourself to Hermes and communicate with him!

Ask him his boundaries, your boundaries, what he can teach you, what you can give him, etc...

Hope i helped a little bit!!! 🙂🙂🙂

Thank you for the ask!!

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7 months ago

Hii! I saw your post saying you'd be open to questions about your practices and I was wondering if you had any notes for writing an occultist character? (I.e. practices, beliefs, environment/home life, etc) I really wanna do justice to this culture and practice since I've never really looked into it before now.

Thank you so much!

Hi! Sorry for not answering this sooner!

Hm... I don't want to be the type of person who says "just research" but it is true that researching DIFFERENT TYPES of magical paths and occultism is gonna benefit your writing! Expanding your views is gonna help you a lot!

I think that one thing i would love to see when reading about an occultist character, is the challenges of being an occultist. Especially the mundane challenges and obstacles such as:

-unsupportive environment


-AND also! The character's own flaws.

People think that just because a character is a part of a certain group, that they can't have their own prejudice and flaws! Which is very much false.

But also, a lot of writers try to neglect the "bad environment" aspect. They think that no one wants to see that. But it is a biiiiiig part of almost every occultist's lives.

As we all received a bad comment or a few from someone...

I PERSONALLY do not like ignoring such problems in stories! But that's just me!

I'm sorry if my reply was unsatisfactory! :") i tried my best lol

8 months ago

Prayer to Dazhbog for the Summer Solstice

(yes i am a little late...)

Dazhbog, god of the Sun, the one who gives us prosperity and life itself, please hear my humble prayer. May the Summer Solstice bring me abundance and love. Svarozhich , please, may the rays of your Sun shine over me at all times. As i feel safe when i feel your warmth.

Glory to Dazhbog, the one who gives, the son of Svarog.

Prayer To Dazhbog For The Summer Solstice

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7 months ago

"For exclusive drawings of the gods join my Patreon 😁"


"For Exclusive Drawings Of The Gods Join My Patreon "

This is just disgusting and disrespectful dang 😥😥😥

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7 months ago

An issue i have with pagan side of Tumblr...

Please read the whole post before commenting!

In order to actually get likes and reblogs i need to start my blog with "daily/friendly reminder" "hot take" or just make a rant about pagan tiktok. You will only get comments and likes when you make a discourse post or a "gods love you" post for the 100th time this week.


Don't get me wrong, it's not all about likes. But sometimes i feel like i am talking to a wall 😭. It's exhausting to see that Tumblr is becoming like TikTok: you only catch people's short span of attention by validating people's feelings about things that are normal. Like taking a break from worship and practice.


Maybe i am just new and don't understand stuff , i only joined last year... And people will come to me in the comments saying "bruh what did you expect this is a fandom space!" But all i want is to stop this repetitive wave of posts about discourse and toxic positivity.

Thank you for reading!!!

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