jillianfahey - Jillian's Brain
Jillian's Brain

292 posts

Interview With A Vampire AU Part 3

Interview with a Vampire AU Part 3

The months before the wedding for Lily du Point and Lestat de Lioncourt passed quickly, but everything was ready on the day. If Lily wondered why her fiancee refused to go outside before sundown or believed it to be odd, she showed no sign of it. Because to her it wasn't, it was just part of Lestat.

Their wedding was a small, mostly private affair with tasteful flowers and only their closest friends. But it was beautiful, and the white dress against Lily's lightly tanned skin with tawny brown hair falling in ringlets from the severe bun made her appearance as a bride even more beautiful.

Lestat seemed to be ready to burst with joy and pride as she walked to him with her modest bouquet. With him there she did not feel the absence of father or brother by her side to give her to him. Instead walking alone down the aisle, and giving her bouquet to her little bridesmaid.

After the ceremony there was dinner and dancing at Lestat's home. Lily kept having to remind herself that she also lived here now. The party went until early in the morning, when the last guest finally left. Lestat offered her his arm and led her upstairs to her bedchamber. This was the part she was nervous about, actually sleeping together to consummate their marriage. But he gave her to a maid saying that she should rest after such a long day and night.

It would go on like that for close to a year, never actually sleeping together for it. Parties, public engagements, everything they would go to together until he brought her home and told her to rest because he would be out late. Lestat would not rise and join her until four in the afternoon when he would have tea with her. Then everything would start again.

Lily's favorite times were when they just stayed in and sat together in the library. Lestat would read to her as she sewed or knitted and they would talk about many things. But never why he would not consummate their marriage or the true reason he left France.

It was a few days after their year anniversary party when once again they sat in the library. When the clock struck ten Lestat kissed her hand and told her not to wait up for him before leaving for the nightlife of the town. Lily knew he must have a lover out there but she did not say anything about it, just took herself to bed so she would be rested for the tutors on the next day. That was how Lestat filled her days as a lady, giving her the best tutors possible and having her visit with the lady's kind enough to receive her.

Lily could not remember why she woke that night long before she usually would. It was four in the morning, four hours before the maid would lay out her day dress and she would breakfast in the morning room. But she felt the need to be up, and wanted to talk to Lestat. So she put her candle, put on her slippers and wrapped the robe over her night gown before going downstairs to see if he was home. A draft threatened her small candle so she shielded it with her hand as she walked, and found Lestat's unlit candle on the table where it was left.

There were noises coming down the hall, so Lily went to see what was the matter. She was the lady if the house and it was her duty to keep it running smoothly for her husband. Looking in to the lit doorway she saw that robbers had broken in. So she started slipping quickly and silently back down the hall to ring the bell that would alert the house of the danger. It would have been a good plan if not for the anger that caused the men to argue and sent one of them out into the corridor. Seeing her he called to his companions, "The Frenchies whore is awake."

Lily ran down the hall, away from them. But she could hear them gaining on her as she reached the foot of the stairs. Seeing that the candle there was gone she screamed, "Lestat!"

The men behind her laughed and she could feel hands grabbing at her. But in a moment they were gone. Somehow in the space of a few seconds the three men following her had disappeared. There was a the sounds of struggle down the hall so the grabbed the rapier from the hall, Lestat had been teaching her how to use it, and hurried to the sound.

The scene she saw was out of a nightmare. The stone floor of the cellar was now red with blood, two bodies with their heads ripped off lay adding to it. The third man was struggling to escape the clamp Lestat had on his neck. Her husband was splattered in the blood, and when he dropped the man he was holding and turned to her his face and mouth were covered in it.

"Mi Amor," he stepped towards her and she stepped back. Seeing the fear on her eyes at his appearance, "There is no need for you to fear me Mon Chere." Keeping her attention as he took out a cloth to wipe his face, "This is what I've always been."

Finding her voice, "And what is that?"

With the familiar smile, "I am a vampire." Her quick blink showing she was processing this and another few steps back was the only response he got. Talking a deep breath, "Mi Amor, let me clean this up. Afterwards we will sit in the library and I will explain everything alright." Lily nodded once and went to the library and stirred up the few coals that reminded of the fire to build it up again.

Lily could never tell just how long she waited in that slowly warming room for her husband to come. But when he did he had changed out of the bloodstained clothes into his nightwear and sat in the chair across from her. Looking into her face, "I will start at the beginning." So the story started with the year he was born, touched on his childhood, his time as the wolf killer, how he stated at the theatre in Paris where his maker found him. He told of the time in his makers lair, the old bodies that were so like him, how he was turned instead of killed and begged for his maker to stay with him before witnessing his makers suicide. How he bought the theatre he once worked at with the money his maker left and his interactions with the Paris coven which became a part of his theater. His need to leave, and the journey through the world until he found her. Finally he ended, "I meant it when I told you that you are my light and reason for living."

Looking at the man she still loved, now knowing how dangerous he was she finally spoke, "I need to have some time to process all of this. "

It was clear that it was not the answer he was hoping for but he nodded, "Good night Mon Chere." With that he left the room and the clock struck eight.

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    vampirebitch23 liked this · 6 months ago
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    jillianfahey liked this · 7 months ago
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