joy1579 - Through broken glass
Through broken glass

my icon and banner are commissions from my friend sentimentaleidolon oh but i did make a master list since i started writing Mysme stuff Master list

446 posts

Guys I Have A Legitimate Question Okay.

guys i have a legitimate question okay.

why do you like your favorite mysme character?

for instance

I like Jumin best because i understand how hard it is to express and even understand my emotions sometime. also i like people who are bluntly straight forward since i don’t pick up hints well i feel like if he wanted something or had a problem with me he would tell me. which is comforting because then i don’t need to worry about if he’s secretly upset about something. as if all that weren’t good enough i adore cats and dry humor.

now reblog and tell me why you like your guy! please?

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More Posts from Joy1579

4 years ago

RFA boys meeting an MC that’s currently pregnant as a surrogate mother for her sister.

swear that someday i will play jaehee’s route and write more for her but I’m stuck in V’s route right now. she’s next i promise!

fun fact i would love to be a surrogate mom but i can not because i have not had my own child which is like a requirement where i live, and i get that I guess. so alas its never meant to be. anyway in this I’m pretending those rules don’t exist and this is MC’s first pregnancy cuz idk i don’t want to think about MC having a child before meeting the RFA. at least not right now. 

anyway masterlist


-        He was shocked to say the least

-        He’s concerned that you already have a significant other and simply didn’t tell him

-        “MC I, you never mentioned you were expecting.”

-        You can’t help but laugh because his face is so priceless.

-        Wide eye’s mouth slightly ajar you never expected to see Jumin so lost for words

-        Once you explain that you are acting as a surrogate for your sister he was more supportive than you could have imagined

-        He’s proud of you for helping your family especially since your helping your family create a family.

-        He gets the chef to make you the absolute most nutritional food possible

-        Provides you with all the pre-natal vitamins you could ever want

-        Offers help to your sister to unsure everything is perfect

-        He already thinks of this baby as his niece or nephew.

-        You have to real him in when he starts attempting to discuss the baby’s possible future at C&R

-        When you show up at the party and he proposes the rumors EXPLODE

-        He handles it like he handles most rumor’s

-        Ignore them they don’t matter he knows the truth.


-        Absolutely 100% freaked the heck out when he locks eyes with you at the party

-        Is suddenly super concerned because he’s never even had a girlfriend now his girlfriend is pregnant and he hasn’t even kissed her yet

-        He is not ready to be a dad; but he’ll do it for you. no matter how scared he is

-        He is terrified

-        He still kisses you and thinks you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen

-        But you can see how he nervously glances at your belly

-        Once you explain you laugh at how visibly relieved he is

-        “you mean you wouldn’t want to have a baby with me?” you tease jokingly

-        Suddenly he’s spluttering and red faced and choking on his drink

-        You can’t quite keep up with his babble but you could make out

-        “in the future” “of course” “once we’re married” “later”

-        You had to cover his mouth and instruct him to breath so he could calm down

-        You stole another kiss and giggle as you watch him flounder for words

-        He’s supportive and excited and can’t wait to help you babysit (as long as he doesn’t have to do it alone)


-        He knew from your background check

-        Honestly it makes him all the more anxious about being with you at first

-        You have a family, a sister and a soon to be niece or nephew

-        Not to mention being pregnant made you that much more vulnerable

-        But you’re so sweet and gentle. He watches you play music to your belly and carefully manage your food to make sure the baby gets everything it needs

-        He watches you somehow manage to will away morning sickness because you heard it can cause dehydration and that’s bad for the baby

-        He watches you stand your ground against the intruding hacker and experiences your gentle scolding when he doesn’t eat properly

-        He starts to think that his life would have been much different if he had a mother like you

-        The baby isn’t even born yet and already you care for it more than his mother ever cared for him

-        And your offering to care for him too. He should say no. but how can he say no. he can’t

-        So instead he simply doubles down on his efforts to protect and provide

-        He also builds you a phone so you can keep in touch with your sister throughout all the chaos of well everything that happens

-        Absolutely doesn’t cry when the baby is born (don’t look at him he’s got something in his eye shaddup)

-        Offers to babysit but your sister politely refuses unless you are there as well


-        He thinks you positively glow

-        He doesn’t judge you whatsoever doesn’t even ask just, yep your pregnant no problem he loves you anyway

-        Then you explain and he thinks you are the sweetest person on the planet

-        He absolutely sings to the baby because as long as you are pregnant he will 100% play the father role

-        You have to remind him that this is NOT his child

-        Your honestly worried he will get too attached and be hurt when the baby goes home with its real mom and dad

-        You have him meet them and he is the perfect gentlemen. Until after wards when he mentions that your sister’s husband had better treat her and the baby well

-        You smack him playfully because we get your chivalrous or whatever now mind ya own dang business

-        There are rumors. So so many rumors, most of them are not nice and he is fighting desperately to protect you but it isn’t until the baby is born and the press gets a picture of all of you together that the rumors stop

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4 years ago

RFA boys + saeran helping surrogate MC through pregnancy and meeting her baby

so this is the other interpretation of that request i got. i hope its okay! i wrote this one out side which was really nice for a change. please leave a comment if you enjoyed it

also master list if your into it


During the pregnancy

-        Since he met you later in your surrogacy he only gets 2 months to help you through your pregnancy

-        But he does everything he can

-        You get one of those super fancy pregnancy body pillows

-        He declines the private nurse though reminding him that every woman ancestor he has gave birth even before private nurses were a thing

-        He picks apart the line saying that his great aunt never had children so not every

-        You cut him off with a gently kiss before saying “hush I’m pregnant and therefore right”

-        He would argue with you but you’re already walking away towards the kitchen where your latest snack craving was hidden away.

Meeting the baby in the waiting room

-        He was a tad upset that he couldn’t be with you in the delivery room

-        But he understood that your sister and her husband (the parents) took priority over him

-        At least he said he did but his grim look and constant foot tapping  said otherwise

-        “Jumin” your sister called “do you want to see your future nephew?” his heart jumped at that.

-        Your sister hadn’t been cold to him certainly but she had always referred to him as your boyfriend despite his proposal.

-        He had taken it to mean she did not approve of him but if this child was his future nephew then she must have accepted that you were his future wife

-        “yes I would” he said resolutely stepping forward to see the baby in her arms

-        He had you and your sisters eye’s (poor baby ain’t got no eyes JK) and red tinted hair from his father but what hit Jumin most was the simple peace of the child

-        He had expected fussiness and crying. He had asked around and many people warned him that newborns were fussy even on their best days

-        But like you this child had a gentle peace about him a calm and happy light in its bright young eye’s

-        “I’d like to see MC” he said abruptly and your sister chuckled stepping aside so he could visit you

-        He wrapped you in his arms and murmered low in your ear “you never cease to amaze me my love. Marry me? Not in several months not even in days. Tomorrow. The second your discharged.”


During the pregnancy

-        He is trying his absolute best. He knows nothing about pregnancy. So he asks his mom and after calming down her panic she agrees to help.

-        By showing up at his house to see and care for MC.

-        She insists on cleaning and worries over MC whenever MC tries to help

-        Yoosung helps dutifully but you can see a tinge of regret in his eyes when his mother nags him to stop playing lolol

-        She’s there for a week cooking and lecturing Yoosung on everything that a pregnant woman need help with (which according to her is EVERYTHING)

-        You ask her if she had a hard pregnancy by chance and she admits her pregnancy with Yoosung was very difficult (Yoosung had never known that and listens intently from his place cleaning in the kitchen

-        She had pushed herself to hard and ending up going into labor prematurely nearly loosing Yoosung in the process now your crying and Yoosung is rushing to your side his mom hugging you both

-        “you are strong MC anyone who can put up with my son must be but dont forget to take care of yourself, and you Yoosung you help her with this and make me proud” his mom semi scolds with a warm smile

Meeting the baby in the waiting room

-        Yoosung is sitting in the corner practically bouncing with anxiety

-        Zen has his hand on Yoosung’s shoulder and is looking at his watch every five minutes

-        He was missing a final for this but he had told his professor that his girlfriend was having a baby so the professor would let him retake it tomorrow

-        Technically it wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t their baby.

-        Despite it not being their baby he was still so nervous he thought he might be sick. After hearing his mother’s story, he had researched EVERYTHING that could go wrong (there are a lot of things that could go wrong)

-        So when he heard your sister (who had become a familiar presence in his life) call him he nearly jumped out of his skin

-        He rushed over to where she stood holding a small bundle of blue blankets

-        “you’ll never guess what we named him?” she teased and her small smirked highlighted just how much you two looked alike “MC came up with it, and we thought it was perfect naming him after his uncle”

-        Yoosung looked at her confused and lost tilting his head to the side

-        “meet Yoosung our baby and maybe someday your official nephew”

-        Yoosung turned beet red at that you and he had only been dating for 3 months after all

-        And yet through all the nerves he couldn’t find it in himself to dislike the idea in fact he couldn’t stop the wide smile that grew on his face

-        “hi mini Yoosung. I’ll do my best to be someone you can look up too okay!”


during pregnancy

-        Look there was A LOT going on during this moment in his life

-        Between the agency and mint eye he could barely think straight

-        And you were his rock grounding him through it all.

-        Vanderwood had never seen a woman 7 months pregnant pick a fight with a cult leader and show no hesitation when looking danger in the face before you

-        You were either incredibly brave or just plain stupid considering you were in love with Saeyoung probably a bit of both

-        He had to admit though your steadfast level headed nurturing was exactly what Saeyoung and his brother needed

-        At every wrong turn and new trouble, you were there cheering Saeyoung on and calming Saeran down (something that amazingly it seemed only you could do)

-        Saeyoung was determined to protect you and his brother and you believed in him whole heartedly

-        It was only after all the chaos was over and Saeyoung had brought you to his bunker that you finally sat down, sighed and called your sister to tell her you were home

-        Saeyoung sat next to you and as soon as you hang up you burst into tears and buried your face in his chest

-        He was surprised when you mentioned how worried for him you were

-        He pulled you back to look at you disbelievingly before kissing you hard

-        After all that nothing could come between you

Meeting the baby in the waiting room

-        He stood stock still eye’s darting between the doors to the delivery room and the hallway he led to the psychiatric ward where his brother was

-        He wanted to tell his brother that today was the day but everything had been so busy since arriving he didn’t have a chance and now his was stuck unsure of how long it would take.

-        Logically he was sure he had enough time since his brother never wanted to see him for very long. They were doing better of course but at most they could only spend 20 to 30 minutes together before Saeran would have an episode and Saeyoung would be ushered away.

-        Still he didn’t want to risk being absent when the baby was born and he could see you safe and sound again.

-        Your sister had barely stepped through the door before Saeyoung was burying her in questions

-        “is MC okay? What about the baby? Is it a boy or a girl? When can I see MC again?”

-        Your sister chuckled at that nodding down the bundle of blue blankets in her arms

-        “MC’s is okay their helping her clean up now. This is our little boy here and you can see MC as soon as you answer a question for us.” Her gentle voice reminded him so much of yours whenever you tried to soothe Saeran and he nodded urgently. He desperately wanted to see you.

-        “will you be the God father luciel?”

-        Ice ran through his veins as he froze. Godfather. He couldn’t, there was no way he could with everything he’s done everything he’s caught up in but hadn’t he thought the same about being with you, and about seeing his brother again too

-        He looked at the tiny infant, it slept soundly in its mothers arms and he tried to find a reason to dislike the small boy, any reason to say no to the question your sister had just asked. Slowly the baby opened his eyes and he marveled at how clear and innocent they were.

-        He’s tremulously nod’s and is suddenly caught up in a gentle hug from your sister and her quiet husband, before being ushered back to meet you.


During the pregnancy

-        Absolutely gives you anything and everything your craving

-        Completely quits smoking because what if it hurts the baby (still drinks beer though)

-        he lays his head on your belly and talks to the baby telling it how it has the best kindest strongest angel of a mother ever

-        surrogate mother you point out and he looks so confused because what’s the difference?

-        You explain that the baby isn’t yours in any way except for it growing in your womb. The egg was your sisters so the baby is hers not yours

-        He still looks a little confused but takes your word for it after all you would know best

-        You and he have A LOT of dinners with your sister and her husband

-        He’s still getting used to the whole family dynamic since he hasn’t had it in so long

Meeting the baby in the waiting room

-        He is pacing because he does not enjoy sitting still while anxious

-        he can’t calm down and he’s angry that they won’t let him in the delivery room with you

-        Yoosung touches his shoulder and he turns on him about to snap but stopping himself when he sees its Yoosung and not Jumin

-        Yoosung asks him if he wants some water and offers to walk with him to the hospital cafeteria

-        They are almost out the door when he hears your sister call for him

-        “zen would you like to see the baby?”

-        He sprints over to see the little boy and in that moment he vows to teach this child everything he knows

-        It may not be his son but he swears to support the kid to the ends of the earth and if the kid ever needs a place to go. Well that’s what uncles should be for.

-        The baby grabs at a stray lock of Zen’s hair and its one of the few times Zen lets anyone but you and his hairdresser touch his hair

-        Then the baby tugs just a little too much and Zen decided that the no touch rule is completely valid as your sister tuts and untangles the tiny fist

-        He still loves this kid though

-        Your sisters been talking this whole time but he hasn’t heard a word so she snaps in front of his face to get his attention

-        “do you want to see MC”

-        “yes” he nearly shouts before speed walking to your room


During the pregnancy

-        After the chaos of mint eye and looking for his brother he is happy to settle down

-        He cooks for you, and of course you and he share so much ice-cream (midnight ice-cream runs because of craving happen almost weekly at first)

-        He brushes your hair and tries to wait on you hand and foot until you put that foot down

-        You have to give him a serious talk about making his own decisions and choosing things for himself because you don’t want to see him fall back into his mint eye habits

-        He nods and starts to give you a little space but he still brushes your hair. Saying he genuinely enjoys it

-        You encourage him in his recovery and sit outside while he gardens

-        When he gets angry you do what you can to calm him down. People are worried he might hurt you but you have faith in him. (and the self-defense training Jaehee gave you)

-        Your sister is admittedly nervous but your unwavering faith bolsters her trust in saeran as well as his trust in himself

-        He’ll be the first to admit though he does NOT like the look of discomfort on your face when the baby kicks but he’s learning to keep himself calm and to walk away from things that upset him rather than try to fight them head on

Meeting the baby in the waiting room

-        EVERYONE can feel how tense he is

-        He’s sitting straight backed with his fists clenched on his knees

-        Your sister is honestly a little afraid to take her newborn baby out their despite how sweet he seemed sometimes. It’s the times he didn’t seem sweet that she worried about. Even if you swore up and down he was more than safe

-        His head shot up at the sound of the door and he rushed to your sister the second he saw her

-        “where’s MC? is she safe? I need to see her NOW?” that last word came out harsher than he meant and Jumin put his hand on Saeran’s shoulder

-        “I’m sure MC is fine. Isn’t that right?” he said calmly

-        Your sister nodded a little before speaking “MC is fine the nurses are helping her clean up you’ll be allowed back as soon as she’s done I just thought you might want to see the baby since you helped MC through this”

-        Saeran swallowed hard, he wasn’t sure he wanted to see the baby. Wasn’t sure if he should see the baby

-        But when he locked eyes with the small infant he swore he could see so much of you in its face (or was it your sister? Did it matter? Not to him)

-        It was the first time he had actually thought of starting a family with you. later when he is farther into his recovery, when his relationship with his brother is better, when you and he are married maybe.

-        When a nurse called for your visitors and he lunged forward baby forgotten you where most important

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4 years ago

Hi! I love your works and I check every day for new ones! I'm just wondering if your requests are open bc I don't wanna send smthn in and have them not be open or for you to be overwhelmed :) thanks 💓💓💓

awwwwwe your so cute and sweet um ive actually been hesitant to open requests for that very reason i’ve been worried about getting overwhelmed or not being able to do one well

all that being said i do want to take requests i love getting comments and feedback and other peoples ideas

so send em my way oh i should probably set some rules huh

um i guess i don’t want to write for V it hits to close to home for me and i don’t think i’m very good at NSFW so if you request that i guess expect it to be vague at best

4 years ago
Heres Mine!

heres mine!

This Is Mine. Whats Yours?
This Is Mine. Whats Yours?

This is mine. What’s yours?

4 years ago

the RFA + Saeran sleeping cuddles

cuddles! cuddles galore! look there’s only one thing better than sleep and that’s sleep cuddles. 

also ya know master list if your interested


He sleeps on his back on arm on his stomach the other to his side. You are curled in a ball hugging the arm at his side like a stuffed animal head on your pillow but face nearly touching his arm. He likes feeling your breath ghost across his skin and every now and then you shift and your lips brush against him in an angel soft kiss. He also thinks its precious how you cling to him in your sleep even if it does make getting up in the morning without waking you up a bit tricky.


This one changes slowly as he matures. At first you face each other curled up and you wrapped your arms around him. in his sleep he would cuddle closer and end up practically burying his face in your breasts. Your legs would tangle up and he would wake up so embarrassed because he always got a face full of boob. (he didn’t complain though).  As he got taller and more confident your positions slowly swap until he’s the one holding you curled up against his chest your head tucked just under his chin.

One time y’alls cat broke something shocking you awake your head shot up and hit his jaw. You had a bump he had a bruise and bitten tongue. It wasn’t fun for anyone involved.


I head cannon that this boy does not enjoy being wrapped up. he doesn’t mind being under a blanket but only if the sides are free. He’s got a thing about being trapped (be it by his mom or his agency or his dad he has a lot of things that have tried to lock him up and he’s learned to fight it hard) and even something as small as being tucked in feels suffocating to him. He has to be able to move his arms and legs freely, so he does not sleep well with you holding him. so he holds you instead and he holds you tight.


Lay your head on his chest or shoulder he’ll have one arms around you and he’ll hold your hand with the other. You HAVE to be either leaning against him or laying your head on him because I guarantee that the second he doesn’t feel you against him he is up and searching for you. also this guy is a freaking space heater so it’s always nice and toasty in his arms.


your both curled up on your sides and facing each other. she holds your hand like the cutie pie she is. she holds it in both hands near her face while she’s curled up next to you. you may have your other arm slung across her waist to pull her a little closer but she really only needs your hand too know your there and grounding her. When y’all wake up its nice to spend the morning chatting before you actually get out of bed.


he doesn’t sleep well, ever. In fact, most of his sleep is from naps on the couch while your still awake and either playing games or watching TV. So more often than not the cuddling happens there starting from him laying sleepily against you while you face sideways on the couch if you’re playing games he’s sleeping against your chest (boobs are amazing pillows) while you hold the controller around his back. If you’re watching TV, you just run your fingers through his hair. It’s always a little saddening when he wakes up and jumps away from you like he’s been burned, whether it’s a nightmare or just his angry embarrassment at being so vulnerable it’s a bummer, he’s still got a long way to go in his recovery but he’s doing so much better.

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