Biminia Cloudpetal
Biminia Cloudpetal
A tall flower found in Sky Buddy World. It has few known close relatives, and not much is known about what it is used for materially-speaking. Due to its tall nature, it could serve as a landmark of sorts, if only cloudground stayed in place instead of floating about. Due to their longevity, they still have a place in Sky Buddy culture as one of the icons of their realm.
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Kopp'tura Rainbola
Often kept as houseplants out doors, Rainbolas usually serve as a household's own personal cistern. They store excess water in the stem and roots, so they rarely overfill, even in the heaviest of rainstorms. Even if they do, the surface tension on the petals help the water travel straight down to the roots where it can be stored.
Rainbolas are hardy plants that can survive even long periods without rain thanks to how much water they store. Kopp'tura Rainbolas are uncommon in the wild, mostly cultivated as cisterns by the Plains Buddys. During the long months without rain, they are thought to subsist on the love and affection bestowed on them by the family that owns them.
The plants can be found sporadically throughout Wing Alayna, even in Laykia Layna, the southern half of the continent. It is also known to be found in Reline Ah, although the Rainbolas there are said to be more 'stoic' from how reclusive the Flower Buddys are.
Lesser Skypetal Flyona
A member of the Flyona family, Lesser Skypetals are distinguished by their leafy stems and lack of antennae-like stamen. Generally known as a wild version of the Sweetpetal Flyona, sweetener made from Lessser Skypetals is a lot less sweet, and generally takes more to boil down as its naturally sweet fluid is much more watery than its preferred counterpart. Still, a type of liorice can be made from boiling the stem and it is widely enjoyed, giving it one advantage over the more famous Sweetpetal.
Rakarai Akalia
The leaves of the plant have a spicy, herbal flavor that is very popular in Wing Alaynan cooking. While they can be found naturally in Furheart Iiah, they adapt well to artificial environments too and can be found in the Queen's garden as well.
Chekana Blawania
A legendary flower said to grow in the heart of Crescent Minoria. On some days, only the white petals are visible. On others, only the black petals are visible. It is thought to have similar properties to that of the Koshio flower, with a salty and spicy center. This has yet to be proven, however.
The petals of the Foliana have a leafy flavor; when simmered for tea, they can be quite good. They are plentiful in central Wing Alayna, a bit rarer south, and hardly seen at all north.