Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree
A tropical tree found on the coasts and islands around Fuline Ah. The pods can be used as decorations or steeped to create a cocoa-like drink.
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More Posts from Kazeharuhime
Korana Alnia
The larger, solitary relative of Korana Minia. Similar to the Minia, the Alnia stores a heavy, syrupy liquid like that of cough syrup. It has a sweet, medicinal taste that tends not to mesh well with other flavors. While it's culinary use is not yet fully understood, it is generally appreciated more for its aesthetics.
Alnias are always found on flat corals, and for a while it was thought that the plant itself was a hybrid of coral and plant. However, it is now understood that the plant is merely epiphytic and has a symbiotic relationship with the corals it grows on.
Alnias prefer to grow in warm, shallow water, with plenty of access to sunlight. It is thought that the taste of its nectar is stronger the deeper the plant grows. It is definitely known, however, that ones that grow deeper tend to be smaller than those that grow in shallower water.
They are found near Koraln Sing and in some of its interior basins.
Creamala Fressha
A plant rarely seen in the wild, but known to have been cultivated in the Queen's gardens. The Creamala Fressha is surrounded by tough leaves, said to have warded off creatures of yore who would steal the bounty within it. The fruit of the Creamala Fresha is very soft, and as its name implies, is used as cream. It is beloved by many for its light, airy, sweet taste.
When it is found in the wild, it can be found exclusively on the northern end of Wing Alayna, primarily on the northeastern end, though there has been a sighting or two on the northwest side as well.
Thought to be a relative of the Okipla Mineep, Pitiana leaves are often used as tea leaves during the annual Tea Festival. It is traditional to use the petals as sweeteners, as they have add delicate, sweet, floral touch.
Pitiana are often found growing in groups in various parts of Buddy World, Wing Alayna. They tend to grow near rivers or lakes, and can weather the rainy season fairly well, though their flowers might close up after long periods without sun.
Kamiltail Shugana
A plant said to be found in the Sweetfields of Furheart Iiah, in the heart of the continent. Similar to the Gumidro Sweetflower, it is uncertain where exactly the Sweetfields are located. There are some areas that might be able to pass for such a location, but they are not in the center of the continent. So it remains to be seen where exactly you can find such sweet plants as the Kamiltail and the Sweetflower.
Springa Fressha
A plant believed to be descended from the Crescent Minorian Luna Cirrala and other similar plants. Springa Fresshas tend to crop up early and late in the rainy season throughout the northern half of Wing Alayna, particularly on clear days after rain. The water they draw up from the ground into their flowers tends to be clear and pure, the most delicious water you could find anywhere. As they are rather rare and scarce, though, they have not been domesticated like the Kopp'tura Rainbola. And either way, Springa Fresshas tend to be small, squat flowers in comparison. 6 or 7 inches, maybe a foot in the tallest specimens, but little more.