keepcalmandreadfluffinpublic - Read Fluff In Public:
Read Fluff In Public:

Just a writer trying to make her dreams a reality

13 posts

Coyote Ugly Part 4

Coyote Ugly part 4

A/N: soooooo I know I haven’t finished I hope you’re the last, but this was too good of an idea to not write. ;) As always I do not own the gif.... credit goes to moviewhorexo :)

Warnings: cussing (not surprised), mentions of ptsd and flashback, angst, little bit of fluff, y’all ain’t ready

Pairings: Plus! Sized reader x Bucky, Steve x Natasha

Imagine: Running a bar was not ideal in your mind. However being able to invoke complete privacy for your clients was. All you had to do was lie about them and yourself, but what happens when your lies come to the surface and fate takes you on a whole new path? What happens when Earth's greatest heroes force that path?


To say I wasn’t a fan of Fury was a major understatement. Although the day was spent laughing and forgetting about everything, Maci still dragged me to Shield headquarters. I knew she wouldn’t let me go home until her boss had heard the news. I dreaded the meeting with every fiber of my being. Don’t get me wrong, I owe a lot to Shield, but Nick Fury was one man I never liked to be in the presence of. The drive was silent except from the radio playing God knows what. The closer we got the more anxious and nauseous I felt. I was so wrapped up in my head that I wasn’t paying attention until I heard it. The first few keys made me freeze in my seat. 

500 miles I had it all planned Drove all day to ask your Dad for your hand I wrote it all out I knew what I'd say My heart it was racing and my hands started to shake But I, took a deep breath and I said I promise to love her With all that I have I'll put nothing above her And I won't turn my back She's my everything She's all I'll ever need And she loves me at my worst Sir, I give you my word I promise to love her

“M turn that off.” I whispered feeling the tears form, my throat went dry, and all the blood in my body turned ice cold. Maci to wrapped up in singing the song didn’t hear me. My heart began to race and I felt a cold sweat rise over my brows. ‘Maci turn it the fuck off!” I said louder this time. Her attention suddenly taken off the the song to me, but she didn’t move to change it. 

The music plays And I'm all a mess As I watch you walking towards me in that pretty white dress Do you take this woman to be your wife To have and to hold for the rest of your life Well I, took a deep breath and I said I promise to love her With all that I have I'll put nothing above her And I won't turn my back She's my everything She's all I'll ever need And she loves me at my worst I'm giving my word I promise to love her and keep her Want her and need her Make her my whole world And when that day comes I'll come undone When that doctor brings in that little girl I promise to love her With all that I have I'll put nothing above her And I won't turn my back She'll be my everything And all I'll ever need My little angel on earth

I tried to slow my ragging heart, while my fingers began to shake. Maci noticing finally turned the song off, but not fast enough. Tears cascaded down my cheeks. “What? Do you not like the song that much?” she asked completely caught off guard by my reaction. I shook my head in anger and wiped  the tears away fiercely. “Yes! In fact when I am around do not ever play that fucking song again!” I seethed before turning my head to look out the window. 

“Y/n talk to me... I don’t know-” Maci began, but I cut her off with my hand. Releasing a sigh, I moved to look at my best friend. “You can’t fix this M. This has to do with the bastard.” I said sighing heavily. Maci waited for me to continue. “He played it when he was in his ‘nice’ moods, but he would also play it when he wanted to hurt me. He filled my head with empty promises with that song, and crushed every single one of them with it as well. He would play it only when I was ‘good’ and swear it would be us after he fixed me. He would also play it when he would beat the shit out of me, saying I am the reason we would never be able to fulfill ‘our’ song. I detest that song, just please don’t play it around me.” I finished my eyes trained on my fingers. 

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked her voice breaking a little, before she quickly recovered. I just shrugged my shoulders while trying to come up with an excuse. “In a way I guess it felt like I still had something to hang onto, what it is I don’t know, but it was something no one else knew about what happened to me M. It just solidified that I was there alone, no one else. There wasn’t you or Tony, hell there wasn’t Fury yet. In some twisted sense it made it all feel more real.” I confessed slowly, while lifting my head up. Maci looked with tears in her eyes. “Y/n what happened to you changed you, and it was real. You don't need to hold onto it to make sure it was real. Yes you were alone, but you aren’t anymore. You have people who would die for you. You don’t have to keep it all in anymore.” she said grabbing her hand with mine. I slowly nodded my head, before training my eyes on the compound. Well if anything she said was true people would die for me, but all for a secret. 

The compound was still the same as I remembered it almost 3 years ago. The walls are still white with black or gray accents actually the whole building was filled with white, black, or gray. The walk to Fury’s office was too long for comfort. My stomach twisted and churned the closer we got. Maci was walking with her head held high, without a care in the world. While I shrank into myself, but displaying a fake smile on the outside. Maci’s abrupt stop made me almost run into her. Her eyes were scanning the surroundings, before she glanced back towards me. Slowly she brought her finger to her lips motioning for me to stay quiet. Time slowed while my heart ragged on. Inhaling as quietly as I could I tried to keep myself from panicking. The compound was quiet, too quiet, normally people are everywhere like flies; but there wasn’t a soul to be seen. 

“Y/n, follow my every move! And don’t lose control...” she whispered calmly, her once green eyes now almost black. I nodded my head, before following Maci down different hallways than before. We were off the main floors and in the tunnels. If something was wrong, we would be safe there or meeting the danger head on. I replayed my favorite things to keep my breathing from rising, while my hands were beginning to tremble and my legs felt like mush. “Y/n when we . hit this door we bolt for it you hear me?” she harsly whispered while grabbing my arm. I was too focused on the door to notice Maci’s warning. Her persistent jerking snapped my gaze to her. “Shit! Your eyes.” she said before looking around. When she double checked we were alone she met my gaze again. “Y/n you have got to remain in control. You can out run my by miles you hear me, so no matter what happens you keep running.” her voice filled with conviction and determination. “M you must be dumb to think I would leave you behind.” I say while shaking my head at her. Maci just rolls her eyes before placing the keys to the car in my hand. “Y/n! We don’t know what is behind there....If the compound has been taken over and someone is here our job is to get you out of here!” she said before grabbing my arms and staring at me with a look of such desperation. “Promise me if things get ugly in there you will go straight to Tony’s! Or I swear on my aunt Helen I will whoop your ass to Timbuktu.” she whispered before locking eyes on me again. I slowly nod my head, understanding it was her job to keep me out of enemy hands. Maci content with my answer returned back to facing the door. I released the breathe I didn’t know I was holding, silently preparing myself for what was to come. Then with one finally look Maci opened the door and before we knew it all hell broke loose....


I spent the next several hours in the training room, punching everything in my path. I was currently on my 5th bag when Steve strolled in, his hands in his pockets and a defeated look on his face. I didn’t stop the task at hand which was currently to get all my pent up frustration out on the bag. Steve didn’t speak to me until I finally quit my assault on the bag. “You know Buck I’ll always have your back..” he began before trailing off like he couldn’t get the words out, but before he could finish I cut him off. “No! I get it, take their sides on how wrong it was, but you know what we did was necessary!” I snapped, throwing Steve a hard glare. He shifted uncomfortably not liking the position he found himself in. 

“I’m sorry Buck, but you know we should have just asked Tony before unlocking that file. Now I have Nat mad at me for going along with it, and Tony won’t come out of the labs.” he said looking defeated. “Don’t shift the blame, we both knew what we were doing!” I snap not being able to contain my anger anymore. “I took the blame for you because no one would question me digging up someone’s past, but do not for a second think you can come in here and guilt trip me!” I yell finally facing my friend. Steve looked passive, but I know underneath there was a storm brewing. “What do you want me to do Buck?!” he yelled back lifting his hands into the air. “I want you to help me find out more.” I say more calmly, while crossing my arms over my chest. Steve stood there mirroring me, his jaw clenching and unclenching. “I can't do that Buck.” he says while grinding his teeth. “Then leave.” I force out, before turning back around to continue my assaults. Steve didn’t move an inch his gaze burning holes in my back. “I really am sorry Buck.” he whispers before leaving me alone with my thoughts.   


Adrenaline. That is what kept me from feeling anything. The sounds of gunshots were echoing off everywall. The only light to help guide me came out in pathetic flashes. My grip on Maci’s hand only intensified as we maneuvered through the chaos.  The only thing I could make out was we were stuck in a crossfire. There were 2 sides, this I know from the different smell of the the guns. “M we gotta find Fury.” I whisper slowing my movements. Maci didn’t respond just kept moving forward. The sudden grasp on my neck made my body freeze. “Where ya going 236.” the voice whispered, but before I could answer Maci was on the assalent, working on his grip. My blood rushed to my head and the instinct to lose control slowly crept up my spine. Effortlessly I pulled his hand off my neck, before swiftly kicking him on the ground. The scent of fear soon flooded my nostrils, making them flare with desire. But before I could do anything further, Maci’s hand on my arm pulled me away from my target. 

“Hagyd elmenni. (let him go)” Maci whispered in my ear. The urge was getting stronger to rip his heart out with each passing second, but Maci wouldn’t let me. “Ez már nem te vagy. Ne hagyja nekik elégedettségüket adni nekik. (This isn't you anymore. Stop giving them the satisfaction that it is.)” she persisted before reaching for my hand. Closing my eyes I released my hold on his throat letting his body crumple to the floor. “Let’s move.” I whisper not liking that we were exposed. Maci agreeing continued to lead me further into the tunnels. 

Time seemed to slow as the guns continued their pursuit of victims. While moans were heard everywhere from those unfortunate of falling victim. The many hallways was starting to make my head feel fuzzy with confusion. the closer we got to the exit the quieter the shots got and so did the moans. Maci squeezed my hand three times signaling we were close to the exit. But my stomach kept churning with uncertainty. 

As we rounded the last corner, a fire rang through the halls. And before we knew it a second and then a third before we were forced back. “M are you hurt?” I ask releasing my friends hand to check my own body as well. “I’m ok, none hit me. Are you ok?” she asks before grabbing my shoulder. As soon as her hand touched my shoulder she drew it back. “Fuck your shoulder.” she breathed, while ripping a piece of her shirt off. 

“I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.” I say while avoiding her advances. “Y/n let me at least cover it.” 

“No, I said I’m fine. What we need to worry about is how the hell we are going to get through them.” 

“Well if you let me..” 

“M I swear to God if you touch me I will roundhouse kick you.” I harshly whisper. Maci let her hands fall, obviously knowing she wasn’t going to win this argument. We stood there for a few seconds gathering your thoughts on what to do next. “Ok, fuck Y/n. We have to surrender” she whispers before peering around the corner, causing another round of gunshots to echo through the hall. I slowly nod my head before making my way infront of her. “What the hell are you doing?” she says while trying to grab my shirt.  I avoid her hands while slowly bringing my own up.

 “Ez 236. A barátom és én fegyvertelen vagyunk és hajlandóak leszünk átadni mindaddig, amíg le nem engedi fegyvereidet. (This is 236. My friend and I are unarmed and are willing to surrender, as long as you lower your weapons.)”  I yell while revealing myself from the corner. There were 3 men standing in front of the door, none that I could recognize. Maci slowly followed behind me, allowing herself more room to jump back if they were to fire at her. 

“Engedje el a barátomat, és én szívesen megyek. (Let my friend go and I will go willingly.)” I yell while taking a few cautious steps forward. One of the men grunted before the weapons were lowered. “Y/n what are you doing?” Maci whispered while falling into step with me. “Saving your life.” was all I said before glancing her way. Mer face contorted with a mixture of anger and sadness. “No.” she said while stopping her movements. “M, I don’t have a choice, now move your ass. I’ll be right behind you.” I whisper, slowly bringing my gaze back to the men. We continued the walk in silence until we reached the men. 

The one in the middle nodded his head, before slowly opening the door. The sunlight burst in with a vengeance, causing me to squint my eyes. “Csak ő mozog, vagy mi lőni fogjuk. (Only she moves, or we'll shoot her.)” he said while nodding his head towards Maci. Maci glances back at me before making her way out of the door. She stopped and looked back at me to see what I was gonna do. Our eyes met and for a second I hoped she would listen. 

I slowly tilted my head to motion her to keep walking, but she stood firm. Worry settled into my skin when the guy on the right began to lift his gun. I tilt my head again for her to keep going. Fuck Maci please for once listen. As soon as he raised his gun Maci turned back around and kept walking. As soon as the light had come it was gone. Silence filled the air before the gut in the middle began to smirk. “Azt mondták, hogy veszélyes vagy, de itt be vannak zárva ezekbe az alagutakba, és Ön is megadja magát. Hogyan érzi magát itt bezáródni velünk? (They said you were dangerous, but here we are locked in these tunnels and you surrendering. How does it feel to be locked in here with us)” he says while reaching for my hair. I slowly begin to smile allowing myself to lose control. “Nem, nem vagyok itt bezárva. Itt vagytok bezárva velem. (No, I am not locked in here with y'all. You are locked in here with me.)” I whisper before meeting his eyes. His smirk began to fall, and before I knew it their blood was covering my hands. 

Wiping my brow I make my way to the door, carefully avoiding the damage I’d caused. With a small push the door swung open, and the light welcomed me once more. Before I could walk further a voice stopped me dead in my tracks. “I see you haven’t changed sweetheart.” he said, making my skin crawl. I turned on my heels to find Brock leaning against the wall down the hallway. “Such a shame you didn’t finish like you wanted to. I mean their hearts are still in their chests.” he chuckled before motioning to the bodies at my feet. “I’m not that person anymore.” I yell, before eyeing the bodies. The Insatiable hunger starting to gnaw at my insides.

 Brock let out a small laugh before meeting my hard stare. “You may be able to lie to yourself, but never to me. I know you better than you know yourself. Hell I created you.” he says his eyes leaving mine to rack over my body. A shiver ran it’s way up my spine, turning my blood cold. He quickly met my gaze before breaking out into a dark smile. “You can run all you want Y/n, but I will get you back. I don’t like what’s mine to be gone for too long.” he whispers before pushing himself off the wall and walking back into the darkness. 

Tags: @buckysthing​, @mccloudchloe​

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I Hope Youre The Last... Part 1
I Hope Youre The Last... Part 1

Alfheim... that was my home. Not Asgard, no not some golden magical city, or the most glamours realm in the entire universe. Alfheim may not be dripped in gold but it was beautiful. The mere simplicity of my planet is what makes it beauty. No there wasn’t much but there was just enough, enough to make even the coldest of hearts melt. I let out a sigh hoping all my pint up anger will disappear.

“Now Y/N... Please remember that it isn’t only your reputation at stake.” My mother says flatly while looking out the window. I roll my eyes and scoff at her. “Oh dearest mother, how could I?” My voice laced with sarcasm. This earns the quick backhand from her. I no longer flinch or cower in fear like when I was little. I have grown used to the beatings my mother bestowed upon me. I have always been a daddy’s girl, something my mother despises. “In Vanaheim daughters were to be just like their mothers. Not follow their father into throne hearings or take up fighting.” My mother would constantly say. Although I never understood why she bothered. Normally I’d be gone before she could finish that sentence. My father was a kind and gentle spirit. He would never lay his hands on a innocent child. He let me take up defense training when I was young. He knew I was special from the beginning. Unlike Midgard, Alfheim is surrounded by magic. It is in the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. Citizens could access this magic by sacrificing their blood back to the planet. For they came from it they must return back to it. However, royals were special; our magic was limitless always around us. We don’t have to sacrifice blood for our magic, yet it runs through us; like a river ever flowing.

“Come child, tell me what troubles you.” My father sighs. I didn’t have to say anything for him to know. That is what makes our bond special, he could sense my aura from miles away. I sigh knowing it was useless to confide in him, but just maybe he’d hear me.

“Father I can’t do this...”

“And why not? Weren’t you born to be queen?”

“Well yes, but of Alfheim! Not of Asgard, not to someone I barely know!”

“Y/N... Life isn’t always easy. If it was then there would be no point in living, now would there?” His question takes me back a notch. How could this be useful is any sense? “Stop overthing dear you’ll hurt yourself.” He says with a chuckle. I sit at his feet grasping his hand. “Father how do I do this? I mean leave my home and you behind? How can I marry a man I barely know? What do I do? What should I do? Why isn’t easy?” I ask looking for his guidance. He reaches his had down to cup my cheek before letting it fall limp at his side. He looks tired and worn down; he closes his eyes and stills time. “My dear...” he opens his eyes to meet mine. His hand leaves mine to point my eyes towards the fleeting images. “What you see are memories of my lifetime. Here the palace of Asgard... where I did most of my studying with the Allfather himself.” He smiles fonding over his childhood. I gasp at the sheer beauty of the memory. Two boys around 12 running through the gardens with wooden swords. One smaller then the other but made it up by his stoutness. The memory fades into a new one, the same boys but older now each the same height. They walk to halls seeming to recite something. “This was when I helped Odin prepare his speeches. He was so nervous not wanting to disappoint he father.” He chuckles before flashing a new picture. This memory was different, it seemed to be harder to read. I scooted closer to see but the memory faded before I could. “Father what was that?” I ask spinning back to look at him. He smiles a sweet smile before shaking his head. “That was my farewell party. That was the last time I saw Odin for a melinium.” He nods back to the images. I reluctantly gaze my eyes back towards them. This time there was the same boy but with a girl. She was beautiful, her golden hair fell perfectly out of her braids and onto her face. The boy kindly placed the loose strands behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her.

“Is that you and mother?” I ask still staring at the image.

“Yes it is.”

“Y’all look so happy.”

“We were.”

“What happened?” I ask glancing back at my father to see his expression change from joy to remorse.

“She wanted the magic our planet offered, but could never accomplish gaining it’s full power. You see darling she wasn’t born of Alfheim therefore her magic consists of that of a citizens.” He says before sighing. He shakes his head and the memories fade away into the air. “You want to know how you do this?” He asks waiting for me to respond. I simply nod my head afraid to use my words. “The answer is you are my Daughter, Y/N goddess of magic, crossroads, and the moons. Your abilities have foreseen mine since you were 1000.” He says while pinching my cheek. “You are strong, brave, kind, humble, charismatic, independent, intelligent, honest, genuine, talented, and compassionate. You are everything a woman should be to be queen. Just because I will not be with does not mean you are less than any other royal there.” He states locking his eyes with mine. I smile a grateful smile hoping he would take comfort from it.

“You’re highness.” One of the ship hands says out of breathe. My father turns to him smiling. The boy waits for a sign to continue from my father. He simply a nods his head towards the boy before looking back towards the window. “We have arrived to Asgard. We are about to land your Majesty.” The boy says bowing before exiting the room. I sigh getting up from the floor, stretching my legs as I ascend upwards. I grab my fathers hands before leading him towards the door. If I am to be this princes wife then so be it. I will not dishonor my fathers name by running from my problems. We return to my mother who stands as still as a statue next to the window. She snaps her gaze to us before standing up to greet her husband. “My love you look pale. Shall I fetch the nearest healer?” She asks pressing a hand to his forehead. He shakes his head before grasping her little hands in his. “My dear do not worry. I am just overwhelmed that this day has finally come. Our daughter finally being betroved to the son of my oldest friends.” he says pressing a chast kiss to her hands. She looks down smiling at the sight.


“My dear friend how long has it been?” Odin says while embracing my father in a hug. “Too long old friend.” Was all my father could say before returning the gesture of affection. I stand back a few feet from the group. I didn’t want to interrupt their mini reunion, but sooner or later I was roped into the formal gestures.

“Odin this is my beloved daughter Y/N!” My father exclaims proudly.

“She is quite the sight Alotl. Tell me dear what do you think of Asgard?”

I bite my tongue thinking before answering. “Well your highness I think it is absolutely stunning.” I say holding a tight smile.

“Tell me Y/N your father tells me of your extraordinary power. Would you mind enlightening us with your power?”

“Odin! This is no time for entertainment.” Frigga interjects sending him a stern look. I glance her way receiving a genuine smile. I smile back before her face changes. She looks like she is stuck in time, frozen a beautiful statue.

“Your highness are you alright?” I ask stepping forward. Odin follows my glance before moving to stand behind his wife. A confused look crosses my face as Odin does this. However before I could question the matter further Frigga falls backwards inhaling deeply.

“Frigga what did you see love?” Odin asks while helping his wife stand back on her feet. She stops and looks at you. You shift uncomfortably while her gaze remains on you. Odin looks at you confusion covering his worn features. “Princess Y/N may we have a word alone?” Frigga says turning towards the steps. I follow cautiously not know whether I was in trouble or not.

“You are the goddes of magic?”

“Indeed I am my queen .”

“You know your future is very unclear to me. That is something I am not used to.” She stops walking, spinning around to face me. She eyes me up and down before locking eyes with me. “Tell me dear your power is limitless?” She asks. Her eyes were no long staring at me but almost as if she were looking through me. “Yes your majesty.” I say standing a bit straighter. She nods for a second before looking back towards the entrance. “My dear I am afraid you future must change course for the good of Asgard. You will marry a Odinson, however; I am not sure which” She says turning back around to continue walking. I stand still my feet glued to the ground. My head starts to fog with ideas of what the Allmother has just seen. Am I not good enough for Thor? Am I a danger to the Odinson line? Was it a mistake coming to Asgard. I feel my stomach start to turn as endless scenarios fill my head. The Allmother stops walking for a second glancing back at my rigid form. “Y/N if you wouldn’t mind following me to Hiemdall.” She says turning around completely. Her words come out groogy and quiet. She makes her way towards me lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Giving it a reassuring squeeze before smiling again. “I do not wish to frighten you my dear.” I look up at her. Her eyes were hopelessly searching mine for any form of emotion. I swallow the lump forming in the back of my throat. Standing straight once more I nod toward the queen, signaling it was ok to walk towards Hiemdall.

I followed her down every hallway possible in the palace before reaching Hiemdall. He was at the edge of the Bifröst where the gatekeeper kept watch. “Hiemdall.” Frigga says capturing the attention of the man. “My queen how may I be of service?” He asks turning towards the queen. He was a large man deep in color. His eyes were blood orange making it hard to not focus on them. He held a beautiful sword as if it were apart of him. “Hiemdall, I am having trouble seeing into the princesses future. Please tell me what you see. Who is her betroved? What does her life in Asgard I store for our people?” She asks looking deeply into his eyes. His gaze falls on me causing me to look down. What felt like an eternity as passed before he spoke. “My queen what you ask is who does she betrove?” He pauses glancing between the queen and I. My body seems to hang onto his every word as if it were the air I’m breathing. “My princess you will thrive in Asgard. You will become a gracious and loved queen. However, fate keeps you in the pool of love. You will be betroved to a son of Odin, however; which is in your control.” He says before turning to the queen. “She will be the savior or the reason Asgard falls. I have seen both endings, however it must be her decision who she chooses to marry. In alteration in her choice will end badly for all the realms.” And with that he turns around back to his station of keeping watch.

“Your majesty I do not understand.” I say plying over his words again and again.

“It appears to be that you will not be married as soon as we’d wish.”

“I peg your pardon?”

“It’s the prophecy! That a princess will be the key to Asgard’s servival, but also the destroyer. If we do not tried lightly I am afraid of the concequences to our actions.” She pauses and looks into the distance. Before waking towarsa Hiemdall. They converse over matters of high importance that I must not be able to hear. After a few minutes of discussing Frigga comes back with a smile. “Ah child Hope is not lost for I know the answer now.” She says walking past me. I follow hot on her heels. “What is the answer my queen?” I ask praying to Odin she tells me. She quickly turns to me causing me to almost run into her. “You will have to choose very wisely princess for your powers are not yet finished. Soon my dear you will see the answer and save us all.” that was all she said before leaving me standing there alone on the Bifröst.

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Y/n: *Sitting on the couch reading*

Loki: *walks in the room holding a basket full of nail polish, a foot bath, and other pedicure things.*

Loki: *sits down in front of you.*

Loki: *grabs your feet*

Y/n: “Loki, What are you doing?”

Loki: *Sticks your feet in the foot bath* “I am giving you what you midgardians call, a pedicure.”

Y/n: *blinks in shock* “Uh- um.. are you sure that you know what you’re doing?”

Loki: *Stops washing your feet and looks up at you*

Loki: “Well, Yes. I watched instructional videos on the YouTube on how to give a proper pedicure.”

Y/n: *giggles* “Loki, you know I just go to a nail salon to get this done, right?”

Loki: *scowls* “Yes, I am aware of that.”

Y/n: “So then why not just get me a gift card there instead of going through all this trouble yourself? Oh! We could get one together!”

Loki: *Looks up at you quickly* “No. The thought of someone else touching my lover in this way is maddening.”

Y/n: “Loki, they’re just feet. It’s not-

Loki: *Cutting you off, possessively grabbing your feet and holding them to his chest firmly*

Loki: “They’re mine. All of you. You’re mine. Now, what color polish would you like?” *smiling sweetly at you*

Y/n: “Umm.. that one!”

Loki: “Green it is then.”

Coyote ugly

A/N: soooooo I know I haven’t finished I hope you’re the last, but this was too good of an idea to not write. ;) I do not own the gif.... credit goes to moviewhorexo :)

Warnings: none besides cursing and alcohol.

Imagine: Running a bar was not ideal in your mind. However being able to invoke complete privacy for your clients was. All you had to do was lie about them and yourself, but what happens when your lies come to the surface and fate takes you on a whole new path? What happens when Earths greatest hero’s force that path?


Running a bar was not an ideal job. I used to be a law student running the system. After my parents kicked me out and cut me off at 17, I got ripped into the sugar baby business. It wasn’t like I didn’t work for money. I did the graveyard shift and tried attending college it just wasn’t enough. Life taught me the hard way nothing ever comes for free. So here I am sitting in my office of the most prestigious bar in all of New York. Coyote Ugly, naming it after that one movie, thinking it was clever.

Sighing I got up. The only reason I was here is because of the past. Changing my identity wasn’t fun in the slightest. Rubbing the past few days stress out of my neck, I headed towards the door. Sparing a glance at the clock reading back in bright red letters 8. “Time to focus on the clients.” I mumble pulling the door open and stepping onto the balcony. The familiar scent of alcohol and cinnamon swarming my senses. A small smile creeps onto my face at the welcoming scent. Slowly Descending down the stairs I catch a glimpse of red hair scurrying off towards the lounge. “ Rebecca!” I yell knowing full and well she went off to see Jace. Waiting for her at the end of the stairs absentmindedly double checking the common area. The scent of strawberries steers my attention to the red head. “Yes boss?” She asks slowly shifting her weight between her feet. “Just reminding you to sleep with your boyfriend on your own time okay? Or at least give me a heads up and I’ll get y’all a room.” I laugh out causing her to chuckle as well. “Will do Lea, thanks for the offer.” She says smiling before heading off back to Jace. Smiling as she disappears behind the block doors.

“Yo Lea the staffs waiting!” A voice bellows into the empty room. Without looking I know exactly who it is. “Thanks Alec.” I say over my shoulder giving the room one more glance over. Checking that everything had a place before meeting him behind the bar. 25 employees gazes fall on me as I enter the room.

“Well guys I hope y’all are all rested because tonight will be long. You 5 on bar tending go!” I yell randomly pointing to the staff. The 5 of them walking out of the room with mumbled ‘yes ma’am’s’. When the last one closed the door I returned my gaze to the group. “You 10 room duties go!” I howl pointing to the group in the back. Quickly they head up to the hotel section of the bar. “You know you could just say their names.” Alec laughs before nudging my side. A slow smile crawls on my face before looking to the group.

“You know I do know all of their names. I just don’t like saying 25 names when grouping them up.” I state. “You 8 on wait staff. Chop chop!” I announce followed by a few sighs. “Jess and Alex on receptionists.” I add before smiling.

“I don’t know why you called us in here Alec. We always do reception, because we’ve been here since this place started.” Jess says a small smile tugging at her lips. “Same reason as me to watch the newbies fret.” He responds while following the 2 girls out of the room.

Satisfied I head towards the kitchens knowing I have more employees then the 25 I just assigned. Stepping in the room goes quiet. “The 5 in the freezer head upstairs to help with the hotel staff. You 5 in the pantry head to the unoccupied bar. You 2 under the table are on waitressing while the other 8 are on clean up. Let’s move it people we open in 5!” I holler watching as some of my oldest employees laugh at their stunt. “Yeah yeah laugh it up before I make up shut it up.” I snap causing them to flea like rats. Clasping my hands I turn towards the door and head back to the floor, grabbing the nearest mic. “Listen my lovely people. You know the rules 1. No asking, 2. No judging, 3. Confidentiality is key, 4. Manners, 5. Do not talk to them unless you must or they start the conversation, finally earn your pay and have fun. This will be a 10 hour shift. When things have slowed then you may take breaks longer then 5 minutes. Lastly I love you my lovelies.” I tell earning hollers from all my employees. Putting the mic back where I had it I signal the bouncers. It’s show time.


It was now 11:30 and the place is in full swing. Clients all over the world enter for a break from reality. Which I am more then happy to supply. “Boss the phone!” Mason whispers before handing me the device. Quickly making my way upstairs into my office only stopping when I press the door closed with my back. “Ms. Black speaking. May I have your 4 digit code?” I ask earning a gruff 3397 back. Walking to the laptop and entering the digits pulling up the file. “Mr. Stark what can I help you with?” I ask trying to keep the smugness out of my voice. “Drop the formalities Lea.” Tony answers with a chuckle causing mine to escape me. “How long has it been since you’ve came by, let alone call!” Snapping the last part at him. A long sigh comes over the phone. “Been pretty busy kiddo.” He states before going quiet. “Well a call from you would have been nice.” I saw softer then before. “Yes I know... Pepper has been on my ass about checking in on you.” He laughs followed by a short sigh.

“Yeah she calls more then you.”

“That’s not fair.”

“All I’m saying is maybe try better to keep up with your family is all.” I say sitting further back into my chair propping my feet on the deep mahogany wood. “Well I’ve got a surprise.” He states catching my attention. I hum a yeah before he continues. “Yep I’m swinging by in a few and I have new clients with me.” He mumbles before yelling at the guy to pull over. “Well then see you in a few.” I answer before hanging up. Dropping my feet I stand stretching my tired limbs. After a few satisfying pops I make my way to the door. A knock letting me know that I am needed. Opening the door I see Alec and Bryce standing on each side of the door. “Your favorite person just walked in with 3 guys behind him.” He informs me. “Then let’s not keep them waiting then huh?” I ask looking between the 2. The smile on my lips spreading so wide my cheeks began to hurt when spotting the familiar set of brown hair. Sprinting towards Tony never minding the lingering stares.

Holding out his arms I jump in them enjoying the squeeze I felt around my thick middle. My feet leaving the floor as he picks me up and swinging me a little. “Surprise kiddo.” He says while placing me down on solid ground. Smiling I punch his arm causing him to yell an ow. “That’s for taking so damn long to come see me.” I answer before turning my attention to the whole group. “Welcome fellas to my bar and hotel. How about y’all follow me to the private area over here.” I say before turning around and making my way to the empty corner booth. The 6 men following close behind as we approach it. Gesturing for the guests to enter before sitting down myself. Alec and Bryce standing up at the corners to keep people away. “So how much has dumbass over there told y’all?” I ask pointing my thumb at Tony. Earning a hey from him. “Not much if I’m being honest, but nice place you have here miss.” The blonde one spoke.

“Please call my Lea. Any friends of Tony’s are friends of mine.” I say while analyzing the other 2. “Anyhow business must be done before y’all can enjoy my facility.” I disclose before calling Alec over with 3 new contracts and pens for them. “Thank you.” I say smiling at him before he turns and heads back the his spot. “So..” I start while handing the pens and contracts around towards the men. “What is in front of you is a contract disclosing all the envents that take place here and your confidentiality. If you look at the front page it will give you the run down on the rules. If you flip to the second you’ll find the contract stating that by coming here you agree to go by a false name while promising to keep the identities of the other members in here secret as well. Sign right there with the red post it please.” I tell waiting for them to sign before continuing.

“Next you will see on the next page another contract stating for safety measures that you will undergo alcohol testing if deemed needed before leaving this facility. If I or my staff feel the need to treat you for any alcohol poisoning then you will stay upstairs for as long as my medical staff seem fit before being able to leave. Now please sign where the yellow post it is.” I add while again waiting for them all to sign.

“Now lastly if you flip towards the back you will find the final contract stating that by signing the first 2 you accept full responsibility for any damage and medical cost if my team can not treat you. You will also not be able to hold my facility liable for any injuries that occur here. Then after all that down further it states that for safety precaution that you keep my identity secret and that of my staffs. Now when y’all are ready sign by the green post it and look at the final page. There you will find sutible names you may choose from to go by while under this roof. You will also notice a 4 digit code beside the name you have chosen. Then at the very bottom if you will sign with your full legal name and the date in print.” I say while watching the men ponder over the names.

When they all finished I collected the contracts and pens before reviewing them. After reviewing, calling over Alec to take the contracts and place them in the system. “Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Sam Wilson, Mr. Steve Rodgers, and Mr. James Barnes.” I whisper earning a snort. Raising my eyebrow I drop my gaze to Sam. “Mr. James Barnes.” He laughs causing Steve to elbow him in the ribs. “Is there an issue?” I ask while staring puzzled at the 2. “Uhh if you could just call me Bucky instead of James.” a man with piercing blue eyes and long brown hair states. For a second our eyes lock and I couldn’t help but look away. Letting out a slight cough I look back up. “My apologies.” I say before glancing at Tony. “So lady why the contract and secrecy?” Sam asks narrowing his eyes at me as if to see through me.

Pulling a smirk on my face while holding my hands out in front of me. “Well for 1 most of the people you see here will be top of the food chain elete people. Second most of them come here for a sense of normality. A place where status doesn’t matter and they are treated the exact same. While being able to indulge in absolute privacy from cameras. Most of the events that go down here would end up ruining most of their careers. That is why I have the contract. Trust me you don’t want to be the one who breaks confidentiality. It will not end up good for any of the people involved.” I inform the group while holding back a victorious smile.

“Now can we go drink already?!” Tony states before moving to get up. Following suit I lead the men to the bar informing Mel they all drink free tonight. “Well it was a pleasure meeting you all, but I must leave y’all here. Please enjoy yourself and if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask for me.” I say before making my way across the room to Blaine. “How’s the hotel?” I ask wondering if anyone was up there. “So far 7 rooms have been booked for all night and 3 until 2.” He informs me while shaking his head. “What?” I ask wondering what he was saying. “None boss just you seem to have an admirer over there.” He states while pointing to where I just left. Following his finger my eyes meet the ones of Bucky. A shiver runs up my spine as I can’t will myself to look away. After a few awkward minutes of staring I regretfully turn my gaze back to Blaine. “Keep up the good work.” Was all I could say before heading back to my office. Peering one more time behind me to see a set of cerulean blues follow me.


“Come on Buck enjoy yourself.” Steve says handing me a drink. From the smell I assume it was whiskey. “Tony what’s her story?” I ask ignoring my best friend. “Whose? Lea’s?” He asks letting out a small laugh. I just nod my head waiting for him to tell us. “Oh you’re serious. Well that I can not tell Barnes.” He says before taking a swig of his beer.

“Why not?” I push.

“Not my place?”

“What do you mean not your place? She practically jumped in your arms?”

“Look it’s none of your business!” He roars stepping closer. Puffing my chest I step closer.

“Woah Buck.” Steve says stepping in between Tony and I. If looks could kill Tony would be non existent at this point. Sighing Tony sets his beer down. “I have known her for quite a long time. There are things about her I don’t even know. All I know is to stay out of her hair.” He says bringing the beer back up to his lips. Grabbing the forgotten drink Steve gave me I turn my gaze to the balcony. What is it about her?

“Guys look that’s Matt Damon!” Sam practically squeals like a school girl. “Seriously?” Tony asks looking at Sam like he’s crazy. “What?”

“We just went over the contracts.”


“I would like to stay here longer then 15 minutes.”

“But it’s Matt Damon..”


“Fine I won’t bother him.” He says deflating into his stool.

Sitting forward I down my drink. “You ok?” Steve pries. Nodding my head I order another drink, knowing all to well I’ll need it to get her out of my head.

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