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4 years ago

TWO SONS by CloudyDay @jotunn-scholar

Pairings: Gen, Thor/Jane.


As princes of Jotunheim and Asgard, Loki and Thor are not on the best of therms. To put it short they hate each other guts. After their last fight the peace between the two realms is at risk, the only wait out is for Odin and Laufey to banish their sons in the hope to salvage some kind of truce. But...will Loki and Thor ever be worthy again? A retelling of the first Thor movie with a different premise.

Why reading:

You cannot understand how much I love this story. The characterisation of the ensemble is stunning, everyone has a very unique voice and the plot is tick with new and exciting things. It’s one of the very few stories that take an hard look at Jotun Loki and his growing relationship with Thor without making them a couple by the end. 10/10 this story is spectacular.


A couple of violent scenes during the flashbacks, you will not be able to stop reading.

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4 years ago

[ Wishes Of Us ]


《 masterlist 》

-> Series <-

• Wonders Of Us [ Part 1 ]

• Stars Of Us [ Part 2 ]

• Memories Of Us [ Part 3 ]

• Answer [ Part 4 ]

• Burn [ Part 4 ] (Alternate Ending Version)

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4 years ago

Y/N: *picking up a dare from a bowl* My favorite Asgardian?

Y/N: *looks at Sif*

Fandral: *stands infront of Sif*

Y/N: *looks over at Thor*

Fandral: Stay out of the way Thor! *immediately pull Thor away from Y/N*

Thor: i'm just gonna ask Y/N if she saw my hammer... :,(

Y/N: *meets Fandral's gaze*

Fandral: Y-Y/N

Y/N: *looks behind Fandral* Loki, come here for a moment..

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“I Hope You’re The Last...” Part 1

A/N: Hello!! This is my first story... I hope it isn’t as bad as I think it is :)! Please enjoy and don’t plagiarize if ya wouldn’t mind :)!

Imagine: You are the last resort for peace among Asgard. Although Odin and your family have made it clear you are to marry Thor. Fate makes you choose between the Sons for the safety of Asgard depends on it.....

Words: 2227

I Hope Youre The Last... Part 1
I Hope Youre The Last... Part 1

Alfheim... that was my home. Not Asgard, no not some golden magical city, or the most glamours realm in the entire universe. Alfheim may not be dripped in gold but it was beautiful. The mere simplicity of my planet is what makes it beauty. No there wasn’t much but there was just enough, enough to make even the coldest of hearts melt. I let out a sigh hoping all my pint up anger will disappear.

“Now Y/N... Please remember that it isn’t only your reputation at stake.” My mother says flatly while looking out the window. I roll my eyes and scoff at her. “Oh dearest mother, how could I?” My voice laced with sarcasm. This earns the quick backhand from her. I no longer flinch or cower in fear like when I was little. I have grown used to the beatings my mother bestowed upon me. I have always been a daddy’s girl, something my mother despises. “In Vanaheim daughters were to be just like their mothers. Not follow their father into throne hearings or take up fighting.” My mother would constantly say. Although I never understood why she bothered. Normally I’d be gone before she could finish that sentence. My father was a kind and gentle spirit. He would never lay his hands on a innocent child. He let me take up defense training when I was young. He knew I was special from the beginning. Unlike Midgard, Alfheim is surrounded by magic. It is in the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. Citizens could access this magic by sacrificing their blood back to the planet. For they came from it they must return back to it. However, royals were special; our magic was limitless always around us. We don’t have to sacrifice blood for our magic, yet it runs through us; like a river ever flowing.

“Come child, tell me what troubles you.” My father sighs. I didn’t have to say anything for him to know. That is what makes our bond special, he could sense my aura from miles away. I sigh knowing it was useless to confide in him, but just maybe he’d hear me.

“Father I can’t do this...”

“And why not? Weren’t you born to be queen?”

“Well yes, but of Alfheim! Not of Asgard, not to someone I barely know!”

“Y/N... Life isn’t always easy. If it was then there would be no point in living, now would there?” His question takes me back a notch. How could this be useful is any sense? “Stop overthing dear you’ll hurt yourself.” He says with a chuckle. I sit at his feet grasping his hand. “Father how do I do this? I mean leave my home and you behind? How can I marry a man I barely know? What do I do? What should I do? Why isn’t easy?” I ask looking for his guidance. He reaches his had down to cup my cheek before letting it fall limp at his side. He looks tired and worn down; he closes his eyes and stills time. “My dear...” he opens his eyes to meet mine. His hand leaves mine to point my eyes towards the fleeting images. “What you see are memories of my lifetime. Here the palace of Asgard... where I did most of my studying with the Allfather himself.” He smiles fonding over his childhood. I gasp at the sheer beauty of the memory. Two boys around 12 running through the gardens with wooden swords. One smaller then the other but made it up by his stoutness. The memory fades into a new one, the same boys but older now each the same height. They walk to halls seeming to recite something. “This was when I helped Odin prepare his speeches. He was so nervous not wanting to disappoint he father.” He chuckles before flashing a new picture. This memory was different, it seemed to be harder to read. I scooted closer to see but the memory faded before I could. “Father what was that?” I ask spinning back to look at him. He smiles a sweet smile before shaking his head. “That was my farewell party. That was the last time I saw Odin for a melinium.” He nods back to the images. I reluctantly gaze my eyes back towards them. This time there was the same boy but with a girl. She was beautiful, her golden hair fell perfectly out of her braids and onto her face. The boy kindly placed the loose strands behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her.

“Is that you and mother?” I ask still staring at the image.

“Yes it is.”

“Y’all look so happy.”

“We were.”

“What happened?” I ask glancing back at my father to see his expression change from joy to remorse.

“She wanted the magic our planet offered, but could never accomplish gaining it’s full power. You see darling she wasn’t born of Alfheim therefore her magic consists of that of a citizens.” He says before sighing. He shakes his head and the memories fade away into the air. “You want to know how you do this?” He asks waiting for me to respond. I simply nod my head afraid to use my words. “The answer is you are my Daughter, Y/N goddess of magic, crossroads, and the moons. Your abilities have foreseen mine since you were 1000.” He says while pinching my cheek. “You are strong, brave, kind, humble, charismatic, independent, intelligent, honest, genuine, talented, and compassionate. You are everything a woman should be to be queen. Just because I will not be with does not mean you are less than any other royal there.” He states locking his eyes with mine. I smile a grateful smile hoping he would take comfort from it.

“You’re highness.” One of the ship hands says out of breathe. My father turns to him smiling. The boy waits for a sign to continue from my father. He simply a nods his head towards the boy before looking back towards the window. “We have arrived to Asgard. We are about to land your Majesty.” The boy says bowing before exiting the room. I sigh getting up from the floor, stretching my legs as I ascend upwards. I grab my fathers hands before leading him towards the door. If I am to be this princes wife then so be it. I will not dishonor my fathers name by running from my problems. We return to my mother who stands as still as a statue next to the window. She snaps her gaze to us before standing up to greet her husband. “My love you look pale. Shall I fetch the nearest healer?” She asks pressing a hand to his forehead. He shakes his head before grasping her little hands in his. “My dear do not worry. I am just overwhelmed that this day has finally come. Our daughter finally being betroved to the son of my oldest friends.” he says pressing a chast kiss to her hands. She looks down smiling at the sight.


“My dear friend how long has it been?” Odin says while embracing my father in a hug. “Too long old friend.” Was all my father could say before returning the gesture of affection. I stand back a few feet from the group. I didn’t want to interrupt their mini reunion, but sooner or later I was roped into the formal gestures.

“Odin this is my beloved daughter Y/N!” My father exclaims proudly.

“She is quite the sight Alotl. Tell me dear what do you think of Asgard?”

I bite my tongue thinking before answering. “Well your highness I think it is absolutely stunning.” I say holding a tight smile.

“Tell me Y/N your father tells me of your extraordinary power. Would you mind enlightening us with your power?”

“Odin! This is no time for entertainment.” Frigga interjects sending him a stern look. I glance her way receiving a genuine smile. I smile back before her face changes. She looks like she is stuck in time, frozen a beautiful statue.

“Your highness are you alright?” I ask stepping forward. Odin follows my glance before moving to stand behind his wife. A confused look crosses my face as Odin does this. However before I could question the matter further Frigga falls backwards inhaling deeply.

“Frigga what did you see love?” Odin asks while helping his wife stand back on her feet. She stops and looks at you. You shift uncomfortably while her gaze remains on you. Odin looks at you confusion covering his worn features. “Princess Y/N may we have a word alone?” Frigga says turning towards the steps. I follow cautiously not know whether I was in trouble or not.

“You are the goddes of magic?”

“Indeed I am my queen .”

“You know your future is very unclear to me. That is something I am not used to.” She stops walking, spinning around to face me. She eyes me up and down before locking eyes with me. “Tell me dear your power is limitless?” She asks. Her eyes were no long staring at me but almost as if she were looking through me. “Yes your majesty.” I say standing a bit straighter. She nods for a second before looking back towards the entrance. “My dear I am afraid you future must change course for the good of Asgard. You will marry a Odinson, however; I am not sure which” She says turning back around to continue walking. I stand still my feet glued to the ground. My head starts to fog with ideas of what the Allmother has just seen. Am I not good enough for Thor? Am I a danger to the Odinson line? Was it a mistake coming to Asgard. I feel my stomach start to turn as endless scenarios fill my head. The Allmother stops walking for a second glancing back at my rigid form. “Y/N if you wouldn’t mind following me to Hiemdall.” She says turning around completely. Her words come out groogy and quiet. She makes her way towards me lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Giving it a reassuring squeeze before smiling again. “I do not wish to frighten you my dear.” I look up at her. Her eyes were hopelessly searching mine for any form of emotion. I swallow the lump forming in the back of my throat. Standing straight once more I nod toward the queen, signaling it was ok to walk towards Hiemdall.

I followed her down every hallway possible in the palace before reaching Hiemdall. He was at the edge of the Bifröst where the gatekeeper kept watch. “Hiemdall.” Frigga says capturing the attention of the man. “My queen how may I be of service?” He asks turning towards the queen. He was a large man deep in color. His eyes were blood orange making it hard to not focus on them. He held a beautiful sword as if it were apart of him. “Hiemdall, I am having trouble seeing into the princesses future. Please tell me what you see. Who is her betroved? What does her life in Asgard I store for our people?” She asks looking deeply into his eyes. His gaze falls on me causing me to look down. What felt like an eternity as passed before he spoke. “My queen what you ask is who does she betrove?” He pauses glancing between the queen and I. My body seems to hang onto his every word as if it were the air I’m breathing. “My princess you will thrive in Asgard. You will become a gracious and loved queen. However, fate keeps you in the pool of love. You will be betroved to a son of Odin, however; which is in your control.” He says before turning to the queen. “She will be the savior or the reason Asgard falls. I have seen both endings, however it must be her decision who she chooses to marry. In alteration in her choice will end badly for all the realms.” And with that he turns around back to his station of keeping watch.

“Your majesty I do not understand.” I say plying over his words again and again.

“It appears to be that you will not be married as soon as we’d wish.”

“I peg your pardon?”

“It’s the prophecy! That a princess will be the key to Asgard’s servival, but also the destroyer. If we do not tried lightly I am afraid of the concequences to our actions.” She pauses and looks into the distance. Before waking towarsa Hiemdall. They converse over matters of high importance that I must not be able to hear. After a few minutes of discussing Frigga comes back with a smile. “Ah child Hope is not lost for I know the answer now.” She says walking past me. I follow hot on her heels. “What is the answer my queen?” I ask praying to Odin she tells me. She quickly turns to me causing me to almost run into her. “You will have to choose very wisely princess for your powers are not yet finished. Soon my dear you will see the answer and save us all.” that was all she said before leaving me standing there alone on the Bifröst.

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“I Hope You’re The Last...” Part 2

A/N: Hello!! This is my first story… I hope it isn’t as bad as I think it is :)! Please enjoy and don’t plagiarize if ya wouldn’t mind :)!

Imagine: You are the last resort for peace among Asgard. Although Odin and your family have made it clear you are to marry Thor. Fate makes you choose between the Sons for the safety of Asgard depends on it…..

Words: 1986

I Hope Youre The Last... Part 2
I Hope Youre The Last... Part 2

I wander the many halls of the palace. How on earth did I get mixed up in some dumb old prophecy? I sigh giving up when I turn another corner. Lost in my thoughts I didn’t realize another person in my company. “Hmmm and what do we have here?” I look for the person responsible for the voice. I am met with a tall figure standing in my path. He was quite stunning. His armor sleek gold with black trim followed by a green cape hanging loosely off his shoulders. His eyes a green blue perfectly accenting his black hair. Which was done back not daring to touch his face. I gaze at the stranger before I realize who he is. “Prince Loki.” I saw bowing before him. He lets out a cold laugh before walking closer.

“Princess Y/N. My what a marvelous sight you are. Tell me are you not to be getting ready for a wedding?” I look up meeting his eyes. There was no emotion present within them. He kept his guard up forcing me to do the same.

“What concern is it to you?”

“Well it is a simple question.”

“A question I do not have to answer.”

“Is that so?” He eyes me up and down like a predator getting ready to pounce on its prey. I straighten my posture forcing my head higher. He towers over me easily but height doesn’t make a person a intimidating. He closes the gap in a single stride. My breathe hitches in my throat at his close proximity. “Don’t you think you should pay proper respect to your prince?” He says amusement lacing his voice. I hold a tight smile, “And shouldn’t you pay proper respects to a princess?” I challenge earning a scoff from him. We stand there eyeing each other for some time. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have pressing matters to attend to.” I saw bowing. I walk past him leaving him standing in the hall. “Ah Y/N!” He says forcing me to turn around. “Welcome to Asgard and the family.” He laughs before walking in the opposite direction. I stand still watching him walk away.

My chambers were rather large for my liking. The servents decorated the room with my house colors. For that I am grateful, because I would have thrown up if it was a mixture of green and red. A four post bed sits at the edge of the left wall. To the right a vast vanity stood alongside a tiny desk. Across from me stood two large glass doors. I open the doors to find a beautiful balcony. The view overlooked the city. It was breathtaking how the sun danced over the gold. People were scurrying along the busy streets. Despite my belief that the people were poor; they were indeed quite wealthy. I lean against the railing admiring the view. Closing my eyes I focus on the sounds of chatter and laughter from below. It filled me with great joy to know these people loved their land. Before I knew it I was no long hanging on to the railing. I open my eyes discovering I was floating off the balcony. Smiling I glide over the railing and towards the city. The air gently kissing my skin as I fly. A laugh escapes me as the warmth sensation of my powers spread through me. I pass the palace gates seeing the bewilderment on the guards facing. I know before too long Odin will be looking for me. I stop above the center of the city, turning fully around to admire the kingdom. Feeling satisfied I set course back to my balcony back at the palace. I was maybe a yard away before seeing the crowd on my balcony. I recognized Odin immediately, along with my family. Frigga was sitting down admiration written on her face. Thor and Loki were among them as well. I smile secretly to myself at the confusion on their faces.

“Your highnesses.... father and mother. What pleasure do I have having you all on my balcony.” I say bowing in the air. No one spoke as they each looked at each other. Frigga spoke up ending the deafening silence. “My dear you are flying!?” She half yells. I smile kindly towards her while nodding my head. She looks at me with awe before smiling herself. “Well I must say your powers have far exceeded my expectations.” She says before standing. She grabs Odin’s arm gently pulling him towards my door. I land looking at my father pleased with myself. “My dear...” He was cut off by my mothers hand hitting my face. I stand still as stone as rage fills her eyes. “How dare you?” She yells. I look away from her towards Thor and Loki who seem taken back by the scene in front of them. My father turns towards my mother acting as a shield. “Droyja!” My father says with clenched teeth. I touch his shoulder moving him to the side. I lock eyes with my mother. “Yes mother.... did you have something to say?” I say while grinding my teeth. She scoffs and raises her hand again. I catch it before I could come in contact with my face. She pulls away anger flashing in her eyes. “I should have killed you the day you were born. You are nothing but a disgrace to this family!” That was all she said before shoving past my father. I stand still keeping my emotions as bay while guest were present. “I’m sorry for the display you had to witness your highnesses.” I say bowing. My cheek burns as the wound begins to heal. Of course she used the ringed hand this time. I stand back up smiling plainly. “Y/N I will see you at dinner my dear.” My father says before exiting the overly tense balcony. Thor shifts uncomfortably as the silence drags on. “Princess Y/N it was a pleasure to see you... I look forward to your company this evening.” He says before bowing. I curtsy in return and with that he left. It was only me and Loki on the balcony now. His eyes held mine, neither of us said a word. He bowed holding my gaze showing his understanding before leaving me alone.

I stay there letting my emotions get the best of me. The tears welling up I while slamming the balcony doors shut. A scream escapes my lips echoing outside throughout the kingdom. A blue aura covers my body slowly turning a deep red shade. I grip the rails on the balcony turning my knuckles white. Screams and sobs leave my lips as the humiliation and sadness takes over. A slow rumble vibrates the ground as my eyes become clouded with held in tears. I scream at the pain I was feeling. This causes the whole kingdom to shake as if it was hit with an earthquake. Collapsing to the floor I silently cry as the aura fades away back into my body. People shouting was all I heard before resting my eyes into a much needed sleep.


I wake up to a servent girl shaking me. “Princess dinner is ready.” She says oblivious to my tear stained cheeks. I nod slowly gathering myself up from the cold cement floor. I smile kindly at her dismissing her from my presence. I enter my chambers to see items scattered along the floors. Sighing I pick up the fallen items before making sure I was presentable. With a quick touch up to my makeup I was perfect almost. I leave the room to find a servent waiting to lead me to the dining hall. We walk through several hallways before stopping at grand golden doors. She quickly opens the door allowing me to see inside. Of course more gold, I enter bowing before the king and queen.

“Princess have a seat beside your mother.” Frigga says motioning to my mother. I visibly stiffen but continue to walk towards the available seat. Odin and Frigga sat opposite each other at the large table. Thor, my father and Loki sat in front of me and my mother. Dinner was awkward to say the least. Thor and Odin talked loudly about his training and the random earthquake incident. I lowered my head trying to avoid the conversation. “Y/N sit up I didn’t raise you to be rude.” My mother whispers grabbing my wrist. Her hold was so tight it hurt. I try to pull away but she just tightens her grip. “Lihednat Dolchitni....” she whispers while pricking her finger. I feel my throat close making it impossible to breathe. I bring my hand to my throat hoping my magic will counteract hers. “Listen here daughter. You will obey me until this is all over and you are married. If you make on wrong step to cross me you will die painfully slow. Nod your head so I know you understand.” She says looking at me. I nod slowly struggling to see. She removes her hand and I gasp for air causing everyone to turn to me.

“I’m... sorry.... may... I..... be.... excused..?” I struggle to say having to breather between each word. Frigga nods her head concern in her eyes. I stand up quickly almost falling over. Luckily a servent caught me before I could. Straightening up I scurry out of the room. The doors close behind me allowing me to collapse on them. I gasp for air trying to control my breathing. I glance at my wrist seeing the purple bruises form from my mothers grip. Suddenly my wrist snaps backwards. Tears prick the edges of my eyes as my wrist sears in pain. Ok mother if this is how you want to play.... I’ll play.

I walk back to my room to calm down. My wrist has healed back to its normal state thanks to my father. When I was little he placed a healing spell on me due to my mothers unending torture. I lay down hoping to catch rest but before I could a knock came upon my door. I reluctantly get up to answer the knocking. “Hello?” “Y/N it’s me Thor. I wanted to see what happened to you at dinner.”

“I’m fine.”

“Open the door and we can talk.”

“I appreciate the concern, but really I’m fine.”

“Can I come in to talk then?” I finally open the door allowing him inside. He smiles before entering. He looks around the room admiring its simplicity. “Why do you put up with her?” His question shocks me. “I don’t think I know what you mean.” “Yes you do.” His eyes meet mine with a piercing stare. I sigh motioning to the bed for us to sit. “Thor it is much more complicated then you think.” I say looking at him. He was quite handsome his blonde hair and blue eyes suited him. He was in his silver armor, yet his red cape was missing. “Then uncomplicate it for me.”

“Why should I do that?”

“Well you are to be my wife. I should at least no why you do what you do.”

“You are mistaken.”

“How is that?”

“I am not getting married to you as of right now.” This confuses him tremendously. “What is this you speak of?” He asks standing up. I sigh closing my eyes. “As of now I will marry whomever I fall for.” I say glancing at him. He paces back and forth at this information. “Well then I will win your heart.” He says smiling like he has just discovered a new realm. “Thor....” I started but was cut off by his loud laughing. He looks crazy in this moment laughing to himself. “Goodnight Y/N.” He says before leaving me alone. I sit still wondering what the hell has just happened.

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