keithkoganevltrn - Vol-Tron?

indie semi-selective Voltron:LD RP blog | pen'd by Artemis

718 posts

Keith How Did Sleeping With Shiro Feel? Tell Us!

Keith how did sleeping with Shiro feel? Tell us!

"I mean, it was wonderful..." Keith sighed almost dreamily, before laughing quietly. "He was so gentle with me...really kind, sweet, caring. It was more about both of us feeling good than getting off, y'know?"

Keith How Did Sleeping With Shiro Feel? Tell Us!
  • palidinus
    palidinus liked this · 6 months ago

More Posts from Keithkoganevltrn

6 months ago

At first he hid his body, an arm over his chest, but Shiro had seen it all before, why hide. He stepped into the water, hissing at the warmth at first as it shocked over his already searingly hot body. Soon, though, he adjusted to the temperature and relaxed.

"How're we doing this?" He asked, carefully tracing his fingers over a scar on Shiro's shoulder. He was admiring them, gently, tenderly, for their true beauty. "You wash me I wash you?"

"Gorgeous..." the word left him without thought, breathed between them like a song. "You're absolutely stunning, Shiro..."

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6 months ago

;; good night everyone!!

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6 months ago

@federationmuses cont from [x]

Shiro smiled brightly, blissfully out of uniform and wearing a plain black tank top and dark gray sweats. "Well, as a break from boring politics, have a seat and wait with me~ Tell me all about the trip. See anything interesting in the wilds of the world?"

@federationmuses Cont From [x]

It was very rare that he left the grounds of the Garrison, so he lived vicariously through her travels.

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6 months ago

Keith ignored the scolding from the other pilot and gained some distance from the Angel to be able to call out to his team. He positioned Red on a hill nearby, he could still jump into the fight if needed, but was far enough back that he had some safety net.

"Calling team Voltron," he all but screamed over the comms link, frantic and near begging. "We're needed at these coordinates to fend off a foreign body. It's not Galra tech, I don't know what the quiznak- it is, but it's big, it's bad, and we've got two other mechs fighting it already."

He hoped they were within range before diving back into the fight, using Red to distract and attack the Angel if it was distracted by Shinji and Asuka.

"Team should be on the way!" He called out to the two, bobbing and weaving through attacks with the agility of, well, a cat.

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6 months ago

@bladeburnd found the coalition.

Kolivan paced, he'd been looking for the paladins for days it seemed like now, and, finally having found them, he seemed restless to say the least.

"Keith," he extended a hand. "Good to see you."

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