@maudlxne Found The Lions
@maudlxne found the lions
Shiro scrambled to collect everything that had spilled forth from the dropped crate, rolling his eyes at the laughter that followed him.
"Be right with you-" he nodded to the newcomer.
More Posts from Keithkoganevltrn
Keith how did sleeping with Shiro feel? Tell us!
"I mean, it was wonderful..." Keith sighed almost dreamily, before laughing quietly. "He was so gentle with me...really kind, sweet, caring. It was more about both of us feeling good than getting off, y'know?"

A low purr left Keith at the contact, he practically melted into Shiro's touch, warmth rising in his whole body. His skin was hot to the touch, he snuck a kiss against Shiro's cheek, smile returning. His neck craned to allow more access to skin.
"You know me, I'll work till I fall over."
He relished in these moments they had, the softness, the tenderness...they made his heart swell with happiness and love. Everything was spinning again, blood rushing in his ears. Keith practically glowed with delight. He leaned into Shiro's touch a bit more, his body seeking stability in a moment of weakness.
"Thank you, Takashi..." It was barely a whisper.
"You've got a deal," Keith arched into the hand on his hip, body reacting of its own accord. Every point of contact ached for more, to be closer, to be overwhelmed by him. The Red Paladin's breath caught in his throat for a moment as he leaned into the touch, smiling up at Shiro.
"We'll get this done in no time flat, I bet."
The room spun still, but he steadied himself on his feet and wrapped his arms around Shiro's shoulders, gently pulling him into a wanting kiss. Just enough to want for more. Warmth rose from his core through his whole body, but he didn't care how hot he felt, he just wanted more of Shiro.
"Then you're mine~"
Despite the protest of his body, Shiro scooped Alexis into his arms and made his way towards med bay, whispering sweet nothings to her as they went. Arriving, he laid her on an empty cot and spoke to the olkari doctor.
Presses his lips to Keith's jugular, where his pulse is, then kisses to his earlobe. "I miss you," he whispers.
Keith melted into the touch, a smile creeping across his face at the contact. "I miss you too."