ketch - 18+ - @windy-trickster ilyyyyyother art blog is @ketch-sideblog
630 posts
"hmmm. Blueblood, Glasses, Suspenders, Bookhive..."

"hmmm. blueblood, glasses, suspenders, bookhive..."

"seems an awful lot like you're a nerd to me."
hey CERVIN. how does it feel being such a BIG NERD >:)

"It's a lmost p a infully obvious th a t you're trying to insult me, but f a iling miser a bly a t doing so."
ketchfantrolls reblogged this · 1 year ago
ketchfantrolls liked this · 1 year ago
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Nallea what's it like to be surrounded by a lot of seadwellers?

"most seadweLLers are either pretentious or tolerable. I just happen to stumble across a lot of the latter, I guess. so it's alright."

"sej is in a secret third category of seadweLLer."

i'[m kind of in love w this hairstyle on her i think i might finally have a design i like

"a streamer, huh?"

"that sounds cool as heLL! you gotta let me foLLow. I don't have much time for watching streams and videos, but you look pretty awesome! definite 9/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone