kimaratomoya - Kimara Tomoya i suppose
Kimara Tomoya i suppose

Woah i exist- He/She/They I am obsessed with Fazbear Frights (the book series)... I have like 4 AU's for it and don't know how to express it enough. Also haha creepypasta??? I was so into it but not as much anymore. But the art is cool. Hm. Yeah. Oh also i have a wattpad and Ao3 account under the user of Kimara_Tomoya. Go follow it... Or don't, i don't care haha. [Also I drew my pfp and banner]

89 posts

*Casually Materialises*

*Casually Materialises*

No one asked for this but I don't care.

Characters that I fucking love from Fazbear Frights that I see barely anyone talking about because they didn't read past books 1-5 usually. Or they forget about them. Because that happens.

Spoilers if you haven't read the books ig??

1. Toby Billings

My beloved boy

He's so depressed lmao

Definitely got some shit going wrong

But we love him

And he deserves better that being tormented by a fucking shadow rabbit

Literally has no mother

She fucking left ✌️

But he has a brother (who is a dick)

And a dad (who supports the brother)


Bestie I hope ur ok

2. Jeremiah (I don't he has a last name, if he does, I forgot it and I refuse to check the wiki out of spite)

Also depressed probably

Needs therapy

Parker was so mean to him what the heck.

He was just vibin

And trying to finish his fucking job

And this bitch put spicy shit in his chips


Also Glitchtrap kinda makes him have to find Hope and Parker's disembodied pieces

So that's rude

3. Hudson

Why are all of these people depressed

But yeah he has actual PTSD

Poor guy

Literally was trying to just leave his past behind him BC he couldn't deal with it

And just wanted to exist in peace


I have a lot of hatred towards William.

4. Colton

Surprisingly, not depressed

Just a moron

I love his stupid little brain

He legit broke into a place to fix a game to get tickets for a game when he literally could've just stolen the game

You little dumb dumb


5. Sam


Broski does film????

I do film!!!!!

Also I find him goofy

And Nole definitely spent way too long on the first 3 pages describing how he sits and stuff

I have no idea what his skin tone is because everyone keeps changing it and I am just gonna stick with like the original one I know for him lmao

He's so swag

(probably fruity ✨💅)

Does anyone want 5 (or more) characters I despise for dumb little reasons?

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More Posts from Kimaratomoya

1 year ago

Shadow Bonnie just...

*discord join call sound*

And then harrassed a depressed guy.

Eleanor: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?

Plushtrap: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.

Faz-Goo: I personally was created in a lab.

Shadow Bonnie: I just straight up spawned lol.

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1 year ago

I have enjoyed watching your drama with Chuugly tho 😭😭😭😭

Where will I get my drama 😭💔

But you do you bestie

I ignore Chuugly for less than 24 hours and I get 6 asks, 3 replies and and tagged in a post

My darling, my love, my sweet summer child, this is getting boring.

1 year ago

Omg I'd love to have mood as a superpower

Just like

Fuck you

*becomes a liquid*

That'd be so fun

I have like 4 moods

And I don't even know what they are.

1 year ago

Finally someone compiled the proof! He is very gay.

So I’m reading the new fazbear frights book “Blackbird” and I have some thoughts

First off we have friends nole and sam in college

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts
So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

yeah ya know just some friends nothing crazy...anyways they start talking about deep secrets

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts
So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

and you’re like what secrets could this guy nole have 👀

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

Oh? a guy like nole was a bully?!? nole who doesn’t even feel like he belongs with his frat, who’s only apart of the frat because his dad and grandfather were. I wonder what kind of influence they had on him, I mean why would someone like him bully others *shrugs*

whatever anyway later we meet his roommate

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

Ian has nice boxers good to know👍🏽

Next when asked about how close he and sam were

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

So they’re close I guess😅

And lastly....just this

So Im Reading The New Fazbear Frights Book Blackbird And I Have Some Thoughts

oh my heart😭

In conclusion Nole gay as hell✌🏽

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1 year ago

list every single lgbtq character in fnaf i dare you



Hmmm let's see

Glamrock Bonnie. Confirmed to be gay with Glamrock Freddy. They twinkified him.

Glamrock Freddy. Gay father.

Michael Afton. Probably idk.

Glamrock Chica. Lesbian Mom #2

Roxanne Wolf. Mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry, mommy-

Sun and Moon. Probably Asexual. Idk. They are cool tho.

Monty. Probably bi but can't get anywhere.

DJ MM. Man plays Squidwards Nose a little too much.


Nole. Fazbear Frights. Apparently Ian's boxers be looking ✨nice✨

Toby. Fazbear Frights. I think so. I mean it's either that or he's AFAB.

Aiden and Jace. H.A.P.P.S. these guys are Fruity as fUCK