I've been a Kohrin shipper since around 2004, and just ignored Sessrin, but after Trashahime came... I'll show everything wrong those idiots of Sunrise did and what they should have done, and that no one should force us to love that stupid and inconsistent what if (and never will) and mock or harass anyone who doesn't ship sessrin. SHIP AND LET SHIP
141 posts
Kagome Faiting Because Of Sunrise's Lame Fanfic That Is Supposedly The "official" Continuation Of Inuyasha

Kagome faiting because of Sunrise's lame fanfic that is supposedly the "official" continuation of Inuyasha

Nothing stops anyone from making their own headcanons/fanfics
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More Posts from Kohakuxrin

SessKaguWeek Day 3: Blue | Wishful Thinking
Drawing from a hotel room because they’re worthy. Drawing this made me realize how much I want domestic SessKagu & KohRin and how they all should gang Sesshomaru to get a ponytail :3

It’s obvious what the announcement at the end of episode 24 will be: The horror hasn’t ended, more Trashahime coming
Sunrise sure caused a lot of damage with their lame animated fanfic.
Most fans are upset by how they depicted the characters, especially Inuyasha and Kagome sealed in the black pearl and separated from their daughter who was treated as comedic relief, and Sesshomaru and Rin becoming a couple in a way that additionally tries to make lolicon acceptable, and consequently it divided the fandom. It was the anime producer Suwa Michihiko who unreasonably demanded a continuation, which was an unreasonable request indeed as after 12 years of various headcanons and fanfics following Inuyasha’s conclusion with the unlikely chance to get a sequel as Takahashi tended to just start a new manga once she concludes one and never made a sequel to any of her other works, it could hardly meet everyone’s general expectations.
And Sumisawa and the Sunrise staff themselves did not try to think of something that everyone would be ok with like they claimed. Supposedly, it had to be Sesshomaru’s daughter as the main character because if Inuyasha and Kagome’s child was the main character, it would be hard to upstage her parents and they would steal the protagonism everytime they appear. Well, that’s an invalid excuse, because Inuyasha and Kagome were removed nonetheless (sealed in a black pearl), and it could have been Moroha as the main character struggling to free/save her parents. They in fact knew that the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin was perceived differently by fans so how on earth would everyone be ok with what they made?
It’s obvious that they simply took the liberty to write something of their own vision, not really taking into consideration the fandom. They seriously should have come up with something that could have avoided any controversies.

Sesshomaru and the entire OG cast had enough of your OOC bs, Sunrise.

Seriously, sleeping with Sesshomaru only led her to waste 14 years of her life sleeping in a tree and not raising her own children. Had she married Kohaku, she wouldn’t have gone through all that

As I re-imagined Yashahime with Towa and Setsuna not being daughters of Sesshōmaru and Rin or simply another future story, I was thinking of what would become of Rin in the future. And someone taught me something valuable: instead of remaining a helpless dependent girl and just a side piece for someone else, Rin as an adult, no matter who you are shipping her with, should be allowed to be independent of that person you ship her with and to follow her own passions.
I’ve seen some picturing her in various ways including as a demon slayer or a miko, but remembering how she tried to nurse Sesshōmaru the first time she met him and found the berries to save Jaken in episode 96, and as she came to live with Kaede who knows medical treatment and assisted her in delivering Sango’s children at the end of the story, I thought becoming a physician would fit her.
And I picture it like this: While living with Kaede in her village and assisting her in many ways, she thought of how helpless and a liability she was before and wanted to honor everyone’s efforts in saving her life and become useful. So she learned medical treatments from Kaede then, knowing that the demon slayers, despite making their livelihood by killing demons, do not see all demons as a threat and peacefully co-exist with demons who are friendly or do not pose a threat to humans, she relocated in the village of demon slayers, where Kohaku, Sango and Miroku were rebuilding the clan, to operate as their physician not only for them but for any kind of people (human, demon and hanyō) who would either come or be brought here by the demon slayers, and she’d ride on A-Un whenever she’d be needed somewhere else. Additionally, as someone who had her family killed by humans and was cared by a demon, it would help in assuring the demon slayer clan’s code of conduct to remain. She herself would stop some demon slayers, who joined the clan after their families perished because of demons, when they’d attempt to kill an innocent demon, and tell them how it was humans who killed her family and a demon who looked after her to teach them how there's good and evil in anything and to make them understand the demon slayer clan’s code of conduct.
And to become less helpless and less likely a liability, she could have learned some fighting skills and how to use certain weapons to at least defend herself (like the curved blade strapped to her wrist and some bombs). *Image done through Photoshop editing, using a character named Natsuno from Mao (Takahashi’s currently on-going manga)