Oh To Be A Rabbit Eating Blueberries
Oh to be a rabbit eating blueberries

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I discovered boudin and I feel like the ancestors just smacked my hand and went "that's not for you!!!"
It was so good but then I started coughing, throwing up and nearly shat myself, while sneezing and clucking my tongue to get the roof of my mouth to stop itching.
Feels like I got my cajun card revoked. Just drove up, snatched it out my hand, flipped me off and sped away.

You what still bothers me to this day....
I was 8 years old, the year was 2001 and I was taking a school exam.... geese, goose.... mouse, mice, moose, meese....
Yes, meese.
"Oh but that sounds like mouse" people would tell me. No. Mouse has mice, that's already plural so it wouldn't make any sense!! If goose is geese, why can't moose be meese??
It's madness. I got it wrong on the exam. Fools. All of them.
It's 2023 and I stand by meese.
Goose-geese, moose-meese
That is all.....