laxxarian - Feylin

smashalcbkwndbdkand you'll get the joke in the future, future me

65 posts

Is There ANY Au Or Timeline Where Jason Is Happy???? Bud, Each Time I Find A Little Clip Of Jason's Backstory

is there ANY au or timeline where Jason is happy???? Bud, each time I find a little clip of Jason's backstory —whichever he is in said timeline or something— ITS ALWAYS SO SAD


Do writers hate him?

Is he the punching bag??

Is he the angst bait for the viewers to feel sad and fuel the writers a good amount of energy???


A Jason where he's happy?! A happy AU?!? 🥹🥹😭😭

Maybe living on a farm, helping cows, relaxing out on the porch of the house while drinking hot cocoa....

Does he ever get a rest?!

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More Posts from Laxxarian

1 year ago

Gordon noticed the exhaustion and forcing Batman to go on a vacation in Amity Park, he has heard rumors and talks about how peaceful it can be and the local hero seemed to be keeping the 'criminals' under wraps pretty well.

Because of that, Batman —Bruce, and his kids, go on vacation. Couldn't say no now that Gordon gave him the map for the trip to Amity Park.

The Batfam witnesses full of floating green and blue people, terrorizing the place but they weren't exactly harming the people.

And then there's a kid with snow white hair and forest green eyes, seemingly herding the floating people back to somewhere.

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1 year ago

Danny was confused

I mean, Vlad literally outright says his plans right at Jack's ears as clear as crystal but Jack somehow manages to wishy washy away from his head but when the Fentons had to go to a gala at Wayne's manor, Jack was all aware and perceptive around Bruce.

Turns out, they both were relatives and Jack didn't seem to like Bruce. Jack just could smell the "fakeness" around Bruce. But I guess it's because Vlad would actually slip his tongue and be honest, his voice and the way he acts, Jack didn't feel off when he is with Vlad.

But with Bruce? Naw.

Danny looks at Bruce and he seemed nice, a bit *weird* around here and there but he was still nice. But then again, he can't trust billionaires and just as Danny felt that untrusting vibe, he heard a disgusting voice coming from behind him.

"My, oh my, if it isn't the Little Badger?"

Danny narrowed his eyes, disgust was all over his face, "Vlad." he replied with venom.

And that's cue on Jack to wrap his arm around Vlad's neck and starts talking to him cheerfully just so he could get away from Bruce.

To Vlad's dismay, he went along with Jack. And to Danny's dismay, Bruce started a conversation with him. Then to Jazz's wondrous night, her and Maddie were outside to take a breather so Danny was all alone and unguarded and stuck with Bruce Wayne, introducing himself and his ward, [pick ur choice].


Btw, I also wanted for Clockwork to show up, saving Danny but that's just too much lelelelellel.

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1 year ago

Danny and his family are going to Gotham for vacation since the parents detected ectoplasm there (the family already knew Danny's the Phantom and so did Amity Park but not the whole world since Phantom made everyone forget it). The family are still obsessed with ghosts but friendlier now.

The point is, Danny is a prince who will going to a crime infested City so now the ghosts are secretly wandering around Gotham to keep Danny and his family safe and because of that, the crime rate decreased significantly faster as though it felt like peacefully mundane.

Every criminal and villain who was about to do their work had been either overshadowed by ghosts or be knocked out before they even get a chance and that got the heroes thinking about what's happening.

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1 year ago

Danny is a clone

And he knows that, what he doesn't know of was who was the original. But anyways, when he met Dani, he sort of taken a liking of her cuz why not? She's a clone, and he's a clone, and both has similar DNA so why wouldn't Danny not like Dani?

But anyways, when Dani left to go explore (she has been stabilized), she found a look-a-likw of Danny. Not that much but it's just the skin and the eyes that was slightly different but overall was practically the same so she decided to befriend the little guy cuz why not? The dude's look like Danny.

But anyways, someway or another, Dani and the dude became friends. Dani befriended Damian.

And Damian and Dani was shocked to learn that she had the DNA of a *failed* clone, Danny never told Dani about him being a clone. But then another shocking truth was that the DNA was exactly like Damian....

Jaw dropping, intense staring and gasping was all Dani could muster as a reaction to Damian.

Now the Batfam and Dani got to visit this "Danny".

Dani: Why didn't you tell me that you were a clone???

Danny: How did you know that?


Damian: You're my clone...

Danny: You're the template?!?

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1 year ago

They were in the basement with Jack Fenton having a grave announcement.

It was about the family going to Gotham cuz Jack, as much as he hates it, has to go to a gala since his cousin invited him and his family. He was also threatened that if he were to decline, his cousin would burst through the Fenton Works and live there for three days so Jack decided that it's better to go to the gala and deal with his cousin for one night rather than three.

Who's the cousin you may ask? Bruce Wayne.

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