leapingbadger - Kamino Dreamin
Kamino Dreamin

101 posts

So Much This!

So much this!

So Much This!

Also need to point out that when he catches her in the ipsium mine in season 2 he kisses her hand! He shows his feelings, it’s just subtle.

Whenever I hear people say things like “Hunter never shows any emotion” I’m like 🫤 Are You Sure About That? And in this essay I will…

sorry for the potato quality as I have not yet learned how not to make blurry gifs

Whenever I Hear People Say Things Like Hunter Never Shows Any Emotion Im Like Are You Sure About That?

Uh, so here’s exhibit A ☝🏽

Whenever I Hear People Say Things Like Hunter Never Shows Any Emotion Im Like Are You Sure About That?

Also, remember when Omega slapped his hand away and this was his face afterward? Cause I do

Whenever I Hear People Say Things Like Hunter Never Shows Any Emotion Im Like Are You Sure About That?

And this? ☝🏽 Bro is literally trying not to shed man tears rn are you serious?

Whenever I Hear People Say Things Like Hunter Never Shows Any Emotion Im Like Are You Sure About That?

Not his face after Wrecker mentions Tech and the mission that “didn’t end so well” oof

(Gif credit: these last two gifs are made by Moonkrab Hunter on Pinterest, cause I gave up tryna make my own 😅)

I rest my case. My work here is finished.

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More Posts from Leapingbadger

4 months ago

This is so beautiful! Would love to see something like this with her and Hunter ❤️

leapingbadger - Kamino Dreamin

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4 months ago


Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene
Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene
Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene
Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene
Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene

Point of No Return: Deleted Scene

A testament to my procrastination skills is the fact that I started working on this immediately after the episode Point of No Return aired, and just now finished it like two days ago 😬

The scene we never got. The scene I think we all wanted.

Full page below cut

Point Of No Return: Deleted Scene

pls ignore the crooked boxes thank you 🥲

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4 months ago

Something I never knew I needed! ❤️

STAR WARS Ambient Noise Masterlist

Some of the best Star Wars inspired background sound mixes and ASMR atmospheres for you!


Night On Kamino

Naboo Lake

Tatooine Desert

Streets Of Tatooine

Coruscant - Lower Levels


Dagobah Campground

Evening On Endor


Jabba’s Palace

Maz Kanata’s Castle Interior

Watto’s Shop

Aboard A Ship

Inside The Millennium Falcon

Imperial Archives


Cloud City Spaceport

Nar Shaddaa Spaceport

Mos Eisley Spaceport

The Jedi

Jedi Temple

Yavin IV Jedi Academy

Jedi Temple Library

Jedi Training Room

Room Of A Thousand Fountains

Ach-To Caves

The Sith

Sith Temple

Zigoola Sith Temple

Tomb Of The Sith Lords

On The Death Star

Nightshift On The Death Star

Aboard The Death Star


Siege Of Maz Kanata’s Castle

Boonta Eve Classic

Jedi Odyssey

Lightsaber Duel With Blasters

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4 months ago

Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics

All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!

4 months ago



Summary: Hunter has recently learned that he can sense Tech’s ghost and has shared that information with his family. Omega comes to terms with Tech’s death with the help of her brother.

Notes: This story follows canon and deals with Tech’s death. If you’re not comfortable reading about that I would give this story a miss. This also follows along with some of the other stories I’ve written. You can read them here: Hope; Sunrise; Sunset and Tested

Word Count: 1431


Omega sat on her bed, holding her fallen brother’s goggles. She hadn’t done this in a while. She had been content to let them sit on her nightstand, silently watching over her. A thick layer of dust had collected on the edges of the broken glass. The light, formally glowing red, was now dark.

If she squinted, they would sometimes look whole, and she should imagine the chocolate-colored eyes behind them looking back at her. But not today.

Hunter had told them about his mission with Rex and newest encounter with Ventress. And that he had sensed Tech or Tech’s ghost or whatever it was.

Initially she had been thrilled. It was like getting him back again. Hunter had even pointed out that he was at the table, sitting with them, laughing with them. But in the dark, in the quiet, Omega realized that he wasn’t back. He wasn’t here. Not in the way she wanted.

There had always been a small part of her that had hoped. Hoped that he had found something to catch himself on, fallen into water, been saved by some miracle and now the reality of it crashed over her. He was gone. He had fallen to his death for them, and he would never show up on an idle afternoon, scratched, maimed, but alive.

A tear fell onto the goggles as this realization hit her like a fresh wave of grief.

She heard a creak outside her door and didn’t need to look up to know who it was.

“Are you okay,” Hunter asked softly, crossing to the bed and sitting next to her. His palms were in his lap, not wanting to intrude too directly onto her grief, but still close enough if she needed him.

Omega had always found Hunter’s lack of touch frustrating. She knew he loved her, knew he wanted to hug her, comfort her, but he wasn’t capable in the way that Wrecker was.

She sniffed in reply and dissolved, sobbing over her most prized possession, the last remnant of her long-lost brother.

“I’m sorry, kid,” Hunter whispered, putting his arm around her. He squeezed her close to him, resting his chin on the top of her head and holding her. She sank into his arm, drinking in the safety and warmth. She would have been surprised by his sudden affection was she not wholly consumed with sorrow.

They stayed like that for a while in silence, except for Omega’s shuddered breaths. She felt where the tears had fallen on her cheeks, as though they were permanently etched in her skin like her brother’s tattoo. The sun was streaming into her golden room. When she finally sat up, she wiped her eyes and exhaled deeply. She looked down at the goggles, ran her finger over the shattered lens, and gently placed them on the nightstand once more.

“I thought he might come back. Hoped,” she mumbled.

Hunter nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Where are Wrecker and Crosshair?” she asked, suddenly realizing how quiet the house was.

Hunter sighed, “Wrecker went fishing to clear his head. Crosshair is painting at the crest. Said he’d be back later. It’s difficult information to…”

Hunter paused and chuckled “of course,” he said to no one. He stood up from the bed and sat on the floor facing her.

“He’s here, if you want to talk,” he said with a smile at the space he had vacated next to Omega.

“I can’t sense him the way…”

“I’ll translate,” Hunter leaned forward, took her hand and placed it on the spot next to her on the bed. “he’s here,” he said gently, sitting back down.

“I don’t feel him,” she said, staring at the nothingness next to her.

“I know,” Hunter said sadly. “He asked how you are… oh sorry. Yeah, okay Tech.” Hunter looked at her, amused. “He said I need to translate verbatim,”

Omega giggled and sat up straighter. She noticed Hunter close his eyes and lowered his head as though not to intrude into a private conversation.

“How are you, Omega,” Hunter said, his voice punctuated in Tech’s familiar rhythm.

“I’m okay…Tech,” she said, feeling silly but also lighter than she had in a while.

“I’m very…proud of how you have grown up. You are an excellent pilot,”

Omega’s eyes swam with tears, “thank you.” she looked down at her hands and across to Tech’s goggles, “I’m sorry we couldn’t save you, Tech,” she said, feeling a weight dop into her chest. She looked at Hunter whose face had crumpled.

Omega had never seen Hunter cry, although Wrecker had assured her that he did, had, many times after she was taken; When he thought no one else was around. She was aware in that moment how young her brothers were and how much they had endured in their short lives.

“I would make the same decision again and again if it meant you were safe,” Hunter as Tech said.

“Did it…hurt?” she asked, finally voicing her greatest fear.

“I didn’t feel anything, Omega. I was not and am not in pain. I am lucky that I am somehow able to watch you live your lives in peace,”

Hunter looked up at the space next to Omega and smiled.

“Are you always here?” Omega asked hopefully.

“Not always. I seem to pop in every now and then. It’s not something I control. It would be fascinating to do further research. However, in my current state that doesn’t seem possible,”

Omega giggled; Tech was always trying to discover more.  “Where are you when you’re not with us?” she asked and Hunter looked at her, surprised, as though it had never occurred to him to ask that question before.

“I seem to go to a strange, void space. It is black with white, glowing arches like some kind of ancient star map. I’m always alone but can hear other voices. It is quite an odd but not unpleasant sensation. Regardless, I much prefer to be on Pabu with you and…”

“Phee?” Omega supplied.

“Why…ah…yes…I do pop in on her from time to time,”

“Does she know?” Omega asked, directing the question at Hunter. He shook his head but kept his eyes closed and head down.

“Perhaps you can help Hunter with that particular conversation,” Hunter as Tech said.

“I’d be happy to,” Omega said.

The light was streaming through her window now, a beam of sparkling dust illuminated the space next to her and for a second, she could imagine Tech in his armor, looking down at her with a smile on his lips.

“I love you, Tech,” she said to the nothingness.

“And I you,” Hunter responded in Tech’s familiar tone.

There was a pause before Hunter raised his head and blinked open his eyes, focusing on the spot. Omega knew Tech was gone. She could see it on his face.

“Did that help?” he asked, concern in his voice.

She smiled and launched herself at him, hugging him around the neck. “Yes. Thank you.” She said, tears dripping onto his shoulder.

“I was just the translator,” he said softly. He picked himself up and wiped his hands over his face and through his hair absentmindedly.

“Should we go and see Phee?” Omega asked excitedly. She felt so light, happier than she had since she heard the news, she wanted to spread it as far as possible.

“I dunno, Kid,” Hunter said solemnly. “I’m not sure I can break anyone else’s heart right now. Maybe we wait until Crosshair and Wrecker get used to the idea.”

Omega nodded in understanding and took his hand. “you’re not breaking hearts, Hunter. You’re giving hope.” She said with a smile.

“It doesn’t feel like that,” he said quietly. He squeezed her hand twice and let go, crossing the common room to the kitchen beyond.

Omega looked back at the spot where Tech had been. At least, where she thought he had been. His goggles sat in a pool on sunlight, the broken glass which looked grey and devoid of life before glowed yellow and she gasped.

She knew she would carry the loss of him with her forever. It was burnt into her skin like a brand. But knowing he was watching, that he was proud, and that he loved her as much as she loved him, she realized that it was enough. The grief would never fully leave her, but it took up less space, knowing she could speak to him again.

“Goodbye, Tech,” she whispered into the room as she followed Hunter to the kitchen beyond.

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