liketwoswansinbalance - LikeTwoSwansInBalance

"You are dripping on my lovely new floor," said Rafal. Rhian blinked at the black stone tiles, grimy and thick with soot.

595 posts

Rafal Is The Most Character Ever. He Dies Twice. He Uses Seduction, But Is Never Truly Seduced. He Claims

Rafal is the most character ever. He dies twice. He uses seduction, but is never truly seduced. He claims to be rational and pragmatic, but lives for drama. He watches torture like television. His canonical favorite food is hilariously dainty cucumber and herb butter sandwiches. He's literally a sorcerer, but was foiled by a sentient pen. He's supposedly good, but exhibits considerable bloodlust. He seems to enjoy the revelry at a nightclub, but never lets loose because he's so repressed, despite literally being evil for more than 50% of the time. He probably commits his world's approximation of war crimes, but looks down on mere piracy. He acts as if he could care less for fashion, but is a fashion icon all the same. He received a prophecy as a warning to essentially take safety precautions for himself, like any other fantasy protagonist in the history of ever, but took it to mean that he was the problem. He believed himself the greatest threat because he was an arrogant control freak, and didn't think anyone else could get in his way, despite the fact that he was the one person to fix things and restore order most of the time. He thinks he's above living an ordinary life. He actually wants to be the burdened chosen one because he has a thirst for power. He thinks of himself as in control when he's actually fate's plaything. He's incredibly genre-savvy, but doesn't know himself well enough to use his genre-savviness to his advantage.

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More Posts from Liketwoswansinbalance

10 months ago

And the answer is:


If you selected "Japeth" or "Multiple of them," you receive partial credit!

Japeth causes blood loss that sends Tedros into a not-quite-lucid state, and Rafal is specifically responsible for the provocation that sets Tedros off.

Also, I was surprised by the spread of the responses. Did most people see "fowl" and immediately think "Rafal?"

If anyone wants to sate my curiosity, what was your reasoning for other choices/your thought process in general? I also had Tedros' head turn to be intentionally misleading, as if he were addressing two people instead of one—did anyone latch onto that?

Wizard Guessing Game

Somebody sent Tedros to the insane asylum (not literally) in TOTSMOV41. Guess who.

I'm sure you've all heard of: "Which witch is which?" Well, this is: Which wizard is this? Feel free to write out your reasoning. I'm curious.

Tedros’ head lolled to the side. “'Tis ungodly, my hears. Ears. Myne eyen hear. 's the Evil wizard, foul, foul." He laughed to himself as if he had witnessed a joke no one else was privy to. His head snapped to the other side sharply, his gaze unfocused. "No—foul fowl!” he burbled in a daze, approaching incoherence.

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10 months ago

An AU Concept: The myth of Eos and Tithonus but applied to Rafal and Rhian. (Except, it would have to be interpreted platonically, and besides, Tithonius taking the form of a cicada for the rest of his days recalls Rhian in his moth form in my mind.)

I think it would be simultaneously hilarious and angst-ridden, actually. Like, curse the Storian! (The Pen would be cast as Zeus.) Except, in reality, the fault would really lie with Rafal lacking foresight, and the "precision of language" or inexact-requests-from-deities trope, which I'm often fond of.

Here's a brief reference to the story if anyone needs it:

Tithonus | Immortal, Dawn, Lover
Encyclopedia Britannica
Tithonus, in Greek legend, son of Laomedon, king of Troy, and of Strymo, daughter of the river Scamander. Eos (Aurora) fell in love with Tit

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10 months ago

Do you have an account on TV Tropes?

No, I don’t have an account, but I enjoy stumbling down the rabbit trails of its many, many hyperlinked pages when I read about tropes. I also occasionally find that the site informs my writing.

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10 months ago

Rafal the Unethical Psychologist - Part 4

If anyone's wondering why I've been posting more than usual, I'm clearing out some pre-written drafts. A lot of these have been around for months, and I thought it was time. Also, any feedback is much appreciated!

[Rhian is having his afternoon teatime when Rafal enters the glass atrium, bringing a particular query.]

Rafal: I've come up with a way to meddle with a person's pain receptors. It's definitely a significant breakthrough, Rhian. No surgery required, just magical interference, through the branches of the nervous system. I can simulate painful sensations, and even direct electrical currents to certain areas of the brain with ultra-fine needles. This will revolutionize the Doom Room. [He looks proud.]

Rhian: [aghast, looking a bit green around the gills] And you're telling me this why?

Rafal: Who's your least favorite student? I need a test subject, and none of the Nevers will volunteer for torture, much less torture that doesn't leave impressive scars—

Rhian: [rolls his eyes] Of course. I'm positive that that's why you have zero volunteers.

Rafal: Yes, they refuse to endure torture as punishment if it doesn't leave visible scars. [musing] This year's miscreants are Uglification-obsessed, come to think of it. They can't seem to register how deception comes into play with villainy, the batch of dolts!

Rhian: Well. I think I've heard enough! I will not sacrifice one of my students to you as if they were chattel! What a disgrace to the Institute!

Rafal: Oh, all right. I'll wait and use the failed students as my experimental group... and lean into using Hook and his escapades from our tale as a teachable moment. Your Evers will thank you for an account from one of their own, their supposedly infallible School Master. And they won't suffer like the fools they are, assuming they learn from the king of all fools.

Rhian: [with gritted teeth, straining his voice] Why thank you, Rafal. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Rafal: [grins superiorly] My pleasure.

Rhian: Oh, please. I won't let you experiment on my charges. It shan't be allowed on my watch. If you're really dead set on it, take it up with the Woods Inter-kingdom Board of Villainous Experiments, or better yet, test it on yourself.

Rafal: Fine. Maybe I will. And, remember: precise wording, brother. I could gouge out your eyes, and continue with my experiment, not on your watch. You should be glad I'm not a rogue genie.

Rhian: [buries his face in his hands, with a long sigh] No. You're worse. [exasperatedly] What am I going to do with you?

Rafal: [staidly] Let me and my experiments be. [He walks out.]

Rhian: [breathes into his teacup and rests his brow on the edge of his table as his chair scrapes back, loudly. Then, he mumbles under his breath:] That was a rhetorical question...

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10 months ago

Vulcan: Vulcan kill Evil School Master dead.

Rhian: All murders end in death. Isn’t that unnecessary clarification?

Rafal: Not with me it isn’t. I never purchase one-way tickets. Death’s an old friend of mine, so he grants me round trips.

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