The School For Good And Evil - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Rafal, would you ever let anyone me touch your hair haha

It looks nice :D

(Pls drop hair routine)

Rafal: No. And what do you mean by routine? I wash it, rinse out the powdered natron and vetch. Comb it. Nothing more. The practice has been around for centuries. It's not as if showering is hard, no matter what some Never clowns seem to think. They're probably cowardly, thinking the salt will sting their open wounds, the blithering idiots. Speaking of the Circus—it wouldn't suit me to leave out mention of its ringleader, would it? Apparently, Rhian doesn't like it when I walk in with oxidized blood plastering my hair down, but I don't see the difference between that and his newfangled hair goop, or slathering his face in charcoal for that matter—how is that any cleaner coming out of a bottle when blood is already sterile right out of its vessel? It's beyond me. And why would hair need a "mask" weighing it down? Cloaks are clearly superior at obscuring identity.

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5 months ago

Sophie ought to be due more credit. How is she so sophisticated and cosmopolitan in spite of being from a close-minded town? She couldn't have derived everything she knew about high society and fashion from just the storybooks, surely? Maybe she was more inventive and pioneering than any of us could've thought since, upon becoming Dean, I think she launched several Woodswide trends.

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4 months ago



All this time, I just thought I’d completely made up a false, very subjective “theory” that Sophie’s behavior and appearance shifted to become colder and calcified in TLEA because Rafal had acted out some kind of lie of omission and breathed his soul into her (and I wanted to come up with yet another plausible reason for Sophie to distrust him in TOTSMOV41.) And then, I come across this page, at random, only to see this description of “a strange warmth,” which could just be physiological warmth, some product of strong emotion on Sophie’s part. But it also could be interpreted as the same warmth James Hook felt with Rafal’s soul inside him! (In truth, I doubt that, at the time of publication, this moment was meant to signal this particular interpretation based in the prequels, but I’ll take it because it happens to be convenient for me.)

Also, if I stopped to acknowledge Fall, another question arises: did the quality of Rhian’s soul transform along with his appearance, to more closely resemble Rafal’s soul? Why and how could it be warm and reassuring? Rhian’s soul, while Evil, was unstable in Fall. So, maybe more than his appearance metaphysically shifted over time to match Rafal, making him more than an near-exact replica of his brother visually, down to a soul level, seemingly.

The only inconsistency here that doesn't fit is he kisses her hand. Thus, I doubt any breath actually gets into her lungs.

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1 year ago

"Rose" (Rose #1)

"Rose" (Rose #1)

Sɪɴᴏᴘsᴇ Oғɪᴄɪᴀʟ: A grandiosa mansão do Sr. Fountain, o famoso alquimista, é um mundo bastante diferente do orfanato escuro onde Rose foi abandonada. Quando vai para lá viver, Rose começa a perceber que a casa está a transbordar de magia cintilante - e consegue senti-la. Pouco a pouco, Rose apercebe-se de que, também ela, é capaz de ter um pouco de magia… Mas quando algumas crianças do orfanato começam a desaparecer misteriosamente, a magia de Rose é colocada à prova. Conseguirá ela encontrar as crianças desaparecidas antes que seja demasiado tarde? A primeira das enfeitiçantes aventuras de Rose…

Aᴜᴛᴏʀᴀ: Holly Webb.




O Mᴇᴜ Rᴇsᴜᴍᴏ: Se há uma coisa que é clara no orfanato de St. Bridget para meninas abandonadas, é que há regras. Desde a forma como se come, a quando e com quem se sai à rua e até ao comprimento exato que as unhas de uma órfã devem ter, tudo é regulamentado. Nem se pode usar um balde sem autorização! Mas não faz mal, Miss Lockwood apenas tem os melhores interesses das suas raparigas em mente, afinal, o grande objetivo da instituição sempre foi formar criadas capazes de ganhar a vida de maneira independente num mundo frio que não oferece ajudas. Assim sendo, não pode ser permitido o espaço para explorar ou brincar quando a futura sobrevivência das pequenas órfãs está em jogo. Para garantir o foco das meninas no trabalho e não lhes corromper as mentes com fantasias e aspirações impossíveis, as janelas do orfanato são poucas, pequenas e estritamente proibidas, escondendo por trás dos seus trincos o segredo de um tipo de riqueza que as órfãs não conseguem sequer imaginar, e que cobre as ruas do mundo exterior na forma de damas pomposas e crianças propriamente alimentadas. Mas nem as restrições da diretora nem a falta de comida conseguem impedir as raparigas de sonhar, e é isso que elas fazem todos os domingos, quando lhes é permitido ver os poucos artefactos que as ligam às suas famílias biológicas. Isto não é o caso de Rose, que além de não ter nenhuma relíquia que tenha pertencido aos pais que não conhece, não sonha, nem o quer fazer. A sua única ambição é ser contratada como a criada que foi treinada para ser, alcançando um sustento autónomo. Ora, quando um dia uma senhora elegantérrima chega ao orfanato com a intenção de levar consigo uma rapariga pronta a trabalhar, Rose vê o seu desejo realizado, fazendo do seu novo lar a mansão do Sr. Fountain, um alquimista de renome. Rose, que nunca sequer imaginou ver magia ao vivo devido à sua natureza cara e rara, acaba a trabalhar numa casa onde ela existe em abundância. Quando as histórias que inventa começam a materializar-se em superfícies brilhantes, os miados de um gato majestoso passam a soar como palavras e se torna aparente que nem todos veem a mobília a dançar, a mais recente criada do palacete chega à conclusão de que, se calhar, a magia não pertence exclusivamente às classes altas. Infelizmente, o povo repudia todos os feitiços, e por conseguinte todos os feiticeiros, que não estão envoltos em cerimónia e teatro, então até os próprios empregados do Sr. Fountain, que interagem diariamente com o supernatural, encaram muito do que é mágico com desdém. Aterrorizada com a ideia de perder a nova família que encontrou na criadagem da mansão, Rose decide abdicar dos estranhos poderes que ameaçam chegar à superfície, para não ser posta na mesma categoria que os detestáveis snobes mágicos com quem ninguém simpatiza. No entanto, os seus planos são interrompidos quando, para salvar a vida do aprendiz do Sr. Fountain, ela agarra um espírito elemental com as próprias mãos, mostrando em aberto as suas capacidades. Entretanto, muitas das suas amigas órfãs parecem desaparecer sem deixar rasto, e o clima de medo intensifica-se perante a descoberta de que crianças abastadas também estão a ser raptadas. A única forma de a Rose garantir que as suas amigas regressam com vida é unir-se às pessoas de quem se queria afastar, e abraçar o lado mágico que pode afastar todos os que realmente quer à sua volta. Sessões de vidência, assaltos ao orfanato, encontros à luz da lua com um aprendiz de mago altivo (que só quer alguma atenção) e um plano arriscado, onde a preciosa filha do Sr. Fountain é usada como isco, vão levar à cave da raptora de crianças e a um segredo macabro que revela os contornos mais horríveis da magia. A questão que se coloca é: estará a Rose preparada?

Cʀɪᴛᴇ́ʀɪᴏs ᴅᴇ Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ:

Qᴜᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴀ Pʀᴏsᴀ: É deliciosa no que toca a descrições, adorável e emotiva quando a Rose fala e aterrorizante na conclusão cortante do livro. Em suma, transmite todos os momentos com o tom perfeito, e a história consegue criar a sensação de um abraço mesmo quando a situação não chama a isso. Adorei.

Hɪsᴛᴏ́ʀɪᴀ: Só o conceito da história já é super interessante: um mundo onde há magia e ela é conhecida por toda gente, mas que não é mágico, encantado ou especial em nada que importe, pelo contrário. A magia existe numa espécie de pedestal, estando demasiado alta para que alguém que não consegue comprar a sua viagem até ao topo lhe toque. É assim que as coisas funcionam e o povo não se importa, habituando-se, para manter a sanidade, a ver a feitiçaria como um iceberg, confiando apenas nas doses controladas que, normalmente, estão à vista de todos, e apelidando de bruxaria, com repulsa, tudo o resto. A perspetiva dos mais pobres sobre o funcionamento do sobrenatural só encoraja a propaganda dos abastados, que mesmo que não sejam abençoados com o dom que, supostamente, só eles podem ter, se vangloriam do contacto regular com a magia que o dinheiro lhes permite. E é desta forma que, uma benção maravilhosa e inocente, acaba por se infiltrar na complicada teia que é a ordem social, encontrando uma entrada nas concepções já podres que separam as pessoas e, inevitavelmente, explorando-as de forma a transformar a linha que distingue cada classe num fosso que não pode ser atravessado. À boa moda humana, algo que não lhe pertence passa a ser dominado e usado como ferramenta de chantagem pelos poderosos, que materializam os seus sonhos mais loucos num mundo onde todos têm de viver, justificando o seu poder de decisão com a superioridade que lhes foi concedida pelos Céus. Isto é, até aparecer uma pequena órfã escanzelada e com tendências pessimistas, que nasceu com habilidades tão inegáveis que quebram por inteiro todo o discurso que tem sido martelado nas cabeças do povo por décadas. O status quo é, pela primeira vez, posto em causa, e quer a rapariga decida inserir-se exclusivamente num dos lados ou não, chega a hora da classe alta descer alguns degraus do seu pódio e do grande público reconsiderar o nojo que adquiriu por algo que também lhe pode ser inato. Este é o enredo e é executado perfeitamente, tendo também à mistura alguma comédia, sentimentos nus e crus, maravilha e mistério. A única crítica que posso levantar a este livro é a questão de o final, apesar de explosivo e de subir ainda mais as apostas (o que é raro, os autores não costumam conseguir lidar com as expectativas que eles próprios criam), ter uma resolução que parece demasiado fácil. Depois disso, o livro conclui-se quase com pressa e somos deixados à deriva. Isto não é um problema muito grave, é óbvio desde o início que este volume só nos está a introduzir ao universo magnífico da Rose, que tem tanto potencial que uma pessoa fica aos pulos a querer mais, mas é um pouco exagerado da parte da autora despedir-se dos leitores com tanta prontidão.

Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀɢᴇɴs: A Rose é uma protagonista fantástica. Em termos técnicos, ela tem tudo o que faz uma ótima personagem: características distintas de personalidade, motivações, um conflito interno que se reflete no seu ambiente externo, algo a ganhar e a perder com o seu envolvimento no problema central da narrativa, a capacidade de fazer sacrifícios e de mudar ao longo do enredo... Mas mais do que isso, uma menina que é brutalmente leal, ridiculamente humilde (ela quase chora ao receber o seu próprio conjunto de costura, de tanta gratidão que sente) e o epítome da responsabilidade e do compromisso, traços que não estariam tão desenvolvidos se ela tivesse tido a infância que merecia, funciona como um símbolo de rebelião a tudo o que está imposto. Ela nem o quer, não tem oposições ao valor que lhe ensinaram que o seu baixo estatuto merece, mas a sua mera existência vai contra as leis conhecidas da magia e da sociedade, e isso faz dela algo que nem todos estão dispostos a compreender. O seu trabalho é perceber se prefere ser apenas uma observadora do mundo mágico, sacrificando a única parte de si que lhe diz algo sobre de onde veio, para não arriscar ficar sozinha, ou se aceita o que é e se transforma em muito mais do que alguma vez sonhou. Além dela, todos os outros personagens têm uma voz própria e singular, mas entre eles, o Freddy destaca-se. Sinceramente, ele começa a história como um autêntico idiota, revelando uma excessiva arrogância e um claro sentido de superioridade que explicam a antipatia que todos (incluindo o Sr. Fountain) têm por ele. Quando a Rose, inadvertidamente, começa a descuidar-se com os seus poderes e se mostra naturalmente talentosa para o que lhe exige horas e horas de esforço e estudo, a raiva vem-lhe ao de cima, e todas as ideias elitistas que lhe foram incutidas explodem em direção à rapariga. Mas, nem ele consegue fingir que ela não lhe desperta a curiosidade, e ao arranjar desculpas para a observar, vai ficando fascinado com a novidade que ela representa. A paciência que a Rose tem com ele, se é por empatia ou por não querer perder o emprego é debatível, vai-se tornando na primeira experiência de amizade da sua vida, e, pela primeira vez, ele começa a pensar noutra pessoa que não seja ele próprio. A convivência com ela, muito devagar, inspira questões e o reconhecimento da estupidez que são as extremas divisões entre classes e, no fim do livro, ele prova que está substancialmente mais maduro, defendendo o direito da Rose de aprender magia. Ele finge que não, mas é um fofo.

Rᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ: Não há, PORQUE ALGUÉM (chamada Holly Webb) decidiu fazer os seus protagonistas crianças para a narrativa ter mais impacto. Já ouviram uma coisa destas? Não faz sentido nenhum, nah-ah! minha cabeça, há algum romance, porque a Rose e o Freddy têm uma química irrefutável (é o que dá quando adultos escrevem miúdos, depois o leitor sofre quando as coisas não se concretizam). Se fossem mais velhos, poderia dar-se o caso de inimigos para amantes, já que ele gosta tanto de fingir que é sério e importante demais para a Rose quando, na realidade, age como um cachorrinho abandonado, andando sempre atrás dela.

Iᴍᴇʀsᴀ̃ᴏ: A linda prosa da escritora aliada ao cenário cativante de uma Inglaterra alternativa do século XIX, torna impossível não ler a obra toda de uma só vez. Os encantamentos, a ilusão da beleza das ruas e o perigo só adicionam a essa sensação.

Iᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛᴏ: É a segunda vez que leio este livro e, apesar de me lembrar de o ter adorado (e de ter ficado enjoada com o fim), não tinha ideia da complexidade do universo da Rose e da importância de toda a simbologia presente. Agora sim, vai-me ficar na memória.

Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: ⭐⭐⭐⭐+ ½

Iᴅᴀᴅᴇ Aᴄᴏɴsᴇʟʜᴀᴅᴀ: É uma obra ótima para todos os amantes de fantasia, contudo, não aconselho que gente com menos de 13 ou 14 anos a leia. O final é realmente marcante de uma forma perturbadora e, mesmo que não sejam sensíveis ao sangue, é impossível passar pelo capítulo com indiferença.

Cᴏɴᴄʟᴜsᴀ̃ᴏ/Oᴘɪɴɪᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: Creio que já disse tudo, este livro é um início de coleção praticamente irrepreensível e oferece tudo. É reconfortante, interessante, assustador, tem animais mágicos, diabretes ricos que só precisam de um bom abraço (nunca percebi isso, como é que alguém que tem o poder de transformar objetos banais em ouro, não sabe levar os filhos ao parque?) e, questiona, de uma forma que aparentemente só as obras para os mais novos conseguem, o sentido das classes na sociedade e a natureza do preconceito. Estou ansiosa para ler o segundo volume e sei que vocês também ficarão se derem à Rose uma oportunidade. RECOMENDO.

Pᴀʀᴀ ᴏʙᴛᴇʀ: Rose, Holly Webb - Livro - Bertrand

Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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1 year ago
J Sabem, Se Precisarem De Uma Crtica Mais A Fundo Antes De Decidirem Se Querem Obter Uma Cpia, H Sempre
J Sabem, Se Precisarem De Uma Crtica Mais A Fundo Antes De Decidirem Se Querem Obter Uma Cpia, H Sempre

Já sabem, se precisarem de uma crítica mais a fundo antes de decidirem se querem obter uma cópia, há sempre uma.

Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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2 years ago


The Film is good but there are few major things changed that were kinda challenging:

(🚨SPOILERS🚨 for the Books and Movie)

1. The Rats. WHERE ARE ANADIL’S RATS🐀. The RaTs were her whole spiel, her TALENT, they match her whole aesthetic. They were in the trailer so I was so excited for giant rats to charge through causing chaos in the movie but instead…. Electrokinesis and telekinesis…..they made her into a psychic with electric powers… just WHY, and Electric blue is not EVEN HER FINGERGLOW COLOR, ITS GREEN. Why I will never understand.

2. Why did they cut The Beast scene, The part in the book where Sophie was sent to the Doom Room was because of her own mistake, SHE CAUSED A RIOT. The part where the Beast chopped off her hair and her retaliating by savagely drowning him in cold blood and afterward throwing him into the moat was actually the moment where Sophie has done something truly evil and shows that she truly deserves the title of True Evil. Because Evil Never forgives, only Good. But instead, in the movie Lesso just dragged Sophie off to be punished,……for talking to a boy….

Then the part where she cut her hair off so that she would “know her priorities”, afterwards leaving her only to be surprised when Sophie begins willingly going against her. LIKE THIS TAKES AWAYS SO MUCH FROM THE SCENE. In the Movie, Sophie is presented a unfortunate victim that was being manipulated, rejected and abused by Authority figures in the schools so we actually cheer for her when she takes back her power and thrives, when we supposed to be upset that she is actually Evil. The whole point of The Beast being the one killed was to show in a room with Sophie and a monster, Sophie is the most dangerous with the added angst in that, the creatures such as the fairies,wish fish ,manwolves,stymphs, including the Beast were actually former students that failed and The Beast was a former Ever student that failed to be Good and so was forced to slave for the School for Evil for eternity Also, Lesso punishing Sophie because she got Rafal’s attention instead of her just comes across as petty and spiteful instead of actually evil I’m sorry 😂

Changes I actually like in the movie:

1.) Gregor. Just sweet silly Gregor who just wants to run a grocery store. HE DESERVES BETTER. But honestly, changing the Gargoyle to Gregor was actually a good decision, because it shows and we see Agatha’s connection and empathy to him all the more real and understandable thus making his unjustified punishment and death all the more personal, showing how shallow the the school has truly become in judging someone to be “Good”. Also, this actually gives a good reason to punch Tedros in the face(Goodness knows that Agatha deserves to do that after everything).

2.) The Wish fish scene was changed a bit and some develovement was taken away but I still LOVED it because it had Heart. It still showed Agatha’s indecisiveness but still showed Agatha’s empathy .

3.) Rafal actually manipulating the fairytales by having Good be rewarded for doing Evil deeds, is just so in character, so sinister and just make everything so much sense from the books and the original source fairytales. It’s just immaculately Evil and I love it✨💖

4.) The actors and visuals. It’s stunning and the actors did great performances. The script though just ok

Petty things that made me upset:

The lack of food. There was so many mouthwatering foods with detailed delicious descriptions in the books, so I hoped there was good foods, but sadly 😔😞

Honestly reading the books before the movie is a curse sometimes.

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9 months ago

how about you post your racism on your blog instead of leaving it in the comments of a drawing of agatha from the school of good and evil?

Hello dear, how about you message me without hiding yourself?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, that movie was crap and the person who chose the actors is definitely an idiot.

The whole thing belongs to a trash can because it ruined a brilliant book, but again this is just my opinion and I don't expect anyone to accept it or even care.

I'm not racist, I live in a place where no person of color lives in and I haven't had much interaction with them, therefor I literally don't care.

Go ahead and call me whatever you want. You are also free to block or report me, because as said above: I don't care.

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7 months ago

This month was the month....I joined a dead fandom...😞😞

This Month Was The Month....I Joined A Dead Fandom...

Where is the school for good and evil (BOOK) fandom??

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Dovesso Headcanons Because I Said So

--Dovey stresses about everything being perfect and right because she really does love the school so much and Lesso just. Makes fun of her for it but with that fond smile she can't quite hide and those concerned eyes that guide Dovey to her bed for some much needed sleep and for the first time in weeks Dovey breathes.

--Lesso is actually super clumsy. She's learned grace over the years, it is quite threatening after all, but she still randomly knocks things over and Dovey absolutely delights in it

--Dovey loves the song Cinderella Snapped by Jax, though she could never tell anyone since it basically goes against everything she teaches. But then Unification happens and she hesitantly shares it with Agatha one day. The next she walks through The Clearing and a group of kids are screaming the lyrics and dancing, laughing and smiling and finally free and she almost breaks down sobbing.

--One time Dovey bopped Lesso's nose and it was the first times Dovey had ever actually seen her look surprised. Lesso blinked for a second and then continued on as normal, but she seemed particularly absentminded the next day. (This totally doesn't kinda come from Pipsqueak. Where would you get that idea from 🤔)

--Lesso's a total potions geek. This is basically canon at this point but still. Dovey found out when they were scoping out The Blue Forest to replenish the herbs stock and she made some offhand comment about what that weird speckly plant might do and Lesso just lit up and went on a total rant about every which way it can be used.

--Now Dovey loves to sit it in the potions lab and just watch her lovely work as she sweeps around the room, completely in her element. Until Lesso inevitably knocks something over and lets out a string of some impressively creative profanity and Dovey cackles

--Dovey got it in her head once to try and tame Lesso's hair and they lost several brushes to that endeavor

--They're favorite thing to do is take a bath together. Long and lazy and pure heaven in a tub. Until the inevitable frantic voice of Hort outside the door screaming about the latest disaster. Dovey just smiles and shakes her head, magicking them dressed and ready, while Lesso grumbles about retirement for the third time that day. She'll be ninety two and still working there, grumbling all the same, and they both know it.

--At their wedding, Dovey brought a a step stool to the alter so she could finally lean down and kiss the beautiful bride

--Lesso wore the most awesome half suit with a jagged veil I mean I can't even describe it to you but trust me it's awesome.

--Anemone walked Dovey down the aisle because come on. It's just too perfect.

--August Sader walked Lesso down the aisle because they're gay besties and he deserved to exist in the movie don't even argue with me on this one

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

CHAPTERS 1 & 2 FOR A FAME AU THAT I COULDNT GET OUT OF MY HEAD I’ve been wanting to write for Tagatha for ages so I’m happy to publish smth enjoy these silly things I made


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1 year ago

Scott Street, Glossed:

In the true spirit of most of the books I like to read, I like to put lots of stupid references to things in my fics, so I am glossing them all here, for my personal amusement and for anyone who's interested in any they might have missed. This is very long. The fic is very long. (And now finished!)

The title: Scott Street is a song by Phoebe Bridgers, and the 'anyway, don't be a stranger' at the end of the summary is a lyric from that song.

Chapter 1:

"Crazy Emma (...) Does she make you all wear lime green stockings and baby-doll head earrings, like she did when she was a girl? Did she ever get better at customising glass slippers–" are all references to my Callis prequel fic, Tongues and Teeth, in which a younger Anemone is a character. They're not actually linked together by anything except references, the Wardwells, and the fact I wrote them both, but yk.

“God, they really need to learn when to stop with the franchising.” said Callis. “The titles are getting ridiculous.” / “You’re gonna read it anyway.” said Agatha. / “Well yeah. But if they go beyond the main storyline, I’m not bothering with them…”

Haha. anyway

Professor Clarissa Dovey, G.M.B.W.A.O is a slight spoof on all those acronyms you stacked get after prestigious academic's names, like MA (Cantab), MRes, MSc, PhD, and so on

Ever Queens a hundred years ago shaved off their eyebrows and yanked back their hairlines so they could look like Belle of Woods Beyond, who I seem to recall Sophie once called paunchy and plucked as a Christmas turkey, upon seeing her missing poster. Medieval high born ladies did actually do this kind of thing because having a high forehead and plucked eyebrows was a beauty standard. they just didn't, yk, do it to look like Belle.

Dismemberment in Drupathi is a long running fake Never slasher novel series that I've had in fics since at least Idle Worship

The ring Tedros gives Agatha is intended to be this one, because why make one up when there's one there

Scott Street, Glossed:

Chapter 2:

Lots and lots of locations in this are ripped directly from some Arthurian references. Carmelide/Carmeliad is the kingdom that legend tends to say Guinevere came from (not that they all agree obviously but. generally), Caerleon is one of the posited locations of Arthur's main court, and Pen Rhionydd, Celliwig and Mynyw are either other courts or other locations for Camelot. For the purposes of this fic, Camelot refers to the entire kingdom, whereas the other places, including Caerleon (which I use as the name of the main citadel, though I don't know if I ever explicitly say so?) exist within it

 Ogreball scores? Lieges Knightly issues? Ogreball was invented as a fictional Woods sport a bit like rugby somewhere back in Ros Vs, I think, and Lieges Knightly is just a fictional chivalric magazine I made up on the fly. Knightly being a pun on Nightly.

...the School was crowded by several of the more powerful kingdoms; Bloodbrook and Foxwood to the north and north-east, Glass Mountains to the east, Akgul and Rainbow Gale to the south, Frostplains to the south-west… and Camelot to the north-west.

I felt it existed a bit like Vatican City. Also, this is technically canon:

Scott Street, Glossed:

A ceiniog is an medieval welsh coin.

Chapter 3:

Agatha is dressed in her movie Gavaldon outfit coz I liked it

Kalends of September: the dates in this are stolidly medieval. For pointless trivia wot I made up, the Woods measure their years post-creation of the Storian, and the Woods Beyond measure it after the start of the kidnappings, which makes things confusing for Gavaldon, but that's their own stupid fault.

Hadn't Tedros had the Virgin Mary on the back of his Trial shield? He'd been telling her some long-winded anecdote about how it had belonged to someone or other, but she hadn't listened... yeah, the shield in question belonged to Sir Gawain, who was Tedros's cousin. From SG&TGK:

That the holy Queen of Heaven had of her Child. / Accordingly the courteous knight had that queen's image / Etched on the inside of his armoured shield. / So that when he beheld her, his heart did not fail

Chapter 4:

“I wanted to be Sinbad!” “Yesterday you said you were Lancelot!” shameless foreshadowing for Adam and Jacob's Tedros-wilting obsession with Lancelot in chapter 11

“Surely you didn’t think kidnapping meant footmen.” Actually, Sophie did. she considers it in book 1 lmao.

Aurifaber, the surname of Beatrix's royal house, means goldsmith, which is apt considering they're the descendants of the Miller's daughter who spun gold.

Callis's family's address is Erinyes House, Netherwood. Erinyes is the Greek name for the Furies, the three immortal sisters who punished wrongdoers on earth. This keeps the classical theme I have going with the Wardwells, and one of Agatha's cousins is named Tisiphone, who is one of the three Furies (the other two being Alecto and Megaera)

“Is your Mama a witch?” “Oh my god, Flavia, you can’t just ask someone if their mother is a witch!”

Scott Street, Glossed:

The signet ring Agatha notices on Tedros's hand is another one of the movie rings. Like I said; why make it up when it's already there

Normal girl-- couldn't help myself, frankly

Chapter 5:

"No, really– I threw [the rose] really high on purpose so I wouldn't have to pick, I let… coincidence and gravity do it for me." It's not canon that this is what Tedros did with the welcoming rose, but I've always had a suspicion it was implied, given the emphasis on how high he threw it and the later assertion he didn't like any of the Evergirls

Teen Woods is a combined spoof of Teen Vogue, J-14, and various other teen mags. It first appeared in Ros Vs.

The pas d'armes is a real tournament thing, which you can read about here!

Toden-- Tedros's spelling is silly, but it is true that standardised spelling didn't exist until after the Arthurian heyday, and the further into the fic you get, the more real Middle English words you'll find, because I started looking them up more and more. I note this is Middle English, not Old English; Old English is almost completely illegible to modern English speakers, whereas with a lot of effort, sounding it out, and a glossary, Middle English is just about possible. Old English is the language of Beowulf, Middle English is the language of most of the major Arthurian epics, (hence the choice), Early Modern English is the language of Shakespeare &c.

“Oh, Professor, what big coincidences you preside over!” (...) “All the better to assure a happy ending with, my dear.” red riding hood ref. There's an earlier one when Tedros says 'all the better for your absence' to Sophie but it's subtler

Chapter 6:

The Round Table knights that are still alive in this fic are, for the most part, the knights that didn't explicitly die in Le Morte d'Arthur

'It’s taller than you. You’d take your own head off with it.' hee hee hee funny nod to the worst chapter of my life

The Trials and Tribulations of Sir Justin of Timber Lake is a reference to this joke in Shrek 2:

Scott Street, Glossed:

Where a Justin Timberlake poster is medieval-ified, but I kept pushing it by making his surname into his Endless Woods kingdom and giving him a Princess Brittany to have a tumultous relationship with (Justin Timberlake used to date Britney Spears)

Tedros chats happily about Dame Ragnelle from The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle, in which Gawain has to marry an old lady in order to solve a problem for Arthur, (hence 'loathly lady' trope) but because he's Nice and Chivalrous to his supposedly ugly bride and gives her leave to make a choice or two herself, she miraculously becomes beautiful, except I let her keep her slightly more... disruptive ways lmao

...and pray for the day he miraculously comes back to life as the Once and Future King. you know, the legend that arthur will come back to save england when it's in great peril? wish the bastard would hurry up tbh, but regardless I was surprised it wasn't more referenced in the books and wanted to do more with it, hence the O&FK sect

Chapter 7:

Again, I was surprised it was never explored how similar Dot's power is to Hester's mother's? which is why it's here.

“Don’t need to be crowned to be King, village girl,” this is a concession to a fantasy pet peeve and an SGE pet peeve. he IS king! that's how monarchy works! he'll just have a protector or a regent while he's in his minority! he's still king! and there's never any mention of who's ruling in his stead, either!

Mithraditism was a real thing, though fuck knows if it actually worked. You might have encountered it via the cruel prince, jude does it!

 “Teddy, do you have to wear tights at home?” for his sake I decided he doesn't have to, but technically they should all probably dress like this in camelot lmfao (well, they kinda do. you will notice I prefer the women's fashions)

Scott Street, Glossed:

“Surely this could have been a messenger,” is just 'this could have been an email' circa 1450

Chapter 8:

Hort's yellow stockings with purple garters are a reference to Malvolio in Twelfth Night, who is tricked into believing that Olivia (rich lady he serves whom he has aspirations of marrying) wants him to wear them: 'Remember who commended thy yellow stockings, and wished to see thee ever cross-gartered'.

Chaddick is not Arthur's son in this fic. He's just some guy.

Not actually a reference per se but what I had in mind when I wrote 'Tedros uncorked the bottle dubiously, sniffed it, then gagged', was, admittedly:

Scott Street, Glossed:

Chapter 9:

Tedros takes Agatha's gloves and folds them up for her, which in the glove language she's studying means get rid of your company, and she balls them up in her right hand which means no lmao, so he has to content himself w sitting and being bullied by the Coven and Hester lmao.

(also, agatha drops them in the first place when tedros pulls up in his rugby shorts, which means I love you, lmfao)

"By the way, I’m really sorry I left you for eight entire years, sweetheart, but I really do just like Lancelot that much– what?” Tedros accidentally exposes here that the reason he doesn't like Dovey calling him sweetheart (re: chapter 2) is because it's what Guinevere called him

The Everwood Architectural Society are just really convenient as a minor villain lmao. First seen causing problems in Ros Vs

Chapter 10:

Nine Men's Morris is a real historical game!

I sympathise with the struggle over the camelot family tree. there's so many of them and so many have similar names

King Constantius is a real king of camelot from SGE apparently (according to, er, the wiki. I think he's in rise but idk.). anyway I think this might be a joke on Soman's part about how Constantine the Great was constantly adopted by Arthuriana writers

Morgause, Morgan and Elaine are, for the purposes of this fic, the original three daughters of Igraine and her first husband Gorlois, and hence Arthur's half-sisters and Tedros's aunts

The dances on Tedros's to-do-list are either real medieval dances, or ones I stole from cinderella 2015's soundtrack

"So long as I shall have leave to launch a return blow unchecked..." is also from Gawain and the Green Knight

Chapter 11:

Vaguely I have made Carmelide and Guinevere the Welsh side of things and Arthur and Camelot the Middle English side of things, but the current Camelot in this fic kinda exists with both languages at the same time

The lines Tedros recites (His broad clear brow in sunlight glow'd; / On burnish'd hooves his war-horse trode…) are NOT about Arthur fuckfjf he clearly wasn't listening bc they're from the Lady of Shallot, and the rest of the stanza goes: From underneath his helmet flow'd / his coal-black curls as on he rode, / as he rode down to Camelot / from the bank and from the river / he flash'd into the crystal mirror / "Tirra lirra," by the river / sang Sir Lancelot.

Tedros is told off by Callis for whistling Dinogad's Smock/Pais Dinogad, which is one of the oldest (Old) Welsh lullabys recorded. Tedros mentions Guinevere was his Welsh-speaking parent earlier in the chapter, and Callis clearly clocked the correlation there, bc it's part of the reason she accuses him of 'having mummy issues in [her] garden' fjhdghf. (It's also about the hunting prowess of the dead father of the infant, and it's in the same manuscript as one of the oldest references to Arthur, the Book of Aneirin)

Chapter 12:

Dear Lady Disdain is a reference to Much Ado About Nothing. It's not a hidden meaning really I just think Beatrice and Benedick are sooooo tagatha and I think Tedros accidentally memorising snippets of literature out of context and just constantly deploying them, usually wrongly, is funny

"...and wearing those crespinettes–” there are so many different names for the various medieval headgears, but by crespinette/crispinette what I specifically meant here was the mesh encasing the hair, like this:

Scott Street, Glossed:

the four humours joke is the lowest hanging fruit for medieval jokes, ever, but I laughed. I also thought it was funny that it would be a very camelot-exclusive upper class fad that normal people know is bullshit.

also sweating sickness was a weird late-medieval disease. no one quite knows exactly what it was, but it might have been hantavirus

Chapter 13:

I was in the process of reading a lot of discworld while writing this chapter and I'm sure you can tell

 "It had gotten to the point people had just started calling her the Witch Queen of Netherwood, but Elias had had a few people torn apart with horses for that, so they’d stopped again." this is in here because I fucking FORGOT that there's a canon ruler of Netherwood, The Witch Queen, so I had to extrapolate my way into explaining how King Elias can exist

Hennins are the pointy medieval princess hats!

Scott Street, Glossed:

'I think we should keep them in cages' is a Derry Girls reference. Sister Michael is the finest character in TV history in my opinion

Chapter 14:

'PRINCESS AMELIA OF GENOVIA' yeahh in my defence I only watched the Princess Diaries for the first time recently

Findabair, Guinevere's fake name, is etymologically cognate with Gwenhwyfar, the original Welsh form of Guinevere, i.e. they're sister names. Clearly no one was feeling original, least of all me

'He stared up at the statue of his father with a steady, stony face, as if entranced' is ripped and rearranged from the lady of shallot (again): With a steady stony glance— Like some bold seer in a trance, Beholding all his own mischance

The prayer the Once and Future King Sect bishop makes is inspired by the Locked Tomb prayer in Gideon the Ninth, which runs as follows:

I pray the tomb is shut forever. I pray the rock is never rolled away. I pray that which was buried remains buried, insensate, in perpetual rest with closed eye and stilled brain. I pray it lives, I pray it sleeps...

Prince Grendel is named after Grendel in Beowulf bc I couldn't think of any other good villain names lmao

Bonus: I never got the opportunity to show you the teen woods coronation cover. here it is

Scott Street, Glossed:

Chapter 15:

Prince Charming's actual name is Christopher/Kit because that's his name in the live action Cinderella from 2015, which I actually loved

And the Ugly Duckling is called Hans because it seems Hans Christian Andersen projected onto him a lot. Like a lot.

Whene Guenore, ful gay, grayþed in þe myddes– another line from Sir Gawain, as it says in the text.

Chapter 16:

"Oh. Boo, you bore." is, of course:

Scott Street, Glossed:

"What are Readers, to shopping and socialising?" is a flip of Pride and Prejudice's what are young men to rocks and mountains?... sorry Jane.

Chapter 17:

I had liefer to die oft than yield me to thee; for though I lack weapon, I shall lack no worship, and if thou slay me weaponless that shall be thy shame. This is a quote from Morte D'arthur; in fact it's a quote from Arthur himself. Tedros was hoping to appeal to Griflet's sympathies; unfortunately he just made him desperate.

I'm gonna be honest I can't remember which brother out of Caleb or Cedric was the oldest one and I couldn't find a way of finding out (I don't have QFG w me) so I merely vibed my way through it.

The 24th courtly love rule Chaddick references is The lover's every deed is performed with the thought of his beloved in mind lmao. Arguably Tedros is good at a lot of them but he also sucks at some

Chapter 18:

Beatrix's sisters are all named w B names because I thought that was just the type of annoying shit her mother would do lol. I did note their ages; Beatrix 17/18, Babette 15, Blanchefleur 14, Bianca 11, Bluebell-Rye 9 (NEARLY 10!) Blodeuwedd 6, Brigitte 4. Blod is named after a welsh folklore/mythological figure bc I thought there'd be a Camelot Fad after Guinevere fled and dragged it all back into the spotlight again

Part of their address has 'Crassus' in it bc he was that Roman bloke that was MINTED

The way Tedros/Myfanwy's formal letters are written is based on real 13th/14th century letters I looked at. Tedros's address starts to read slightly more Early Modern English than Middle English in some of these letters, bc I started sliding as a result of reading a lot of that stuff for a module... and then realised that it's actually a good way of nodding to progression in him and Camelot so I didn't change it. I also did less editing on Myfanwy's letter to make it more wobbly and not as staunchly medieval as Tedros's.

Umm this is a really long post so I might have forgotten something but these are the really big ones lol

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11 months ago

did any of you on here read the school for good and evil books either as a kid or recently and do you want to talk about them

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11 months ago


Watching the school for good and evil movie and they fucked everything up so badly

They made Sophie too nice making her sympathetic when she is meant to be conceited passive aggressive and vain

They made Agatha too nice as well somehow, she’s meant to be sullen, moody and kind of greasy at the beginning

They made Dovey shallow and go against all her principles in the book

They made it so Sophie and Agatha didn’t know abt the school despite it being well know throughout the town

They made Honora mean when she’s supposed to be plain and reasonable but kind

They made half the villains hot when they’re supposed to be greasy and muddy and “ugly” that is a key point in the book

They made the princesses outright mean. They are supposed to be nice to Agatha but passive aggressive. They have some good in them

Tedros and Agatha are supposed to hate each other at first site not whatever they gave us here



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2 years ago

I just watched the school of good and evil. Let me just say: that fucking smacked! It was absolutely glorious! The outfits, the character designs, the scenery! Absolute masterpiece! These two girls are my fucking aesthetic!!! I love them! Fabulous!

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2 years ago


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2 years ago

i watched The School for Good and Evil for shits a giggles but i didn’t rlly hate it. also i just cant help but ship agatha and tedros like he was fr the first to like her for being different and unique im tearing my hair out and sobbing i will never stand for tedros slander.

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2 years ago

kerry washington noticed the last art and launched it in her Instagram story. That's it. I'm dead.

Pov :

- Let me fulfill your dream, let me take away your grievances and pain, - the Fairy Godmother begged.

- I am a villain, Dovey, - they answered her, - pain and betrayal are my punishment.

Fuck you, Rafal

Kerry Washington Noticed The Last Art And Launched It In Her Instagram Story. That's It. I'm Dead.

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