logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar

Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, through its various subsidiaries, is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa. The Company processes 90 million m3 (cubic meter) of seawater per annum to produce in excess of 900 000 tons of high-quality salt per annum. The total operation covers an area of 5000 ha. The Group exports to various countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa and Europe. In addition to producing salt for the chemical industry and other general purposes the Group also produces high quality table salt for the Southern Africa market. Besides South Africa, triple refined sea salt is exported to neighbouring countries, including Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana and Zambia, mainly for human consumption.


Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd ist über verschiedene Tochtergesellschaften der größte Produzent von Solar-Meersalz in der Subsahara. Das Unternehmen verarbeitet jährlich 90 Millionen Kubikmeter Meerwasser, um jährlich über 900.000 Tonnen hochwertiges Salz zu produzieren. Der gesamte Betrieb erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 5.000 ha. Die Gruppe exportiert in unterschiedliche  Länder, darunter Nigeria, Kamerun, Südafrika und Europa. Neben der Produktion von Salz für die chemische Industrie und anderer Zwecke produziert die Gruppe auch hochwertiges Speisesalz für den Markt im südlichen Afrika. Neben Südafrika wird dreifach raffiniertes Meersalz in die Nachbarländer exportiert, darunter Angola, die Demokratische Republik Kongo, Botswana und Sambia, hauptsächlich für den menschlichen Verzehr.

Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Through Its Various Subsidiaries, Is The Largest Producer Of Solar
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More Posts from Logi1974

2 years ago

Nestling in a timeless valley is the Vingerklip Lodge on the 3000 ha Farm "Bertram" that is surrounded by a game fence helping us to protect and preserve the animals. Our 1600 ha private reserve has 3 waterholes in various locations around the lodge with the main water-hole being floodlit at night. Various types of animals including Giraffe, Eland, Zebra, Kudus, Oryx, Springbok, Impala, Warthogs, Baboons and Steenbok frequently visit the waterholes and are also often spotted when following the walking trails. One of the most dramatic rock formations in Namibia is the 35m high pillar of rock, the Vingerklip or Finger of Stone. It stands proudly above a valley in the ancient landscape known as the Ugab terraces.


Eingebettet in ein altes Tal liegt die Vingerklip Lodge auf der 3000 ha großen Farm "Bertram". Umgeben von einem Wildzaun, der dazu dient die Tiere zu schützen und zu erhalten. Das 1600 ha große private Reservat verfügt über 3 Wasserlöcher an verschiedenen Stellen rund um die Lodge, wobei das Hauptwasserloch nachts beleuchtet ist. Verschiedene Tierarten wie Giraffen, Elenantilopen, Zebras, Kudus, Oryx, Springböcke, Impalas, Warzenschweine, Paviane und Steinböcke besuchen häufig die Wasserlöcher und werden auch oft auf den Wanderwegen gesichtet. Eine der dramatischsten Felsformationen in Namibia ist die 35 m hohe Felssäule, die Vingerklip oder Finger of Stone. Es steht stolz über einem Tal in der alten Landschaft, die als Ugab-Terrassen bekannt ist.

Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
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Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded
Nestling In A Timeless Valley Is The Vingerklip Lodge On The 3000 Ha Farm "Bertram" That Is Surrounded

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2 years ago

Wolwedans is more than a mere collection of camps – it’s ethos lies in setting an example in sustainability and continually fulfilling its commitment to the conservation of the NamibRand Nature Reserve. All camps at Wolwedans are designed to minimize environmental impact, exploring innovative building techniques and utilizing sustainable technologies.  

Camps nestles into the dunes and is set against a backdrop of diverse and breathtaking desert scenery. Located in the heart of NamibRand Nature Reserve in southern Namibia, portfolio of timeless and elegant safari camps provides the perfect base from which to embark on exciting safari activities or simply relax and enjoy the grandeur of the Namib landscape.


Wolwedans ist mehr als nur eine Ansammlung von Camps – das Ethos liegt darin, ein Beispiel für Nachhaltigkeit zu geben und sein Engagement für die Erhaltung des NamibRand-Naturreservats kontinuierlich zu erfüllen. Alle Camps bei Wolwedans sind darauf ausgelegt, die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren, innovative Bautechniken zu erforschen und nachhaltige Technologien einzusetzen.

Die Camps schmiegt sich in die Dünen und liegen vor einer abwechslungsreichen und atemberaubenden Wüstenlandschaft. Im Herzen des NamibRand-Naturreservats im Süden Namibias gelegen, bietet das Portfolio zeitloser und eleganter Safari-Camps den perfekten Ausgangspunkt, um aufregende Safari-Aktivitäten zu unternehmen oder einfach nur zu entspannen und die Pracht der Namib-Landschaft zu genießen.

Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability

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2 years ago

Swakopmund is a beach resort and an example of German colonial architecture. It was founded in 1892 as the main harbour for German South West Africa. As of the 1970s, German influences remained evident, including German street names, a German daily newspaper, and the German language being spoken by some residents, prompting The New York Times to describe it as "more German than Germany". A 2008 New York Times article describes the town as having "the dislocating feel of a Baltic Sea resort set in the tropics."  

Swakopmund is located in the Namib Desert and boasts to be an adventure centre of Namibia. The town also has plenty of places of interest and sights in and near it as well as offers a lot of tours and adventure activities run by local tour operators.  


Swakopmund ist ein Badeort und ein Beispiel deutscher Kolonialarchitektur. Er wurde 1892 als Haupthafen für Deutsch-Südwestafrika gegründet. Ab den 1970er Jahren blieben deutsche Einflüsse offensichtlich, darunter deutsche Straßennamen, eine deutsche Tageszeitung und die von etlichen Einwohnern gesprochene deutsche Sprache, was die New York Times dazu veranlasste, es als "deutscher als Deutschland" zu bezeichnen. Ein Artikel der New York Times aus dem Jahr 2008 beschreibt die Stadt als „das verstörende Gefühl eines Ostseebades in den Tropen“.

Swakopmund liegt in der Namib-Wüste und rühmt sich, ein Abenteuerzentrum Namibias zu sein. Die Stadt hat auch viele interessante Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe sowie viele Touren und Abenteueraktivitäten, die von lokalen Reiseveranstaltern durchgeführt werden.

Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As
Swakopmund Is A Beach Resort And An Example Of German Colonial Architecture. It Was Founded In 1892 As

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2 years ago

Corona Guest Farm greets guests with an awesome vista. Vast desert plains and unusually beautiful, barren, stone-clad veldt; mountains shimmering in the noon-day sun, their diverse colours glinting. Then there’s the Rantberg range, the extraordinarily light Witberg range and of course, the colossal table-top Gamsberg itself, showing off its mighty 2,347 metres to impressive effect. A mesmerising scene, surely as brilliant and harsh as the Namib at its best.

We have been able to trace the history of Corona as far back as the turn of last century. Two old wells, found in a riverbed, as well as old ox-wagon trails passing Rooi Huis, support the theory that one of the transport routes leading from the coast of the Namibian Hinterland went past Corona and Picadilly before “winding” up the Gamsberg Pass. The garden creates a safe haven for many various bird species, making it a “bird spotter” paradise. With all the breath-taking landscapes surrounding us, Corona is a photographer’s dream destination!


Die Corona Guest Farm begrüßt die Gäste mit einer fantastischen Aussicht. Weite Wüstenebenen und ungewöhnlich schöne, karge, mit Steinen bedeckte Steppe; Berge, die in der Mittagssonne schimmern und deren verschiedene Farben glitzern. Dann gibt es die Rantberg Stufe, die außergewöhnlich leichte Witberg Stufe und natürlich der kolossale Tafelberg Gamsberg selbst, der seine mächtigen 2.347 Meter eindrucksvoll zur Geltung bringt. Eine faszinierende Szene, sicherlich so brillant und hart wie die Namib von ihrer besten Seite.

Man kann die Geschichte der Gästefarm bis zur Jahrhundertwende zurückverfolgen. Zwei alte Brunnen in einem Flussbett sowie alte Ochsenkarrenwege, die an Rooi Huis vorbeiführen, stützen die Theorie, dass einer der Transportwege, die von der Küste des namibischen Hinterlandes führten, an Corona und Picadilly vorbeiführte, bevor er den Gamsberg erklomm. Der Garten ist ein sicherer Hafen für viele verschiedene Vogelarten und somit ein Paradies für Vogelbeobachter. Mit all den atemberaubenden Landschaften, die uns umgeben, ist Corona das Traumziel eines Fotografen!


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2 years ago

Situated adjacent to the oldest Desert in the world, Sossusvlei Lodge is a luxurious retreat in this premier tourist attraction area in Namibia. Found at the entrance gate to the Namib Naukluft Park, the Lodge offers direct access to the towering red sand dunes, the famous pan of Sossusvlei, the scorched black trees of Dead Vlei and the remarkable depths of the Sesriem Canyon. Activities that can be enjoyed during your stay include a (guided) Elim Dune Walk The guided nature walk starts at sunrise, departing from the Lodge and takes place on and around the spectacular Elim Dune Belt.


Die Sossusvlei Lodge liegt in der ältesten Wüste der Welt und ist ein luxuriöser Rückzugsort in dieser erstklassigen Touristenattraktion in Namibia. Die Lodge befindet sich am Eingangstor zum Namib Naukluft Park und bietet direkten Zugang zu den hoch aufragenden roten Sanddünen, der berühmten Pfanne des Sossusvlei, den verbrannten schwarzen Bäumen des Dead Vlei und den bemerkenswerten Tiefen des Sesriem Canyon. Zu den Aktivitäten, die Gäste während ihres Aufenthalts genießen können, gehört eine (geführte) Elim-Dünenwanderung. Die geführte Naturwanderung beginnt bei Sonnenaufgang an der Lodge und findet auf und um den spektakulären Elim-Dünengürtel herum statt.

Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This

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