logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Wstenquell Is Certainly One Of The Loneliest Farms In Namibia. But It Is Certainly Also A Farm That Has

Wüstenquell is certainly one of the loneliest farms in Namibia. But it is certainly also a farm that has landscapes to offer that are hard to find anywhere else in the country. It is located almost 100 km from the Atlantic coast in the middle of the desert, embedded into the Namib-Naukluft Park. Magnificent rock formations, unimaginable vastness, pure solitude and silence - that is the guest farm Wüstenquell.


Wüstenquell ist sicher einer der einsamsten Farmen Namibias. Aber sie ist sicher auch eine Farm, die Landschaften zu bieten hat, die man sonst kaum findet im Land. Knapp 100 km von der Atlantikküste entfernt liegt sie mitten in der Wüste, eingebettet in den Namib-Naukluft-Park. Grandiose Felsformationen, unvorstellbare Weiten, Einsamkeit und Stille pur - das ist die Gästefarm Wüstenquell.

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    margus1-blog liked this · 2 years ago
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More Posts from Logi1974

2 years ago

A deep bow to George Michael!

Pure Lewis fae Glasgae! 😂

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2 years ago

Missionary Kremer settled near Ghaub in July 1895. A year later, a small church made of mud bricks is inaugurated. On January 30, 1900, the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft bought the Ghaub farm with "about 9,000 hectares" from the South West Africa Company Ltd. In the years that followed, Wilhelm Detering transformed the farm into a blooming oasis: he planted over 600 banana trees, orange and lemon trees, casuarinas, mulberry and pepper trees and laid out a 60-meter-long vineyard. The date palms probably came from him, some of which are still standing today.


Im Juli 1895 lässt sich Missionar Kremer bei Ghaub nieder. Ein Jahr später schon wird eine kleine, aus Lehmziegeln erbaute Kirche eingeweiht.  Am 30. Januar 1900 kauft die Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft die Farm Ghaub mit „etwa 9.000 Hektarn“ von der South West Africa Company Ltd. In den folgenden Jahren verwandelt Wilhelm Detering die Farm in eine blühende Oase: Er setzt über 600 Bananenstauden, pflanzt Apfelsinen- und Zitronenbäume, Kasuarinen, Maulbeer- sowie Pfefferbäume und legt einen 60 Meter langen Weingang an. Von ihm vermutlich stammen auch die Dattelpalmen, von denen heute noch einige stehen.

Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is
Missionary Kremer Settled Near Ghaub In July 1895. A Year Later, A Small Church Made Of Mud Bricks Is

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2 years ago


When you are a classical musician and the public asks you to play Queen …

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2 years ago

Toshari Lodge is situated only 25 km from one of Namibia’s major attractions, the Etosha National Park, and right next to the main road between the town of Outjo and Okaukuejo. Nestled on an outcrop of dolomite rocks and under a forest of Mopane and White Seringa trees, you will find the ideal homely atmosphere to relax in tranquility. Hosts also welcome campers to our camping site, each campsite has its own ablution, fire place and electricity point. The sparkling pool will refresh you after a long day on the road. Hosts offer game drives to the Etosha National Park on request.


Die Toshari Lodge liegt nur 25 km von einer der Hauptattraktionen Namibias, dem Etosha-Nationalpark, entfernt und direkt neben der Hauptstraße zwischen der Stadt Outjo und Okaukuejo. Eingebettet auf einem Felsrücken aus Dolomitgestein und unter einem Wald aus Mopane- und weißen Seringa-Bäumen finden Gäste die ideale gemütliche Atmosphäre, um sich in Ruhe zu entspannen. Die Gastgeber heißen auch Camper auf dem angeschlossenen Campingplatz willkommen. Jeder Campingplatz hat seine eigene Waschküche, Feuerstelle und Stromanschluss. Der glitzernde Pool erfrischt  nach einem langen Tag auf der Straße. Die Gastgeber bieten auf Anfrage Pirschfahrten in den Etosha-Nationalpark an.

Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,
Toshari Lodge Is Situated Only 25 Km From One Of Namibias Major Attractions, The Etosha National Park,

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2 years ago

Taleni Etosha Village is located at 1150m altitude in a bushy area about 3km south of Andersson's Gate or 23km from Okaukuejo. Well suited for families and for guests who like to be self-sufficient without having to travel spartanly.

 Activities that can be enjoyed during your stay include Stargazing. See our Southern sky and various constellations. Appreciate the spectacular Namibian star-studded skies! Take a journey through the heavens with us as we introduce you to the basic constellations, the Milky Way and a peek through our telescope at the planets.


Das Taleni Etosha Village liegt auf 1150m Höhe in einem buschigen Areal etwa 3km südliche von Andersson's Gate oder 23km von Okaukuejo entfernt. Gut geeignet für Familien und für Gäste, die gerne autark sind, ohne spartanisch reisen zu müssen.

Zu den Aktivitäten, die Gäste während ihres Aufenthalts genießen können, gehört auch Sternenbeobachtung. Sie sehen den südlichen Sternenhimmel und die verschiedene Konstellationen des spektakulären Sternenhimmel Namibias! Machen Sie mit uns eine Reise durch den Himmel, während wir Ihnen die grundlegenden Sternbilder, die Milchstraße und einen Blick durch unser Teleskop auf die Planeten vorstellen.


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