Lucy, She/her. In love with Star Wars, Marvel and other fandoms, but I also reblog/post about more serious things (ideals, politics, culture, etc.). Currently obsessed with mythology.
724 posts
I Feel Like I Haven't Grishaverse Posted In A While So... Does Anybody Else Ever Think About Dunyasha?
i feel like i haven't grishaverse posted in a while so... does anybody else ever think about Dunyasha? more claim to the Ravkan throne than its king, a beautiful auburn-haired fairskin assassin with a traumatised past? does anybody else ever think about how she is literally the embodiment of the 'main character' in any fantasy series? and how not only was she Inej's shadow, she was the very sort of person the girl had been taught to respect or follow around or surrender to? because she was so perfect and beautiful and princess-y?
the one thing that makes the grishaverse special is that none of the characters are perfect. they're not beautiful or special. they're just people, which relate to so many of us. Dunyasha was the one in this whole universe that wasn't substantial and yet she held so much resonance and power. do you think about that?
'cause yeah, i do, sometimes.
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More Posts from Lucimea66
redemption arcs that double as tragedies!! you’re a better person than you’ve ever been and you have nothing left to your name!!you have to rebuild yourself and your life from the ground up and you’re smiling in the ashes!! you were devastated your life is ruined!!! nothing is ever going to be the same ever again you are never going to regain what you had you are never going to be free of the guilt you are never going to be able to go home there is nothing left for you!!! you are free you are more yourself than you’ve ever been!! fires help forests grow!!

I don't know how to draw Percy tbh
Eddie revels in the fact that he can flirt with Steve as much as he wants to and get away with it. Steve is absolutely clueless to the flirtations. Sometimes his face will scrunch up in confusion, but he never says anything.
So Eddie calls him “sweetheart” and “big boy” and, his favorite, “pretty boy,” and Steve just goes with it. He allows Eddie to get into his personal space and sometimes get touchy and cuddly with him. He lets him over all the time because Steve is oblivious.
Then the most mundane thing happens - Steve gets a paper cut. And for some reason this is a huge deal to him (although he’s been tortured by Russians and had a plate smashed over his head). He cursing and blowing on it, waving his hand around frantically to make the pain stop.
He turns to Eddie and says, “Eddie, baby, can you kiss it better?”
And Eddie fucking malfunctions. Full on stop of all systems in his brain. He’s struggling to buffer. He can’t process what just happened.
With a sudden, newly found confidence, Steve sidles up close to Eddie and asks, “What, are you all talk no action?” He smirks at Eddie who remains frozen in place, all the blood drained from his face.
Steve’s face twists in concern, and he grabs Eddie by the shoulders and asks, “Hey, Eds, what’s wrong? You okay?”
And Eddie’s full on panicking because Steve fucking Harrington is NOT supposed to flirt back. He isn’t supposed to KNOW that Eddie is flirting at him. Christ, he’s making fun of him. There’s no way in hell that Steve is okay with him being gay. There’s no way. Especially since Eddie made him the target of all his affection.
“Eddie, Eddie, hey. Talk to me. What’s going?”
Eddie finally unfreezes and truly looks at Steve. He’s so genuinely concerned and so so close. There’s no trace of disgust on his face. He doesn’t look like he’s about to punch him.
“You weren’t supposed to know,” Eddie chokes out.
“Weren’t supposed to know what? That we’re dating?”
Eddie panics even more because, “We’re what?!”
Steve turns bright red and says, “Oh shit, you didn’t know it either. Uh… look. So I was- I was talking to Robin last night and we came to the conclusion that I’m bise- bisedu- bi-”
“Bisexual,” Eddie supplies. And Steve quickly nods.
“Yes. That one. Because you were dropping all these lines and stuff. And honestly I was so confused at first because it’s me, and why would you be flirting with me?” That’s what confused him???
Steve continues, “And then I thought maybe you just do that with everyone. Which honesty made me a bit jealous which was definitely confusing because why would I be jealous about who you flirt with? And I realized I only wanted you to flirt with me. And Robin said that you don’t flirt with anyone else, and from the sounds of it, we’re already dating.”
Eddie is once again frozen, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever step out of this trance.
“Oh shit. You don’t feel the same way, do you? Fuck man, just, forget I said anything,” Steve says looking equally as panicked as Eddie’s sure he looks.
And honestly this is what gets Eddie out of his state. He hates seeing Steve like this. He grabs his hand and easily finds the paper cut and kisses the skin gently.
“Did I kiss it better, sweetheart?”
Steve melts and looks absolutely relieved. “My boyfriend sure did.”
And Eddie’s brain malfunctions again, but he’s frozen in a completely maniacal smile.
When Steve kisses him, he’s sure that he will never function again.
things I want to see in any future installments of the grishaverse (by Leigh bardugo) include:
- inej doing her pirate thing
- jesper and Wylan chilling in their garden as explosions go off in the background
- kaz breaking into little/big palace and stealing the crown
- said crown being sat on his shelf back in Ketterdam
-zoya unaible to do anything about it as she then had to admit of the crown being stolen in the first place
- nina sends him another crown
-kaz starts a collection
-he still has Alinas hair dress thingy from the show
-nikolai tried to steal it once as sturmhond
-it ended tragically and he had to run to the Ravkan Embassy to avoid several explosive devises set up on his way
-he lands into the geldcanal at one point and swims/rows his say down towards the embassies
-jesper and wylan wave at him as he goes past, having no idea whats happened, wondering what kaz will them happened when he comes over for the evening
-inej at the time is having tea with Nina and Zoya at some royal party in os kervo making deals between Ravka and fjerda
-she knows
-both about kaz s security regarding his little collecting (purely gathered trough spite) and Nikolai’s ongoing attempt to get the crown back as they’ll need it for some function
-she also knows that kaz doesn’t have the crown, he gave it to her for safekeeping
-its in her bag, Zoya does not know, and has not stopped glaring at her as if kaz would somehow feel that glare through Inej.
-nina suspects because of certain bones imbedded into the crown
-she is trying not to burst into laughter and cause an international incident between their countries
-inej is kicking Nina under the table, she is starting to want to disappear into her captains hat that kaz had bought for her. Zoya is starting affect the weather
-dealing with pirates is easier than dealing with Zoya, Nina agrees while she’s trying to distract Zoya so inej can make her escape
-Alina just sips her tea, glad to be invited
Headcanon Nico di Angelo is awful as a teacher - because he has never been taught the way he should have been taught and neither did he learn anything the right way. Everything he knows about his demigod life is either violently forced into his mind or blindly thrown at him over and over until he figures out how to dogde.
So no, Nico cannot teach. It’s a disaster. Everyone’s frustrated. He knows, better than anyone else, but Nico cannot tell you how he does it because it’s 99% instincts and muscle memories rather than techniques at this point.
It’s extremely hard and dangerous to spar with him - because Nico’s fight or flight mechanism and survival instincts coping with extensive physical and mental traumas are so, so, so strong that sometimes he just loses himself in the fight and his body would do everything to save itself. And once children of the Big Three enters the trance, they are downright terrifying.
However, that makes him a perfect opponent for an all-out match, though. He fights like a monster - that is: unpredictable, unrelenting, purely instinctive. The monster wouldn’t stop if you’re hurt - and the Ares cabin enjoys it immensely.
And that’s why besides children of the Big Three, they are the only people allowed to engage in a spar with the son of Hades.