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Wylan problem solver van Eck after telling Jesper to wake up the sleeping people to kill them

"So we're all doing this for personal reasons, if we do anything to save humanity, don't ask us to do it again cause we promise that was not the intention we will 100% probably do this again when we get greedy"
Can we just appreciate Six of Crows for a moment?
Like, the characters each have their own elaborate backstories and reasons for wanting the money and the whole plot line is so well put together.
Also, it's just completely bonkers because one moment they're planning a heist and how to get back at Van Eck, and the next Kaz is making a "your mum" joke.
the crows as olympic athletes
hear me out — table tennis
he'd definitely be one of the more precise players
nicknamed "dirtyhands" for his use of unconventional techniques and trolling his opponents with snake shots and hidden spin
his role models include natalia partyka and ma long
like partyka, he competes in both the olympics and paralympics (classification 9)
i think the obvious choice is artistic gymnastics; she'd be absolutely unbeatable in beam with her amazing balance
her fans have started calling her "the wraith", alluding to the way she twists through the air with unbelievable grace and strength
her biggest rival, dunyasha lazareva, is one of the only gymnasts who can match her in skill
skeet shooting
ithink the variability of the sport would definitely be something jesper prefers over something like air rifle/pistol
he's a star in the sport shooting world and made his olympic debut at 17 after switching sport from equestrian
(he met wylan at the riding club and the rest is history)
modern pentathlon
there was a brief scandal with his father and former pentathlete which put him in the public eye, but now he's famous only for his performance in the modern pentathlon
he first appeared at the youth olympic games where he claimed gold by a large margin
now at his first olympic games all eyes are on him as the favourite to win
at tokyo 2020 she's just a random competitor in judo, unknown to most of the world — and then suddenly she shocks the entire world with a gold medal that almost looked easy
now everyone knows not to underestimate her, as she looks to defend her olympic title
i mean, he's made out of pure muscle, so is it really a surprise to see matthias in olympic wrestling?
he has made a name for himself as six feet and four inches of pure strength and power
he makes the team for the second time, up against competitors like jarl brum, three time olympic gold medallist
there are also different religions in the different cultures on the grishaverse, and different religious and non religious characters interact with each other. None of the different religions feel less real than the others, some of them are more explored but all of them feel real.
I like that Six of Crows, Shadow and Bone, King of Scars, etc. Have religious characters in them. Because we get to see every facet of how it effects them as a person and how it affects the story. How deeply or not they believe. How much is pushing the religion on others and how some are not. I like seeing how much thought the author put into seeing their world as three dimensional with a great deal of thought and backstory to help us form a picture of the world.
can someone explain why I feel so much for fictional characters? they are just drawings or words on paper but i laugh at their jokes and cry when they get hurt. I get an overwhelming amount of feelings over people that do not even exist.
Jesper : *aggressively throws water bottle*
Inej : umm…..
Kaz : He’s trying to yell mental health and well being into us
Wylan : *crying* it’s working
You know the Six of Crows obsession is bad when your science teacher is talking about how it’s hard to get inside the cell membrane but it’s easier to get out and your first thought is “omg just like the Ice Court!! I wonder if there are molecules like the Crows who are there for a heist?”. I think I need psychiatric help, this cannot be normal
…not being a feral canal rat.
Kaz Brekker is bad at
When you can't beat the odds, change the game.
-Inej; Crooked Kingdom

No funerals
“you can’t just summon an entire fandom by two words.”
no mourners…
actually the best ship dynamic is i would kill for you. i would kill anyone who layed a hand on you. please let me kill for you. please let me show my devotion by dirtying my hands, it's the only way i know how. let me destroy anything that hurts you. i've hurt you too. i'm destroying myself.
Kanej Headcanons
Let me be clear, these are headcanons for once they've both done a lot of healing
Because there's a lot of physical closeness here
Inej loves to just plop herself down on Kaz's good leg and let him rest his chin on the top of her head
Kaz is secretly going mad with joy every time she does, but he tries to play it cool
He has so many pet names for her, but his favorite thing to call her is treasure
You might think Kaz is the more protective one, but it's actually Inej
She gets very upset when he faces ableism and will threaten to give others a bad leg to match his
He thinks it's the sweetest thing ever
"I am a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man, but I still want my husband to wrap me up in blankets after a hard day and cuddle me and kiss my face while he hand feeds me." -Inej Ghafa
Oh did I mention they're married?
They probably had two weddings, one in Kerch and one in Ravka
Kaz probably likes giving Inej expensive gifts that she says she doesn't need
He also likes to have her lay on his chest when they go to sleep at night
Her weight is comforting
Every day he tells her that she's his queen
Say what you will about Kaz Brekker, but remember he was the first person in a long time to actually treat Inej Ghafa like a person.

i hope the way Kaz treats Jesper changes, cuz the way he doesn't care about anything about Jasper makes me wanna punch him in the face AND YES I KNOW IT'S A CHARACTERISTICS KAZ HAS BUT I DON'T CARE
i swear every time i think about the crows i start having heart palpitations
Everyone talks about "maybe I liked your stupid face" when talking about Wesper, but is anyone going to comment on the fact that Jesper literally thought Wylan looked like a prince who had fallen into the wrong story. Like he took one look at him and thought he looked like a prince.

Your honor I love him
Fair warning any and all post I make for the foreseeable future will be either Captain America and The Winter Soldier(White Wolf), or Shadow and Bone/Six of crows related
Being bi while watching shadow and bone is really annoying because at first you're like

And then you're like