Nikolai Lantsov - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

crack fic

warning: mild sexual content, crack crack crack. THIS IS PURE CRACK!!!

Nikolai drew Zoya into his arms slowly, smiling as he kissed her. "You must be excited- this is the second-last stop."

"Oh- is it? I hadn't noticed." she answered. Nikolai laughed, knowing that not to be true. She had been grumbling and whining and complaining every day of the trip. It had been some of the best weeks of his life. The thought that he would get to live like this for the rest of life swelled his chest- and also perhaps the fact that Zoya brought her hands to his shirt- determined to unbutton the impossible buttons.

"My love," he said gently, "we have to leave soon." Nikolai kissed her lips chastely. She continued making quick work of his buttons, and a familiar shiver of desire struck him. Nikolai took her hands. "Zoya; you are making me be the voice of reason and I hate it. We have your appearance soon.''

Zoya sighed, wringing her hands free and taking the liberty of re-buttoning his shirt. "Yes. We do. See you later, Lantsov?"

"You know it, Nazyalensky." Nikolai turned and stepped out of the room, leaving Zoya with the precious few minutes she had before she had to appear in front of the public at Caryeva.


Nikolai grinned as he waded through the crowd, proud to do this for Zoya today instead of himself. He had known the people would have to look at her, and he had been excited for another one of these- the publicity tours, as Zoya called them.The people looked at him, yes, but Zoya was the true object of their worship. He honestly felt an enormous weight lift off his shoulders as he watched the subjects scream for their Sankta, even four hours after her only appearance. Nikolai would have felt guilty, but he knew that the burden would not weigh nearly as much on Zoya. She could not care less what people thought of her.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned around- only to see a ghost. It was Dominik. He told himself he was being ridiculous, lots of people looked similar, after all, he reasoned. But no, it was Dominik. The scar above his brow where the cook's hot ladle had flicked, the eyes- those eyes. "Do I know you?" he summoned the energy and courage for words.

"Nikolai the Spider Squealer- look where you are now." the man who could not be Dominik but inexplicably was grinned and spoke.

"H- how?" he managed to get out. The crowd of people pressed against him.

"Here- let's go into the corner. You need to sit down, friend." as Dominik's ghost steered him to a corner outside of an ally. Friend. That word... had they not been each other's everything back then? "Do you need water?" Dominik asked.

"I seem to be in greater need of answers." Nikolai replied. Dominik smiled again, and Nikolai already knew that it could not be a ghost, because no ghost would ever smile like Dominik had.

"Well- I stopped breathing. You were there for that part. I was left in that field of bodies." A distinct tone of bitterness took over his voice. "But I was found by a group of scavengers. I do not know how I survived woth my wounds, but I did. On the move, eating scraps, I survived. The scavengers at last brought me to Keramzin. At the hospital there, they gave me something, and I fainted. Went into a coma for five years. Woke up right before the war ended. I was healed, and so I found the love of my life, and we shifted here." Nikolai processed that for five minutes.

"What do you do?" he asked, at last.

Dominik beamed. "My handsome husband supports us both, he's a trader."

Nikolai was finding it difficult to breathe. "Good to see you're alive, man." was what he got out before stumbling away.


Nikolai shut the door to their chambers. Zoya looked up from her place on the bed, scowling. "Where were you? You know, you cannot do this to me. First you crown me against my wish, make me do this tour, and then disappear? Ravka does not need an undiplomatic queen, Nikolai!"

"No- that is the last thing Ravka needs. What it needs is you, a person who they can have the purest belief in." he responded automatically, but with a hollowness inside him. Zoya immediately sat up.

"Nikolai? What's wrong? Did something happen?" she asked, walking to him.

"Zoya- you know Dominik's plant in the garden?" she nodded impatiently. "I think we can remove that now." Zoya drew her brows together, confused.

"Nikolai; you did not tell me who Dominik was at that time, and I do not press, but you have to tell me if something is wrong, Kolya." she called him the nickname she had only used once before, the one reserved for special occasions. What a devious trick- she knew it would cause him to melt.

"He was my-" Zoya interrupted him, pushing him back on the bed.

"What? Get comfortable! If I know anything, I know this is going to be a long story." she said.

He rested against the headboard, took a deep breath, and began. "He was my only friend, really. When I was younger, I was a troublesome, naughty child- I know, unimaginable." he said as Zoya's brows rose.

"I was excited one morning- I had procured a mouse to set into my Tutor's bag. Imagine my surprise when I found there had been another desk and chair all set up- with a frightened boy sitting there. He wouldn't talk very much, just called me 'moi tsarevich'. When I released the mouse, my tutor screamed and I laughed. But then- he whipped Dominik. He was to act as a whipping boy for me- for who would dare raise a hand against the prince?

After that I did not cause trouble. I promised him I would do better. But somehow- in that silent corpse of a palace; we became friends. As we got older, we started sneaking out of the palace, to his house. We roughhoused and shouted and ran through fields. When I was fifteen, we were lying in the fields together and I looked at him- and I kissed him. He kissed me back. But the very next day, when I was sneaking back, Vasily caught me. I had gotten careless, you see. I... became what I am. I charmed my mother and her court and flattered my father and wrote to gunsmiths and officers and ministers and generals.

"I got Dominik's brother reassigned to a place where the fighting was light. I joined the infantry right along with him. He... was my everything."

"And then he died. But I saw him today. Turns out he survived, went into a coma, found a rich handsome trader husband."

Zoya crawled into his arms, melting into him. He held onto her like she was his only anchor and he a pathetic drowning ship, and sobbed. "He did not once think he should tell me? Some mornings, his words, he was the only reason I could even get up. He just... forgot?"

"Nikolai. Nikolai- Kolya, listen to me. What else can you do?"

"If only- I'd checked his pulse, I wouldn't be here right now, Zoya do you understand? There was another life I could have lived."

"That is what you could have done. There is no use crying over spilt milk, Kolya. Moreover, do you regret this? Do you regret... me?"

He looked in his heart's eyes and said, "No. Of course not. You are right, of course. You always are." and attempted a smile.

Zoya's eyes narrowed. "Normally I would savour those words, but why does it feel like you're up to something? Like your mind isn't at rest?"

That made Nikolai laugh; a small laugh yes, but a laugh. "When is it ever?" he asked.

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2 years ago

How much time did it take you to make these? How much time do you spend online? You are so hot for making these. 😍 You got them all on point 👉

Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes
Shadow And Bone Season 2 But It's Just Memes

shadow and bone season 2 but it's just memes

(season 1 version)

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3 years ago

I cannot and will not ✋

We don't talk about Brekker

(I don't know if anyone did this before but... I was inspired)

Zoya: We don't talk about Brekker, no, no, no

We don't talk about Brekker, but...

It was my wedding day...

Nikolai: It was our wedding day!

Zoya: We were getting ready

And there wasn't a cloud in the sky!

Nikolai: No clouds allowed in the sky!

Zoya: Brekker walks in with a mischievous grin...

Nikolai: Thunder!

Zoya: You're telling the story or am I?

Nikolai: I'm sorry, my love, please go on!

Zoya: Brekker says, "It looks like rain"

Nikolai: Why did he tell us?

Zoya: In doing so, he floods my brain...

Nikolai: Genya get the umbrellas!

Zoya: Married in a hurricane!

Nikolai: What a joyous day but anyway...

Both: We don't talk about Brekker, no, no, no

We don't talk about Brekker!

Jesper: Hey, grew to live annoyed by Kaz counting kruge and grumbling,

I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling,

I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch!

It's a heavy weight the past he is carrying,

Always left the Dregs and the whole crew fumbling,

Grappling with suicidal plans we couldn't understand

Do you understand?

Matthias: A six-foot frame, crows along his back,

When he calls your name it all fades to black!

Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams, (Hey!)

We don't talk about Demjin, no no no, we don't talk about Demjin!

Rollins: He told me my empire would fall, the next day, doomed!

Ensemble: No, no!

Per Haskell: He told me he'd taken my place and just like he said!

Ensemble: No, no!

Jarl Brum: He said that all my hair would disappear, now, look at my head!

Ensemble: Hey, no, no!

Your fate is sealed when he starts one of his plans!

Nina: He told me that he needed my help

and he'd free my love from Hellgate...

He told me that I had crumbs on my chest

But I was way too hungry to care...

Kuwei: Oh damn, I've just burnt a whole field!

Inej: Bad for me, he's the man of my dreams

But he's just out of reach...

Betrothed to his business!

I'm still in love with him though...

Van Eck: Hey son, I want not a sound out of you!

Inej: I do still love him though...

I still love him though!

Wylan: Um, Brekker

Yeah, about that Brekker

I really need to know about Brekker

Give me the truth and the whole truth, Brekker!

Jesper: Nina, honey, your True Love's here!

Nina: Time for waffles!

Matthias: A six-foot frame, rats along his back (...)

Zoya: It was my wedding day (...)

Nikolai: It was our wedding day (...)

Nina: He told me that he needed my help (...)

Jesper: Grew to live annoyed by Kaz counting kruge and grumbling (...)

Kuwei: Oh shit this time I've burnt the woods!

Inej: Bad for me, he's the man of my dreams but he's just out of reach...

Betrothed to his business, his business...

All the Crows, obviously lying: And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'm fine!

Ensemble: He's here!

Don't talk about Brekker!

Wylan: Why did I talk about Brekker?

Ensemble: Not a word about Brekker!

Wylan: I never should have brought up Brekker!

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3 years ago

may have messed around and wrote a 12k youtuber! au wherein nikolai sings love songs for the internet and pretends they‘re not for zoya (except they totally are)

ft. kaz and inej as the hosts of ravka unsolved; alina as a lifestyle vlogger; nina and matthias warring over twitter; cameraman jesper flirting with pseudo khan academy wylan & genya and david having the only braincell in the group
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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3 years ago

emma!au kanej

ok so because i am apparently incapable of writing soc/grisha verse fics that aren’t at least a little (a lot??) ensemble, the fun little 5+1 emma!kanej au has turned into a 20k+ monster!!! 

please enjoy part 1 of kaz and inej orchestrating the iconic denya, zoyalai and malina in uni whilst avoiding their own relationship. part 2 of wesper, helnik +1 coming (soon? hopefully?)

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3 years ago

its always “wyd” and never “biagftsoybtpoftwtlwyfmwfbifidwtffafiicfawtmafwy”🙄

Its Always Wyd And Never Biagftsoybtpoftwtlwyfmwfbifidwtffafiicfawtmafwy

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2 years ago

shadow & bone season 2 spoilers below!

Ok I just finished season two of shadow & bone and I have so very many thoughts!!

Despite not following the plot of the books and kind of cutting and pasting plot points together, I really loved this season. I view it less as an adaptation of the books and more as an adaptation based on the books. If you take out the pressure of the show supposed to be the same as the books, it’s so much more enjoyable!! I thoroughly enjoy seeing this unique adventure the two stories go through.

I think the proposed six of crows series could just be them going on more adventures and stories from the barrel! Maybe delving more into their backstories and relationships and adventures they went on before landing where we meet them and it would be amazing.

Wesper, despite the altered storyline, are absolutely perfect and I love them so much. I want to put them in my pocket. Their dynamic was nailed and it so lovely to see progress throughout the season!

Kanej (as well as Freddy and Amita) absolutely owned this season. They have the characters and dynamic down to a T. I love them so much and they are my all-time favorites!! I also am honestly quite happy with the ending of this season’s ending with Inej forging her own path in the world doing what she’s passionate about. And not just living under or for other people. I truly believe that they come together again, but they both need and deserve time to grow. Anyway I just love them so much and aaaaah.

I really tried to start loving Mal but I really can’t stand him. He has great moments and is overall a good character but sometimes he just says things that remind me of Gale from The Hunger Games and just get an insane ick.

Genya needs to feel peace and happiness next season and Daisy needs all of the awards like oh my god she was brilliant. Also I love her coronation outfit with the matching eyepatch and dress.

Nikolai my love he is literally golden and amazing and I just love him. Literally a beautiful person and character. Also that man has insane rizz like I’m genuinely impressed.


Anyway that’s all apologies for this insanely long post I just have so many thought in my head wooo.

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1 year ago

This. This. This.

things I want to see in any future installments of the grishaverse (by Leigh bardugo) include:

- inej doing her pirate thing

- jesper and Wylan chilling in their garden as explosions go off in the background

- kaz breaking into little/big palace and stealing the crown

- said crown being sat on his shelf back in Ketterdam

-zoya unaible to do anything about it as she then had to admit of the crown being stolen in the first place

- nina sends him another crown

-kaz starts a collection

-he still has Alinas hair dress thingy from the show

-nikolai tried to steal it once as sturmhond 

-it ended tragically and he had to run to the Ravkan Embassy to avoid several explosive devises set up on his way

-he lands into the geldcanal at one point and swims/rows his say down towards the embassies

-jesper and wylan wave at him as he goes past, having no idea whats happened, wondering what kaz will them happened when he comes over for the evening

-inej at the time is having tea with Nina and Zoya at some royal party in os kervo making deals between Ravka and fjerda

-she knows

-both about kaz s security regarding his little collecting (purely gathered trough spite) and Nikolai’s ongoing attempt to get the crown back as they’ll need it for some function

-she also knows that kaz doesn’t have the crown, he gave it to her for safekeeping

-its in her bag, Zoya does not know, and has not stopped glaring at her as if kaz would somehow feel that glare through Inej. 

-nina suspects because of certain bones imbedded into the crown

-she is trying not to burst into laughter and cause an international incident between their countries

-inej is kicking Nina under the table, she is starting to want to disappear into her captains hat that kaz had bought for her. Zoya is starting affect the weather 

-dealing with pirates is easier than dealing with Zoya, Nina agrees while she’s trying to distract Zoya so inej can make her escape

-Alina just sips her tea, glad to be invited

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1 year ago

barbie has a great day everyday

Barbie Has A Great Day Everyday
Barbie Has A Great Day Everyday

ken only has a great day if barbie looks at him

Barbie Has A Great Day Everyday
Barbie Has A Great Day Everyday

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5 months ago

Thinking about how 17 year old Kaz Brekker could determine that Sturmhond was the King of Ravka within two minutes of meeting him, yet the Darkling (thousand year old immortal) could not discern that even after TWO WEEKS on a ship with him. Not to mention that Kaz had never even seen Nikolai’s face and the Darkling had literally met him before?!?

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5 months ago

If Wylan had worked with David and Nikolai on weapons while Ravka was at war with Fjerda, Fjerda would’ve been FLATTENED

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6 months ago

“I am going to kill you.”

“So long as you kiss me again before you do.”

the IT couple, no one can convince me otherwise

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5 months ago

my ranking of the grishaverse ships:

(top being my favorite, bottom being my least favorite)





genya and david



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kanej fans, please don’t come after me. i feel really bad putting it that low, but it just wasn’t as interesting for me as the other ones. i’m not saying i don’t like the ship, because i really do love kaz and inej together. i just like the others ones better

i could have explained why i put all of them where i put them, but… words :/

tell me if i missed any important ones

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9 months ago


please excuse that-


Hi ya'll!!

This is my MasterList ig-

*idk what to write here* but happy reading guys! Stay Safe and Have Fun!!


Kaz x Inej // Kanej

.•°HOPE °•. Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // (discontinued for now)

Game Night With The Crows (The Dregs)

Zoya x Nikolai // Zoyalai

In Another Life (answered zoyalai au)

Headcanon divergence (answered zoyalai au)

Stay With Me

Helnik // Matthias Helvar x Nina Zenik

.•°Ghosts of our Past°•.

Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 (coming soon)


Remus x Sirius // WolfStar

Beneath The Howling Moon

• Draco x Hermione // Dramione

Echoes of Silence

Hunger Games ~

• Katniss x Gale // Everthorne

Remnants of Ashes

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