madcatlad - MadCatLad

Just a normal girl besides all the weird interests

105 posts

Some Original Designs For Some Undertale Kids, Still In The Works, But I'm Getting On It.

Some Original Designs For Some Undertale Kids, Still In The Works, But I'm Getting On It.

Some original designs for some undertale kids, still in the works, but I'm getting on it.

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More Posts from Madcatlad

10 months ago

Warning: Mention of Subst@nce-Abuse

I want to talk about Shadowknights and what the call actually is.

I've seen headcanons and fics for Mystreet that explore Laurence's time with the Shadowknight Gang, mainly with Gene, and how the gang (Gene) got him on dr*gs. I don't really want to get into that in this post, but it got me think...for MCD shadowknights, most importantly Laurence and Vylad.

Theirs definitely an Analogy there to explore with the way that the "Call of The Nether" is portrayed in MCD for both characters. BUT I'm not here to get into that either. What I want to see explored more is the withdrawal from The Nether.

I know this isn't exactly new BUT I think that the long term and short term effects of removing from The Nether should be broadened with more depth. Nether Withdrawal essentially. I think that this adds more outward struggled for the viewer to visualize to Laurence's character other than ANGRY RAWR, and also adds more complexity to Laurence's relationship with The Nether and his shadowknight form.

And there is actual evidence for this within MCD as well!!!

We already know about Laurence's Post-Nether fever after his return. His direct physical reaction after removing from The Nether. A detox.

(I feel like he shouldn't have recovered from that as quickly as he did, I know he went blind for a bit, but I feel like it should have been a slow burn to truly recover his strength enough to normally function let alone be second guard in command. ESPECIALLY after being tortured!!)

When Laurence transforms I recall him describing that the power felt good but he didn't feel like himself. It feels good but he changes. I think this really ampts up the URGENCY of Laurence transforming. His tranformations were used mainly as a plot device to get out of a situation BUT if we must do it I want more consequences than "he felt bad about it".

I want to PHYSICALLY SEE how that reversed his progress by maybe returning a particularly bad symptom or Post-Nether habit. I want to SEE how each and every lost of control brought him closer to square one. I want to SEE how every transformation eventually brought Laurence closer and closer to the character we find by the Ned of season 2.

YES, I want the usual tropes like nightmares, sleepless nights, mood swings, body heat. BUT NOW I want to see aches and chills, I want to see nausea, I want to see cramping, I want to see extreme sweating, and itching.

Let. My boy. Suffer.

I want to SEE how he was called right back to that portal.

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9 months ago

my Roman Empire is how laurance should’ve been the descendant of shad, it was set up so perfectly! Him referring to himself as having a darkness inside of him, and aph being the light to that darkness is soooo Irene and shad coded

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10 months ago

OMG!!! You get it!!

This is exactly what I was going for! I want to see the inner battle! I want to see how the flames of The Nether consume a person! Anger isn't enough! Give us a complete descent!

And I love how you connect it back to Shad, and the intentionality of that addictive nature and how that would ABSOLUTELY benefit him! I didn't even think of that!

I'd love to explore this idea further. Not just with Laurence, but the other shadowknights. Sasha, Zenix, Gene, Vylad, even Zane.

For example, I know the Fandom has a lot of issue with Zane's motives after his return as a shadowknight- and his over-the-top evil moments. BUTTTT (as a person with no moral F's to give) he'd absolutely feed into that addiction easily. AND THAT IS COMPLEX! Even for a evil-written character like Zane!

There is so much to explore here, I'm glad I'm not the only one sucking this up.

dude. xerith. idk if you saw my reblog of madcatlad’s post, BUT. they cooked. the issue on the table: nether withdrawals. i’m insane about this.

very much exploring the idea of the calling being more about fighting the addiction that is the nether itself for shadow knights, rather than purely the aggression part.

thoughts? musings?

Oh Cinn, oh Cinn you've brought my attention to something beautiful.

Little known fact about me because I'm still pretty decent about over sharing on the internet, addiction is something I've actually thrown hands with before. The idea of the Calling as an addiction to the Nether?? Now that's a concept I can latch onto.

I think that there could be ways to satiate withdrawal, but not in an exactly helpful way. The Calling is in Shadow Knights brains like "Oooh you wanna kill your loved ones and come back to the Nether soooo bad." But minor acts of violence and arson can make it shut up. Enough bloodshed, such as what happens at the Werewolf Wedding, is enough to make it so a knight isn't drawn to the idea of killing their loved one anymore because the urge for blood has been answered. Of course... Most Shadow Knights fighting the call aren't exactly happy when something like the Werewolf Wedding happens to them.

As for the urge of the Nether, they could always try to answer that with things that are like the Nether or remind them of it. Sitting by a fire, setting things on fire, sitting in a pool of hot water that can at least try and simulate lava, setting things on fire, existing in the bitter dry heat of an Arizonan morning, or setting things on fire. The Calling always responds best to the most violent solution, and even while trying to satiate it, it's still pulling at the mental strings of a knight to make the most violent decisions possible.

That idea of being able to sit by a fire instead of setting something ablaze really sucks for Knights who might have been traumatized by the Nether and struggle to be around fire for very long as a result, Laurance.

A lot of moments of a premature Shadow Knight lashing out aren't necessarily because the Calling is making them want to kill, it's because it's making them want to go back to something they know is bad for them. It's a drug that they've overdosed on and are trying to run away from still present in their veins and urging them to take another dose, regardless of its lethality. That kind of mental gymnastics and battle wears down at a person even when they aren't actively fighting. Even if they aren't in their head fighting the Calling and it's urges, it's still there. They still think about it.

Laurance doesn't want to go back to The Nether. He would rather die again than go back there. But when he sees the frame of a portal, when he's nearby one that's unstable, he has to fight. He has to fight his body and its urge to go back to that hell. Just one hit will make him feel better. Just a chance to touch netherack and breathe that ashy air will soothe his worries. Because being reminded of the Nether, even if it causes a trauma response, does cause a part of his brain to feel good. The Calling sees fire and gives him a shot of dopamine and excitement.

Wouldn't it just be so nice if he went back? If he didn't have to feel this constant drain? If he was in the Nether then the Calling would shut up, right? Wouldn't it be so amazing to just feel this good all the time? He's already dead, what damage can be done to his body afterwards?

Of course the Calling has two components, both addictive. One is of course the urge to go to the Nether. The other is that urge to kill your loved one and gain immortality. Doing one only makes the other feel stronger. Oh, you sat next to a Nether portal and made it so you're now comfortable in the over world? Bet you wanna kill your lord right about now, huh?

What's that, you actually killed your lord? Well, don't you just wanna come home to the Nether where you're surrounded by people who have all done the same and won't hate you for it? Go on, you know you want to.

Like everything else, it comes down to the Shadow Kings need to control. If he can make Shadow Knights into addicts of stuff directly associated with him, they'll be more loyal. They'll serve him to get a fix of bloodshed and hell fire. They'll come running back to him after ruining their lives for his enjoyment, and they'll fall at his feet for the chance to become a higher up in their army. He deprives them of everything they ever could have had and calls it freedom.

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1 year ago

Ru'aun Culture HCs


Charms are a common practice in which a small trinket that symbolizes status, character, and accomplishments is worn by the receiver as a symbol of their growth.

All of Ru'aun as well as all of Galruk have some association with charms in their society.

Tu'la does not have any culture involving Charms specifically.

It is not uncommon for a Ru'aun local to be covered in jewelry.

Charms are usually expressed as an accessories (commonly jewelry), but can also take the form of a tattoos or (in the case of the more unhinged) carved out skin. These are referred to as "blood marks", these kinds of charms are considered to be more permanent, and are well respected in the region. A Blood Mark is considered sacred, an intimate vow under the religion of The Matron (Irene), and are heavily encouraged to be upheld by the reciever, often under threat of scrutiny.

Most people only recieve am average of five charms in their lifetime. They are VERY expensive to make, and can be extremely time consuming if you decide to make one yourself.

The idea is to be as unique and identifiable as possible.

Occasionally Charms will be the marker to an unrecognizable body.

Blood Marks and Charms are not always chosen by the reciever. Occasionally a charm will befall a reciever as a punishment and are purposed to bring shame. In the worse cases Blood Marks will be put upon a reciever via forced tattoos or permanent incisions into the skin. Unfortunately despite the nature of a Blood Mark the "vow" is still expected to be honored, regardless of the receiver's sentiments they too will be under threat of scrutiny if they fail to comply to the conditions of their charm.

Occasion for Charms:

Personal Accomplishment - if a reciever or anyone feel that the reciever has overcome a feat worthy of such a gift. Common for milestones, recovery, and aging. However this depends on the receiver's access to martial to make such trinkets. Wealth, energy and time all go into Charm making, it is not to be taken lightly.

Baby Bands - Baby Bands are the most common Charm. It is to celebrate mother and child after labor and ward off disease and malicious spirits from the vulnerable new mom and her babe. Traditionally, lord, guard, farmer or otherwise it is the duty of the father to personally craft this Charm as a show of his loyalty to his family. Baby Bands are made to be bent and trench so that babies can wear them into adulthood.

Familial Charms - These are Charms that represent the family you are either born into or adopted into. Blood born children are given their familial Charms at an age where they are less likely to kick the bucket. Adopted members are given their Charms immediately upon their adoption ceremony. If siblings, cousins, uncle/aunt, or any other familial unit feel like they have a significant bond with the reciever then that would also facilitate a Charm. Sibling Charms are traditionally facilitated and commissioned by the parents, but siblings can make all sorts of Charms between one another.

Casual Charms - low steaks Charms. These are usually inexpensive, and resources conscious. Can be simple trinkets repurposed into accessory. Common among children.

Relationship Charms - similar to familial Charms, but between relationship that aren't defined by a familial bond. Common in dating/exes, between mentor and student, between familiar and witch/warlock, between close friends, and guardships of a village.

Marriage Charm - Instead of rings married couples wear golden or sliver bands around their neck in a choker like fashion. This is the only Charm worn in this way. This, in the majority of the population, will be the most important Charm in a receiver's life. Some, if they are truly committed to their partner have the permanence of their bands tattooed around their neck. This is very serious, and the practicer of Blood Marks will not tattoo young marriages, the couple has to be able to stay together for life (under threat of tarnishing their vows), and after the passing of their spouse they cannot seek a new lover.

Examples (angst)

Travis cannot get Blood Mark. They refuse to appear on his skin.

Travis only had two Charm when they found him. A necklace of beads from his mom. And a baby band, made to celebrate mother and child after birth. It wasn't gifted from his mother. And it wasn't gifted from the Enki Warrior Tribe either.

Donna and Logan have their bands tattooed.

Aphmau adult adopted him and, because she also didn't start out with many Charms or show of affection she then continued to shower him in as many Charms as she could get away with.

Vylad got very few Charms before his death. He keeps pieces of the ones he did get on one gaudy looking chain. He never wears it. But he has it.

Vylad does not have a Baby Band

Malachi only recieved a Baby Band as he did not grow past the point in which he would recieve a familial Charm.

When Aphmau was found she had no Charms of any sort. The "MCD Rebirth" markings are assumed to be strange tattoos. Maybe of religious origin?

For a while she goes without any Charms. Even her ceremony to lordship was skipped because of the urgency of the situation. So the concept of a Lord's vow ceremony was absolutely knew to her.

Charms had to be explained to Aphmau, like all things usually are. She very quickly became completely enamored by the idea and very badly wanted Charms of her own.

In the earlier days when she met someone with very flashy Charms she became very invasive/obsessive/jealous. (Insert Laurence here) *poke, poke, poke*

Laurence, has an unusual amount of Charms when they first meet. The children of lord's usually had more than their peers, but Laurence was out of the norm even for that. Comparing the size of Meteli and O'kasis, Garroth had 17 Charms, Laurence had 20. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, hair bands, even an ankle bracelet. Our boy was bedazzled.

Aphmau then proceeded to ask about EVERY SINGLE piece of jewelry on his body. He doesn't mind the very throughou attention

Lords are tattooed with Esmund's sigil of protection on the day of their ceremony, vowing them to protect their people against all threat

Aaron was given a similar tattooing, his failure to uphold his end of the vow leaves him as a social outcast, assumed damned by Irene herself (ironic). This also led to the immediate assumption that he murdered the entirety of his village.

Guards use a smaller scale tattoo when they knighted, usually on the wrist. A simple form of the symbol they serve under (I'll get into that in a later post).

Laurence's Knighting Charm was the sigil of Irene. A symbol of love in this case.

Laurence had a mysterious plain silver band around his tiny fist as a child, this is assumed to be a hastily made Baby Band.

Laurence also received a Personal Charm from his superiors who all chipped in to buy him a set of earrings. The gift was made fondly out of respect for Laurence's advanced progression and his achievements as a remarkable protegee. But also it is a departing gift from his time in the achedemy, as Laurence was always a class favorite. The symbol is that of the two brightest star in Kul'zack's Constellation (I'll get to that in another post also).

He recieved this symbol because of his adventurous young spirit, and reputation as a desired Casanova. But also it was a symbol of insisted encouragement for Laurence to travel and invest himself farther than the little village of Meteli as he "could well be a candidate for the jury of nine". This insistence was in opposed to Laurence's desire at the time of his graduation, then he wanted to be grounded, close to his family, and settle...eventually. This teenage sentiment was very quickly scrapped as Laurence along with his ego grew outside of the predicted small shell of Meteli.

Laurence saw Garroth wearing only one earring once, and thought it was a fantastic fashion statement so he copied it with his own.

As a joke by the fellow Meteli guard Laurence was given a Charm with a chicken design to symbolize his relationship with the Chicken Shaman. He unironically loved that thing.

Laurence, in his bond with Ungrth created a Charm. It was the first he'd made himself, a milestone of high esteem, especially for a loved one. Luckily the wyvern understood the importance of this human ritual, and was kind enough to help. Ungrth's magicks eased the struggle of the craft, and it actually ended up being quite the looker. A sliver band with give rubies enfused which each face, Ungrth's favored treasure, between each ruby was a square of designs, small gaps that were supposed to make up the shape of thorns and roses, but ended up being pretty little swirls....and what was supposed to be a bracelet ended up being a ring, and Laurence wasn't a big fan of wearing rings, but he was very proud of himself. He proceeded to show off the Charm for weeks... on a chain of course, because he did not like to wear rings.

Cadenza is VERY jealous of this piece of jewelry. And she insisted that Laurence create a similar charm for the both of them...despite their already established Familial Charms. He tried, but he could not create the same flawless look. Cadenza was disappointed, but still, after nearly twenty years she wears her gold bracelet with messily scattered emerald stones.

In his transformation to a shadow, under Gene's order Laurence was stripped of his Charms. This is a common practice in The Nether, but usually is done of free will. But Gene knew that Laurence wouldn't follow this practise. And he knew that the forced removal of the physical symbols of the young guards humanity and former life would cause the man great distress. So Gene not only took Laurence's Charms, but he melted them down in front of him with his blade (shadowknight metal is HOT guys). He made an ugly looking dagger out of it, and returned the distorted Charm as a gift for his "rebirth ceremony". Laurence cried.

Warning - Sadness: After his return Laurence tried desperately to restore his ruined Charms. He tried all sorts of methods to repurpose the jagged gold tinted metal. But nothing he did could even dent the dagger. He cried. He cried a lot. He still held on to it, obsessively, like one day it would suddenly change back and grant him his hard earned humanity. (He eventually did get rid of it - left it at the foot of the nether end of season 2)

Gene allowed Laurence to keep Ungrth's Charm. Not for any particular reason other than the fact he thought, "the color looks pretty" on Laurence. But because Gene is- Gene he ruined that too. He didn't melt the sliver, but he heated it enough to permanently char the ring black, distorted to match the black and red colors of The Nether.

When Laurence buried Ungrth, unlike his dagger, he buried that ring with him.

Laurence is now Charm-less. He's made many more achievements, relationships, and has risen in status and title multiple times. Occasions that would warrent the recieving of a Charm. But he outright rejects new Charms, or the suggestion of them. He's been fairly honest about why, Laurence has always been able to give the closed case answer of "The Nether" as an explanation, and has never been asked to elaborate further. But he'll never really get into how watching as his identity was destroyed before his eyes and simple it down to... a weapon. It was all too symbolic, too close to a truth he didn't want to see. In Phoenix Drop, alongside companions and family he knew he was allowed to live under the illusion of picking his old life back up, and has been able to ignore the fact that in summary, like his Charms, he had to start all over. And that is a reality he refuses to accept.

He jokes that he'll finally accept a Charm when he and Aphmau get wedding bands. This is a half truth.

Laurence's shadowknight body is too resistance to keep tattoos. His initiation tattoos had long fizzled out of his skin, to his dismay. And he recieved a knighting tattoo for his guardship in Phoenix Drop, but to his disappointment it soon faded as well. He could no longer use his body to show human commitments. Nothing he did would be permanent in that intimate way again.

Laurence has recieved only two Charms since his transformation. The first was a mear ribbon, an uncommon form of Charm, it is his guardship Charm between himself, Garroth, and Dante before the Irene Dimension. This Charm was tied around his sword. The second was from Levin. The young lord never asked if he wanted one. After being in the Yaggdrasil forest for so long he wasn't completely accustomed to the unspoken contract of Charm-gifting. But he was desperate to finally get to practice the culture of his people (he'd already covered Malachi in whatever metal he could bend into a bracelet in their childhood and teens). He was so excited, Laurence couldn't bring himself to tell the boy "no", so he took the Charm with grace. He made matching ones for himself, Dante, Laurence and his mommy because Levin is a sweet boy 😊.

The Chicken Shaman himself gave Laurence a Charm... of sorts. The Shaman was not too unfamiliar with the practice of Charms, but he saw it as lowly and pathetic... so perfect for Laurence. He was given a green dyed Chicken Feather. A VERY unique taste. Laurence didn't wear this item a lot, like one would other Charms, but he'd rock it on occasion. He'd thought he'd lost it after he went to The Nether, but in reality Cadenza has it in her inventory. She was so proud of herself when she found it. An untainted Charm from her brother's past, one he could touch and feel and look at without the remainders of The Nether. And with any luck he'd wear it. And with even more luck he'd move past this refusal to create new Charms. She'd planned to return it to him. To surprise him. And she waited to do so, for the perfect moment. And she waited. And she waited she waited. And she waited. She's been starring at it blankly for the last 15 years.

Garroth was given the tattoo of his family sigil placed at his shoulder. He was "gifted" the charm at an unreasonably young age (7ish) in order to ensure his obedience to his family. This did not work. When Garroth started a new life his first course of action was to remove himself from all previous vows. This resulted in Garroth having to remove the Charm on his shoulder....

Secondly Garroth removed all of his other charms as well. Both to hide himself from O'kasis, and as a show of guilt of being now unable to fulfill any of his vows, or live up to any of his previous characteristics as a son of O'kasis (but he had more fun removing his Charms of Status). He ended up having to sell the majority of them in order to fund his undercover journey from O'kasis to Phoenix Drop. Out of all 17 of his Charms he kept only three.

Garroth's Charms:

One of which was a personal gift from his mother, a necklace of Irene's sigil, intended to keep The Matron's love close to his heart (ironic). It's not too special as this is a common charm, set apart only by the encrusted Lapis Lazuli, he was given the charm as a child, just after his tattooing, not for achievement or status, but for simply existing. He now where's it under his armor.

The second was from Vylad... an earring his youngest brother had forged himself out of steel in their teen years, it was originally a pair but Vylad messed up the other in his amateur attempt. It's the terrible design of The Wanderers sigil, and it looks more like an ugly snowflake, but it showed how much Vylad knew his brother, as he knew he wanted to be free of O'kasis. In his grief Garroth dare not wear the charm, even after Vylad was revealed to be alive, to him this charm is a symbol of brotherhood, and after Vylad, then Zane, and Zenix... that too has become an identity he feel too distant from to claim. He wore it for a short while when he became closer with Laurence, but even that was squandered when he was so rudely reminded of his past when Zane waltz in like the Queen of England. He wore them again for another brief period after his return from the Irene Dimension, but after Laurence left.... he felt alone. He felt farther from the brother he was once raised to be than ever. He truly considered throwing the thing in a river never to be seen again to which he broke down in sobs :'( he now wears it consistently as a symbol of failure and shame.

And lastly the third. Another personal gift. From Zane... this was the only sentimental gift that Zane had ever given him. Ever. It was truly thoughtful, and seemingly unprompted. In their childhood whilst playing they manged to completely shatter their mother's expensive porcelain vase. The decor meant a lot to Zianna, she never disclosed why. But in a desperate effort to stray from disappointing or even worse upsetting their mother (something they commonly tried to avoid since Garte had picked up that hobby ten fold) the two brothers collaborated to repair the vase. It was terrible, they did not succeed. When Zianna found out she was distraught of course, but seeing what her normally estranged sons had done together was a far greater gift than any ancient vase. She showered them in praise, but in no uncertain terms lecture them to stop running in her personal chambers. But she was happy, very happy, possibly the happiest she'd ever been. In their teens, like Vylad, Zane gave Garroth a unique charm, though he had it commissioned instead of making it himself. It was a sliver ring, encapsulated in glass covering was in fact a shard of the long discarded vase. A piece Zane had kept. Behind the shard was a single petal to an orchid, the flower housed by the shattered vase. Their mother's favorite. Garroth was stunned, he's still stunned. The gesture confuses him to no wits end. When he looks at it makes him angry. It makes him sad. It makes him sick. When he looks at that accursed ring he feel so unbareably lost and alone. An once good memory now turned cold and lifeless...But he wears the ring. Everywhere he where's the ring. He has never once taken it off. Not once. He's never mentioned it, nor it's importance, and he never plans to. It's of no purpose to him, not a reminder of shame, nor honor, nor duty, or even happiness. It brings him nothing, and if he somehow lost it he wouldn't bat an eye. But he has never put himself in a position to lose it, or got rid of it himself. It has been years now... too many years. The Ring itself was grimy, dented by battle, the smooth surface now rough, crevices filled with unknown crust, but somehow, after all these years the orchid petal never seemed to wilt...


If you asked Zane about this charm now he'd claim that it gesture of severance. The final 'piece' of his childhood removed from himself. But not even he I truly certain of that answer. In truth he cannot say why he gave Garroth such a gift. The action confuses even him, and frustratingly he can't recall the sentiments he had at the time.

So no one really knows the intentions of this gift. An neither brother can truly identify its meaning.

I don't know if these hcs will be anything more than implied within my continuation, but I've thought about them enough to post them somewhere. But y'know...don't go and read it or anything 👀...

"Minecraft Diaries: Sons and Daughters"

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10 months ago

Hey has the news of the Cryptic YouTube Post reached here yet cuz I'm going insane

Jess did a weird re-introduction and then said she has a big project FROM THE PAST coming. Which like. Can only be a roleplay. I'm so normal about this guys SO NORMAL

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