Minecraft Roleplay - Tumblr Posts

“Why do you have two sets of eyes?!”
Ranboo: keeps saying he blew up the community house after the season 2 Finale when he was very clearly there when Dream admit to doing it.
Me: Just bad continuity...
Ranboo: introduces Enderwalk soon after this.
Ranboo, literal months later: Doesn’t remember the finale, not because of his bad memory, but because he was in his Enderwalk state at the time. His behavior at the time suddenly makes sense, and nobody actually noticed his Enderwalk before he started using his silk touch while in that state, so it makes perfect sense that he was doing it before anyone knew it was a thing. And of course people wouldn’t bring up why Dream was in prison; he’s horrible. Who on the smp would actually bat an eye at waking up one day and realizing Dream’s done something to wind up in there. And who was going to correct him about the Community house when the only one’s he actually told were Phil and Techno, who were some of the only people that weren’t there during the Finale.
Some cute doodles, because Bee and Boo platonic husbands (and Michael) are the best thing on the smp right now

Ranboo and DreamXD have never interacted so how do they have such a great dynamic...
Dream SMP!Ranboo: Ignores his problems in an unhealthy, self-destructive way ⭐️

Origins SMP!Ranboo:

The stream was eight hours ago... How
(Bless the animators)
Me: *Sees Tommy go live* Is he gonna crash the Banquet too???
Tommy: *Is in his backyard roasting marshmallows with Tubbo, the chaos being barely mitigated by Philza and Tommy’s parents*
(Tommy didn’t show up for the lore. Like, man literally didn’t care and that’s fine, but; Technoblade was there... GOGY was there. And Tommy just committing casual arson like he isn’t missing the biggest lore since Doomsday.)
Things I love about the developing characters on Origin SMP:
Ranboo is so fucking chaotic and it’s so subtle that it takes a while to notice when he up to shit. He’s just quietly disorderly and gives off such chill vibes. Imagine someone poking a hornets nest impassively, no emotion or reason to do it. No thoughts, just stirring the pot. That is Ranboo right now. Coolboo.
Tommy coming on and totally contrasting his usual attitude by wanting to mitigate the problems on the server before they spiral into wars and shit. That was the second warning. The first warning was Tommy’s reaction to his home being blown up. He should have either barely cared, or started screaming and blowing the whole incident out of proportion, not whatever the weak whining response he had was. The third warning was how he immediately went to contracting Phil and kept changing his cut in the contract. That was the only one anybody shouldn’t have noticed, because that can be written off as Tommy’s routine chaos. So now we have capitalist Tommy, responsible for what’s currently the biggest known crime on the server, while also being the owner of his superhero company and contractor of Philza, who is currently the only “law enforcement” on the server. He really just went, Okay, I’ll be ChickenInnit, but I’m also gonna be running this server bitches!
Philza... is honestly just vibing and playing the game like normal and I love that. His character is just standard dadza and it’s Pog. Crow father is the single best thing to happen, but even then it’s still more a gag and aesthetic than anything... for now.
Tubbo is just having fun and that is awesome. He’s been winging it this whole time. Him deciding to be a “villain” and transfering his platonic marriage to this server because, why not is a great development, because it’s just Tubbo’s out of character brand of chaos. Only now it’s canon to his character. He just wants to be allowed to fuck shit up if he feels like it and that’s that. Greatest example: helps Ranboo sell his (their?) land, so he has nukes, just in case.
Fundy... It’s like he took his normal antics and went, I’m a fox so I gotta be trouble bean, forgetting he’s already chaotic as fuck on a good day. He really dialed it all the way up a thousand. Total disregard for anyone’s feelings or property. All he know is Fox. It is the single most annoying thing I have ever seen, and somehow equal parts captivating. Fundy is casually doing actual server crime and he’s getting away with it... sort of. He clearly doesn’t actually care about his deal with Scott and will say anything so his den doesn’t get blown up, but the alliance could go somewhere. Also he short lol. Child.
Scott is actually making this server nice. He made them a community farm! He’s super OP and yet, all he’s doing nothing with that power, instead he’s vibing and making everything pretty. He’s what this server needs damnit! Also cool ass build to go with his cool ass origin story. He’s just so damn amiable all the time. But on the other hand, he does have an alliance of some sort with Fundy and owes Tubbo and Ranboo a favor... The potential of that is troubling.
Sneeg literally got netherite so fast. Everyone just here joking or cooing over his size and he’s built an entire tunnel system into all of their homes that only he can properly access. No one’s actually taking him seriously when he’s literally the henchman of the self proclaimed server villains and has a trident!!! He can and will kill. He’s ankle height, the most dangerous height. He will be their ruination. (But also literal coke addict ant. Very smol.)
Niki is so fucking adorable and Jack is chilling and it’s freaking great. Fshhh. Blazeboy. These two are literally just playing the game and I love them damnit!
Charlie is just bouncing along and cracking slime jokes. Low-key rping constantly, for the lols. It’s fantastic.
Techno... literally hasn’t streamed anything yet or chosen an origin officially. The only Techno content is from the one time he came on and other people streamed it. Which is in character, not gonna lie but also D:< The current idea of him being a humble human—nothing—on this server is interesting. But also, it’s negated by the fact he’s still Technoblade. Once he gets rich, He’s God.

The shzoh’s seem to be our discord’s favourites. So here that are exploring some strange spaces. I love them.
I got a new PC!
Which means that everything should go a lot faster now, since this one can actually handle Minecraft graphics. I can start building sets, planning maps, possibly even record a trailer.
But we are currently waiting for a wire in order for it to work, so it might be a little bit longer before any updates on the set-building come out.
my apologies for the slow updates- it’s been a hectic year but I promise this year will be the year for SafeHayven progress, and that goes for DMD too.

Iwazup is a friend from discord's oc! I just love the huge metal creature interact with the short tempered tired woman

Oh uh! Look at that! I drew characters of my friends from discord! The first one is named Cait and the other one is named Ciel!
Rewatching Angels Fall and yk, if Jess gets around to a season 7, and whatever she’s exploring for Diaries, there’s gonna be a lot of stuff to explain with Alina, Emmalyn, and how the actual weapon came to be.
Because Micheal knew it existed right? it existed before season 6, but that’s advanced technology, so despite diaries being set in a Medieval time- was it originally magic? or was he just ahead of the times?
And how and when did Emmalyn learn about it- ghost i mean said she tried to use it?
Episode 13, 15, High Heavens, Reborn Pt1,
Also I wish Jess would come back and restock the old merch; posters, the Irene Jewelry set, the pins, the plushies? all of it man, just idk
Wish she’d do a “Hey it’s been X years since the last season of mystreet- HAVE SOME THROW BACK MERCH”
Sure the fanbase has changed, but some of us still enjoy the old content and missed out on chances for certain stuff because we were younger. Or i’m just gonna overpay for old merch and risk copywrite/trademark issues by reprinting the Season 6 poster because i didn’t buy one.
@aphmau Please or can i at least have permission to print it lmfaoo
Last post about Mystreet season 6,
I know Jess said she’s been trying to figure out for years how to follow up the last season. Here’s what i wanna see
Melissa says that if Aaron wants to talk to Shu, she’d try to arrange that, I’m hoping for a scene between her and Aph talking about “As much as Aaron remembers, he mentioned one person-“ “Who?” “He said she was called, Shu?” “He what-“ “I don’t know, he’s never mentioned this friend before, this is the first i’ve heard their name but i told him i’d arrange what i could” “Melissa- I’m shu.”
Like i need a conversation between the two of them and Aph realizing he remembers that much and them coming up with a plan to reintroduce herself to him and rebuild memories or help him remember. We know from “Her wish” Alina is born and Aaron is blind later on, so clearly it all happens, so i suppose season 7 would need to cover how he remembers and when Alina is born.
If not that, I do wanna see zack put in the effort to try and be part of Aph’s life, maybe agent R (he’s alive still right?) mentions offhandedly what he can remember of what happened and then Zack starts helping them pick up the pieces? I don’t wanna see him and Sylvanna work out- I don’t think that would make sense, but i would like to see Zack invest time into trying to help Aph rebuild her life with Aaron.
Back w the aphmau posts
how come we’ve never actually found out why Laurance was a shadow knight? In the mini games (Never have i ever) Gene says “Just because you quit, doesn’t mean it doesn’t count” in the same game Aph confirms that tagging school property is initiation.
But how come we’ve never seen why Laurance was a shadow knight? Was he lonely? Bullied? Bored? I know we joke about “Where’s laurance” whenever he disappeared but i’d like to know why. He’s close to Garroth and hates Zane (season 1) and shows that a lot. Was he rivals with him? Is he the reason Zane was never good enough to be a shadow knight?
Just wondering about that now.
(Also Laurance is my favorite)

Sorry for the bad handwriting. I hope this is readable enough.

An old character sheet for a fanfic I was writing that I just loved too much to the point I just made it into an original work. But I made the characters and Minecraft stuff into a base of inspiration. :3