You are filled with power and love. How do you share it? How do you encourage it in others?
95 posts
Celebrate Hump Day With Some Movement! Its #WorkoutWednesday... What Will Your Workout Be? . . I Tell

Celebrate “hump day” with some movement! It’s #WorkoutWednesday... what will your workout be? 😃. . I tell you, since my Alzheimer’s-stricken mom broke her hip, each workout I do for myself helps me reset my brain and cope better... It feels so good to MOVE, to just focus on that moment and what I need to be doing in it, and to set my worries down and emerge feeling capable of handling life in a positive way again... . The relief of feeling grounded again really IS worth celebrating! 😍. . #celebrate #bodypositive #justmove #grounded #metime #workout (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/teammona/p/BstT-Nenmau/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aa9t25x98fn6
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Not saying there isn’t hard stuff happening in the world, I’m just saying: Feel. The. Love.... It’s out there in the world, too. ❤️.
In fact, there’s so much love, the more you look for it, that it can be as overwhelming a feeling as when you feel hopeless against all the hard stuff - EXCEPT! Except you are overwhelmed by the glimmer of hope you feel, and maybe of how you are afraid to believe in the goodness and hope....
But it’s there! So take it in... let it fill you with a moment of wonder... and then notice the very next thing you feel like doing... Maybe you feel like reaching out to an old friend, or helping out a favorite charity, or going out in nature, or doing some self-love like a workout...
Whatever it is, let that moment of feeling how big love is carry you into the next thing you do... with love. ❤️
You do YOU!! ❤️. . Give yourself permission to NOT follow the leader. Look at the screen, see what they’re doing, and then look away into the mirror or inwardly at yourself and MIND YOUR OWN BODY.... . If you have injuries like I have injuries, you got to make your body last for the long-haul..., You know what’s contraindicated for you and if you don’t, ASK me, or ask your physical therapist, or your doctor. I can help you figure out a modification, because the LAST thing I want you to do is to stop moving because you’re scared. . What movement will you commit to today? You can make it happen! Tell me when you do!! 😍 . . #youdoyou #listentoyourbody #moveyourbody #nothingbutlove #bodypositive #healthymindset #workout #transform20 (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/teammona/p/BsoyOXGnBtv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=179qnsyof2u4j

This move is called “resting students.” 😋. . Honestly, they tell me they feel renewed when they leave... 😉... . I just wanted to share this moment because the Pilates world is influenced too much by the idea of dancer’s perfection... we forget about the sweat and work of the soldiers, police officers, and boxers that Joseph Pilates worked with before the dancers stumbled into his studio.... . These folks in my class work hard, and I so, so love them for it... They earned this rest moment, for sure. 💕... I hope they motivate you to work hard this week to the best of YOUR ability, whatever that looks like... because on YOU, it looks BEAUTIFUL. ❤️. . . #motivateMonday #motivationmonday #bodypositive #youdoyou #dowhatyoucan #progressnotperfection #pilates #pilatesreformer #lovethework #everybody (at Pilates Northwest) https://www.instagram.com/teammona/p/BtM8xPZHqTJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11qhirxidpui0

Staying positive doesn’t mean ignoring what’s not going the way you want it to. It IS being grateful for what you can be in the moment, and looking ahead to when things will improve... That can mean super short challenges like, “Oh, my butt is killing me in this workout! I can only do half the reps! BUT, I’m doing more than yesterday and know if I stay consistent I’ll eventually do all the reps!!” ... It can be longer term let-downs, “Wah! So bummed that [event beyond my control] means that I’ll have to miss [event I’ve been looking forward to]... So sad! I will have to find other ways to [mark the occasion/train for the future/find alternative activities]. Then I’ll still have something to look forward to.”... . So it’s okay to see a problem or a challenge. What makes you resilient and the challenge less of a take-down is where you put your focus. Put your focus forward! 😍. . Thanks to @mary_zoe for supplying today’s inspiration! .. .. #motivation #motivatemonday #bodymindspirit #keepgoing #lookingup #positivevibes #positivity #yougotthis #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitatanysize #bodypositive #dogmama #unicorn #mindset . https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pI9wxgwUf/?igshid=14seh98mjgyxw

What if you commanded yourself in a positive way? “You CAN respond without reacting!” “You CAN find calm!” “You CAN choose nutritious food!” “You CAN move just a little more!” . Does it feel weird to talk to yourself as if to another person? Studies suggest this might be the best way to get your own psyche’s attention. Think like a supportive team captain😀... “You’ve got this!” “You can do this!” “C’mon, you!” . Are you trying it? It feels both weird and kind of awesome, yes? You become your own driver and best coach and cheerleader... 🤸♀️... Command yourself, and earn your own respect. 😊 . The better we get at using this approach in one aspect of our life, the easier it becomes to use it in others. I am definitely better at it in certain aspects of my life than others!! 😜 . . . PS. If you would find it helpful to be part of a health and fitness accountability and support group, one that encourages positivity, you’d be welcome in mine. DM me for more info. March openings happening now. 😊 . . .. . PPS. Tip In case you are religious: try adding this to your self-commands: “With God you can ________!” 🔥 (Or whatever you call your deity). . #motivation #selfmanagement #selfdevelopment #wordsmatter #selftalk #peptalk https://www.instagram.com/p/CL8hCs_gmMc/?igshid=y90rg2kq1ltt