Motivatemonday - Tumblr Posts

Feel it! ❤️ Know you are worth fighting for... believe that your health, your fitness, your physical abilities are worth the effort because darn it, YOU are worth it! . Share this with someone who needs to be reminded how great they are! .😍. . #motivateMonday #worthit #believeinyourself #selflove #selfcare #feelthelove #fitfam #teamersrock (at Seattle, Washington)

This move is called “resting students.” 😋. . Honestly, they tell me they feel renewed when they leave... 😉... . I just wanted to share this moment because the Pilates world is influenced too much by the idea of dancer’s perfection... we forget about the sweat and work of the soldiers, police officers, and boxers that Joseph Pilates worked with before the dancers stumbled into his studio.... . These folks in my class work hard, and I so, so love them for it... They earned this rest moment, for sure. 💕... I hope they motivate you to work hard this week to the best of YOUR ability, whatever that looks like... because on YOU, it looks BEAUTIFUL. ❤️. . . #motivateMonday #motivationmonday #bodypositive #youdoyou #dowhatyoucan #progressnotperfection #pilates #pilatesreformer #lovethework #everybody (at Pilates Northwest)
Scary and awesome: there is a lot we have control of! 😃. . Our attitudes, our efforts, our reactions... . For this #motivateMonday think of one - just one! - way you can reset your mental sails and make some progress where you might’ve been stuck. 🥰. Drop me an emoji when you figure out what it will be! . And, whoo-ee, my hair sure gets frizzy after a workout! 😜. . #conqueryourmind #workout #morethanaworkout #youhavethepower

I tell my clients, “Hard is okay! We’re not afraid of hard!”... 💪😊... We can be in a space where we don’t know the answers, can’t find the feeling, or just don’t yet have the strength or stamina... It’s okay!... 😀... It doesn’t mean it’s hopeless, it just means we have to keep working at it... And that, my dear, we can do. 💕. . #fearless #keepgoing #throughittogettoit #motivateMonday. Ps. Thanks to my friend Jenny for today’s inspiration! ❤️

What if, just for this week, you substituted the word “choose” for the word “try?”... . I choose to eat healthier. I choose to exercise. I choose to go to bed early enough to get enough sleep. I choose to do personal development. . Changing your words can change how your brain processes information, and can make you feel VERY self-empowered.... Choose to make this change this week, and tell me how you feel! 😀.. What types of things will you choose??? . #motivatemonday #motivation #masteryourmind #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #fitness #fitlife #health #holistic #mindset #change (at Seattle, Washington)

Staying positive doesn’t mean ignoring what’s not going the way you want it to. It IS being grateful for what you can be in the moment, and looking ahead to when things will improve... That can mean super short challenges like, “Oh, my butt is killing me in this workout! I can only do half the reps! BUT, I’m doing more than yesterday and know if I stay consistent I’ll eventually do all the reps!!” ... It can be longer term let-downs, “Wah! So bummed that [event beyond my control] means that I’ll have to miss [event I’ve been looking forward to]... So sad! I will have to find other ways to [mark the occasion/train for the future/find alternative activities]. Then I’ll still have something to look forward to.”... . So it’s okay to see a problem or a challenge. What makes you resilient and the challenge less of a take-down is where you put your focus. Put your focus forward! 😍. . Thanks to @mary_zoe for supplying today’s inspiration! .. .. #motivation #motivatemonday #bodymindspirit #keepgoing #lookingup #positivevibes #positivity #yougotthis #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitatanysize #bodypositive #dogmama #unicorn #mindset .