manofsteel851979 - The Life Of A Simple Man
The Life Of A Simple Man

462 posts

@milano132 Thanks For The Vid For My 495x3 , Actually The Real Deal!!! 495x3 Moved Well And Fast, I Really

@milano132 Thanks For The Vid For My 495x3 , Actually The Real Deal!!! 495x3 Moved Well And Fast, I Really

@milano132 thanks for the vid for my 495x3 , actually the real deal!!! 495x3 moved well and fast, I really think it was a RPE 7.5 instead of a RPE 8, but I was to motivate asf, Next transition 475x3 RPE7 aka Cardio asf, Then 2x440x5, more cardio 🤣, and we worked on some extended pause bench for 3 seconds 3x235x5 Chest is on fire after all that, thanks for the spot @huu.xw !!! What a way to show consistency in my training and happy to keep improving 🏋🏾 @ozzy_r_ thank you so much!!! #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #shreddingforsummer #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #sumodeadlifts #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #24hourfitness #glutes🍑 #benchpressraw #500deadliftcomingagain #sbdapparel #sbdbelt (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX)

More Posts from Manofsteel851979

4 years ago
Todays Push Day We Focusing On How Fast I Can Push 295x1 RPE7, ( Awesome Success) After That Larsen Presses

Today’s Push day we focusing on how fast I can push 295x1 RPE7, ( awesome success) after that Larsen presses 250x3 RPE 7, 2x235x6 RPE 6 finally found a gym that is a bit closer to home and equipment with powerlifting tools at my disposal plus anime music 👌🏽@global.strength.htx . Thanks for motivation, push, and spot @notnattyluis and @definitelynotduc #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #summershredding2021 #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #chestworkout #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #sbdapparel #sbdbeltfeltamazing #preppingforpowerlifting #vanshelpstheworkout #globalstrengthhtx @ozzy_r_ this was an awesome workout 💪🏾 apologies for the music, I have to cut sound off or they will block me 😩 (at Westside, Houston, Texas)

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4 years ago
Squatting Is Feeling Very Fuckin Natural And Comfortable From Last Nights Leg Day!!! @global.strength.htx

Squatting is feeling very fuckin’ natural and comfortable from last night’s Leg day!!! @global.strength.htx your gym is awesome, 430x1 for easy fast rpe, 405x4 cardio reps, 370x6 aka super cardio, I should be dead or my legs just shot to dam hell with all these heavy sets!! Yet, each set and reps are really feeling really good asf!!! The way it moved and feel on my body, my legs really get use to lifting heavier and heavier each time Lifting in the 400’s, still trying to focus on opening my hips and pushing against that bar!!! #bigbootyjudyy #staystrong #superman #manofsteel #stayingconsistent #stayingfocus #willingtochangeandprogress #alwaysimproving #nicaraguan #trainingforlife #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeasayian #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #staystrong #squatdepthmatters #superstrength #poses #blacklatino #lookingsexyaf #determination #powerbuilder #powerbuilding #iphone11 #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #squatsbooty #glutes🍑 #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguense #sbdbelt #sbd #powerliftinglatino thanks @ozzy_r_ awesome workout and thanks for the motivation. #glutes🍑 @jona_g24 thanks for the motivation!!! (at Westside, Houston, Texas)

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4 years ago
Todays Push Day We Focusing On How Fast I Can Push 295x1 RPE7, After That Larsen Presses 250x3 RPE 7,

Today’s Push day we focusing on how fast I can push 295x1 RPE7, after that Larsen presses 250x3 RPE 7, 2x235x6 RPE 6 finally found a gym that is a bit closer to home and equipment with powerlifting tools at my disposal plus anime music 👌🏽@global.strength.htx . Thanks for motivation, push, and spot @notnattyluis and @definitelynotduc #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #summershredding2021 #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #chestworkout #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #sbdapparel #sbdbeltfeltamazing #preppingforpowerlifting #vanshelpstheworkout #globalstrengthhtx @ozzy_r_ this was an awesome workout 💪🏾 (at Westside, Houston, Texas)

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4 years ago
Chest Is Really Getting Stronger And Stronger Yall!!! 290x2 Pause Hold, 265x4 (PR Rep) Another Pause

Chest is really getting stronger and stronger y’all!!! 290x2 pause hold, 265x4 (PR rep) another pause hold, and 2x255x6 another NEW “PR” rep aka cardio, chest is totally on fire from yesterday but it’s all worth it for the #gainz and #strengthgainz However, still need to stop pulling the bar into my chest before the initial push, but Staying strong and focus is still the key! Thanks @ozzy_r_ you rock asf!!! #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #summershredding2021 #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #chestworkout #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #24hourfitness #sbdapparel #sbdbeltfeltamazing #vanshelpstheworkout (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX)

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4 years ago
#PR Alert ....Last Night Im Here Hitting 2x405x2 And Pause Squatting 365x3 (PR), Finally Another Pause

#🚨PR alert 🚨....Last Night I’m here hitting 2x405x2 and pause squatting 365x3 (PR🚨), finally another pause squatting of 345x6 aka cardio, I should be dead asf!!! Legs are really getting the feel of these heavy sets!! Things are moving very well and feels great on my body and legs really felt good, still trying to focus on opening my hips , push the knees out, and pushing against that bar!!! #bigbootyjudyy #staystrong #superman #manofsteel #stayingconsistent #stayingfocus #willingtochangeandprogress #alwaysimproving #nicaraguan #trainingforlife #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeasayian #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #staystrong #squatdepthmatters #superstrength #poses #blacklatino #lookingsexyaf #determination #powerbuilder #powerbuilding #iphone11 #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #squatsbooty #glutes🍑 #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguense #sbdbelt #sbd thanks @ozzy_r_ awesome workout and thanks for the motivation. #glutes🍑 (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX)

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