462 posts
Yesterdays Push Day Was Super Hyped Asf!!! 315x1 RPE9 , New PR , However; This Weight Will Be Mind And

Yesterday’s Push day was super hyped asf!!! 315x1 RPE9 , new PR 🎊🎉🎊🎉, however; this weight will be mind and now it’s time to really train, 2x265x5 RPE7 this felt like cardio, but we still have a long ways to go!!! Thanks for the spot @amilliofrank !!! We making progress y’all !!!#makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #summershredding2021 #notoriouslift #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #chestworkout #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #sbdapparel #sbdbeltfeltamazing #preppingforpowerlifting #notoriouslift #globalstrengthhtx @ozzy_r_ this was an awesome workout 💪🏾 (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0ukIWHVWR/?igshid=1egvopn2lbqn3
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Big PR’s were made at @globalstrength.htx , especially using these beautiful calibrated weights 💪🏾😊💪🏾😊!! 495x4 RPE8 (PR rep 🎉) but I was to motivate asf, Next transition 2x455x5 RPE7 aka Cardio asf!!! What a way to show consistency in my training and happy to keep improving 🏋🏾 @ozzy_r_ thank you so much!!! #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #shreddingforsummer #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #sumodeadlifts #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #24hourfitness #glutes🍑 #benchpressraw #600deadliftcomingsoon #sbdapparel #notoriousliftslippers (at Alief) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNu6A9Mnjbs/?igshid=1pdz8q52e95cj

Last night leg workout was too lit asf!!! 385x6 , PR rep 🏋🏾🎉, and 2x365x7 another PR rep 🏋🏾🎉... however; I accidentally did 8 so still I kill that shit!!! @globalstrength.htx (at Westside, Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXQ1lfHDVV/?igshid=kmhlze98lkj8

Another successful bench day at @globalstrength.htx 💪🏾 275x3 RPE7, 2x260x4 RPE6.5, we getting stronger y’all, but still have long ways to go!!! Thanks for the spot @ghuylifts and @majuublifts #makingstrengthgains #gainz💯 #leanmuscle #leangains #superman #manofsteel #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #dedication #determination #summershredding2021 #conversechucktaylor #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboyinsugarlandandalief #benchpress #chestworkout #eleikosport #nohumanislimited #sbdapparel #sbdbeltfeltamazing #preppingforpowerlifting #vanshelpstheworkout #globalstrengthhtx @ozzy_r_ this was an awesome workout 💪🏾 (at Westside, Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMz04mQnqxi/?igshid=149o8z5wr92mr

Yesterday’s workout was totally awesome...did some pause squatting with some good weight, 385x4 RPE8 felt like a RPE7, then 2x365x6 RPE6!!! Larsen press 3x225x7 RPE6...felling good and still building !!! @nguslift thank you for the camera angles 👌🏾 #bigbootyjudyy #staystrong #superman #manofsteel #stayingconsistent #stayingfocus #willingtochangeandprogress #alwaysimproving #nicaraguan #trainingforlife #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeasayian #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #staystrong #squatdepthmatters #superstrength #poses #blacklatino #lookingsexyaf #determination #powerbuilder #powerbuilding #iphone11 #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #squatsbooty #glutes🍑 #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguense #sbdbelt #sbd #powerliftinglatino thanks @ozzy_r_ awesome workout and thanks for the motivation. #glutes🍑 (at Alief) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNeHP9ni11/?igshid=1x9jxobrb2jtl

3 years old Bruno, I can’t believe it’s been 3 years when you came into my life. I Remember every dog has its day, but today is your special day, Happy Birthday my best friend, my partner in crime, my foodies boy, my Krypto 🎉#pitbullsofinstagram #imauenosepitbull #mybluenosepitbull #happyowner #kryptothesuperdog #superman #stayinghealthy #focused #superman #manofsteel #determination #dedication #justme #romans #superman #nicaragua🇳🇮 ##traininglikeasayian #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #staystrong #stayfocused #superstrength #poses #blacklatino #lookingsexyaf #dedicated #determination #powerbuilder #powerbuilding #iphone8pluscameraonpoint #pitbullsofficial #pitbullsofinstagramrescuebuddies #3yearoldpitbull (at Alief) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMd4lfLnGmi/?igshid=ky8mpwlj7dd3