manofsteel851979 - The Life Of A Simple Man
The Life Of A Simple Man

462 posts

6x255x4 Is Feeling Like 225lb...but I Just Have To Remember Not To Be Afraid To Fail, Be Afraid To Not

6x255x4 is feeling like 225lb...but I just have to remember not to be afraid to fail, be afraid to not try 💪🏽 #rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles #strengthandconditioning #3weekblock #summershredding #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #stayingfocused #stayingstrong #dedication #dedicationandhardwork #superman #manofsteel #nicaragua #nicaraguanboy🇳🇮 #chestworkout #pecs #trainlikeanathlete #trainlikeakryptonian #trainlikeasayian #trainlikeakryptoniangoingsupersaiyan (at LA Fitness - KATY)

More Posts from Manofsteel851979

7 years ago

395x4...making this a “PR rep” brought to you by: #rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles and after that I’m ready deload next week 🙏🏽 #iifym #leanmuscle #leangains #legworkout #viruscompression #superman #manofsteel #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #kryptoinan #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeasayian #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian #squats #squatsfordays #booty🍑 #dedication #dedicationhasnolimitation (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX)

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6 years ago

Listen to your body, if it says to lift, lift that shit...495x2/ rpe9 “PR” this bad boy, brought to you by #rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles #sumodeadlift (at 24 Hour Fitness - Dairy Ashford, TX)

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7 years ago

After squatting 6x380x4, next on the agenda are these dam Snatch Deadlifts, Still practicing these things, really want to get these down really good @rahman___noodles #rahmantrainingsystems #snatchdeadlift #superstrength #manofsteel #nicaragua #nicaraguan #nicaraguense #legday #keeppushing #dedication #dedicated #staystrong #stayingfocused #traininglikeabeast #traininglikeakryptionan #traininglikeasaiyan #traininglikeakryptonianthatsgoingsupersayian (at LA Fitness - ELDRIDGE PKWY @ BRIAR FOREST)

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7 years ago
Dont Wish For It Just Work For It!!! @rahman___noodles Have Me Doing 6x3, Rpe 7-7-8-8-7-7 In That Order

Don’t wish for it just work for it!!! @rahman___noodles have me doing 6x3, rpe 7-7-8-8-7-7 in that order of death 💀 very intense!!! (at LA Fitness)

7 years ago

I know it’s late, so I do apologize for overloading your Instagram feed, last night I hit another “PR” all brought to you by @rahman___noodles 💪🏽 260x4 and looking very smooth asf!!! I feel stronger every day and making fabulous progress!!! S/O to my brotha in arms @thesebastianchapa for the spot 👌🏽💪🏽 #iifym #rahmantrainingsystems #leangainz #summershredz #leanmuscle #gettingstrongereveryday #gettingstrongerbythedaywhileshredding #stayfocuse #stayhunger #manofsteel #superman #summerbody #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication #iifymman (at LA Fitness)

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