Actually Ace - Tumblr Posts
Current Mood: Crying While Watching Blue’s Clues Pride Song

Lesbian girls are lovely!
Bi girls are breathtaking!
Trans girls are terrific!
Queer girls are quite great!
Intersex girls are incredible!
Pan girls are perfect!
Ply girls are precious!
Ace girls are amazing!
Aro girls are awesome!
Aroace girls are angelic!
Oriented aroace girls are out-of-this-world!
Omni girls are outstanding!
Nonbinary girls are nice!
Genderqueer girls are gorgeous!
Genderfluid girls are glamorous!
All LGBTQ+ girls are wonderful!!!!
Asexual labels explained using cereal
You are in a kitchen, opening a pantry door. It contains every brand of cereal in existence.
Libido- How hungry you are
Sexual Attraction- How appealing each cereal is to you
Sex-Repulsed- The mere act of eating cereal disturbs you. You flee the kitchen to watch Netflix instead.
Sex-Indifferent- Someone brings you a bowl of cereal. Even though you don’t crave cereal, you decide to eat some anyway. Maybe because you want the person to feel happy you’re eating something they provided you. Maybe you’re just that hungry. Regardless, you’re fine with eating it since it’s already there. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t care either.
Sex-favorable- Though you don’t particularly crave cereal, the act of eating cereal is enjoyable. So enjoyable, you go through the trouble of picking a brand to eat.
Asexual with low/no libido- You are rarely hungry, and none of the cereal appeals to you.
Asexual with average/high libido- You are often hungry, but none of the cereal appeals to you.
Aegosexual- Eating cereal sounds fun in theory but not in practice. You certainly have no interest in eating cereal yourself. You’d rather fantasize about other people eating cereal, thankyouverymuch.
Gray Asexual- You only like Lucky Charms and Apple Jacks. And maybe Fruity Pebbles but you’re not quite sure.
Demisexual- You see a box of Trix. You are familiar with the rabbit on the box, due to the commercials you’ve seen. You always sympathized with the rabbit for never getting any Trix. There are things in life you’ve wanted but have never gotten. You feel a bond with the rabbit. Suddenly that box of Trix looks tasty.
Fraysexual- You see a box of Cocoa Puffs. You have never heard of Cocoa Puffs in your life. But something about it is oh-so-appealing. You pour yourself a bowl. As you start to eat, you catch a commercial for Cocoa Puffs on TV. You now know what the mascot on the box is like. You lose interest in Cocoa Puffs for reasons you cannot explain.
Lithosexual- You notice a box of Fruit Loops. You feel an urge to eat it. Toucan Sam comes to life and asks you to eat them. This makes you uncomfortable, so you leave to watch Netflix with the sex-repulsed ace.
Reciprosexual- You have no interest in any of the cereal. Not even that box of Frosted Flakes. But Tony the Tiger shows up wanting you to eat the Frosted Flakes. Now that he wants you to eat Frosted Flakes, you want to eat Frosted Flakes.
Cupiosexual- You want to eat cereal, but none of the cereal looks appealing. Maybe if you grab that box of Corn Flakes, it’ll become appealing to you later? It’s happened to other people. You consider grabbing that box of Corn Flakes, just in case.
Orchidsexual- Some of the cereal looks appealing, but you have no interest in eating cereal.
Aceflux- None of the cereal looks good, so you close the pantry. A few days later, you decide to open the pantry again. Now, some of those brands look appetizing. You check the pantry again the next day. None of the cereal looks good anymore.
Quoisexual- You have no idea if you like a cereal because you want to eat it, or if you just think the box art is pretty. Does liking the box art count as wanting to eat it? Do you just like the mascot? Does liking the mascot count as wanting to eat the cereal? After reading everything I’ve written, you are still confused. You bang your head against the pantry in frustration.
here’s another fun fact: asexual does not mean nonsexual.
asexuals’ relationship with sex and sexual attraction tends to be….complicated. there’s a bit of an idea of like, oh of course, you’re either sex-favorable, sex-neutral, or sex-repulsed, but honestly i see a LOT of discussion about how wildly different those can each look for each individual. some people are comfortable with some acts in very specific contexts, and deeply upset by them in all others. some people find certain forms of nonsexual intimacy (like kissing) to still be off-limits, while something most people might consider more charged (like nudity) is totally fine. a lot of us just kind of have a long laundry list like “this is fine, this isn’t, that one’s okay, that one’s always off-limits….” because the big secret is that “sex” isn’t really any cohesive act as much as a lot of little things that people just threw together and called one thing.
as for attraction: some aces are actually attracted to other people once in a blue moon, and simply don’t want to clarify that every time. some aren’t entirely sure, but don’t want to spend their whole lives guessing. some ARE completely sure they never have and never will feel an attraction.
at the end of the day, much like any label, this single word really doesn’t tell you much of anything about what a person is actually like unless you bother to ask them what it means to them.
Asexual does not mean non-sexual. Asexuals vary a lot on how sexual they are from from not at all to very and everything in between.
Aromantic does not mean non-romantic. Aros vary a lot on how romantic they are from not at all to very.
Being sexual does not mean you can't ID as ace, and being romantic does mean you can't ID as aro.

This time of year can be frustrating for people in the aro/ace community.
I will be here, whenever you need to talk.
transcription under the cut:
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Ace culture is alternating between having the dirtiest mind and having the most innocent/naive mind with zero middle ground
sometimes it's so weird being ace, like there's nothing for real humans??? i mean would i want to do the sexy stuff with a person? yeah, just to see what the hype is about and test some theories. but humans and i are just not ... there, y'know? but fictional characters???? whoooooooweeee. anime boys? come here. but real life humans? nothin. i can like the aesthetic, the vibe, the pretty-ness if they have it, but do i want to jump them and climb them like a tree like i want to do to sirius black, bakugou katsuki, aizawa shouta, and nanami kento??? no. i don't. and sometimes i feel like im an imposter, like im not really asexual, but then i see the humans and im like yeahhhh no thanks. why are we so weird???
asexual thoughts from an asexual
disclaimer: not all asexual people think like this. asexuality and the ace community is a spectrum. everyone who identifies as ace has different preferences and ideas. because no one is the exact same. this post is simply just me voicing my thoughts out into the void and sharing my thoughts about my personal preferences on being asexual.
as an asexual, calling genitals "junk" is really funny because. it really is. i have no use for it
Being aroace as a teenager feels like being the only sober person at a rave.
Hello fellow bits and bobs! (That is what i will call you all now)
I have an important announcment. (Mostly because its about me)
I am officially coming out as some form of asexual.
I know some things about it, like
Being sex repulsed
You can have sex, but dont tell me about the experience or else im gonna puke.
I still can have romantic attraction.
I might start questioning things like this more on here, instead of my stupid dum dum brain!
Wait wait wait let me roll with that
Campfires: community, friendship, fun, desserts, pesky things floating around trying to ruin the experience (and usually failing), talking about secrets but not usually about crushes (that’s more sleepovers)
Campfires are 100% ace culture
Aroace culture is campfires
Looks really great!
Seeing everyone make art for International Ace Day made me want to draw a little something of my own hehe

Not to be horny on main but... People talking passionately about stuff they like is my favorite thing in the world.
Is there a way I can beat the shit out of someone on the internet? I just came across an aphobe-