masquenoire - /ˈseɪdɪst/

Independent Black Mask Roleplayer (DC AU)

796 posts

Roman Is Always Down For Guns.

🧸 Roman is always down for guns.

 Roman Is Always Down For Guns.

send 🧸 for your toy-gun hybrid from mary.

 Roman Is Always Down For Guns.
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2 years ago

What was your first kill like?

What Was Your First Kill Like?

“Messy, but your first time tends to be regardless of what it is you’re doing.” Roman said, and would have smirked had he still possessed the ability to do so. His first kill? Now that was almost a lifetime ago. He wasn’t even eighteen at the time but killing somebody with your bare hands was very different from merely being the culprit such as how he’d been responsible for setting the fire that had burned his parents alive in their family home. ”I was a young punk back then, picking up the pieces of my life and rebuilding after shit went down when Janus Cosmetics was bought off by Wayne Industries. I lost everything that night and had nothing left so starting over was tough. I made a few friends out on the streets but made lots of enemies too, and some realized I was going to be a problem in the future...” He reclined in his seat, taking on a pensive look as his fingers brushed over his forehead. ”One guy in particular, never learned his name but he was the main drug dealer in the area at the time. No connections to any big players, just didn’t like me and my boys muscling in on his trade so he shot one of them in the head as a warning. Horsehead and I started targeting his men after that, making it difficult to distribute Drops while cutting off funds at the same time. Pissed him off so much when I found out who his main suppliers were and forced them to start selling to me instead.” Angry enough to come after him, a fact which Roman had gleefully anticipated. ”Anyways, he tried to get the drop on me one night. I knew it was him because he always wore this orange motorcycle helmet plus never went anywhere without his precious bulletproof jacket. Didn’t help him much when I shattered his visor with a steel pipe and stabbed through the gap it left. Messed him up real good doing that...” The very memory was nostalgic, euphoric even as he recalled the rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins as hot blood sprayed across the alley walls with every frenzied swing he’d made. Burning his idiot parents alive had been satisfying but even that couldn’t begin to compare to the thrill of cutting somebody down so personally, removing an obstacle in his path just so he could rise to the next level. ”Word on the street afterwards was that he didn’t have much of a face left by the time I was done with him. Kind of wish I’d taken it a little easier and drawn it out, but what can I say? First times are always messy.”

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2 years ago


* I saw this a while ago and fit the definition of hooligan, absolutely feral wild animal so I’ve decided to go ahead with this since it’s fairly in-depth and a good compilation when it comes to spicy matters. My respect to those willingly reading this* 👌

Bold - always applies. Italic - sometimes applies / partner specific. Strike - hard limit / will not engage.

𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂 / 𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂.    is  submissive  |  is  dominant  |  prefers  to  top |  prefers  to  bottom  |  likes  to  switch  | identifies  as  heterosexual  |  identifies  as  homosexual  |  identifies  as  bisexual  |  identifies  as  pansexual  |  identifies  as  demisexual  |  identifies  as  asexual  | enjoys  sex  with  men  |  enjoys  sex  with  women  |  enjoys  sex with  any  sex  /  gender   |  enjoys  sex  with  multiple  people  at  once  |  initiates  |  waits  for  partner  to  initiate  |  spits  |  swallows  |  prefers  sex  in  the  morning  |  prefers  sex  at  night  |  will  have  sex  anytime  |  no  sex  drive  |  low  sex  drive  |  average  sex  drive  |  high  sex  drive  |  hypersexual  |  fluctuating  sex  drive.

𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈 / 𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴.   small  build  |  medium  build |  athletic  build  |  muscular  build  |  curvy  build  |  voluptuous  build  |  wears  boxers |  wears  briefs  |  wears  lingerie  |  goes  ‘commando’  |  shaves / waxes  |  manscapes  |  doesn’t  shave / wax  |  1 – 5"  in  length  |  6 – 9″  in  length |  10”  or  over  in  length.

𝚂𝙾𝚄𝙽𝙳𝚂.   is  silent / makes  little  to  no  sounds  |  is  very  quiet  |  is  very  loud  |  grows  in  volume  over  time  |  bites hand / partner / pillow  to  muffle  themselves  |  calls  out  partner’s  name  |  curses  |  growls  |  fakes / exaggerates  |  prefers  a  quiet  partner  |  prefers  a  loud / appropriately  vocal  partner  |  prefers  a  responsive  partner  |  no preference towards partner’s volume  |  is  turned  on  by  dirty  talk  |  is  turned  off  by  dirty  talk.

𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙽 𝙾𝙽𝚂.   having  their  hands  pinned  |  pinning  their  partner’s  hands  | having  their  hair  pulled  |  pulling  their  partner’s  hair  |  being  watched  ( by  their  partner )  |  being  watched  ( by  a  third  party )  | watching their partner  |  receiving  oral  |  giving  oral  |  calling  their  partner  ‘daddy’  | being  called  ‘daddy’ |  calling  their  partner  ‘mommy’ |  giving praise  | receiving praise  |  biting / marking  |  being  bitten  /  marked  |  spanking  |  being  spanked  |  teasing  |  being teased  |  having  toys  used  on  them  |  using  toys  on  their  partner  |  giving anal  |  receiving  anal  |  choking  |  being  choked  |  dirty  talk  |  being  tied  up  |  tying  their  partner  up  |  being  worshipped  |  worshipping  their  partner  |  humiliating  |  being  humiliated  |  degrading  |  being  degraded  |  being  pegged  |  pegging  their  partner  |  being  edged  |  edging  |  age gap  |  anonymous  sex  |  blood  play  |  breeding  |  chastity devices  |  clothed / partially clothed  |  condoms  |  deep - throating  |  gun  play  |  intercrural sex  |  knife  play  |  lingerie  |  nipple  play  |  orgasm  denial  |  overstimulation  |  pregnancy  |  prostate milking  |  public  sex  | rimming |  roleplay  |  sadism / masochism  |  size  difference  |  somnophilia  |  squirting.

𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙴𝚂.   airplane  |  alleyway  |  bath  |  beach  |  bedroom  |  boat  |  car  |  cathedral / church  |  cemetery  |  closet  |  concert  |  dressing room  |  elevator  |  empty or abandoned building |  field  |  forest  |  gym  |  home bathroom |  hospital  |  kitchen  |  library  |  movie theatre  |  museum  |  ocean  |  parking lot  |  planetarium  |  pool  |  public bathroom  |  rooftop  |  school  | sex  club |  shower  |  tent  |  terrace  |  train  |  workplace.

𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈.  @arkhampsychiatrist

𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶.  Any other hooligans out there who’d like to do it?

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2 years ago

Finally getting some writing done as I get to those memory asks! Feeling a bit of emotion when it comes to a particular response so I’m adding a snippet here as a teaser of what’s to come...

”What have you been doing out there, you freak? We have guests in half an hour and here you are dripping blood all over the carpet!” Mrs. Sionis hissed, pushing him none too gently towards the direction of the stairs. Roman stumbled, earning yet another threatening growl from his mother as his fingers left a bloody smear on the wooden banister before he scrambled to his feet, more afraid of what she’d do to him if he didn’t get out of sight quickly than he ever was of the animal outside that had just attacked him. “Get upstairs and don’t come back down again until I tell you to!” Her voice followed as he went. Roman didn’t answer back, instead climbing as quickly as his shaking legs could carry him and thankful his mother was more concerned about the upcoming party when she was about punishing him for dirtying her home with his blood. Still, his hand really hurt, fingers throbbing as though liquid fire were pumping through his veins and travelling throughout his body until his eyes burned as badly as his bite.

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