Cw Eyes - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Unfortunately My Health Has Not Been Great Lately And I Was Forced To Drop Out Of One Of My Longer Term
Unfortunately My Health Has Not Been Great Lately And I Was Forced To Drop Out Of One Of My Longer Term
Unfortunately My Health Has Not Been Great Lately And I Was Forced To Drop Out Of One Of My Longer Term
Unfortunately My Health Has Not Been Great Lately And I Was Forced To Drop Out Of One Of My Longer Term

unfortunately my health has not been great lately and i was forced to drop out of one of my longer term projects. if you ever wanted to support me you can buy a print! there is a sitewide sale on rn. thank u for considering !!

my inprnt / ko-fi digital store

edit: ive always thought of myself as a hard worker so it was really hard to admit i just cant handle as much as i used to. i hope next year i can figure out some better work life balance where im still able to create art and survive 💕

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1 year ago
This One Goes Out To The Anon Asking For How Jon Would Comfort Martin- I Had This Idea That Sometimes

This one goes out to the anon asking for how Jon would comfort Martin- I had this idea that sometimes Martin has quite literal ‘brain fog’ days and just needs some time to wind down, and the ultimate remedy for this is just settling down and watchin a movie!

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2 years ago

The Artist’s Maze (Rift Malfunction)

There is a world that mimics one that used to exist. Where friends build extravagant bases and sold their collected wares in shops. But now, that world and this mimic are both nearly gone; Being erased and replaced by a world filled with lies and fractured memories.

 Once you find yourself there, in this forgotten world, the walls raise and you feel them shift around you to form a maze. It is important to recall this advice:

Stay to the right.

 Even when the walls shift around you, even when the floor changes color and the walls resemble your friends, even when eyes stare down at you and laughter echoes around you, and finally when you feel breathing down your neck....

You must, no, you need to remember:

 They are not real. None of this is real. This is a prison in a trashcan waiting to be deleted. An error that needs to be fixed before it gets too out of hand.

 The walls continue to shift, but now holes are beginning to appear in them. Through the many gaps, you can see something wandering through the halls like you. The being’s footsteps are off. Their body drags against the wall as if they’ve been injured and a red-like substance sticks to the brown, palette board-like walls on the other side.

 Luckily, they haven’t seemed to have noticed you yet. You’re unsure if you want to call out to them. A part of you wants to find them. But, the other wants to run as fast as it can to get away.

 But you can’t run away now. You need to find him.

 You need to find the center of this madhouse and end this nightmare once and for all. You need to save your friend before you lose him forever. And maybe if you save one, you can save them all...

 Eventually, you find the center, you find him leaning against a gnarled tree that branches into the purple sky. He’s bleeding from his stomach and he looks like he hasn’t slept for months on end (the crossover hasn’t even lasted for a month) by what you remember, at least).

 As you approach, Beef’s eyes open like a computer booting up after restarting. His chest weakly rises and falls with each breath.

 “ B....B....”

 He’s trying to say something. You can’t tell what he’s saying, so you move a bit closer.

 “ B-Behind.... you....”

 Your ears swivel as a noise comes from behind you. A rumbling snort that’s swiftly followed by a giant shadow that looms over you and Beef. 

 When you turn around, you are met with a giant bull-like creature. A massive, painted axe is in its hooves as it glares down at you. You recognize that its side is bleeding. But it’s not actually blood:

It’s... paint?

Two options now stand before you:



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1 year ago
Smile!! All Eyes Are On You!

Smile!! all eyes are on you!

speedpaint is on my youtube!

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3 years ago
The Third Watcher

The Third Watcher

" Don't you think it's ironic they're named 'the watchers' , and yet, no one had ever saw their eyes? "

^ this is more of a headcanon than anything, but i find designs of watchers having no eyes or covered eyes being very ironic and funnily interesting lol

If you enjoy this piece plz rb :) it supports me a ton!!

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1 year ago
Smile!! All Eyes Are On You!

Smile!! all eyes are on you!

speedpaint is on my youtube!

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1 year ago

Ok SO. Goood News. Had Some Talks And Lettting Some Feeelings Out, I’m Actuallly Prettty Healed From The Damage This Has Caused Me For A Goood Almost Two Months Now. It’s Very Promising!



I’m Not Doing Welll.

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1 year ago

Cecilos Week Day 6!

eye imagery is my saviour i don’t have to draw cecil’s tattoos

(pride variant under the cut for the pride prompt as well as the image ID)

Cecilos Week Day 6!
Cecilos Week Day 6!

tbh i’m quite proud of this one

[Image ID:

A drawing of Cecil Palmer and Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Night Vale. Carlos is wearing a red flannel shirt and is holding Cecil’s arm with a smile. Cecil is drawing as being completely black with many purple eyes covering his body. The second image is identical to the first with two changes. Carlos’ flannel is no longer red and is the colours of the gay male flag, three shades of teal-green, white, and three shades of blue. Cecil’s many eyes have been changed to the same colours as Carlos’ flannel.

End ID]

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1 year ago

i just realized this could probably count for body horror and i missed day 5 so...

Cecilos Week Day 6!

eye imagery is my saviour i don’t have to draw cecil’s tattoos

(pride variant under the cut for the pride prompt)

Cecilos Week Day 6!
Cecilos Week Day 6!

tbh i’m quite proud of this one

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1 year ago

Don't you hate getting stuck between code

Don't You Hate Getting Stuck Between Code

Farlander Pearl!... looks like she stuck! Sad times :(

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1 year ago
All Hail Yillhc Chilly

All Hail Yillhc Chilly

Did something for spoopy season :D

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1 year ago
Made Another Thing For Spoopy Month :) Yes It's That Chilly Again. I'm Gonna Call Her..... Chilly.File

Made another thing for Spoopy Month :) yes it's that Chilly again. I'm gonna call her..... Chilly.File for now :D

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6 months ago
MY BOYS!! I Made Them Out Of Cardboard, Duct Tape, Hot Glue And Love (also Some Eyes I Did With The Extra
MY BOYS!! I Made Them Out Of Cardboard, Duct Tape, Hot Glue And Love (also Some Eyes I Did With The Extra
MY BOYS!! I Made Them Out Of Cardboard, Duct Tape, Hot Glue And Love (also Some Eyes I Did With The Extra

MY BOYS!! I made them out of cardboard, duct tape, hot glue and love 🥹 (also some eyes i did with the extra paint)

(as you can see the batter still needs some touch-ups, but zacharies all done!)

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