Why Does Life Have To Be Unfair??? Like Who Made That Rule???
Why does life have to be unfair??? Like who made that rule???
More Posts from Mazeofcities
what is stronger: hope or love?
because you can't have love without hope, but you can have hope without love.

Decided to post screen shots of some *wonderful* responses to this article about the protests in Poland. If you don’t know, for over a week now every single day, people in Poland protest on the streets. We’re fighting for 100% abortion for all people who need it, because right now, you can ONLY get an abortion in case of incest, sexual assault or if mother’s life is at risk (although some doctors can still turn you away). It’s almost impossible to get any kind of contraceptives besides condoms, and sex education is non existent.
Yesterday’s protest was also about supporting LGBTQ+ youth in Poland, because our current president won the elections by saying he will “fight the LGBT ideology” and our government is extremely anti-LGBTQ+, racist, anti-semitic, xenophobic, sexist, ableist, honestly you name it. In Poland, if you have a neurodivergent/disabled (im not sure on proper terminology) child, you get close to 0 help. the money you get is impossible to live off even if you were just one, healthy, adult person.
If you care about human rights, if you consider yourself a feminist, an ally to LGBTQ+, do not ignore the issues in Poland.
Totally loved it. Loved how it was written and everything else. . . exept. . . I just didn't want Somebody Nobody to be who he was. This is the first time I wanted some anonymous person to be someone we weren't introduced to. It was great tho, but I wish Somebody Nobody was somebody else.

Peaking in middle school is even worse than peaking in high school.