Next Was Nidoran Males Turn For A Fusion And It Paired Me With Cinccino.

Next was Nidoran Male’s turn for a fusion and it paired me with Cinccino.
The oil that costs Nidocinno’s fur is very toxic. If a group of them gather in a single area,it can pollute the area around them.
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Next was Nidorino’s turn for the fusion part and it paired me with Nincada. And with a new stat chart to go with it.
#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemonfusionart #pokeathome #pokéathome #bugtypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #nidorino #nincada

Next is Nidoqueen’s turn and it paired me with Chinchou!
#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #nintendo #gamefreak

Next form is the Abra line and although I haven't watched the shows,I based them off Korra. Abra:They sleep underwater for long periods of time,only surfacing a couple of hours a day. Kadabra: They start training their psychic abilities at this stage. They can create many shapes with the water they control. Alakazam: Their mind is extremely sharp. They are always training to better their abilities. The water they control can slice through rocks. #abra #kadabra #alakazam #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #watertypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Some requests I just finished up.
#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #cat #shayminlandform #shayminskyforme #shaymin #gengar #ghosttypepokemon #dragontypepokemon #grasstypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Steven Poke-verse: Baby watermelon steven
time to make the watermelon stevens pokemon!
LVL+ With fighting type move(soon)
LVL+ with fairy type move(soon)
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