Poisontypepokemon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Now For The Alolan Oddish Line. There Were A Few Inspirations For These. Oddish Is Based On Grass Awns

Now for the Alolan Oddish line. There were a few inspirations for these. Oddish is based on Grass Awns and the Mosaic Virus. Gloom is based on Sapria buds and also the Mosaic Virus. Vileplume is based on leaf spots and Bellosom is based on a flower called Asphodelus albus Gloom evolves into Vileplume at night at Hau'oli Cemetary. Gloom evolves into Bellossom in the day at Wela Volcano. Oddish: Its head is very sharp and prickly. Oddish imported to Alola seem to have caught something that give them yellowish spots. Gloom: The yellow spots now cover almost their entire body. Gloom appears to not notice or care as it is very happy-go-lucky. Vileplume: It haunts the cemetary at night scaring most trainers and pokemon. They are nocturnal and disappear when the sun risea. Bellossom: Bellossom love gathering around the volcano and hula dancing in daylight. They always retreat when the sun sets. #oddish #gloom #vileplume #bellossom #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #grasstypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #ghosttypepokemon #firetypepokemon https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-XlBNJ2Zo/?igshid=1j3uqrfs46wjt

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4 years ago
Now Is NidoranF's Turn And It Paired Me With Wobbuffet. WobboranF Body Is A Decoy Filled With Toxic Chemicals

Now is NidoranF's turn and it paired me with Wobbuffet. WobboranF body is a decoy filled with toxic chemicals that leak out from the horns. Its body can take a lot of hits. #nidoran♀️ #nidoranfemale #wobbuffet #psychictypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dZU1KppgK/?igshid=i0pyaxgqjs7f

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4 years ago
Next Was Nidorina's Turn And It Randomly Paired Me With Darminatan. Instead Of Using Claws From Nidorana's

Next was Nidorina's turn and it randomly paired me with Darminatan. Instead of using claws from Nidorana's side,I used them for the knuckles instead <3 Nidomanitan's flamethrowers,if you're not burned alive,will cause serious illnesses. The one with the biggest eyebrows in the group is the alpha. #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart #pokemonart #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #nidorina #darmanitan #firetypepokemon #poisontypepokemon https://www.instagram.com/p/B9lHCXnJaiT/?igshid=1077qbnh124g6

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4 years ago
Next Was Nidoran Males Turn For A Fusion And It Paired Me With Cinccino.

Next was Nidoran Male’s turn for a fusion and it paired me with Cinccino.

The oil that costs Nidocinno’s fur is very toxic. If a group of them gather in a single area,it can pollute the area around them.

#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokéathome #cinccino #nidoranmale #poisontypepokemon #normaltypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart

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4 years ago
Next Form Is The Geodude Line Based On Radioactive Rocks And The Coloration Of Torbernite Crystals.

Next form is the Geodude line based on radioactive rocks and the coloration of Torbernite crystals.

Signature Move:

Radio Lightball: Power: 80 Accuracy: 100

The pokemon lets loose a huge ball of green light at the opponent. It has a 50% chance to poison.

#geodude #graveler #golem #rocktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #pokéathome #pokeathome #unova #nintendo #gamefreak

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4 years ago
Next Was Nidorinos Turn For The Fusion Part And It Paired Me With Nincada. And With A New Stat Chart

Next was Nidorino’s turn for the fusion part and it paired me with Nincada. And with a new stat chart to go with it.

#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemonfusionart #pokeathome #pokéathome #bugtypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #nidorino #nincada

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4 years ago
Next Was Nidokings Turn For The Fusion Part On Gen 1 And It Paired Me With Gallade Which Was Funny To

Next was Nidoking’s turn for the fusion part on gen 1 and it paired me with Gallade which was funny to me with them both being male only.

Kinglade Moveset

Venom Slash Att.70 Acc. 100 The target is attacked with claws or blades with a powerful toxin. Has a chance to badly poison the opponent. Night Slash Growl Focus Energy Megahorn Chip Away Thrash Poison Sting Life Dew Charm Slash Psychic Leer Fury Cutter Double Team 9 Helping Hand 12 Feint 15 Double Kick 18 Poison Sting 23 False Swipe 28 Protect 35 Swords Dance 42 Toxic Spikes 49 Poison Jab 56 Quick Guard 56 Wide Guard 63 Close Combat

Egg Moves

Disable Mean Look Memento Destiny Bond Grudge Shadow Sneak Confuse Ray Knock Off Counter Take Down Beat Up Sucker Punch Head Smash Iron Tail Poison Tail Endure Venom Drench

#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #gallade #nidoking #poisontypepokemon #fightingtypepokemon #firealpaca #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #nintendo #gamefreak

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4 years ago
Some More Finished Requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse

Some more finished requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse #darktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #teddiursa #ursaring #fairytypepokemon #sobble #drizzile #inteleon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dqMhaFbsX/?igshid=ycfm2oagaexj

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4 years ago
Next Form Is The Lickitung Line. It's Based On The Gila Monster. I Also Made Up A Name For A Fanmade
Next Form Is The Lickitung Line. It's Based On The Gila Monster. I Also Made Up A Name For A Fanmade
Next Form Is The Lickitung Line. It's Based On The Gila Monster. I Also Made Up A Name For A Fanmade

Next form is the Lickitung line. It's based on the Gila Monster. I also made up a name for a fanmade USA region called Unidun region (Might change name. Based on Unity + Dunes ) which I'll work more on later along with fakemon. So you might see this name on future forms as well. The Lickitung and Lickilicky in Unidune grew in harsh deserts along with rough pokemon. They developed a bacteria in their tongues and mouth that can be deadly to pokemon and trainers but is being studied to use in medicine.

Unidunian Lickitung/Lickilicky Moveset 

- Belch 

- Power Whip

- Lick

5 Confuse Ray 9 Acid Spray 13 Knock Off 17 Bite 21 Vacuum Wave 25 Disable 27 Nasty Plot 29 Slam 33 Rollout 35 Crunch 37 Toxic 41 Aura Sphere 45 Sludge Bomb 49 Screech 53 Power Whip 57 Belch 59 Focus Blast 61 Gyro Ball Egg Moves Belly Drum Submission Magnitude Body Slam Curse Smelling Salts Sleep Talk Snore Memento Toxic Focus Punch Amnesia Hammer Arm Muddy Water Zen Headbutt Belch Thrash

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4 years ago
Next Was Victreebel's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Foongus.Victusbell Releases Spores From
Next Was Victreebel's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Foongus.Victusbell Releases Spores From

Next was Victreebel's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Foongus. Victusbell releases spores from its nose and mouth on its head. It lies in waiting for pokemon to pass it before releasing its spores to knock them out. Victusbell Moveset 

- Leaf Tornado 

- Stockpile 

- Swallow 

- Spit Up 

- Vine Whip 

- Sleep Powder 

- Sweet Scent 

- Absorb 6 Growth 8 Astonish 12 Bide 15 Mega Drain 18 Ingrain 20 Feint Attack 24 Sweet Scent 28 Giga Drain 32 Toxic 33 Leaf Storm 35 Synthesis 39 Clear Smog 43 Solar Beam 44 Leaf Blade 45 Rage Powder 50 Spore

Egg Moves

Encore Endure Synthesis Leech Life Ingrain Magical Leaf Worry Seed Tickle Weather Ball Bullet Seed Natural Gift Giga Drain Clear Smog Power Whip Acid Spray Belch Strength Sap Gastro Acid Growth Poison Powder Stun Spore Rollout Defense Curl Body Slam

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