miraclechatbug - I'm feline it today
I'm feline it today

so obsessed with this damn show- i'll mostly post incorrect quotes, reblogs, analyses, and rants about how much I love this show jaron5 on ao3

382 posts

Miraclechatbug - I'm Feline It Today - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Chat Noir: you know, you were right

Ladybug: about what specifically? because I’m right about a lot of things

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6 months ago

Chat Noir, *jokingly*: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my depression. I'll wait

Ladybug: You and me!!

Chat Noir, *tearing up*: Okay

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6 months ago

*season 5*

Adrien, *walking in cheerfully*: So what’s for dinner, Dad?

Gabriel, *staring at the pancakes that are as black as his cataclysmed arm*: Regret

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6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago

Argos: But what about Chat Noir?

Ladybug: Don't worry about him

Argos: I once saw a video of him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened

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6 months ago

*early s5*

Ladybug: We need a diversion. I say you should get naked

Chat Noir: What? No

Ladybug: I could get naked?

Chat Noir: What? No! What’s wrong with you these days, Ladybug?


Ladybug: *sobs in despair*

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6 months ago

Rena Rouge: How do you think the butterflies taste like?

Chat Noir: They taste bad

Rena Rouge:





Ladybug: You ate an aKUMA-

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6 months ago

Marinette: You're my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life. I hope you know I would do anything for you. Absolutely anything. Adrien: I want you to get a full 10 hours of sleep. Marinette: Absolutely not.

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6 months ago
Mmm Getting Back Into Pixel Art.

mmm getting back into pixel art.

Mmm Getting Back Into Pixel Art.
Mmm Getting Back Into Pixel Art.

Honestly could see my guys in like a side scroller fighting game.

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6 months ago

Marinette: I don’t think your father approves of me.

Adrien: Don’t worry about it, he doesn’t approve of me either.

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6 months ago

Tikki: Can I have some?

Plagg, *mouth full of cheesecake*: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it

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6 months ago

Gabriel: You were right, Nathalie

Nathalie: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you, sir. Did you just learn it?

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6 months ago
Loneliness The Hamster

Loneliness the hamster 💜

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6 months ago

Adrien: sometimes I'll wake up in the morning

Adrien: And I'll be looking at her in the early light while she's still asleep

Adrien: And I'll drag this shoelace across her face, and I'll yell


Adrien: and she wakes up screaming <3

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6 months ago
6 months ago

charming, but unsure

So today I’m going to tackle this commonly held notion that Chat Noir is somehow Adrien’s true self, as well as the fandom binary that likes to treat them as separate characters, when they’re the same person. Adrien is not separate from Chat; Chat is not separate from Adrien.

I feel like a huge part of the confusion has to do with the fact that Chat Noir presents himself as confident and sure-footed while Adrien is polite and understated, and a lot of folks have trouble reconciling the two.

This is because in the current media environment, nuanced characters who show any sort of duality in their personalities are rare (especially in children’s shows). But there’s also something else going on here. One of the reasons that people have such a tough time accepting that Adrien and Chat are the same person is because Adrien Agreste is a trope breaker. 

How? Well, there is the fact that other people have already mentioned; how he’s the Yin to Marinette’s Yang, the dark, reserved, and passive energy to her outgoing positive energy. But that’s not the only trope convention that he breaks.

Adrien is the actual embodiment of all the YA/shoujo stereotypes that people like to project onto Marinette.  Actually, together, the two of them subvert and reverse the typical male/female dynamic in this genre, and that’s what makes them such compelling characters. 

Of course, he doesn’t fit the mold entirely—and neither does Marinette—but it’s true! Adrien is both utterly charming and utterly unsure about himself.

I think on some level, most people recognize this. In fact, I’m almost positive that it’s one of the reasons that Ladrien is less popular than the other sides of the love square dynamics.

Because people aren’t used to having the boy be the one who’s the daydreaming shy one, and with no actual canon interaction to work from to see how interesting it can be, people are filling in the blanks with their own interpretations, and some people love it, and some people hate it.

It also explains why he seems to be so different when he’s Chat Noir. Let me deconstruct how this works.

Adrien Agreste is sweet, charming, encouraging and friendly.

And he’s also shy as hell. 

The way it manifests in his behavior could easily be mistaken for politeness if you don’t look closely, but it’s everywhere if you’re searching for it.

We can clearly see it in the littlest things. Like when Adrien comes over to Marinette’s house to practice for the video game tournament and her father comes up multiple times with offers of food, Adrien looks very pleased and eager, but Marinette, focused only on being alone with Adrien, immediately shuts her father down and sends him back downstairs.

She’s not looking at Adrien’s face, and so our shy kitten, who definitely wants the cookies but isn’t used to speaking up for himself, doesn’t get his food. This happens twice before Adrien finally feels confident and comfortable enough to speak up for himself and say that he’d like to take a break and try Madame Cheng’s quiche. 

You can see it in the way he deals with Chloe too. Note the difference between Adrien and Mari’s respective reactions to Chloe trying to barge into Juleka’s space to stand beside him for the school picture: while Marinette basically tells her to fuck off, Adrien makes a comment about how it’s not gym class, but that’s about it. Once she’s there, he sighs and suffers in silence. Because that’s how he always deals with Chloe, as she walks all over him, invading his personal space and getting in his face.

It’s clear to anyone paying attention to Adrien’s expression that he isn’t happy about any of it, but again, that’s the key: you have to be paying attention. Because Adrien rarely actually verbalizes his displeasure, and even if he does, he does so in a very subtle manner compared to how Marinette expresses anger.

Like when he does confront Chloe, in Kung Food—he backs up Marinette and then again, makes a snide comment at the end when Chloe tries to assert herself. But he’s never openly confrontational, and he’s rarely the aggressor.

Compare this to Marinette, who often rushes in and says things without thinking, and you can see the difference. 

Once again, to accurately read Adrien, you have to be paying attention to him. And if you pay attention to him, you can see that he is often replete with uncertainty, and he’s constantly seeking some sort of validation. Because the thing is, for most of his life, Adrien has been a sheltered homeschooled boy with essentially no interaction with peers of his own age, let alone girls.

Unlike Marinette, who has spent her life surrounded by people who care about her and encourage her bold personality, Adrien has had to repress and present the perfect facade. He’s still figuring out how to interact with regular people, and he takes his cues from the way people react to him. Which is why Marinette’s awkwardness confuses him—it’s not quite friendly and yet it’s not quite unfriendly, but in this strange middle space, and he’s clueless as to how to deal with it.

So what does this have to do with how Adrien matches up with typical shoujo tropes?

Well, it’s because of this: if anyone needs a boost of confidence from a magical suit, it’s Adrien. If Ladybug is the sun, Adrien is the sunflower, looking up at her to catch a ray of light. He’s dazzled by her, and he wants desperately to be worthy of her love.

The thing is, as Chat Noir, Adrien finally gets a chance to explore saying whatever he wants to say and being whoever he wants to be, without being repressed by his family or Nathalie or the Gorilla. Finally, he has freedom- and powers- and he gets to save the world with a really amazing partner who he’s in love with! That’s great, right?

Well, sort of. Thing is, Adrien still needs validation from someone, to check if this new style he’s trying on, this new personality as Chat Noir, actually works. And who gives him that feedback? Ladybug. And he craves it endlessly.

Chat’s over the top personality is an overcompensation designed to get a reaction from Ladybug. The puns, the jokes, the flirting, it’s all for her. No matter what he does, she’s going to respond in some way, and Chat Noir is addicted to it, and he’s fallen for her in the process.

So if you’re still with me, that’s the point, you guys. Even though he’s sweet and charming and can hold his own, at his core, Adrien is still very unsure about a lot of things. Including where he stands with Ladybug.

And the way he acts as Chat Noir is a way to build a sense of self-worth, through positive feedback from Ladybug and by being a hero for the city of Paris. The reason he’s so over the top- and why he’s so head over heels for Ladybug, is because she justifies the choices he makes when he’s with her, and responds positively to the way he acts! Again, it all comes down to the way she reacts to him.

I guarantee you that if Ladybug stopped responding and flirting back, he would stop immediately, and shift course. He’d still be her partner and a good friend, but I have no doubt that if she truly responded negatively to his flirtatious overtures or puns, he’d be a lot more serious with her.

So don’t be fooled by Chat’s bravado; the extremes of his behavior stem directly from Adrien’s craving for validation; therefore, the two are inextricably intertwined. They’re the same person, driven by the same internal desire.

Anyways, that’s my piece on my little kitten son. I don’t know if I actually articulated anything useful to anyone, but I tried, haha- Adrien’s a complex character! Thanks for reading :)

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6 months ago

Carapace: What's your greatest fear?

Chat Noir: Being abandoned

Carapace: ...

Carapace: That's pretty deep, dude

Carapace: Mine is the Kool-Aid man, but I feel kinda stupid about it now...

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6 months ago

Argos: I have a plan

Chat Noir: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it

Argos: …

Chat Noir: …

Argos: I no longer have a plan

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6 months ago

*mlb season 1*

Ladybug: So what are your political beliefs?

Chat Noir, *awkwardly trying to impress her*: Well, I think Pikachu would be a lot more powerful if he had a gun

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6 months ago

If Adrien is described as sunshine

Then Marinette should be described as moonlight

No. I will not elaborate.

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6 months ago

Felix: I made tea

Adrien: I don’t want tea

Felix: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea

Adrien: Then why are you telling me?

Felix: It is a conversation starter

Adrien: That’s a horrible conversation starter

Felix: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate

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6 months ago

i meant to be a casual fan but it ended up ruining my life

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