miss-conner3 - miss_conner3

1) Instagram 2) Twitter 3) Archive of Our Own 4) Deviantart I love stories / I like to draw / I want to write / My hobby is putting together AU's in my mind. Currently with 25 years old.

477 posts

Why Did The Lamb Specifically Choose To Revive Ando Out Of All Its Other Family Members And Why In Particular

Why did the lamb specifically choose to revive Ando out of all its other family members and why in particular was the drive so strong that he'd go out of his way to both spend x amount of years to revive them and also ensure they never die again?

We enter spolieeers!!!

But hey, I got excited about this question, so I'll answer it (ouo)

I'll leave out a couple things though, okay?

The lamb did not have to choose anyone; of all his blood relatives, he only had Ando. And in his head, the others didn't matter.

That makes him sound like someone very cold towards others, but one has to understand that over the years, the lamb no longer felt the same way about the people who once helped him survive. To him, the others were now only vague memories of a past life.

With the exception of Ando.

Although, for a long period of time, Ando was also just a blurry face of a memory repressed deep in his head. A nostalgic voice that the lamb only remembered in his most depressing moments.

This was due to Narinder.

I won't go into details, but there was a moment during his confrontation with Shamura that the lamb finally strongly remembered his older brother.

And he felt as if he had abandoned his familiar for years and years of arduous service to a deity who… ¿meant everything to him?

¿Do you understand where I'm going?

As for why the lamb made sure Ando couldn't die again, that's something I'd like to explore in another post.

So for now, this is all I can share.

But thank you for asking (ouo)/

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More Posts from Miss-conner3

9 months ago

im so so curious abt this: what did everyone name their mystic sellers? reblog and put in the tags what you named them pls?

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9 months ago

This is a bit of a silly what if question,

But what it be like if ando and the lamb swapped roles (whether it be as an au (where like ando became a cult leader and the lamb died) or if they just randomly decided to swap each other clothing for a day as a joke).

I'm surprised and happy to receive this question (OwO)

Lucky for you, I'm two steps ahead of you (>v<)/

This Is A Bit Of A Silly What If Question,

By February of this year, I had already started thinking about what would happen if my two sheep swapped places. I even gave it the name “The Hard Way,” where Ando is forced to wear the red crown after refusing to be the lamb of the prophecy, imposed by The One Who Waits, upon understanding that everything he suffered was due to a family dispute.

This begins a hate relationship between Ando and The One Who Waits, with the obvious ending that he would betray him for denying him the eternal rest that his soul longed for. There was no subtlety here, and Narinder knew that.

Therefore, he was ready.

And still, he lost.

This AU is a bit sad, as Ando got so lost in his anger that when he gained control, he found himself at a dead end, unable to die as it was now death itself, and with the awareness that to give up the crown, he would have to choose another candidate and he... was not willing to impose this responsibility on anyone.

So he eventually went crazy and ended up destroying his world, giving in to the delirium that only then he could rest.

That ending was based almost entirely on my playthrough, where I decided to play as Ando in hard mode and encountered a new type of difficulty that changed the way I play and manage the cult. ¿The result?

I got a morally dubious and emotionally stunted Ando, whose interpersonal relationships ranged from his first husband, whom he cheated on twice (not intentionally), his beloved little brother (who hooked up with half a bishop XD), and a punching bag (Narinder), who dared to tell him that he loved him in front of his first husband. Obviously, on purpose.


I may have thought a little about “¿What if…?”, with my lamb and Ando swapping roles XP

As for exchanging clothes <(ouo)>

I feel like the lamb could get away with that joke if Ando was willing to swap his clothes because, as you can imagine, he's too embarrassed to wear just the fleece XD

Although I think I could draw that, ¡thanks for the idea!

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10 months ago

Hi I'm here to ask a question in regards of Ando. I noticed in your recent pic of them the lamb gave him a golden necklace presumably. How does Ando feel about having immortality given (or forced) on him?

Also as another side question. (You don't have to answer this one if you dont want to) what would the lamb do if someone tried to hurt or kill their brother (or if their brother tried to harm themselves in a dark senerio).

I'll answer the first question according to where we are in the story shown so far, which is where Ando is introduced to the cult and begins to seriously wonder where the heck he and his brother are.

With that clear, I would say that the only thing Ando thought was that this necklace was extremely expensive, due to the fact that it is made of gold. So he would feel that he couldn't use anything so valuable in such a careless manner.

Although before wanting to return the necklace, his brother would assure him with a smile that this was simply a gift that is customary to give in this place.

A gift that is only given to siblings.

So Ando, trusting his word and considering the value that the necklace given to him must have, wouldn't ask anything else.

As for knowing if this necklace gives him immortality, he wouldn't find out about that until a long time later.

This is because currently in the cult there are few people who have this type of necklace, and luckily for the lamb, they are not kind enough to reveal something so obvious to our clueless Ando.

Well, at least for now.

As for the second question, possibly the lamb would give a difficult time to those who dare to touch his family member; after everything he did to bring him back, he would not leave the aggressors alone.

As for the scenario where Ando would want to harm himself, let's say that, even though the lamb hates seeing others harm him, as long as it is his brother's will, the lamb would not interfere.

After all… he made sure that Ando could never give up on life.

Even if he decided to give it up.

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9 months ago

How would ando deal with the existencal horror of his brother never ever letting him die?

¡A question related to one of the central points of the AU! (OoO)

Happy and conflicted because answering your question would be a kind of spoiler, but maybe I can answer part of it in a different way (ouo)/

¡Here it goes!~

How Would Ando Deal With The Existencal Horror Of His Brother Never Ever Letting Him Die?

As I mentioned before, Ando is still not aware of what his brother did to him to bring him back, and even less that his brother has him tied to life for "a reason" that I have yet to draw <(ouo)>

(That also includes how Ando would react to knowing this, sorry.)

But what I can say is that whatever the lamb has done will have consequences.

Both for him and for Ando.

At some point, I will talk more about this, but for now, this is all (owo)

¡Thanks for asking, and sorry for the wait! (>//<)/

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9 months ago

¿Should I make an animatic?

I have like three songs floating around in my head and two audios for my AU and I just keep asking myself "¿do you want to draw and draw to capture this idea?"

And I say: Maybe… yeah… uhm…

…I have to think about it more

Although the idea is strong

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