Age: 18+ I usually re-blog stuff I like including NSFW🔞 so MINOR please be smart
355 posts
Wolf hybrid pack that was supposed to eat chubby bunny reader but instead take you in and use you as their little breeding toy.
They just kind of adore you, spoiling you with freshly picked fruits and vegetables, doting on their sweet little bunny as much as possible.
You want snuggles? They’re making a cuddle pile immediately, and you’re at the center. You’re hungry for something sweet? They’re ransacking the nearest village and bringing back every sugary item they can find.
They get into a lot of fights over who gets to breed you first once mating season comes around. You’re a bit afraid, seeing all these tall, needy wolves circling you like you’re a slab of meat.
It’s the first time they’re ever rough with you, pushing your soft body down and holding onto your hips as they rut into your fat pussy until you’re knotted over and over again.
Once they’ve all had a turn, they’re back to purring and cuddling into you, giving you little mating bites and cleaning you up.
You decide it’s worth it to get fucked out of your mind every once in a while if it means you’re treated like the pack’s princess. After all… it feels way too good being all full of cum and being bounced on one knot then another…
Being adored by an entire pack of wolf hybrids isn’t easy, but you’re a horny bunny, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljr @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @buckoothecow @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68
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More Posts from Misshyori
Timid Reader: Gah!!!!! It's on the kitchen table! Aspen!....Get it, Aspen!
[Femboy Housewife Yan brushes the spider onto a newspaper and carries it to a window, ushering the small creature outside]
Femboy Housewife Yan: It's gone, dearest. Out of sight. Out of mind.
Timid Reader: T-thank you.... [starts to tear up] What have I become.... I'm a coward compared to how I was when we first met...
Femboy Housewife Yan: Darling! Don't beat yourself up like that. I love the shy you as much as the old you. Besides, we both know that wasn't the real you back then. Just like me.
Timid Reader: Yeah... You're right....
[Femboy Assassin Yan hisses as he's harshly yanked by his hair - hands bound behind his back]
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Femboy Assassin Yan: Basement?.....
[The Basement door creaks open - Reader rushing out with a dented metal bat they batter against the intruder's skull]
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[Reader pants as they drop the blood and brain matter covered weapon - fat tears pouring down their cheeks as they untie their spouse]
Timid Reader: I-I'm so sorry you had to see that, Aspen. I knew it was too dangerous for me to get married.... Are you okay?
Femboy Housewife Yan - a dreamy smile plastered on his face: Just fine~ Heavens, that was better than sex, Darling... Though, you may need to carry me up to our bedroom now so I know for sure-

I'm getting a little too worked up over Boss.

Imagine being the yakuza boss' beloved Darling. He's always in a good mood, always relaxed. Nothing seems to startle him. You sometimes think it's foolish for someone in his shoes to be this careless. But then you remember this man has murdered his way to the very top. He doesn't take shit from anyone. People follow him like obedient dogs out of fear and admiration, because they know he's the real deal. They know he'd take a bullet for them without a second of hesitation.
And now you're in his care. He's almost afraid to handle you, too frail and precious compared to someone like him.
"Are you sure it's safe to be seen together?" you ask, fidgeting in his lap.
"Hmm? Did Kazuya put nonsense in your head again? Let me guess, something about you getting me in trouble, being kidnapped, used as leverage, all that crap?"
You shake your head hesitantly. He grabs your chin, gentle yet firm. His fingers are harsh, save for the prosthetic one.
"Miss, have you forgotten who you're dealing with? Do you think I'd let anyone touch you? Answer me."
You can only nod. It’s not indifference and foolishness that you see, but the confidence of a man who is aware nothing can get past him.
Pin [Yan Doll] + Doll Reader who despises humans and wants nothing to do with them. No easier way to learn how to love yourself than falling in love with someone who hates what you're pretending to be. Doll Reader has a habit for stealing any dolls they deem abandoned, whisking their new friends away to the safe haven they've created for dolls in the mansion their former master left for them. They'll never forgive that human for what they've done... Dying and leaving them all alone.... They'll make sure no doll ever has to go through the same torment they've had to endure.
"You there! Are you doll or human?"
"Doll or human? You look like a doll, but your skin is warm to the touch. If you are human then you have no business here. Get! Shoo!"
"Hm... I suppose I am neither, but my current vessel is that of a doll if that helps."
Doll Reader shrugs. "Close enough. Come in, come in! You're just in time for dinner!"
Remmy[Dollmaker Yan] + Doll Reader who hates humans. Doll Reader who steals Remmy's precious Maribelle the millisecond he takes his eyes off of her. Doll Reader who is more aggressive with Remmy because they've seen how much he cares for his dolls and it reminds them of the human who left them behind. Remmy who becomes smitten with the angry doll witnessing their love and protectiveness of other dolls - doing anything he can to prove to them he'll be with them to the very end. If only he knew how much more that upset them.
"Get away! All you humans are the same. You probably smell like moldy cheese! Given, I don't have a nose myself, but something tells me that you do!"
"Please just give her back. She's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her...."
Doll Reader reluctantly hands the doll over. "You'd better treat her well. Love her the same as you'd love another human. Like a partner or whatever. Whatever is most important to you."
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Doll Reader stares at Remmy like he's grown another head as he sheepishly tucks Maribelle under his arm.
"You....pervert! Why on earth would I want to be with a human of all creatures?! As if there's anything you could do to prove your worth to me."
"Meet me this Saturday and I'll give it my best shot?"

I'm starting a collection
𝖄𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖃 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 (𝕱𝖊𝖒) 2

You woke up with a headache, feeling your head throb painfully. For a moment, you really thought you were in your real-life home until you looked up and saw the bed canopy, adorned with fine, luxurious fabrics. A typical bed of ancient nobility, you couldn't even sit up without your head pounding from the pain. Who would have thought that crying so much could make you feel this bad?
In pain, you turned, now looking out of the bed. For a moment, you began to notice that the furnishings in the room were more refined, even though they were of a different color. You started to think that this room wasn't, in fact, yours. Looking at the door, you noticed the luxurious details that accompanied it, making you realize that you were neither in your real-life bedroom nor in your noble bedroom in this world.
You started to think a lot, which made your head hurt even more. But you finally managed to understand what happened last night and how you agreed to go with the young man. Now, finally turning to look at the ceiling, you sighed, knowing you were probably not in extreme danger and that being kidnapped was off the list since you had agreed to the situation.
Placing your hands on your face, you thought about the situation at the ball, now considering how your family in this world would probably disown you. What initially seemed like a simple matter turned out to be much worse. In this world, being disowned didn't just mean being removed from the family's inheritance; it meant being officially regarded as not part of the family at all. It was as if they erased you not only from their will but also from their lives. In more extreme cases, it could even mean being expelled from the house.
"Are you alright? You were quite warm last night; you had a fever," said a familiar voice. Turning, you confirmed it was the same young man from yesterday.
Forcing your aching body, you managed to sit up in bed, placing a hand on your forehead as the dizziness from the headache set in. "Yes, it's nothing serious. I apologize for my manners," you said. It was evident that simply lying in a bed that wasn't yours while the host stood by was considered almost impolite in this world.
"Liar… please, miss, don't push yourself too hard. You still seem unwell," the young man said, his voice calm and concerned. If you could look now, you would see the care and worry in his eyes.
"I've been sick many times before," you found yourself thinking, almost mocking your own situation. The boy seemed to sense your sadness and silence. He raised his hand and gently placed it on your shoulder.
He had already felt he was violating your space by touching you the night before, but the pain of seeing your sick body had pushed that feeling aside. Now, with you safe, he felt he needed your permission, but he couldn't help trying to comfort you, the same person who seemed broken and exhausted when he brought you here.
"Forgive me… you went to the trouble of bringing me to your home because of my actions. This is not appropriate behavior for a girl like me. I apologize profusely for invading your residence like this," you said, lowering your hands to your lap and bowing your head in a formal gesture of apology, even while lying in bed.
Nomura noticed that you referred to yourself merely as a girl, not as a lady, which would have been more appropriate. He understood that what happened yesterday had deeply wounded you, so much so that you began to see yourself as inferior, no longer worthy of being called a lady.
His free hand clenched into a fist as he thought about the castle and the ball from last night. He knew who was responsible for this, and he couldn't help but feel anger. At that moment, all he wanted was to drive a sword through the heart of the crown prince, the first prince, and especially his former best friend.
"Please do not apologize, miss. The events of last night were not your fault, and bringing you to my residence was my decision. I had every right to do so, especially when I saw you in such a vulnerable state," he said in a sweet and gentle tone. You turned your head to look at him, observing those kind eyes that looked at you as they had last night. But just making that movement caused your head to throb again, and you placed a hand on your head, wincing in pain. This made him place his hands on your back, gently guiding you to lie down on the bed.
"Please, miss, you are not in the best condition. Lie down and rest. I will accept nothing but your rest," he insisted. With your eyes squeezed shut from the pain, you allowed yourself to lie back down, sighing as you felt his touch slowly fade away.
Nomura watched as you complied, stepping back slowly. He looked at you with sadness before leaving the room. As he walked down the corridor towards his office, he couldn't help but look at the floor, feeling nothing but anger. Calmly, he entered his office and closed the door behind him. His teeth clenched in fury, and only one thought filled his mind: "I want to kill him!" Finally, he sighed, running his hands through his hair before sitting in his chair and looking up at the ceiling.
"Even after countless times, or timelines, you remain the same Prince Luka."
"Miss? Your tea." An maid entered the room with a cart carrying a teapot and a white porcelain cup. She sat down on the bed, and you were beginning to feel a bit better. Before you could say anything, the maid delicately placed a tray on your lap and set the cup on it.
You pondered for a moment. You couldn't stay here forever, even if your parents had disowned you. Eventually, you would have to return home just to gather your belongings, assuming your country in this game had indeed expelled you. If so, you needed to plan where to stay, especially since the Diamond Wars were looming.
"But what stage of the game are we in now? I mean, why should I worry? She's the protagonist and a princess, not me. She can handle things on her own," you thought to yourself as you glanced down at your lap. Your head still ached, but it was less intense compared to when you first arrived at the lord's house.
"Miss?" the maid's voice called out, and you lifted your head to look at her. She was pointing to the cup of tea. "Your tea, if you don't drink it, it will get cold." You turned your head, picked up the cup, and murmured a thank you before taking a sip. Lowering the cup, you continued to stare down, then glanced back at your lap.
"If I may ask, do you know of a good area where there might be houses? Preferably in the countryside," you asked calmly, surprising the maid with the sudden question.
"With all due respect, ma'am, why do you ask?"
"I need to find a place before I'm kicked out of home all because the protagonist is a little princess with her harem on her side, not to mention they humiliated me and literally labeled me a liar in front of high-status people and people from other regions," you thought of saying, but bit your tongue and shook your head. "Forget about what I asked," you said, looking down at the empty cup in your hands.
A few minutes of silence passed before the maid carefully took the cup and bowed respectfully before leaving with the cart.
"It's what she said," the maid recounted the situation to the man in front of her, who could only look thoughtfully out the window. "Poor Lady," Nomura thought, watching from the window as the carriage took you back to your home.
"I apologize, my lord, but do you think Lady might be considering moving away?" The thought of you being away from him was making him nervous.
"I need you to deliver a letter for me…"
"I'll possibly do Part 3."
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