I! LOVE! CATS!Call me Fallenmoon or Mia whatever one you want.She\they ponouns! I'm Asexual. š Open for trick or treating
645 posts
He's Freaking Wrong
He's freaking wrong
PAIN! It's gonna last till May~
I REALLY want to watch Trolls 3 but it doesn't come to netflix until May AT THE LEAST. my brother said it might be at the library soon sooo yay? if he's right.
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Happy New Year
To whom it may concern Happy new year
So it turns out that me feeling worthless is not self awareness but actually depression :D
reblog if you're aspec and FUCKING VALID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyyyy I feel like Scythe Morrison is under-appreciated that may just be my obsession with him though. Anyways do you agree or not?